Timeline: Lead Up to the Cros...

Por Brave2New1World2

12 0 0

A timeline of events leading up to the breakout of the Crossfire Revolution. Important Note: ONE EARTH TIME I... Más

Timeline: Lead Up to the Crossfire Revolution

12 0 0
Por Brave2New1World2

~Written by Aux.

~Authors note: one unit of time on Earth is worth three of the same unit in the Star Wars galaxy (Andromeda Galaxy). For example: 1 Earth day is 3 days on Coruscant.

October 24th, 2018 - Earth attacked by Separatists

October 29th-31st 2018- Earth Captured by CIS

November 10th-12th, 2018 - The whispers of Rebellion begin

December 1st, 2018- Droids begin live drills as Earths militaries begin converting to CIS tech and service.

December 25th, 2018- WANTIFA, PCWSO, and CSAC form. Antifa attacks 4 Christmas celebrations

December 30th, 2018- World Wide Census.

January 1st, 2019 - Earth added to Trade Federation Star charts as Planet 212.

February 18th, 2019- A voluntary round up of 1,000 individuals. They are taken off world and never seen again.

March 3rd, 2019- The first rebel is arrested after more than 1,000 recorded incidents worldwide

March 6th, 2019- The rebel, a 12 year old Frenchman named Luis Don Hauche, is killed by firing squad.

March 18th, 2019- Separatists allies in North Korea, China, Cuba, Russia, Middle east, etc begin rounding up citizens.

April 18th, 2019- Labeling of all citizens completed world wide.

May 1st, 2019- Auschwitz is reopened after a 3 month rebuild. More death camps open in the following months.

May 15th, 2019- 1% of all people aged 12-19 are rounded up world wide, only 5% of them are taken off world.

May 21st, 2019- A 24 year old woman, Maize Ronaldo, is taken from work in Portugal and disappears.

June 6th, 2019- The first full scale rebel attack is launched in the US in Lincoln, Nebraska. Two men are killed in the raid.

June 7th, 2019- Droids begin to roundup all weapons worldwide. Many hide their weapons.

June 10th, 2019- Antifa is given police jurisdiction world wide.

June 12th, 2019- Russian hands over one Isoak Slokova, age 10, after the mysterious death of a guard who hit his mother.

June 17th, 2019- Dooku visits the planet and records the live torture of the French resistance member, Lawrence de Lafayette.

June 20th, 2019- Rebel attacks increase, droids are ordered to use lethal force.

June 21st, 2019- Dooku leaves earth, taking with him 47 children of captured resistance members and one Lola Dihn.

July 4th, 2019- The Navajo nation allies with the CIS. Many indigenous groups follow suit.

July 12th, 2019- All over age 80 forced in "Elderly Containment Facilities" aka elder death camps.

July 14th, 2019- Palestine enters open war with Israel.

July 21st, 2019- The one week war ends with Israel being handed over to Palestine, it becomes the Palestinian territories of Judea, Rabshopore, and Calicon.

July 22nd, 2019- The Gaza massacre. Excited Palestinian soldiers murder 173 Israeli men, women, and children.

July 23rd, 2019- The World Uprising. Primarily Christian and Jewish rebels step up attacks.

July 27th, 2019- Asajj Ventress is dispatched to "take care" of the rebels.

August 8th, 2019- All over 75 are taken to the "Elderly Containment Facilities."

August 10th, 2019- Antifa, PCWSO begin round ups of CIS political enemies and prisoners with military and police assistance.

August 11th, 2019- CSAC given primary authority in Central and South America

August 12th, 2019- All schools undergo conversion into holding camps.

August 20th, 2019- school starts in the Eastern hemisphere.

August 21st, 2019- school starts in the Western hemisphere.

September 2nd, 2019- Aborigines massacre begins. Aboriginal tribes are documented and slaughtered.

September 11th, 2019- a 9/11 memorial service is interrupted by a PCWS and droid force. All arrested.

September 12th, 2019- All from the 9/11 group under fifteen sent off world, the rest are detained.

September 28th, 2019: Parents are forced to relinquish rights to all minors to CIS

October 5th, 2019- All children 0-5 sent to toddler camp, taken off world and slaved.

October 24th, 2019- People take to the streets in protest of CIS. The Red night begins. Nearly 400k die.

October 25th, 2019- All children under 18 forced into the converted schools.

October 31st, 2019- Colleges are targeted by both rebels and CIS, some recruited to rebels. Largest haul ever.

November 12th, 2019- Death vans begin roaming streets, on call to take out anyone as needed.

November 15th, 2019- A decree orders all children born immediately relinquished to CIS

November 16th, 2019- CIS documents are leaked by Chinese rebel How Long-Ni. Reveal plans to kill/slave pop

November 18th, 2019- Long-Ni publicly hanged. Asian riots begin.

November 20th-25th, 2019- All children under 7 and all adults over 70 ordered into camps.

December 1st, 2019- The separatists begin targeting religious groups.

December 3rd, 2019- Gayce Moore of Fort Sumner, New Mexico disappears.

December 6th, 2019- New Battle of Lepanto, horrifying massacre of Rebel forces.

December 7th, 2019- Ventress returns and begins torture a day. She tortures and maybe kills a kid a day.

December 18th, 2019- The rebel campaign "Do not go Silent" is launched.

December 19th, 2019- Antifa goes door to door rounding up gun owners and taking them and their guns.

December 23rd, 2019- All contact cut off to outside world in the "schools" and "camps"

December 24th, 2019- the institution of "Propo hour" begins.

December 25th, 2019- Ventress final breech kills 100 people and leaves. Christmas uprisings.

December 27th, 2019- The Immaculate Massacre. A cathedral in Wichita, KS gassed during a mass.

December 31st, 2019- The March of the Outback. 4k prisoners marched into the outback. Half killed half slaved.

January 1st, 2020- 4 shipped directly to Dooku. Mina Pym, Nat Lowe, Caleb Johnston, Shiloh Diskin

January 2nd, 2020- A single image from inside a gas chamber is smuggled out of camp 83 in Canada.

January 16th, 2020- Battle of Washington D.C. Rebels attempt to deny the military passage. Hold out for 18 hours.

February 1st, 2020- All sports called off, including the Super Bowl

February 4th, 2020- Antifa and PCWSO join up as AOCWSO

February 5th, 2020- Argentinian suicide bomber, Hernando Perez, attacks CSAC headquarters, killing 8.

February 6th, 2020- Perez's whole family publicly executed for his crime.

February 29th, 2020- All children ten and under shipped off world.

March 1st, 2020- The battle of Yorkshire. Rebels take out a significant listening post in the city.

March 2nd, 2020- One Mark Pearson, age 17, escapes slavery and gives the pirate Mon Ron a chip of sep data.

March 4th, 2020- 3 children are taken to Dooku, two 11 and one 16. All from reopened Auschwitz

March 5th, 2020- Cinco de Marzo. A march of over 50k from Hiroshima and Nagaski kills 3,821

March 7th, 2020- Covid finally spreads worldwide after being released from sep sponsored lab in China 4 months prior.

March 10th, 2020- Dr. Vindi leaves after taking several samples of Covid from its victims.

March 11rh, 2020- All people aged 67-70 are forced to elder camps.

March 13th, 2020- The Chihuahua slaughter. A small rebel presence routed by CSAC 10k civilians died.

March 14th, 2020- Droids restart he torture a day campaign to induce compliance (use political prisoners)

March 15th, 2020- Death Work Begins. All CIS allies given increased jurisdiction for 7 days.

March 16th, 2020- Joe Biden and Vladmir Putin co-found League of Christian Separatists (LCS)

March 18th, 2020- The Pop Culture for CIS (PCCIS) is officially recognized by CIS (founded April 22, 2019)

March 19th, 2020- A series of propaganda featuring big celebrities from PCCIS is launched.

March 21st, 2020- The Treblinka March from Treblinka to Auschwitz kills 2,819 of the 50k marchers.

March 22nd, 2020- The Purge: for 24 hours, CIS allies do no enforce laws. 2 mil die. Late that night, rebels attack.

March 23rd, 2020- The strike, a coordinated Cross Continent Rebel attack on armies is launched.

March 24th, 2020- Engagements between the Guerilla Rebels and Earth Militaries begin.

March 25th, 2020- Battle of Tokyo. Rebels manage to capture 4 city blocks.

March 26th, 2020- The first day of the month battle, an engagement on the Russian border with rebels.

March 27th, 2020- 3 unites of US army desert to Canada, pick up a dispatch of Mounties, and make for Alaska

March 28th, 2020- James Charles is approached by Ventress at an event. He never tells what she said.

March 29th, 2020- Lilly Singh (Canadian Comedian) kicked out of PCCIS and arrested for a joke on her show.

March 30th, 2020- All face coverings banned in the face of a pandemic.

March 31st, 2020- It is revealed that 812 Elder camps were contaminated with Covid on purpose.

April 1st, 2020- 3 times daily, a list of names is published, and those people are taken off world at 8 am, 2 pm, 8pm.

April 2nd, 2020- 90 students at Yale, 23 from Harvard, and 48 from Notre Dame rise up and run from conscription

April 3rd, 2020- The 44 surviving students and teachers are tortured and killed.

April 4th, 2020- The college upheaval Begins. Students escape and join up with rebels.

April 6th, 2020- Lethal Force is ordered after 33 hours of the Upheaval.

April 7th, 2020- Black Tuesday. 24 world leaders on malevolence with others, like Trump and other resisters.

April 7th- 14 Deep spies ousted in 12 countries, 2 in US and 2 in Ukraine.

April 8th- Dr. Vindi makes the discovery that the corona virus is distantly related to the Blue Shadow. Takes sample

April 9th- As a threat to the rebels and protestors, Covid-19 is released into prison camps.

April 10th- A group of 153 celebrities defect from PCCIS to rebellion.

April 11th- Influencers for CIS (ICIS) is recognized. The '153' begin making rebel propaganda.

April 12th- Armed protesters in California incite the CA Massacre. Over the next week, all 2,482 survivors arrested

April 13th- The 2nd Purge begins with 1 million die worldwide. 24 of '153' recaptured.

April 14th- Grievous begins final tests of the malevolence. Battle of the Rhineland.

April 15th- Dooku is informed that the Star Wars Trilogy exists.

April 16th- As people begin to recover from Covid, schools/camps get ship out dates. All negative for covid leave.

April 17th- Day of 20 Battles. In response, Trench replaces Grievous and turns bombers over the planet.

April 18th- A glitch in a batch of 5,000 Earth made droids causes them to malfunction.

April 19th- Rebel recruiters begin trying to find the malfunctioned droids.

April 20th- Venterss is released on Earth and begins to torture teens for Propaganda

April 21st- Battle of Catalonia. A wanted man spotted at a protest, arm fight ensues. 457 die.

April 22nd- The Brazilian president (CIS sympathetic) is assassinated. Mass uprisings begin in South America

April 23rd- All unallied (even neutral) World Leaders left sent up to the Malevolence.

April 24th- The capture. Nearly 20 rebel cells in Russia, Ukraine, Hong, Kong, US, S. Korea, Australia, etc ousted.

April 25th- Reno Lex, a Zygerian Slaver, begins negotiations to slave the surviving world population under 50 years.

April 26th- The 1 month battle ends after Ukrainian rebels ousted.

April 27th- Several schools captured enough weapons to engage droids in small skirmishes.

April 28th- Dooku retreats to hire a bounty hunger. Ventress leaves late that night.

April 29th- Nations begin dissolving into a single planetary council under the CIS

April 30th- Trench Leaves to aid in the Andromeda Galaxy

May 1st- Whispers of A Republic spy on Earth.

May 2nd- A coalition of Doctors petition the CIS to stop sending people off world until Covid is stifled.

May 3rd- A third purge. Just under 100,000 killed. People fight back this time around.

May 4th- Nathaniel Howe disappears and his family is death vanned. He was 31.

May 5th- Several squads of droids attempt to enforce the school ship outs. Battles of Benedictine and Purdue begin.

May 6th- The Suicide Squad, made up of 120 individuals world wide, attack CIS. The Battle of NYC begins.

May 8th- Reno Lex sets up an orbital Zygarian facility (although 3 had already been orbiting). Battle of Bagdad.

May 9th- 7 wonders of the world destroyer. National Monuments hit. American president and admin disappear overnight, replaced by the Biden administration.

May 10th- Battle of Okinawa. Hong Kong Siege begins. Indian Death March kills half a million.

May 11th- Sieges of Cairo, Coronado, and Belarus. Vindi tests the blue shadow virus he manufactured.

May 12th- Uncooperating adults begin being shipped to camps like Auschwitz (which was reopened)

May 13th- The slave crisis begins as the droids try to take people as slaves.

May 14th- Planet on total lockdown. Grievous leaves for Andromeda Galaxy.

May 15th- A plan rolled out for conditioning camps. 1,000 will be constructed worldwide.

May 16th- Construction of a huge ship lot is finished and opened for production.

May 17th- Truck Run: People get in trucks and attack. Nearly ⅓ of them die in a week.

May 18th- Separatists begin shipping prisoners to Earth from other systems. Zygerians take slaves off world to train.

May 19th- Reno Lex chooses 20 people to try an experimental conditioning. All die.

May 20th- Whispers of a war. The Demarcation Zone is violated by North Korea. South Korea attacks.

May 22nd- Separatists order all patients with less than 50% survival rate euthanized.

May 23rd- Battle for Pointe Du Hoch, Versace begins.

May 24th- All CIS allies given 2 nukes from CIS stolen cache. All people with potentially terminal conditions killed.

May 25th- Clone War breaks out in Andromeda. Battle on Tomandi Station occurs. All captured enslaved in orbit.

May 26th- 50% of Earth droids shipped to war, 90% spacecraft as well. George Floyd dies by CIS cop.

May 27th- Rebellion engagements Manchester, Queensland, and East borough.

May 28th- Siege of Cameroon begins. Natives fight back.

May 29th- Private/Public schools start seeing staff shifted to camps.

May 30th- Rebellion agents begin infiltrating schools where staff have been evaced and arm the teachers.

May 31st- A holo broadcast to the separatist senate is hijacked by Freedom Fighter Mal Ringa.

June 1st- All people in slums are ordered to camps. Mal Ringa captured and sent to Dooku.

June 2nd- 10 more people are sent to Dooku, families death vanned. Ages 4-48.

June 3rd- Natives win back most of Cameroon, end siege. Rebels flock there to set up shop.

June 4th- St. Gertrude Uprising and Washington State schools begin breaking free of droids.

June 5th- Students @ a school in Poland decommission droids with an improvised EMP.

June 6th- Polish school kids murdered. Droids begin sending everyone to camps. Malevolence leaves Milky Way

June 7th- A slum in Calcutta is attacked. An entire group of Little Sisters of the Poor murdered.

June 8th- The first violent protest in Minneapolis Minnesota. Battle ensues. Reno Lex captured by Republic.

June 9th- Coordinate counter attacks by rebel infected schools.

June 10th- Droids are given orders to kill all resistance. Native militaries sent in.

June 11th- The Desertion Army, made up of over 200 k deserted soldiers, attacks worldwide.

June 12th- A spy leaks a bunch of intel, including that the Republic knows of Earth.

June 13th- Power is shut off worldwide. All camp inhabitants sent into orbiting slave stations.

June 14th- Droids receive a kill order, begin withdrawal to their home base. Grievous and Malevolence return.

June 15th- Republic arrives in the Milky Way, nearing the Earth solar system. The other two Zygerian orbital stations evacuate near Venus to continue taking on slaves. Republic arrives and begins attack late that day.

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