
By Juniper_vixen0

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book 1 loki and bucky are in a semi secret relationship and only 3 people in the avenger team know about it... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

chapter 1

6K 125 47
By Juniper_vixen0

3rd person pov:

Bucky and loki had been dating officially for about 8 months, a whole of three people knew and were sworn to keep it a secret til both of them were ready to come out to the rest of the team. both loki and bucky were scared how the rest of the team would react. the only people that knew of the relationship to begin with were Thor and Steve, they both knew that the couple were both bisexual before they stared dating the third person that knows however wasn't told and the couple weren't planning on telling. but of course natasha romanoff would find out, she's knows everything. however she took the budding relationship between the two men really well and she was in fact happy for them. she also agreed to help keep it a secret. she also offered to help both loki and bucky to come out of the closet to the rest of the team once they were ready to. 

loki didn't expect to become friends with Nat after what he did to new york all those years ago but she forgave him and is one of the only ones, besides bucky, steve and thor, that believe that i was mind controlled. even if the other avengers were taking their time to warm up to the god of mischief, it was good to finally have friends of his own. The other were still learning to trust him, he was allowed on missions and he did his best to impress the rest of the team. The spider boy was still not permitted to spend too much time with or near me, which the spider boy never listened to tony's demand. The spider boy, known as peter parker, always part took in loki's pranks on the team. hell he come up with most of them. both of them loved to cause mischief all over the compound, like that one time where they both put glitter in the aircon vent during winter so when summer came everyone and everything got covered in glitter, both of them forgot they did that til the summer came and the green, red and gold glitter coated the entire compound. no one but Wanda, Nat and Bucky were impressed, their rooms along with peters and loki's were saved from the glitter attack. Took the cleaners months to fully clean out every last speck of glitter.

flashforward: present day

loki pov:

It was a gorgeous spring morning when i awoke, Bucky's arms were still wrapped around me and snuggling into my chest. He looks so peaceful when he has a nightmare-less sleep. His nose does this little twitch, almost like a cute little bunny. sounds creepy but i like watching him sleep in my arms, I know he's safe and i can protect him from any dangers outside and inside his mind. 

just as the time was dawning on 10am Bucky began to stir awake. i let him sleep in as there wasn't much to do today and there wasn't a mission planned for anytime soon. A day to relax and spend time with my love. " good morning love." Bucky croaked out, gods his morning voice is so sexy. " good morning James" I whispered back, he loves it when i call him by his first name. i lean down to press my lips onto his soft plump lips, just to hear a moan escape his mouth as he melts into the kiss. that short little moan was to make my morning wood harder than what it was. id felt his poking my thigh earlier so I knew he would be in the mood. thank the norns we had the day off, just as that thought crossed my mind the mission alarm sounded. cock blocked yet again by the world. "we best get dressed and see what's going on, save this moment for when we get back." I chuckled with a wink. "yeah i suppose, but one last kiss before we leave? you know for good luck." he whispered with a bright blush across his cheeks. We have to whisper if the alarms going off so people on the team don't find out we stay in each others rooms, that would defeat the purpose of a secret relationship. I did however give Bucky the kiss he wanted it was short but sweet. then we had to get dressed and get to the meeting room.

3rd person pov:

Both the god and the soldier looked out into the hall before leaving Loki's room, the coast was clear so they both left and walked down to the meeting room together. This didn't cause too much suspicion between the team because the people that didn't know just though they were really good friends. They both were a little late but Loki took the blame saying that Bucky had to practically drag him out of bed and to the meeting room. The rest of the team brought that considering loki did love his sleep. 

Bucky pov:

The mission briefing was short considering the team had pretty much no information. Not all the team were needed out in the field. Steve had said something about Hydra having a girl locked in their basement, probably being tortured and tested on. i stopped listening after I found out I wasn't going on the rescuing bit of the mission, so did Loki. we were just stealing glances at each other and smiling. Me, Loki, Peter and Wanda were staying behind in new york. we needed to get one of the spare rooms ready and go and get some clothes in various sizes for the new girl. we also had to do a bit of cleaning but we were told to get pretty basic things for the room so the new girl could decorate however she wanted.

after the meeting was done and the rest of the team had took off to the hydra base in the quinjet. the rest of us got into normal clothes to go shopping. Both me and Loki hated shopping. we both hate the crowds but i know id be safe with wanda she always made sure me and loki were okay in these situations. she helped us a lot if we were both feeling anxious. She was a kind soul, always easy to talk to, she never judged anyone. I kinda wanted to tell her about me and loki but I'm going to ask him first before I splurt out the truth. I'll ask him now before we can go out then he can decide over the shopping trip. that's a good idea, right?

" Hey Loki can i talk to you a sec?" i call over to him. "yes of course Bucky, what would you like to talk about?" i gave the other two a signal to leave as it was a private conversation, they both understood. " I think we should tell Wanda about us, she's always nice to us and helpful. We could use with another ally, just in case. its completely up to you, if you're ready, but if not don't worry about it." i looked in his eyes trying to figure him out. "there's no need to figure me out love, i think its a great idea. we'll just wait and see if its a good idea after the shopping we can get her view during a casual conversation." he chuckled at me and gave me a kiss on the top of the head, to which i blushed at. he was so attentive and caring. gods i can't even begin to explain what this man does to me.

The drive to the mall was short but the group had a laugh talking about what had happened in their lives recently. Peter was telling the group about a kid called flash that was bullying him. the group all quickly agreed to help peter sort it out with him. when the group pulled up Loki had suggested talking about something controversial to keep things interesting, we all agreed to respect each others opinions so the rest of the trip and compound wasn't awkward. Loki went straight in there with talking about LGBTQ+ views. talk about subtle. "what do you all think about the LGBTQ+ community?" he asked almost too casually. peter was the first to respond. " I think its great and should be accepted more in society. all kinds of love is beautiful and it should be celebrated" he spoke in a calmed manner than his usual one but you could still hear the excitement in his voice. I was just waiting on Wanda's response. " I also support them, everyone should love who they want to and shouldn't be shamed for who their heart desires. plus I've had my fair share of girl on girl experiences" she giggled with a wink. Peter was just stuttering and blushing like crazy while we all laughed at him. Thank gods she weren't homophobic. me and loki both shared our view and obviously it was the same as the others views. we just looked at each other confirming it was time to tell her. But what about peter? Loki telepathically sent me a message saying we should tell peter too. but just to make him promise that he couldn't tell anyone on the team yet.

3rd person pov:

time skip-

by the time all the controvertial topics were over the shopping had been done. the group just had to drive back to the compound. it was an hours drive back so Loki and Bucky only had a short period of time to tell the other two about the relationship. Even though both men knew they'd be accepted they were still highly anxious, to  the point where Wanda could feel the emotions, but was confused as to why they were both anxious now, the shopping was over. 

" Loki, Bucky are you both okay? i can feel your anxiety?" she asked calmly breaking the silence of the car. both men looked at each other taking a deep breath before talking. " we have something to confess to both of you but you both have to swear to secrecy for the time being" both men spluttered out in sync but in a serious tone. both the others were quick to agree, curious as to what the news is. Bucky gave Loki a look to say that he'd tell them as it was his idea. " Me and Loki are in a relationship and have been for the last 8 months" he spoke quickly so he could get it over and done with.  Wanda screeched the car to an immediate stop and turned to look at the men, the same with peter. both of them looking back with complete an utter shock on their face. Their faces were pretty funny to look at given their reactions. "WHAT?!" they both screamed. They were both quick to accept the couple and were excitedly asking the both questions on it and about who else knew.

Loki pov: 

This was the best shopping trip i've ever been on. Me and James had new friends that accepted us and a bit of weight had lifted off our shoulder. the conversation of our relationship came to a stop when we got out of the car and into the compound. The rest of the team weren't back yet so we all had time to kill after we put the new girls stuff in a room for her and the groceries away. Wanda decided to bake while we all waited for pizza. the rest of the afternoon was relaxing without the chaos of the rest of the team around us. Me and Bucky decided to go and finish off what we started earlier before pizza arrived. It was only a quick round a bit to vanilla for my tastes, but still pleasureable. we wanted to finish before the team got back so we could greet them in the living room and to watch a movie with our new found friends.

that was until we got a phone call saying that some of the other team members were on their way home from a different mission. Me and Bucky have to go back to being 'just friends' until we were in a more private setting. the other avengers joining us were Scott Lang, Sharon Carter, Peitro and Shuri. Sharon Carter wasn't an avenger, she was a shield agent but she was still welcomed to the compound for some reason. Both me and Bucky didn't like Sharon but we just dealt with her because some of the others did. Shuri wasn't a resident in the compound but stayed here from time to time.

The rest of the team need to hurry and get back before i stab Sharon. she really is irritating...

(a/n: sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. Y/N's Pov will be in chapter 2 with her/them being rescued on the mission. hope you enjoy the first chapter. if i do authors notes they will always be at the end of chapters to make it more convinient for everyone)

word count: 2178 

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