Not Your Princess (The Boys X...

By TheLostWr1t3r

10.9K 139 788

Your parents want you to take over the kingdom, even though it's not the life You want. You always hated the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 5

488 5 16
By TheLostWr1t3r

Josh POV:

"Wakey Wakey Josh." I heard Mully babble as he shook me awake.

(If you wanna watch the whole tour, since it's pretty cute! And it's only about 3:30 long)

"Morning, Mully." "Morning, Josh. You want some breakfast?" "Yeah, I probably should get some." I answered him.

I got up, and followed Mully downstairs.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and some milk, while Mully got some yogurt and milk as well. "You said we were meeting up with Ayden and Reekid for Ice Cream later, right?" I asked Mully. "Yep! Over at FroCones." Mully answered. "I figured." I responded as I ate some cereal.

"You wanna make a video real quick?" Mully asked me once we finished breakfast. "Sure! Why not!" I answered him. We headed back to our rooms and started recording a video.
(I couldn't find a video with just Mully and Josh. Sorry. If you find one, let me know)

Swagger POV:

Narrator left for another day of work. Poor guy. He works at a lumber yard part time, whenever he isn't filming or editing. He enjoys his job, don't get me wrong, just that he usually works 10 hour shifts in the scorching heat.

Anywho, I figured I should go record a video in the meantime, so I grabbed my headset and laptop, and started recording FNAF VR. Eddie told me to play it sometime.

I finished recording and took off my headset. Now I gotta edit my video, and then I can get it posted.

- Time Skip to after Swagger edits and posts his video brought to you by Laggersouls -

I finished editing my video and got it posted. I decided to watch some of my friends' videos while I wait for Narrator to get home.

Rose POV:

Eddie, Gaege and I were heading over to FroCones for Ice Cream. We were also heading over to Gabby's house first to go pick her up. Eddie asked us if she could come with us, and we all allowed it, hopefully Gabby likes me more.

We made it to Gabby's house, and she got in the backseat next to Gaege. "Hey Gabby!" I greeted her.

Gabby POV:

"Hey Gabby!" Rose greeted me. Ugh, why is she here? "Oh- uh- Hi Rose. Hi guys! Thanks for inviting me!" I responded, and Eddie left for FroCones.

- Time Skip to FroCones brought to you by Robert and Robert and Robert -

We arrived, and we got our cones, and sat down at a table.

"So, you play VR with the boys too?" Rose asked me. Doesn't she ever shut up? "Yeah, yes I do." I answered her. "Oh, I should go grab some napkins." I remembered out loud. I got up from the table, ice cream in hand, and 'accidentally' tripped right next to Rose.

Rose POV:

"Oh, I should go get some napkins." Gabby told us, and she got up from the table. She walked right next to me and tripped and fell. "Oh my gosh! Gabby! Are you alright!?" I asked her as I got up and knelt down next to her. "You... Have the audacity... To ask me!? If I'm ok!? After YOU tripped me!?" Gabby snapped at me. "What!? What are you talking about?" I panicked. I didn't trip her, I never even touched her. "You tripped me! And made me drop my ice cream!" Gabby snarled. "Here Gabby. Let me help you-" "Don't touch me!" She yelled as she smacked my hand away from her. "Gabby. It was an accident. Come on. I'll buy you some more ice cream." Eddie told her as he helped her up, and they walked away.

Gaege POV:

"Come on. I'll buy you more ice cream." Eddie told Gabby as he helped her up, and they walked to the front again. Rose held her head in her hands, crying. "Rose, what's wrong?" I asked her. "Why? Why does she hate me?" Rose cried. "I never tripped her! I swear!" "I know you didn't. It was an accident. And I'm not sure what's up with Gabby lately." I responded to her. I held her in my arms as she kept crying.

Eddie POV:

I took Gabby back around the front of the ice cream shop to get her some more ice cream, after she fell earlier. I wonder what's up with her and Rose. "Gabby, is there something going on between you and Rose?" I asked her. "Are you jealous of her or something?" She angrily crossed her arms and looked away. "You can talk to me. You're my best friend, after all." I told her. "That's the thing. I-I don't want to be 'just best friends'." Gabby spoke up. "What? What do you mean?" I asked her. She looked at me with sad eyes. "Wait... Do you..." She spoke up before I could finish my sentence. "I like you Eddie. Like, Like Like you." Gabby admitted.

"Gabby. I'm so sorry, but I only like you as a friend. I don't want to ruin our friendship." I told her sadly. I do love her, but more like a sister, y'know? (Once again, just for the story) "But-But why?" Gabby asked me, and her voice cracked. "I'm sorry, but I can't risk ruining our friendship, and you're like a sister to me." I told her apologenically. "Is this about Rose?" Gabby asked me with a bit of anger in her voice. "What! What are you talking about?" I asked her. "Don't act dumb! I've seen how she looks at you!" Gabby snapped. "And besides, she's no good for you! She can't be trusted! She may seem all sweet, but just you wait!" Gabby overreacted. "Roses have their thorns, Eddie." "Gabby, now you're being ridiculous." "Oh I'M being ridiculous?! SHE'S the one that tripped me earlier on purpose!" Gabby snarled. "I'm sure it was an accident." I reasoned with her. "Oh, so you're taking her side?" She argued. "I'm not taking sides with anyone. I'm just trying to reason with you." I told her.

"You know what? You can have her! I'm out of here." Gabby snapped, and she stormed away. "Gabby! Wait!" I yelled and grabbed her arm. "Don't touch me!" Gabby screamed, freeing her arm before storming off again.

I watched her as she walked away. Did I do something wrong? Did Rose actually trip her? Did I choose her over my best friend? I felt tears running down my face, thinking about everything that happened. I decided I wasn't hungry for Ice cream anymore, so I threw my cone in the trash can next to me. I dreadfully walked back towards our table, not ready to tell them what's going on.

Rose POV:

Eddie finally came back to our table, seeming upset about something. "Eddie, are you alright? What's wrong?"
I asked him. "Where's Gabby?" "She- She left." Eddie answered me. "What! Why?" Gaege asked him. "She's mad at me." Eddie explained. "Did- Did I do something wrong?" I stammered. Eddie looked down and shook his head. "Let's just go home." Eddie told us. We threw our cones in the litter bin, and we got in the car.

The whole car ride was silent. Nothing but sadness and silence lingering in the air. We finally made it back to Eddie and Gaege's house, and we went inside. Eddie went upstairs and straight to his room, shutting the door behind him. I went into my room as well.

I closed the door behind me, tears falling down my face as I slid down the door. Is Eddie mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Is Gabby mad at him because of me?

Eddie POV:

I sat against my bedroom door, crying.

I f***ed up. I f***ed up so much. Gabby's mad at me. I sided with Rose over my best friend. What if Gabby was right about her? Why didn't I trust her?

I suddenly heard knocking on my door. "Eddie?" Gaege asked me. "Not now, Gaege." I told him. "Rose didn't trip Gabby." Gaege revealed. Now I definitely wanted to hear what Gaege had to say about all of this. I opened the door for him. "What?" I asked him. Gaege shook his head. "She had a complete mental breakdown when you two left. She kept asking me why Gabby hated her so much. In fact, She SWORE to me that she didn't trip Gabby." Gaege elaborated.

I looked over at Rose's closed bedroom door. "You think we should go talk to her?" I asked Gaege. He nodded, so we went over to her bedroom door, I knocked to let her know we're here. "Hello?" Rose asked us. Was she crying, too? "Can-Can we talk to you, please?" I asked her sadly. "Pl-Please don't hate me." Rose stuttered. "Rose, I could never hate you. And I know you didn't trip Gabby earlier." I told her.

She finally opened the door, revealing a teary eyed Rose in front of us. "Gaege told me everything. You didn't do anything wrong." I reassured her. "Come here." I told her, and I held her in my arms as she cried. I gestured to Gaege to join in our hug as well. He came over and held Rose as well.

And that, my Cinnamon Rolls, is Chapter 5 of Not Your Princess. I will be writing more about Narrator coming home from work, and Josh and Mully getting Ice cream with Ayden and Reekid in the next chapter.

Well, I hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye!

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