My doomed hero

By kilo223

1.8K 34 6

What happens when izuku has a quirk but it requires him too kill to use it. What happens when inko hides this... More

The quirk
The bullies
The fallout
Demonic invasion
The Archvile

Stage two and three and a deal

243 5 0
By kilo223

Izuku just turned fourteen today and his uncle came over to celebrate only to realize there was no party again so he took him out to a restaurant to eat. Izuku is now is six foot four and has muscles that popped out he had a very stocky build that he hides with a hunched back and sweaters.

Izuku POV

"How's life." I get asked by my uncle I sigh sane one my dad and mom hasn't said a word to me in ten years I get bullied and used as a quirk test dummy because I can take more hits than a dude with a Harding quirk and I get suicide batted every day my grades are lower than what they are supposed to be I have to get my own job to pay for food and clothing and..."
"Ok I get it I'm sorry I haven't been their for you but you always can come home with me."
I smile at him "your here with me right now."

He smiled at me and I say "you know all might is getting old." He freezes and looks at me and says what do you mean "he's gone to three hours of hero work a day and he's avoiding the camera." He nods at me and looks relieved like I didn't find out something else hmm. He looks me in the eye and says yah I am curly designing a device that boosts a persons quirk and I will give it to all might." I shake my head at him and say that's not your choice to make you got to ask him first but still if they got or think of all the mayhem plus you need to trust the next generation." He looks at me and smiled and says yah you're right I guess I lose faith in this generation by looking people like your sister and her friends but look at you more and I realize their is still hope man goes I'm going to have to move Samuel to the energy department now."

" I guess I'll train the next all night then." I look at him and say what will you train them with and hope and what quirk will they have?" He smiles and said I don't know but I won't care if they have a villainous quirk or a weak quirk or no quirk just as long as they have potential."
"I.." start but stop as we get our food to us. As the weightier leaves I continue. " I have a secret that I need you to keep a secret." This could be my chance "do you mean anyone with any quirk can be a hero even with a quirk like muscular." He looks at me an frowns I felt my heart break that moment.

Then he tells me "muscular could have been a great hero but his heart wasn't were it was supposed to be and it wasn't his quirks fault he just got addicted to some thing he shouldn't have." I smile well I have a quirk like Muscular." He drops the food on his fork and laughs. "You a skinny small boy" when he's done laughing I take off my jacket and show my muscles which were popping out and I strained my back out to my full height and I towered over him. His smile drops "you weren't kidding how long have you know why didn't you tell me who else knows and how close is your quirk to muscular have you been treating." I smile at him and say "for about four years know everyone hates muscular for his quirk so they would hate me I know my mom knows I think dad my sister and her friends because they bully me extensively I call my quirk rip and tear mine makes whatever I kill make me stronger and the angrier I am the stronger I get I can go into a berserk mode and I have unlocked the second level of my quirk I call it haste it makes me run three times as fast but it cost double the stamina berserk makes everything three times as fast strong and tough but with three times the stamina cost I have been working at a butcher shop for the last four years to make me what I am."

"Ok izuku when you're out of middle school and in high school I will take you to I island and we will train your quirk and see the upper limits and make you a great hero. I leave at the end of the week but I can wait for you to finish school first it will make it alot easier to transition." "Will you give me time to think about it because that means I can't go to UA." He nods and we want lunch in peace.

Katsuki POV

Why are we celebrating stupid deku's birthday what a waste in think in my mind. Izumi looks at me "hey aren't we being to mean to izuku I know we are protecting him but this doesn't feel right anymore I mean suicide batting him isn't keeping him safe." I start to have worry internally "no we are doing this for his good so he doesn't die a hero because he's quirkless." Phew man they might be catching on with izuku out of my way once I'm in UA I can have Izumi all to my self and why does my sister and shoka like him so much it's like their in love with him. Let's "go guys no reason celebrating any longer he's not even hear." I say as I get up they all follow me to my house we go threw a short cut and a smile drops on my head wait what...

Izukus POV

As I'm walking home me and David see an explosion. We start to jog over I see katsuki firing off explosions at a slime and it's doing no damage. " shoot we need to wait for someone with the right quirk hope the kid hangs on long enough." At that statement I got mad "it all comes down to you with ha." I mutter David seems to hear me he's about to say something but I already took off I activate haste and run and jump over the crowd deactivate it so no one sees the yellow aura over me.

I grab both of the eyes of the slime in one hand and katsukis wrist in the other I tug both of them vary hard slime eye balls and katsuki separate all the heroes and civilians look shocked and I let go of his wrist and put pressure on his eyes and say get in your human form the slime complies as he forms to a human again I suddenly get very angry as memories and the rage of the people he killed and rapped are coming to me and I had a choice my quirk would get me to my next stage because this would be my first human kill and possibly look like a monster or don't and hold this rage towards him forever until it tears me down.

I chose the first I see him flash orange and that tells me where an opening is and how to get an instant kill ask the data flows to my brain I push and kick his legs out he falls and hits the wall I kick my leg out towards his head and watch it connect as a red mist covers my face and his scull cracks open and bits of brain matter hits the wall and falls off in a giant puddle I feel a wave of joy and energy hit me more than the pigs and chickens in the past. I feel all my cells activate and work over time only to realize this of their new working speed I can think faster and my body works better I feel my quirks core and feel it go deeper into my body and instead of it being there with of a hair now it's the size of a piece of rice. Then the hero are on me.

I am currently tired down and am being questioned "why did you jump in." "because you didn't." I see a news camera next to me so I smirk at him. He bites "what do you mean I was doing my job." I laugh at him and I hear it quiet down and continue "you stood their death arms and watched a poor weak kid die and I jumped in while you were talking about waiting for the right quirk while I jumped in without a quirk." I see him pale and then shake with anger I laugh some more and say "that's right I a quirkless child did your job for you hahahaha." I get punched in the face and death arms is on top of me beating me while the camera records. The child pull him off me and set me in an ambulance witch I walk out of and head towards David.

"Take me home tomorrow pick me up after school I'll take your deal." He smile and shakes my hand and we walk home he says "shoot I forgot my phone." "let's go back it's a five minute walk back." He nods and we turn back only to pick up his phone and we hear the worst news possible

Izumi POV

After I watched my brother kill a man I freak out internally and so does shoka and katsumi katsuki comforts me and after the police leave all might come up to us.

"Please don't cry because I am here." I smile and stop crying and he walks up to kat and smile and says can I talk to you young man he smile and says "sure you just have to say what your are about to say with them hear."

All might frowned but nods and we see smoke and my dad is standing their were all freak out while my dad calms us down and explains one for all which he offers kat. But I interrupt them and say what about Izuku he's quirkless?

He's sighs "your brother is not hero material he doesn't have a heart of a hero nor the drive I mean he killed that man and I could only watch from the crowd." I look down and sigh and let a tear escape my eyes as do the test except katsuki he smirks and it goes unnoticed.

"So young katsuki will you except my quirk."
Katsuki smile and thinks that I'd he accept then the deal will be sealed with him and Izumi "yes I accept he says."

Izuku POV

I hear all of that and feel myself enter berserk state and a red aura exists my body. I feel a hand on my shoulder and calm down and let it go back to my quirk witch grew a little thanks to my rage it's never that much.

I look at David "did you know?" He nods to my horror on the explain "I only need he was your dad and that green psychic is your mom that's it's." He  says while bowing I grab his shoulder with is level to my own now that I  am hunched over. "I accept your deal tomorrow we leave." He hands me a burner phone "use this in case something happens. I nod and head for the last time.

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