The Four Musketeer

Oleh sunnuisance

483 34 13

Just one shot cute and fluffy story of Ame, Bentley, Cartier and Charlotte going picnic with Papa Bai and Pap... Lebih Banyak

Four Musketeer

483 34 13
Oleh sunnuisance

"Bai, do you think it is good to bring our child out today? I think there has been a long time we didn't bring them out" Win is playing with his youngest daughter, Cartier.

"Bai.. bai.." Cartier imitated Win with her small voice.

"Not bai.. bai.. it is bai" Bright corrected their baby daughter.

Upon hearing that, Bentley and Charlotte are running towards them.

"Go outside?" Bentley asks with excitement on his face while Charlotte stand beside him waiting for answer.

"Yes.. would both of you like to go out?" Bright asks his two child.

They are nodding their head at the same time.

Bright's eyes roaming around to find his another child, Ame.

"Where is your sister?" Bright asks his oldest son.

"Ahh.. P'Ame in room. She is sleeping" Charlotte answers.

"She is really your daughter. Very similar to you" Win laughs.

Bright couldn't agree anymore. Ame really follows him. Like to sleep a lot and do her things on her own.

"Charlotte, go get your sister and get ready. We will go out in now"

"Okay, papa bai" Charlotte running towards her room happily.

"Out? Atier.. out" Cartier seems want to tell their papa that she also wants to go out.

Bright takes Cartier from Win and say, "Of course you will go out too, baby" Cartier reluctantly let go of Win.

Bright knows Cartier, their youngest daughter very attached to Win. She wants to be clingy with Win all the time.

"Win, you get ready first and prepare for our child. I will take a look our baby princess here" Bright give smooches on Cartier's nose. Cartier blinks a few time looking at her papa.

"Bai, do I need to pack their food?" Win shouts from the kitchen.

"You can bring it. But maybe not too much naa" Bright answers.

"Much.." Cartier mutters the last word from Bright.

Bright held her gently and make her face to face with him.

" bai..bai" Bright teaches Cartier to say his name right.

Cartier, "......"

"Aww.. now you don't want to speak anymore baby?"

Cartier, "......."

"Okay.. I'm going to teach you how to call me naa. Repeat after me, okay"

Bright put Cartier gently on the floor and he moves closer towards Cartier.

"Pa.. pa.. bai.. papa bai" Bright repeats the words again.

" bai?" Now, Cartier repeats what her papa teaches her.

"Good. But not ba ba.. pa.. pa.."

"Ba.. ba.." Cartier blinks several times and then avoid Bright's eyes.

"She is shy with you" Win interrupts them from afar and laughs.

"Really? Are you shy with me, princess?" Bright wants to tease his baby.

"Mmm.." Cartier avoid Bright's eyes again.

"Urghh.. you are so cute. Next time, I will spend my time with you more" Bright put Cartier on his lap.

"Give her to me. I have prepared everything. Ame also has woken up. The girls are dressing up right now. Bentley has done. You can go to change your clothes now" Win extends his hand to Cartier.

"" Cartier throws her hand excitedly, asking to be lift up by papa win.

"See, why she can call your name but not mine. It is the same name in front" Bright pouts and let Win takes Cartier.

Win laughs when he sees Bai's sulking face.

"Papa bai need to spend more time with her. Maybe she will call you later. Right Cartier?" Win asks his baby.

"Right.. right" Cartier repeats Win's word as she cuddle into Win's arm.

"Aish.. I can't win Cartier over this. I will change my clothes first and we will go out" Bright stand up and Win nods as he smiles.


"Bentley, be careful luk. Don't get hurt" Bright remind his son. Bentley has been running around non stop at their picnic location.

Bright bring all of them to the park and they choose location with less people. It will be hastle if too many people, because the kids will get too excited and BaiWin will may not be able to control them if they play far from them.

"Ame, Charlotte.. Please look out for your brother" Win tells their daughter.

"Okay, papa" Charlotte follow Bentley around. She is quite obedient. Among their kid, she is the most obedient one. While Ame suddenly laying on the mat.

"Not playing?" Bright asks when he sees Ame is laying.

"Don't wanna. I like this mat more than stepping outside. I don't want to dirty myself" Ame replies to her papa bai.

"Why do you follow my trait so much" Bright sighs. He holds Ame and smooches on her, from cheeks to nose and to cheeks again. Ame pushes him slightly with her hand. She doesn't want to play. She just wants to take a quick nap because Cahrlotte has been disturbing her on her sleep.

"Why all of my kid doesn't want me" Bright is pouting again.

"Bai, don't get sulky. Here, I give you naa" Win then kisses Bright on his cheeks earning a smile from the other.

Ame rolls her eyes when she sees that. Papa bai always did that sulky and pouting thing as he would get kiss from papa Win. She knows that. She knows her papa bai's trick.

"Kiss.. kiss.. want.." Cartier speaks as she wants the kiss also after seeing her parent kissing.

"Cartier, give papa bai a kiss" Win tells her daughter while Bright gives her his cheek, waiting the other to kiss him on the cheek.

Cartier then plant a kiss on Bright's cheek shyly and retreats back immediately. Win kisses her back as a reward.

"She is really shy with you, Bai. Look she is blushing" Win laughs when he see Cartier is in red.

Cartier is their youngest baby. She really attach and clingy to Win. Even with her siblings, she doesn't play much. The only one she is comfortable with is Win.

Bright is engineer and he go to work everyday, sometimes weekend too while Win is freelancer designer, working at home while taking care of their child. So, it is understandment the kid kind of fond Win more than him.

But Win always adviced and talked about Bright whenever Bright was not home. So, even they are close to Win, they are still talking and love their papa Bai. Win doesn't want their child feel far and not connected with his husband.

"Aww.. our baby are shy?" Bright chuckles as he pat lightly on Cartier's head. Cartier can't resist. She leans her head on her papa bai's hand.

"Remember when we have Ame? She always want to be with you" Win says as he glances at sleeping Ame.

"Of course I remember. Those time was hardest. She was sulking all day when I left her for a work and ignoring me whe I come back as a protest" Bright laughs as he remembered the past.

Win's eyes roaming around while looking at Bentley and Charlotte. He always keep his eyes on them. "But when you were home in weekend, she was not letting you go anywhere. Even Bentley and Charlotte can't get near to you. She is so posessive over his papa bai"

"But look at her now. She has growing up and she didn't even spare me a glance. Sleeping all day and do her own things" Bright looks at his daughter who once very spoiled and clingy at him.

"Child always like that, aren't they? They were all clingy at us when they were small. Buy once they grown up they had their own thing and they become more independent" Win then looks at Cartier who moves slightly on his lap. Looks like his baby also take a nap and he smiles looking at that.

"I guess you are right. We can't hold them forever. But there is a long way to go. Now we can enjoy our life to the fullest with them and maybe I need to spend more time with them" Bright looks fondly at Cartier who sleeping soundly in Win's lap.

"By the way, I have packed along a fruit but doesn't peel it yet. Do you want some?" Win asks Bright.

"It's okay. I will do it. You have Cartier on your lap" Bright takes the fruit inside the basket and takes a plate and knife with him then he goes sit beside Win again.

He washes his hand first along the fruits. While peeling the fruit he suddenly reminiscence back his first meet with Win.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Bright asks his husband who has eyes lingering around on their other kids who are playing not far from them.

"Of course I am! How can I forgot the handsome senior who was walking away with his friend from me after I greeted him" Win complains jokingly.

"I swear at that time you look so handsome and stunning beautifully making me went speechless as if I have met some angel coming down to the earth" Bright can't help but to praise his handsome and beautiful husband.

No! You guys can't say I'm whiped. I was not lying when I said that. Met my husband by yourself and only then you can judge me! Just dont fall for him because he is already mine.

"You are always exaggerate bai" Win laughs but he blushes at Bright's words nevertheless.

"I remember that day I had sleepless night. I kept thinking about you and about how I'm leaving you dumfounded there. First time I felt stupid for leaving such a beautiful angel there" Bright tries to recall back his memory while peeling the apple.

"Oh, this is new to me. I never heard any of that. By the way, can you stop calling me an angel, Bai? It is so embarassing" He easily get red and it easily shows on his skin as he has fair white skin.

"Why would I tell you that Win? It was my foolish time. What so embarassing being call as angel. You are one though. I'm not lying" Bright smiles sheepishly at Win, "Here" He takes the peeled fruit to Win's mouth.

Win open his mouth and eat the fruit.

"You must be blind at that time" Win says as he munches the fruit slowly.

"I'm blind by your love" Bright winks. Win hit his husband lightly for teasing him.

"Fruitt.. I want.. fruitt.." Bentley coming to them asking for a fruit followed by Charlotte.

"Call me and tell me you love me first or else I will not give the fruit to you" Bright tell to his son. Win laughs at how childish Bright is.

"Papa bai! I love.. you!" Bentley shouts excitedly while jumping.

"Good boy!" Bright gives a fruit to Bentley and Charlotte as well.

"Thank you papa Bai" Both of them say thank you and go to play again.

"I want a fruit too" Ame just wake up from sleep and she instantly moves to Bright's lap and cuddles there.

"So, now I have fruit you start to clingy to me?" Bright asks his daughter but Ame gives his papa her innocent eyes. Bright instantly give in to his daughter.

Ame knows papa Bai can't resist it. Because she always see papa Bai give in to papa Win when papa Win gives him innocent eyes. Luckily, she learns the trick quickly.

"Let me feed you" Bright feed Ame with the fruits.

"Mmmm..Tasty" Ame feels contented.

"Charlotte, Bentley come here dear. Stop playing. Take a rest for awhile" Win shouts from afar.

Both of them running here quickly. If not because they are hungry for playing too long, they will not come as fast as this, especially Bentley.

Bentley and Charlotte both sit in front of Bright and Win. Waiting their parent give treat to them.

"Who want this big one?" Bright asks as he lifts up the fruit higher.

"Bentley... Bentley want!"

Ame and Charlotte don't get to scream as Bentley is so fast.

"Okay, this is for our handsome Bentley" Bright gives the fruit to Bentley.

"Handsome.. handsome.. like papa Bai"

"Aww.. Now he got the treat, he praised you over the moon, Bai" Win laughs as he heard Bentley says that.

The noise making baby Cartier wakes up from the sleep. She cries for a milk.

"Shh.. don't cry baby. I'm here" Win comforts Cartier in his arm while cuddles her.

"Win, do you bring her milk?"

"Yes, it is in the small basket"

"Okay, wait a moment. I will get it" Bright moves quickly. Then he came back with bottle of milk in his hand.

"Here, Win" He handed a milk to Win.

Win then feed it to Cartier and she stop crying instantly.

"You must be thirsty. Sorry, papa forgot that you have not been drinking yet" Win apologizes to her baby.

"Charlotte, do you want more?" Bright asks his other daughter since she seems a bit quiet.

"No papa Bai. Already full" Charlotte shows his cute belly to Bright earning a laugh from the man.

"Win, do you want some?" Bright asks his husband when he sees Win is busy with Cartier.

"Give me orange one Bai, thank you"

Bright feed Win a piece of orange. Then Cartier sees that. She let go of her milk and stares at Bright as if she is asking something. Win looks at it amusingly.

"Why baby? Do you want some? Ask papa bai to give it to you too" Win encourage Cartier. Cartier looks as Win and back to Bright.

"I want some!" Bentley interrupts.

"Oho.. you already it a lot na, Bentley. It is not good if you eat too much. Let gives to Cartier this time naa" Win says to Bentley but to his surprises Bentley nods his head understand. All of them are behave nicely today. Maybe he should take out them more often after this.

"Baby.. say to.. papa bai" Bentley encourages Cartier too. Cartier looks at everyone around her and at Bright.

Ame moves from Bright's lap to give space for Cartier. Bright who understand that rubs Ame's head as a sign he is proud of Ame for being understanding.

"Cartier, come at papa Bai" Bright takes Cartier from Win. She looks back at Win but Win nods his head as if assuring her that he is always here with her.

"Baby Cartier, do you want some?" Bright hold the fruit on his hand and shows it to Cartier. Her eyes sparkles but she doesn't take it. She just give a look at Bright.

Win chuckles when he sees that. He find Cartier is so adorable when she shy around her papa's Bai.

"Take this" Bright tries to feed at her mouth. She hesitantly open her mouth a bit. Then she starts to chew the fruit slowly.

"Pa..paa. Bai" Cartier suddenly calls him with his name. Bright feels so happy because finally Cartier calls him as papa Bai instead of just Baibai.

"See.. she just need a treat you know. She knows how to do a bussiness" Win laughs at Cartier cuteness.

"All our kid are intelligent and smart. I know it" Bright can't contain his happiness.

Then they eat and playing together after that. That day is really enjoyable. They rarely go out because Bright is always busy. Win can't go out alone with these four musketeer.

He can't afford to take care four of them at once alone. So, the kid must be understand as they behave so well today. Win will discuss it later with Bright to take their kid out more often after this.


"Win.. win" Bright shakes Win and call him softly as to not wake up Cartier beside him.

Bentley has their own room while Charlotte and Ame is in the same room with Cartier but they have their own bedding. Win must be tired and fell asleep while tugging their baby.

Win opens his eyes. "Ahh.. I fell asleep here"

"Yes.. Let me carry Cartier to the baby cot" Win nods his head. Bright then lift Cartier gently and placed her carefully in the baby cot. Then he walks towards Win.

Without warning he lift Win in a bridal style but Win is too tired to against it. Instead he leans his head on his husband chest and say, "Bai, thank you"

Bright smiles. He then walks towards their room and places Win on the bed.

"Here, drink a milk before you go to sleep" Bright handed a glass of milk to Win and Win takes it and again mutters a thank to Bright. He then goes to bathroom, clean up himself quickly and goes back to his back.

Bright is laying there on the bed while tapping the space beside him, his arm stretch over his side. He smiles and laying on Bright's arm while putting his head closer to Bright's shoulder. Bright holds him just right.

They cuddle like this every night unless if Bright went to outstation. Bright plays with Win's soft hair. It is his habit. He notices Win's hair a bit long. This make he realizes that Win probably doesn't has time to go to barber shop to trim his hair because busy with his work and taking care of the kids.

"Win.. do you think I should quit my current job?" Bright asks out of the blue.

Win lifts his head a bit then leaning again on Bright's chest. "Why do you think that?"

"Hmm.. I have been thinking this for long time actually and today convinced me more"

"Because of our kids?" Win asks. He plays with Bright's pyjama button around his chest.

"Because of both of you. Our kids and you. You take care of them alone at home at the same time working. I know you must be tired sometimes" Bright kisses Win's head gently.

"Hmm.. I will be lying if I say I'm not tired at all but it still okay. I can handle it. They sometimes reduce my work stress. You don't need to worry, Bai" Win assures his husband.

"I know you will say it like this. Hmm.. what do you think about it? I want to hear from you before make any decision"

"About you quitting the job?" Win lifts his head a bit, look at Bright who slightly above him. Bright nods his head.

"Actually, I am okay with whatever you choose though. But only one thing I have in mind. If you quit, what would you do?"

"Actually, I plan to open a bussiness. Remember I tell you before that I always want to make a bussiness who benefitted for everyone from a recycle product?"

"Oh that! I remembered. You have been talking about it since we were dating back then. I think it is good idea. Do you have any plan in mind to produce what product? I can help you with the design" Win shows his support.

"I can't afford to pay our talented designer here" Bright chuckles.

"You can pay me with other things" Win just say it blantanly.

"Like what?" But Bright's word fill with naughty thought as he moved closer to Win.

"What are you thinking! I mean you can take care of our kid while I'm working on it or you might cook for us. No nauhthy thought" Win pinches Bright's abdomen earning small scream from the other.

"Aww.. I never told that" Bright complains in a spoil way.

"But your face show otherwise" Win rolls his eyes.

Bright laughs at Win's words and holds him tighten in his embrace. "I can't hide from you"

Bright covers Win's mouth as he yawn. "Sleepy?" He asks. Win nods his head whike closing his eyes.

"Let's get some sleep" He then pull the blanket over them and Win moves his body closer to Bright.

"Good night" They give a kiss to each other before going to the dreamland.


10 years later

"Welcome to AstroVelence shop. May I help you sir?" Cartier greeting the customer at the front desk.

From afar, in a back room, BaiWin smiles when they see Cartier welcoming a customer to their shop. Their youngest child already grown up.

Ten years has passed. Both of them quit and open bussiness together. Now their kid sometimes are helping their bussiness. Ame and Charlotte open their bakery shop, SOURI, of course by BaiWin guidance.

Bentley and Cartier are helping managing AstroVelence shop when they have free time. BaiWin have hired trusted people to work for them so that they have enough time to spend for the family. Surprisingly, their bussiness going very well and have received good feedback from the customer.

"I can't believe that all of my dream come true. I want to have a family, a kid and own bussiness. I am so lucky"

Win looks at Bright with a smile. "I am lucky to. I only have one dream which is to build family with you. Now I have achieved it as well"

Bright stares back at his husband.

"Thank you, husband" Bright kiss Win on the lips.

"Thank you too, my husband" Win kissing back.

While behind their back, there is Ame and Charlotte hiding there.

"I won't married if I don't find anyone like papa Bai and papa Win" Ame tell her sister.

"Why?" Charlotte asks.

"You see. Papa Win and Papa Bai always sweer to each other. We rarely see them arguing over something, right. If there any disputes they always talk and discuss about it. I love them very much" Ame explains to her sister.

"Right.. Never see they raise their voice at each other. Just too much sugar. Sometimes, I can't stand it" Charlotte giggles.

"What are you two doing here?" Bentley comes from behind. His eyes follow where the other are looking at.

"You are peeking on pa-!"

"Shhhhh..." Both Charlotte and Ame covers Bentley's mouth and drag him away from there.


One thing that BaiWin always implement in their relationship is toleration and consideration. They will have a talk if there is something wrong. They have promise that they will not hide anything from each other and will go throught everything together.

Of course there is turbulence in every relationship. Some mistakes or misunderstanding do happen but BaiWin would never give that matter a chance to ruin their relatioship. They always ask for forgiveness from each other at the end of the day.. everyday.. and reflects back on what happen.

As a results, their relationship going smooth and as time passing by they do not encountered much problem especially when all of their kid have grown up. This is the blessing that they couldn't afford to buy of. They are so lucky to have this blessing.

To people outhere, hope we all can get all luck and blessing in our life. What is mean to be yours, will be yours.

Happy Family


-Ame, Charlotte, Bentley, Cartier-


AN: I don't know if anyone would read this or not but I really want to write them as a family. Finally I did it. 😭 I hope you guys enjoy this little treat from me and like the story 🥰❤️

If you like the story and if it is not bothering you, I hope you can votes this story so that more people will discover it. Thank you! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

By the way, don't reupload or translate my work anywhere without permision 🙏🥺

written : 14 Aug 2021

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