The Red String of Fate...

By Nityachowdary

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" Marriages are made in heaven" Is it true ? Sometimes 'Yes'. Sometimes a very big 'No'. Kim Taehyung and J... More



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By Nityachowdary


The same night, in large party hall Jisoo is drinking alcohol now along with kim Euna.

"Dear, you are so whipped for my son "
Euna said with smile while sipping her drink.

" Well I can't help it, your son  has some magical charms.

He binded me with those, I can't get out of it.

I love him so fucking much.

He became my every thing just with in few days.

Do you wanna know , what's most painful thing for me right now?.

Being away from him, separating from him would be worst nightmare of my life "
Jisoo expressed with faint smile. The single  thought of drifting from her Tae is making her shiver.

On the other side in garden area, Taehyung felt numb by hearing one name. He couldn't process anything.

He took deep breath to calm his raging heart and mind.

"I d-don't b-believe you . D-Don't m-make me f-fool"
Taehyung shouted at Kai with trembling voice.

He thought someone is fooling him. How can this be true?. His Jisoo can't be others love life.

For the first time in his    life,  Taehyung is blaming his weak heart. For listening someone's words so easily.

No , not this time.  He won't fall into others trap. His Jisoo told him to be think wisely before believing others.

His thoughts were  cut off by Kai's sad chuckle.

"I know Taehyung, I know you would be saying this.

But wait let me show you some proofs.

See these pictures, we took on our first date.

We had our first kiss there, I still remember that beautiful memory.

Look at my Jisoo, kissing me on cheek cause I gave her best birthday surprise.

The pictures we took in amusement park . Its just one week before her marriage.

We are so happy then.  Jisoo is scared of heights, so she is holding me tightly there

These are the one we took on our movie date. She loves anime movies.

So even though I dislikes them, I used to accompany her to make my Jisoo happy "
Kai showed many pictures of them which seems so  lovely - dovey.

In few pics, Jisoo is hugging him tightly.  In few, she is kissing him with so much love.

Those stabbed Taehyung's heart very badly. He couldn't stop hot prickling tears escaping his eyes.

His Jisoo is kissing someone so endearingly. She is hugging him so tightly as if her life is dependent on him. All of those pictures made Taehyung's heart bleed heavily.

Still somewhere in his mind, he is begging god desperately to make this situation one of the  worst  dream not reality.

His blood ran cold by kai's next set of words.

"See, these are your  divorce papers.

I kim Jisoo, wife of kim Taehyung want to take divorce from my lawfully wedded husband.

She applied just on the day of your  marriage"

Kai showed those divorce paper to Taehyung . While mentally thanking Jisoo's lawyer who  revealed  those so easily just for few dollars in return.

Taehyung  couldn't think of anything after seeing those papers. His heart and mind were  completely numb.

Kai observed his poor state and smirked internally while thinking

"Look at you, became completely numb.

You couldn't process anything right?.

If you are like this, then what about  your pretty wife who is so whipped for you .

She will go mad if you leave her.

Just wait Kim Jisoo, you insulted me a lot right. You made my friend's life hell.

Now your lovely  husband will show what true suffering is.

Kai thought to himself.  He showed thumbs up to Jackson who is observing everything from far with devilish smile.

His so called perfect brother is shattered right now.  He is going through terrible heart pain.

Jackson signalled Kai to move from there. He nodded to his friend and excused from Taehyung.

"Okay, I guess its time for me to leave.

Please don't torture Jisoo for what I said.

I revealed everything cause I felt like you are so kind and will understand our love.

Please don't separate us again.

Jisoo is suffering a lot in this cage like marriage , don't make her go  through more pain.  

This is the least thing, I can suggest you.

Good bye Taehyung"
With that Kai excused himself and left that place while smirking at CEO's depressed state.

Taehyung let all his  inner pain out by weeping silently. He don't know what to do. He just want to scream loudly for this terrible heart break.

Yes, its true. No one loves you Taehyung.  You are so dumb and stupid. Everyone pities you, that's it.

Even Jisoo did the same. She just showed you sympathy and did friendship with you. But you being so stupid , believed that as more than friendship.

You will be all alone and depressed whole life  . This is what you are meant to be.

He remembered Jisoo's words during early days of marriage.

"I'm not at all ready for this marriage"

How could you be, when you have someone else in your heart.

"It takes  lot of time for me to adjust to this new relation.

Till then , can we be friends?"

Off course friends, only friends. Till you take divorce from me, you want to be good friend to me.

Like this,  Taehyung thought to himself and connected all the dots .

He Came to conclusion that Jisoo don't love him, she is forced in this marriage. Jisoo is waiting for divorce so that she can be free from this cage,  from his cage.

That final conclusion made Taehyung to let out a broken sob.

He loved someone in his deserted life for the first time. And that person is not at all interested in him. She already have someone in her life. She is trying hard to leave him.

Taehyung felt like he want to leave this life, he can't bear these sufferings anymore. From childhood , he went through a lot.

But nothing pained him this much. His heart is crying loudly, he can't stop his own tears.

The picture of Jisoo kissing Kai is making his senses restless.  He got fooled once again, this time very badly. He can't even assure himself now.

The girl who always takes his breath, who always makes  his small heart flutter is not his person .

She belongs to someone else and he is the reason for her heart break.

He became villain in her life without knowing.  He destroyed her beautiful dreams just with one stupid marriage. Which is meaningless to him now.

With all these thoughts, to get rid of panic attack. Taehyung opened one large bottle of alcohol and drank in one go.

He is choking while drinking, his tears are not stopping. But Taehyung is not caring anything, he just want this pain to go away by any means.

Taehyung drank entire bottle in one go. His head is spinning, everything inside his body is paining.

This is the pain he wanted. He hurt himself  physically . So that he will get rid of that heart break at least for this night.

With that, Taehyung completely lost his senses and fell on alcohol  table before him unconsciously.

The most perfect man, very kind and  gentle CEO is laying on table senselessly   and there is no one to look after him.
There is no one to share his pain.

It's mid night, everyone left to their rooms after late night party.

Jisoo reached her bedroom after women's party came to an end. She expected Taehyung to be already on bed.

But she was taken back by empty room. Jisoo went downstairs and asked maids about Taehyung.

They too didn't know where he is. With heavy heart she went to garden area to search his love.

That garden area is completely dark with no one there. Party lights were off , used dinner plates and empty alcohol bottles were scattered on ground.

She called Taehyung's name nervously but couldn't find him.

Jisoo is about to leave but glass sound made her turn back.

Her heart clenched at that sight. Her Tae is laying unconscious on alcohol section table.

Without knowing in sleep,  Taehyung pushed one glass aside which fell down and that broken piece stuck in his shoe.

Jisoo immediately ran to his place with glossy eyes.
She called one of the maids and asked their help to take him to their bedroom.

After Jisoo laid him on their bed, maid left the room. 

Jisoo switched on their bedroom lights, removed his shoes and that glass piece with hiccups.

Taehyung in that state pricked   her heart. She didn't expect this at all.

Jisoo massaged his feet with tear strained face.  She kissed his foot and left to washroom to bring wet cloth to wipe Taehyung's face which is so hot and red due to excessive drinking.

Jisoo wiped his face with glossy eyes while mumbling
"Why did you drink this much Tae baby?.

Look at you, completely wasted.

What If I don't come on time, you would be freezing in cold weather entire night.

What made you to drink this much?.

Tomorrow I will give you strict warning . So that you will not drink like this again.

After cleaning his face, she discarded that cloth,  switched off bedroom lights.

Moonlight through curtains  is the only source of light now.

Jisoo slept close to Taehyung, she unbuttoned first few buttons of his shirt.

She rubbed his naked chest smoothly to feel his heart beat. Jisoo kissed his heart multiple times and cupped his face.

She kissed his eyes, nose, lips and whole face very smoothly while mumbling

"Just one more day honey, we will be one. 

I can't wait for that moment to be  fully yours  .

Trust me , once you accept me. Both of our lives  changes.

We will create most beautiful memories all the way forever.

You will be not alone anymore baby bear.

There is your pretty wife to take complete care of you, to treat you like king, her only king.....................................

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