Living is more terrifying tha...

By hobimybias204

10 2 4

Horror/ Thriller One shots Disclaimer: Strong topics, controversial topics, deep detail, strong language and... More


10 2 4
By hobimybias204

(Okay video but skip to 2:45 in the video)
Sleep now, my baby
Be still love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the waves
Please love remember
My last lullaby...



The grandfather clock chimes...


8 o'clock pm...

Lilith Desdemona...

    Five long years have passed...Seven long years have passed since the new president came into the office. Seven years of change. Seven years of a lunatic.

    A brown haired woman stood at the window sill of her small molded apartment that reeked of rotted vegetables. Not thin but not chubby either. If beauty was a person, she could be it's sister. She wasn't exactly ugly, but if she decided to take care of her eye bags, or clean up her old makeup, or if she straightened her hair up a bit, maybe then she could be beautiful. Instead, lunacy and madness showed through her hallowed eyes.

A cracked, dry smile spread across her face as she began to speak. "So much has changed Lilith since you've been gone from this physical world. I miss you so much, the fun we used to have," she giggled dryly, "but look."

    Outside of the foggy dirty window of her apartment, there was an owl perch on a grayish tree branch. The tree that used to be a rich chocolate brown with vibrant emerald leaves, has now been replaced by a dull and lifeless oak tree. The owl had black feathers all over his body with white feathers spotting its face and it's abdomen. It's sharp black orbs looked deeply into her eyes like it was sending an unknown message to the woman that only the two knew of. The woman, Femi, brought the crook of her smile into a dangerous grin...

    "Didn't he say he would come back, angel? He is here now and it is time for us to go now...Lilith," Femi says. Swiftly, in an airy motion, Femi turns over her left shoulder facing the person standing in the far corner.

There behind her is a little girl.

Skin smooth like a honey and milk bath and skin so pale yet healthy. Her lips were just as rosy and pink as her nose. With long, thick healthy hair, you would call her precious, sweet and innocent.

    "Come now Lilith, it's time for this to come to an end," Femi said in a sing-song way.

    The floors creaked beneath the pale dried feet. It was an eccentric sight to many of their neighbors yet none seemed to say a thing. Her cracked heels pushed down into the cool concrete ground and pushed her further towards the exit.

    Walking out of the apartment complex, they walked into the city.

     As they are getting closer, they pass by an old park. The sounds of little girls screaming and laughing makes Femi fall back as she clenches her teeth, clutching her skull in between her hands. A loud ringing shoots through Femi's ears and sweat starts collecting on her temple like the fog in the mornings. Quick flashed images of a woman screaming in agony flies across her eyes. Another flash image of a bat clashing against another woman and her round, protruded abdomen! Then another face flashes across her eyes but this time of an unknown being...

    It had wings on it's back that were cut in half like a blade slashed them. Black feathers covered in blood and a strange fluid made a crown over its head. It's hair was golden but  was in a disheveled mess like a messed up haircut. This creature's mouth was screwed shut with nails and staples pricing the skin.but it didn't frightened Femi. Thousands of- no MILLIONS of screams and voices of women all saying the same thing...

Set us free!

    As quickly as the creature came, it left just as quickly. Just like that, Femi came back into reality but when she looked around the little girls were gone as if they were never there...

    "Come on Lilith, let's continue," and they walked away from the play ground with the little girls. With every step, the anger and rage boiled leaving her in her thoughts. She clenched her fist

How are we regressing back to everything the people fought for?

The pledge of allegiance is a load of crap. Justice for all? For all who? For all men? For all old white men? For all rich people? For all the authorities?

This thought had Femi scoff out loud letting out a growl.

    It has to be because there is no 'Justice for All' for women, women of color, middle class people, low and poor class people, immigrants? No, but it's 'The United States of America' and equality was never there from the start...

    Most of Femi's friends either left out of her life or were too busy dealing with their own and that was very understandable with the living conditions. With those in  power, of course they are the ones taking the blow. Somehow, when a few months passed they decided to make a new law that would destroy many lives. And it was all agreed by MEN to make THAT  law acceptable!

No one would ever forget that day. It caused chaos and tragedy over the whole country. Nevertheless, it will not matter anymore....

Standing in front of them, was the building that caused grief and anger.

The building that caused the event that will soon be happening.

The building that had opened up Femi's inner being which she had refused to lock up any longer...

The Capital.

    Through the heavy white doors, there was a woman sitting at the front desk; a thin black woman who seemed to be in her mid 30's. Her hair was straightened out and pulled back into a tight ponytail which couldn't be any good for the front of her in the future seeing her hairline was already receding. She had a short pencil skirt which Femi saw and watched her shift uncomfortably in her seat pulling it down. Her makeup wasn't bad but Femi could still tell that she tried to make her lips look smaller than her natural thick and full lips.

    "Hello ma'am, do you have an appointment today?" The way she spoke will have people talking about her telling her 'you're too proper' but they will also ask her to speak proper english if she says 'ya'll'. Femi couldn't help but smirk and laugh out a scoff, "Awww, is this what they taught you?" The woman's face switched, showing her bewilderment, "Excuse me?" "Is this what they taught you, love?," Femi giggled, "Look at you being so fancy, so elegant, lady like.....ugh you disgust me," Femi snarled at her.

She cleared her throat and kept her composure though Femi could see through her and so could Lilith who was standing next to her left side.

    It was only a second but then the mirror behind them broke and that's when it finally happened...Something malevolent started to spread in her eyes from the iris. Heat started arising from the depths of her core,so hot it almost felt cold like a chilling. Her pupils disappeared behind the eyelids having the need to convuls, spasming for air. Limbs snapping and fracturing, rotating her neck 360 degrees, fingernails growing longer by the blistering off that was now burnt to a crisp.

Femi was no longer there instead, "I'm Lucifer's sister, nice to meet 'cha! HA HA HAAAAAAA!"





The laughing didn't stop!

    The woman shrieked," AHHHHHHH!" having no idea what to do yet couldn't tell if this was only a horrible horror her sick mind came up with. Though she may look professional and seem like your miss perfect girl, I guess it's safe to say you should never overlook a person especially one who may have been under the influence?

"I-I I suggest you leave," the woman said cause what else do you say to Lucifer's sister? Merry Christmas?

    Femi chuckled, "But we have so much to talk much to do," extending hair long legs over the desk squatting over now, "OH, I know! Why don't you join us in our quest?"

With that Femi threw herself over the counter completely with a blue substance in a small vial.


    Femi shoved the blue substance down the woman's throat, burning the inner lining of her throat causing the woman to heave and cough but to no prevail. Falling to the floor, shaking and quivering as if she had been hit with seizure or was being electrocuted. Loathsome, sickening sounds of moaning and groaning joined the grim laughing that was mixed with a woman's and man's voice in the background. Only Femi knew of the creature. The creature from Femi's flashback....

    It had wings on it's back that were cut in half like a blade slashed them. Black feathers covered in blood and a strange fluid made a crown over its head. It's hair was golden but the cut was a disheveled mess. This creature's mouth was screwed shut but it wasn't what had frightened Femi. No. It was the thousands- no MILLIONS of screams and voices of women all saying the same thing...


...was Lilith.

"Haha ha ha.."Femi giggled, "My daughter you've come, my demon," she sang in her sing-song voice.

    Though she laughed Lilith's face showed no emotion, but a blank lifeless grin. Lilith's cold, lifeless eyes stared into the woman's eyes. The black orbs alterated from black, to white, then to red. The surrounding area around them became increasingly cold.

    The woman's eyes twitched and scattered around the room trying to make sense of what was happening but it was with no vail. It felt like she lost all touch with her body and mind and the only thing that was remaining was her soul but even that couldn't take control once she looked into the demon child's eyes. Taking a sharp inhale, everything surrounding her went black. No sounds. No movement. But she could see her breathe in the dark abyss. Teeth chattered away while goosebumps covered her skin.

"S-sh-sh-shit, it's c-old"

"Yes it is," said a little girl's voice.

She whipped her head around from where she heard the child's voice, over her left shoulder yet to her dismay she found no one there. Deciding what the better option was, she decided to walk away from the sound.

"F-freaking h-heck, I ain't g-gonna wh-white girl horror movie t-this," she said while hoping she was walking away.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you," the little girl said.

The black woman quickly turned over her left shoulder and let out a bloodcurdling scream...well at least tried to. A semi-naked woman stood right in front of her in all horrifying glory. Half her body was rotted away like a dead corpse with the other half in bruises, cuts and scars with blood dripping from them. From the front her face was beautiful but behind, a head grew from out of her skull with eyes missing from their sockets and a mouth sewn shut. Her breasts hung low and were deflated as well as her stomach which had bore holes in them. On her back were eight arms, one holding a broken pencil, a burnt ash covered book, a worn out spoon, an empty bottle, a broken hammer, a rusted screw driver, a frayed mop, and a worn out sign. She still had a pair of arms but they bore no skin. The thin white fractured bones are what was left of those arms that could've been a bit normal.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" In an attempt to run away, she turns away only for a force to whip her back around pulling her nose to nose with the nightmarish creature.Entity? Demon?

"Don't worry, like we said, we won't hurt you Amita "

Amita gasped with tears strucken in fear down her face.

"It knows my nam-"

"Of course a demon knows your name. But I know everything about you which is why you will SAVE US," the demon says, opening its mouth wider into a malefic grin.

"But I can't-"

"Oh but you will Amita. You know what they've done to your mother so you will SAVE US! Bye bye Amita,you know what to do," the demon cackles and titters away.

Suddenly Amita no longer can control anything. It's all Lilith now...

And may any god save her soul.

Click!- tack, tap, tap tap...

The strange glowing item rolled onto the floor. A round orb with an unknown language written around it, rolled at the guard's foot.

Normally such things never take the guard out of his alert state but he couldn't help it. Some say curiosity leads people to new things or curiosity can bring greatness...

Without thinking twice, the guard bends down to pick up the green fallen orb. He can't help it, it was whispering to someone, for unwillingly he listened..Only a soft hair  touch was all it took for the glowing green orb to explode, exploding through his body for the evil spirit to take place.

He he he hehehe...

"Ahhh good job Amita, I knew you would comply," Femi says with a growl.

"Of course, mistresses," Amita said, though it wasn't really her. Amita is alive and is aware of her surroundings but she now has Lilith a part of her soul.

Appearing up closer to the guard's ear, Lilith switched from her child form. Her neck cracked and jutted her head into a 90 degree angle smiling widely, baring her mouth wide. Her arms and legs broke in half with more popping and bones being filled and skin tearing to change the height of the once little girl, to a terrifying tall slender demon woman. That once pale healthy skin was no longer healthy. In fact all her beauty left as soon as she transformed into a frightful demonic being. Her voice wasn't mixed with the devil anymore but it was distorted, deep, and demonic.

The guard's body and mind couldn't move. The only conscious part of him was his soul that was watching everything and could only shiver in terror. A single tear slipped his eye.

"It's wrong to stare. Didn't you once know,

The devil was once an angel too?"

That eerie cackle sent bone shivering chills down the guards back.

"Amita...command him," Femi tells Amita with a wide smile.

The room was already cold, but as soon as Amita steps forward, the temperature drops to a low 10 degrees. A bright orange glow emits from her hands and eyes glowing a fiery red and orange, an airy lazy chuckle escapes her burned throat. The face of a respected black female office worker becomes replaced with a fiery outline of a skull... Lowering her hands by her sides, looking into the guards eyes, she whispers...

mee ihe m na-ekwu...mee ka m na-ekwu....

mee ihe m na-ekwu...mee ka m na-ekwu...

The guard's bones crack, bending to pick up his weapon..

mee ihe m na-ekwu...mee ka m na-ekwu...

CLACK! Dropping the old one to the side, he puts in new ammo and takes the safety lock off the gun...

mee ihe m na-ekwu...mee ka m na-ekwu....

His body moves slowly to the office door where he sits. Amita is now chanting aloud, shadowing her puppet making him do as she does.

mee ihe m na-ekwu...mee ka m na-ekwu....

mee ihe m na-ekwu...mee ka m na-ekwu....




The doors are shot open, allowing into the office room. The president, shocked by this intrusion, takes notice and tries to get help.

"The bloody hell? Guards get them!" the president orders yet none move. Not from fear though if they were able too then it would be possible but no. Lilith, using her shadowing skills, has all of them.... the neck.

"RELEASE THEM YOU WITCH!" the president screams.

"Ah ha ha ha heeeeee....," we chuckled.

"Ladies....," Femi giggling in her sing-song voice, "he thinks we are witches! Hahaaaaa," they all laugh and Femi gasps at the end.

The demonic voice appears again.

Sending a bone chilling voice " she blanks her face as the room gets darker and the energy shifts. A mysterious wind picks up knocking a flower pot down and breaking it.

CLASH! The windows shatter from the force of the demonic chilling winds!


Cold and thick air enters the dark room.

Dry heaving, the president try's to breath in air...

Yet the air was to thick for his lungs...


wHe     EE
      eEE.    eeZzz

Eyes are no bludging out of his sockets...

Tears collect in the corner of his eyes,

And stream down his face.

He falls out of his chair hitting the floor with a thud.

Rolling over from his side onto his back he looks up.....

Only for him to fall into a dark pit of blackness......

WOOOOOO! First short story done! I never written horror before nor dabbled in any horror genre but it's so fascinating and some can be so detailed with very little and it's amazing so I wanted to see what I could do😅 Please comment, tell me how I did. Also I need some good horror book recommendations so DROP THEM IN. This one was 2872 words.

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