
By Dumb_Cupid

151K 4.9K 797

This is my unholy fandom! I hope y'all end up enjoying this while you and I simp over them. My Request Box is... More

Sara Lance, Curious part 1
Sara Lance, Curious part 2
Ava Sharpe part 1
Ava Sharpe part 2
Meeting Gideon
Morgana Pendragon- Do you care about me? part 1
Morgana Pendragon- Do you care about me? part 2
Nyssa Al Ghul
Nyssa Al Ghul part 2
Nyssa Al Ghul part 3
Laurel Lance (from Earth 2)
Laural Lance (Earth 2) part ii
Laurel Lance Earth 2 (part 3)
Alex Danvers
Alex Danvers II
Alex Danvers III
Cate Blanchett: I
Cate Blanchett: II
Cate Blanchett: III
Cate Blanchett: IV
Mildred Ratched (Lovesick)
Mildred Ratched (Lovesick II)
Mildred Ratched (Lovesick III)
Lauren Jauregui (A Big Bad Bully I)
Lauren Jauregui (A Big Bad Bully II)
Lauren Jauregui (Big Bad Bully III)
Ally Mayfair Ritchard (My Cinnamon Bun)
Ally Mayfair Ritchard (My Cinnamon Bun II)
Megan Fox (Ballerina I)
Megan Fox (Ballerina II)
Megan Fox (Ballerina III)
Megan Fox (Ballerina IV)
Abby Gerhard (Light Shining Above)
Abby Gerhard (Light Shining Above II)
Abby Gerhard (Light Shining Above III)
Abby Gerhard (Light Shining Above IV)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates II)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates III)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates IV)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates V)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates VI)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates VII)
Kara Danvers (Soulmates VIII)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow II)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow III)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow IV)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow V)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow VI)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow VII)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow VIII)
Hela Odinsdottir (Love Of Sorrow IX)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles II)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles III)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles IV)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles V)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles VI)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles VII)
Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles IX)
Natasha Romanoff (BONUS CHAPTER)
Nebula (With A Touch)
Nebula (With A Touch II)
Nebula (With A Touch III)
Nebula (With A Touch IV)
Nebula (With A Touch V)
Nebula (With A Touch VI)
Nebula (With A Touch VII)
Nebula (With A Touch VIII)
Natasha Romanoff (BONUS: STRAWBERRY)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours II)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours III)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours IV)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours V)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours VI)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours VII)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours VIII)
Angelina Jolie (Neighbours IX)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life II)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life III)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life IV)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life V)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life VI)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life VII)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life VIII)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life IX)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life X)
Helena Bonham Carter (Drama In Life XI)
Angelina Jolie (Staring Contest)
Helena Bonham Carter (That Look On Her Face)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses II)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses III)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses IV)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are red Like Roses V)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses VI)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses VII)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses VIII)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses IX)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses X)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses XI)
The Red Queen (Hearts Are Red Like Roses XII)
Yelena Belova (First Glance)
Yelena Belova (First Glance II)
Yelena Belova (First Glance III)
Sheba Hart (Just Us)
Sheba Hart (Just Us II)
Sheba Hart (Just Us III)
Sheba Hart (Just Us IV)
Sheba Hart (Just Us V)
Sheba Hart (Just Us VI)
Sheba Hart (Just Us VII)
Sheba Hart (Just Us VIII)
Marla Singer (Two Hearts, One String)
Marla Singer (Two Hearts, One String II)
Marla Singer (Two Heart, One String III)
Marla Singer (Two Hearts, One String IV)
Marla Singer (Two Hearts, One String V)
Marla Singer (Two Hearts, One String VI)

Natasha Romanoff (My Noodles VIII)

1K 47 9
By Dumb_Cupid

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ah, this feels nice!" I said as I sniff the cold air of the night, no one was around except for Peter but I didn't mind, I did invite him to come walk with me, he's great to be around with if you want to feel normal and want to have a good laugh, sometimes I can't help but notice Peter and Tony have a fatherly bond every once in a while, it's adorable!

"Yeah, it does feel nice" Peter stated, but the only thing that wasn't nice were my heels, it's hurting my feet, so I took the liberty and took them off, now I'm barefooted but I didn't mind, I sighed in relief and I heard the boy chuckle

"What's so funny, huh?" I asked with an arched eyebrow

"Nothing, it's just I think I've come to the conclusion that you're not party person"

"Well, you are right, I prefer spending my time alone, in my bed, watching movies or reading books or if I don't want to be potato all day, I'll go for a stroll, go the nearest cafés or to the library, the smell of books brings me to comfort" me and Peter laughed

"Yeah, I know what you mean"

"What about you? Are you a party person?" I asked and he shook his head

"Not really, I'd rather spend my time with my friends, build legos with them, geek about the Avengers! Swing around the city, do something good, you know, all those stuff" silence came in between us but it wasn't uncomfortable

I looked up in the sky, saw the stars and my frosty breath as it was very cold outside, I don't even know how Peter is holding up with only wearing one shirt but he didn't look like he was cold so it's not concerning me that much "You know, times like this makes me want to swing by the city and see the lights"

Peter then glanced at me "I could swing you by the city, i-if you want"

"Sure" I said with a shrug of my shoulders


"OH MY GOD! JESUS CHRIST!!!!" I screamed, holding tight on Peter as he swings us around the city, swinging buildings to buildings "When I said 'swing by the city' I meant 'let's go to the city in a CAR!' not actually SWING ME!!!"

"Well, you could've been more specific!" Peter laughed as I held on to him even tighter with my eyes closed "Open your eyes, (Y/n)!"


"C'mon, you said you wanted to see the city lights, so open your eyes!" I took a breath and slowly opened my eyes till my eyes were fully opened "See? Isn't it beautiful?"

"It's...It's spectacular!" I giggled, the city was amazing at night, the lights in the buildings and post lamps were sparkling in my eyes, it was gorgeous!

"WOOHOO!" Then Peter swang us really high and everything seemed to slow down, we had the perfect view of New York, then I felt his grip loosening up in my waist "For the love of god! I swear to you, if you drop me I WILL HAUNT YOU!!!" he laughed once again and his grip tighten again

As we were swinging around I saw a building that was more unique from the rest of the buildings, I patted Peter on the shoulders "Peter, look at that" I said and pointed at the wonderful building

"Awww! That's so cute!" he said after her turned to where I was pointing, it was building, the lights were turned on and made a heart shape on the building

The Building

"I know, right?! So adorable!" I exclaimed, we swung by a couple more before we began heading back to the compound "Well, I had fun!"

"Yeah, me too! Though, it wasn't fun when you were screaming at my ear" Peter teased and I playfully punched him on the shoulder "Ow! That hurt!"

"Oh don't be a cry baby!"

"No really, that hurt"

"Wait, really?!" he nodded

"You pack a powerful punch!" I rolled my eyes and as we were walking I noticed the swimming pool on the corner of my eyes "Hey, I wanna go to the swimming pool, wanna come?" Peter gave me a weird look

"You want to go swimming when it's this cold, you're going to get a cold" he stated and I mentally facepalmed myself

"I never said I want to go swimming, Peter! Also, I know it's cold, I'm not that stupid to go swimming at this temperature! Of course, I'll get a cold!" I exclaimed and he raised both his hands up as an indication that I win

We both sat at the edge of the pool and placed my feet in the water but quickly pulled them back up "Oh heck no! That's too cold!" I whispered to myself but I'm pretty sure Peter also heard it cause I heard him chuckle, then hugged my knees instead, once again there was a comforting silence between us, as we both gazed the pool

"I have a question, but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to" Peter said, looking like he was uncertain

"Okay, go ahead"

"Is there...something between you and...Nat?" I scoffed lightly

"I'm surprised you didn't say Bucky instead of Nat" everyone mostly asks whether there's something going on between me and Bucky cause they must've noticed how close we were but we're nothing but friends

" there?" he questioned, I sighed and hugged my knees tighter

"Well...I don't know how she feels but I won't deny, I have...feelings for her..."

"Have you told her?" I looked at him an arched eyebrow again

"Peter, I wouldn't have said 'I don't know how she feels' if I have told her I felt about her"

"Right, sorry..."

"It's alright, I'm sorry, it's just...she's so complicated-I mean we're complicated cause we're's what makes we wish they're more easier to understand than they really are...sometimes I wish she's more easier to understand" I said in a melancholy tone and emphasized 'I' in the sentence

"I relate to that...everybody does..." I sighed and I felt peter pat me on the shoulder "Umm someone is here to maybe talk to you..." I frowned and to look at Peter and ask about what he meant then I knew exactly what he meant as soon I saw Nat at the entrance of the pool "I'll leave you two be"

He stood and began walking away, when he left at Nat and I couldn't tell what she was thinking about cause her expression was unreadable, so my gaze went back to the pool in front of me, I heard footsteps coming towards me and noticed she sat right beside me at the corner of my eye

"Did you have fun spending time with Peter?" she asked with a hint of bitterness in her voice

"Yeah, I did. How about you, did you have fun with the others?"

"Um, yeah, the boys tried lifting Thor's hammer" I chuckled

"That must've been hilarious to watch" then there was awkward one...

"Umm, (Y/n)..."


"Is it true?" Nat asked and I glanced at her with a questioning look

"Is what true?"

" have...feelings for me?"

Ah, she heard that...

I stayed quiet for a second and don't know what came over me but I leaned in towards her and kissed her, she didn't react for a second and when I was about to pull away she kissed back, she cupped my cheeks and I moaned when I felt her tongue slips in my mouth

I pulled away before this could escalated any further cause I want to know what she feels "Nat, wait" I huffed a couple of times cause she took the breath out of me "I want to know how you feel...I like you, Natasha, I really's not a secret I'm trying to hide...I want to know...what you feel"

I stared at Nat's green enchanting eyes while she stared at mine, her eyes looked like it was searching for something in mine, I don't know what but it looked it was searching for something important that she has been wandering for years

Then out of nowhere she stood up and began walking away, she's about to leave me...again! She's about to leave me speechless and frustrated and confused...but not this time. I stood and yelled "Why are you like this?!?"

She didn't turn and before she was out of my sight I yelled once more "NATASHA ROMANOFF!" she stopped cause you know shit is about to happen when someone calls you by their full name "Answer me, Natasha!" tears were gathering up in my eyes and my knuckles were turning white

"I'm tired of this bullshit! You running away again and again, it's very frustrating and irritating! So stop running away for once in your life and tell me what you really feel!" now tears were streaming down on my face and I was shaking

I waited for her answer but little to my surprise she walked away, I gritted my teeth and stomped a foot on the ground out of anger "COWARD!!!" then I began sobbing and collapsed on my knees

Is it that hard for someone to love me, huh?!? HUH?!?! IS IT?!?!

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