The Mafia Boss Is Dating A Ch...

By xxsnapdragon

203K 10.8K 2.6K

Jimin is a full time culinary student and part time candy shop employee. Jungkook is a full time mafia boss a... More

1: Sweet
2: Hop(e)
3: Is He Really?
4: Everybody Talks
5: A Chef and A Car
6: Expect The Unexpected
7: Twist
8: Meeting
9: The Mafia Boss Saves A Chef
10: Neutral
11: Taste of...the mafia?
12: Regret
13: Boundaries
14: A Visit
15: Gift
16: A Few Changes
17: Getaway
18: New Feelings?
19: Pinkie's Problems
20: Recognize
21: Blast From The Past
22: A Celebrity
23: Chocolate Milk
24: The Chef has a Stalker
25: What's Cooking?
26: History
27: Santa and His Elf
28: A Royal Affair
29: Angelic Devil
30: D(F)ate.
31: Candy
32: Sorry :)
33: Q&A
34: Words
35: A Day in the Life
36: Lights, Camera, Action!
38: I'll Handle It
39: Better Together?
40: Just Want to Help
41: Magic Shop
42: Rescue

37: Snow Angel

2.1K 181 20
By xxsnapdragon

It was past 2 in the morning, but Jungkook and Namjoon were still awake. Jungkook had gotten scolded by Namjoon, but shrugged it off and instead presented his case.

So they stayed up, documenting and organizing information on the stalker.

"The other half of the ID would give us the answer we need." Namjoon sighed as he held up the broken piece, "But we'll have to go look in the morning."

Jungkook agreed. He checked his phone for the time before standing, "I'm going to the broadcasting station tomorrow to see Seokjin. I need a list of people that have worked around Jimin."

"I could get that for you, you dont have to go--" Namjoon was quickly interrupted by Jungkook.

"I wanna scope out the place too, see if I find anything weird." Jungkook yawned, stretching, "Please send guards to keep watch of Jimin. Goodnight."

Jungkook waved tiredly to Namjoon before heading towards his room. He didn't tell Namjoon exactly how close he'd gotten to the stalker, or that he'd hurt his shoulder, or that the stalker might have a couple of photos of Jungkook. Namjoon didn't have to know everything.


"There's been a change."

"A change?" Jimin questioned, pausing what he was doing. His flour-covered hand held his phone to his ear.

"You were going to do your final exam tomorrow morning, and graduation was going to be held that afternoon, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the exams have been moved to this afternoon at 3pm. You will recieve your results immediately and proceed to graduation." The voice of Jimin's culinary instructor informed on the other end of the line.

"What?! But why...?" Jimin exclaimed with surprise, "This afternoon?! I didn't even prepare--"

"Isn't that part of the exam? To make do with what you have? It will prove your true skill. It was moved because there were problems with some forgein guests. Anyways, see you this afternoon. I'll send you the address." With that, the instructor hung up.

Jimin scoffed in disbelief. He stared at the black phone screen before tossing it aside, wiping his hands on a rag next to him. He'd been working on some candy for Jungkook, sort of as an apology, but now it would have to wait. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was only 3 hours until the exam.


"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice." Jungkook said as he took a seat. He pulled his black mask down to his chin and sighed.

"Of course, it seemed important. I brought the files you asked for, but what's going on?" Seokjin stood as the mafia boss arrived, but sat down after he was seated. He pushed one of the coffee mugs on the table towards Jungkook.

Jungkook said a quiet thank you and took a sip of the warm drink before looking up to meet Seokjin's eyes.

"It's regarding Jimin and his employment at the broadcast station." Jungkook stared at the vapor that rose from the drink in front of him, "He's in danger."

"Danger?" Seokjin sat up, his eyes filling with worry.

Jungkook nodded, "I don't know if he told you, but since he started working there, he started being stalked. I've been keeping an eye on the situation, but with work and everything, its been hard. Recently, I met the stalker outside of Jimin's apartment. I tried to get him...but he got away. All I got was this. Another source confirmed that his stalker works at the station."

Jungkook pulled the broken ID card from his pocket and slid it across the table to Seokjin. He picked it up and studied it slowly.

"He works at the station?" Seokjin shook his head in disbelief, "And Jimin still came to work everyday, with a smile on his face. God, I feel sick." Seokjin picked up a folder from the seat next to him, handing it to Jungkook, "Those are the men that had contact with Jimin while he worked here. I can tell you everything I know about them."

Jungkook nodded and opened the folder, a pen in his hand. He went through the list of names with Seokjin, asking questions and crossing out anyone who wasn't suspicious. Almost half an hour later, more than two thirds of the list was crossed off.

"I'm almost certain this guy isn't married." Jungkook said thoughtfully, his pen anxiously tapping on the table, "He has too much on his hands to follow Jimin around. Is your manager married?"

"Manager Hyunchan? Yeah, he's married. Been married for a couple years now." Seokjin frowned, "Jimin's stylist is single, but he's always at the station, since he takes care of a lot of people. His make-up team were all woman, so it's not them either..."

"What about Shinha?" Jungkook frowned, "I've never really liked the vibe of that guy."

"Shinha?" Seokjin shook his head, quickly dismissing the idea, "He's incredibly stubborn and sometimes too much to handle, but he's a good kid. Besides, he's Jimin's friend. And last I heard, Shinha was in a relationship with a fellow reporter from another station."

"That brings us full circle then." Jungkook sighed, closing the folder, "And I still don't have a clue about who this is."

"I'll help in any way I can." Seokjin offered quickly, "You know, your brother taught me a few things. If there's anyone you want me to look into, just tell me."

Jungkook smiled lightly, nodding in acknowledgement of Seokjin's words.

"Will you be going to Jimin's graduation today?" Seokjin asked, steering the tense conversation a different direction.

"Today? Isn't it tomorrow?" Jungkook tilted his head in confusion.

Seokjin shrugged, "Well it was, but it was moved to today." He glanced at his watch, "The exams are starting in about two hours, and then the graduation ceremony is later."

"Today...? I don't even have his gifts ready..." Jungkook leaned back in his chair, suddenly even more stressed.

"You know, its tradition to gift a new chef a set of nice knives. Maybe you could do that." Seokjin smirked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Are you going? What are you getting him?" Jungkook leaned forward, his big doe-like eyes shining with curiousity. It was a lot different from his earlier strict business look.

"I'm going to be one of the judges for the exams. So I'll be there." Seokjin smiled as he rubbed his chin, "My gifts aren't necessarily something he can hold, but I paid off his whole tuition and deposited a down payment for a small building so he can start his restaurant. "

"Whoa." Jungkook clapped quietly, "That's amazing. He'll be so grateful. Where should I get him those knives you say?"

Seokjin laughed lightly before taking Jungkook's pen and writing down the names of a few stores, as well as some websites to browse. Jungkook thanked him with a small bow as he stood. He was about to turn and leave when Seokjin stopped him.

"Hey." Seokjin called out. Jungkook looked towards Seokjin, the same innocent look in his eyes as before. Seokjin found it hard sometimes to see Jungkook as the mafia boss. When his eyes still held that child-like shine, Jungkook was just his best friend's little brother.

"Have you heard anything from your brother?" Seokjin asked quietly. Jungkook shook his head slowly, his shoulders slumping just slightly.

"Nothing. Hopefully he comes around sometime soon. Winter is his favorite season." Jungkook offered a small comfort, to which Seokjin smiled a bit.

"Well." Seokjin stood, "We should get going. We both have to prepare before the graduation."

"Does it look okay?" Jungkook turned left and right, observing his outfit in the floor length mirror of his room. A knee length trench coat, black dress pants, and shiny shoes. The coat was open to reveal a dark green sweater and a white scarf around his neck. Jungkook's hair was growing out, the messy waves were cute and fell around his head softly.

"It looks good." Namjoon gave a thumbs up, his dimpled smile spreading across his face. Jungkook smiled, a content sigh passing his lips.

"I should go now, I have some places to stop by." Jungkook made sure to place his wallet into his pocket, give Minmin a few treats, and pat Namjoon's shoulder as he walked out of the room.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? Or one of the guys?" Namjoon asked as he followed Jungkook down the grand staircase.

Jungkook waved his hand as if to dismiss Namjoon, "Nah, I'm okay. I'll probably be back late tonight."

"I'm still going to the guys to watch you after--" Namjoon sighed as Jungkook shut the door loudly after walking out, "--after the sun sets."

The first stop was the knife shop Seokjin had recommended. Jungkook walked in, the scarf pulled up to cover his face below his eyes. The owner greeted him a smile.

Jungkook walked around, his eyes wandering around the glass cases displaying various types of sharp knives and even a few swords.

"What are you looking for, young man?" The owner asked behind the displays. He offered a smile as Jungkook met his eyes.

"Knives." Jungkook said, earning a laugh from the owner.

"Well, you came to the right place. A knife shop." The owner gestured to the various cases, "Take a look around and let me know if there's anything you like."

Jungkook nodded, his gaze returning to the cases. Everything was shiny, and there were too many options. It was confusing to Jungkook.

"I'll take those." Jungkook pointed to a set in one of the cases, the intricate designs on the handles caught his eye.

"Are you sure?" The owner's eyes widened, "The pricetag on those..."

"It's not bad." Jungkook smiled. He retrieved his wallet and pulled out his black card, handing it to the owner, "Please gift wrap them for me."

The owner gawked at the card, hesitant to take it at first but quickly regaining his composure.

A few minutes later, Jungkook walked out of the shop, the gift securely in his arms.

The next stop was the flower shop.

Again, there were too many options. It was a little overwhelming, but he tried his best. With the help of the florist, he chose a big bouquet filled with light blue and white flowers, wrapped elegantly in a navy blue wrap with a matching bow. He paid with Taehyung's money and left the shop.

He made sure the gifts were safe in his car before getting in.

Would Jimin really want to see him?

Jungkook felt nervous butterflies in his belly at the thought. He took a depth breath and turned the car on, heading to the next location--Jimin's graduation.

The exam waiting room was quiet, filled with nervous students awaiting their names to be called. All of them were dressed in the traditional black culinary uniform, ironed neat with not a wrinkle or stain in sight. They would be required to prepare a total of three dishes in under 30 minutes, in front of a panel of teachers and judges.

Jimin sat near the back, knee bouncing with anxiety. It wasn't enough time to prepare, but that must be part of the challenge.

"Park, Jimin?" A woman called from the double doors leading to the exam area.

Jimin closed his eyes for a moment before standing, his legs carrying him to the doors. He greeted the woman quietly before being escorted to the stage area. A full kitchen, with brilliant overhead lights and cameras that showed every angle of the food preparation area. The cameras weren't too much pressure for Jimin, he was used to them. It was the panel of people sitting in front of the stage. There were a couple of teachers from the culinary school, some foreign people Jimin didn't recognize, and Seokjin.

Something about having Seokjin as a judge was comforting for Jimin. Ever since he'd stopped talking to Jungkook, he didn't feel confident about the exam. It was too late now, but he wished he could've talked to Jungkook before the exam, to ease his nerves a little.

Jimin took a deep breath, and then smiled his usual dazzling smile as he introduced himself, his dishes, and what he'd be using. He was beyond nervous, but he hid it well.

Everything Jimin did, he did with elegance. He moved through the kitchen with grace. Delicately, he sliced meat and vegetables, silently cheering himself on as they sizzled nicely in the pan. His hands were gentle as he poured sauces, stirred, and prepared his creations. With extreme attention to detail, Jimin plated the food and prepared it for presentation. He stepped back as the timer rang out.

"At this time, the members of the panel will step forward to taste the food." The woman who escorted Jimin announced. He looked down at his feet, his hands clasped in front of him. This was the part he was most nervous about.

The men and woman from the panel each took small samples of Jimin's dishes, commenting amongst themselves quietly. After about a minute or so, they returned to their seats.

"Park Jimin." Seokjin's voice called out loudly. Jimin raised his head.

"Congratulations, you may move to the graduation hall." Seokjin practically beamed.

"I passed?" Jimin couldn't contain his happy giggle. He bowed to the panel members as he passed them on his way out, thanking them sincerely.

Sure enough, the graduation ceremony began almost as soon as the students had all been tested. They all shuffled into a separate room, members of their families waiting to watch as the students names were called one by one to the front. They were each handed a certificate, along with a blue ribbon. When it was Jimin's turn, he shook the hands of the important people, a tall forgein man handed him his certificate and ribbon. Jimin was happy, but as he looked out into the crowd, he felt a pang of sadness. All the students had family and friends waiting for them, except for him.

The graduation ended without a problem. Jimin stayed back as students met with their family and friends before heading towards the doors. He followed behind everyone, his eyes on the ground. This was a big moment for him, but he just couldn't feel joyful. With his certificate hugged tightly to his chest, Jimin walked out past the doors. It was cold, and snow was beginning to flutter down from the grey sky. He stood there for a moment as he watched happy families and students pose for photos, holding flowers and balloons.

Jimin lowered his gaze once again, kicking a small pebble as he began to walk down the courtyard. Little snowflakes stuck to his pink hair and black coat as he walked, his shoulders slumped.

Feeling uneasy, he paused and lifted his gaze slowly. It felt like someone was watching him. Jimin looked around carefully, even looking over his shoulder to see what the source of his uneasiness was. Finding nothing, Jimin turned his gaze to the front again.

Jimin's eyes widened, plump lips parting in surprise at the sight ahead of him.

With the snow slowly falling around him, he looked straight out of a fairytale. Jeon Jungkook stood across the courtyard, his arms holding the prettiest bouquet of flowers Jimin had ever seen. Jungkook smiled, and Jimin knew staying away from him was no longer an option.

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