Dear diary. I mean journal! (...

By queen_pepe_bitch

15.1K 618 215

Draco felt embarrassed that he has to write in a stupid book about his emotions even more so that he was alwa... More

Here we go again
Its not a diary!
A smokers dream
Dont skip classes kids!
Harry is jelly
A nice night
Grass is green
Should we date?
I swear it doesn't hurt
Malfoys fiancΓ©
Blood is thicker than water
He is okay
Luna Love
Maybe break ups
Cigar burns
Not actually dating
Daddys home
Dear journal

A life to remember

456 14 4
By queen_pepe_bitch

Harry panted roughly his hands clinching the sheets below him as he laughed

"Draco!" He yelled and Draco huffed in return

"Just say no and move on potty!" Harry continued to laugh at his boyfriend antics

"I'm not saying no you just look so cute after you had said it" Harry giggled. Draco huffed his cheeks turned pink

Harry and Draco had graduated from hogwarts and Astoria had been banned from the grounds and was not allowed within 200 feet of Draco and Harry

After the two graduated as the most powerful couple only Pansy and Hermione being able to rival them they moved in together to Malfoy manner where they shared a room

"Come on dray ask again I won't laugh" Harry said sitting up straight and staring at Draco who sighed

"Fine. I wanted to ask if you still wanted to marry me" Draco blushed and looked away Harry held in a snort and stood holding Dracos hand in his and smiling

"Dray I said yes I signed the contract no way in hell am I going to back out. You're stuck with me for better or for worse" Harry smiled kissing Draco softly as the taller boy blushed and kissed back

"You could have just said yes you know" Draco said stuffing his face into Harry's neck

"I know" Harry smiled at the action and let Dracos hair softly

"I'm gonna go finish grading some assignments don't do anything stupid" Draco sighed leaving the room as Harry waved goodbye in a very childlike manner

Draco had become an assistant to professors at hogwarts in hopes of becoming a potions professor himself

And Harry well let's just say Harry didn't care for his child his dream of becoming an auror instead he was interning at saint mangos in an attempt to become a nurse

Harry lay in his bed staring at the ceiling and sighing getting up and making his way down halls and stairs in which from time to time he would get lost in he walked into a lounging area where Narcisa Malfoy sat reading an article from the daily profit in which the front page read in bold letters

Lucias Malfoy Released From Azkaban!

"Hey cissy" Harry smiled warmly at Narcisa who put the paper down

"Hello Harry we're you craving tea?" She asked standing and fixing her dress

"No thank you I thought we could take a stroll actually" Harry shuffled his feet nervously it felt like being a little kid again Narcisa smiled and nodded

"Sure think Harry dear I'll tell dragon we will be heading out he's to busy to come take a stroll with me now and days" she sighed Harry laughed and followed her up stairs and down hallways as they talked about some distasteful patients Harry had to deal with at saint mangos

"I'm telling you cissy her arm was bent backwards and she wouldn't let the doctor heal her because she was Asian can you believe that?" Harry yelled fuming Narcisa tsked at Harry's story and opened a large wooden door to reveal Draco sitting at a desk his hand woven through his hair glasses pushed up against his face an a quill in his mouth

"Dragon sweetie" Narcisa said Draco however did not move instead he took the quill from his mouth and checked the paper below him and put a new one in front of him

"Draco?" Narcisa tried again Harry stood there holding Im his laughter as Draco seemed visibly frustrated although he had to admit it was cute

"Go Im ahead cissy I'll tell him" Harry smiled she nodded and closed the door behind her rolling her eyes the second it shut

"Those two lovebirds" she mumbled walking towards her room

Meanwhile Harry sneaked across the room and snuck up behind Draco draping his arms over the bigger boy and snuggling his face in his neck

"Merlin Harry! What are you doing here?" Draco laughed snd leaned his head to the side  bonking it softly with Harry's

"I'm gonna go take a walk with your mom she tried calling your name but you wouldn't look up" Harry laughed kissing Dracos neck softly

"Ah sorry I mean look at this horrible hand writing and look at this how can a student misspell a word so bad?" Draco huffed and threw the quill to the table

"Hey relax" Harry cooed standing behind Draco again and messaging his shoulders softly

"Harry I appreciate the thought but I have passers to grade and mothers probably waiting for you" Draco sighed leaning back in his chair relaxing his shoulders  as Harry messaged him

"You're right stay here and wither away then" Harry smiled putting his hands up and walking towards the door

"Wait" Draco called Harry turned to him crossing his arms and staring at the blond who's face seemed to have invented a new shade of red

"Do you wanna- later when you come back so you wanna- yknow-" Draco looked away and Harry couldn't help but chuckle

"Merlin Draco you don't have to act all kiddy" Harry walked over to Draco and planted a kiss on his lips

"That's what you wanted right?" Harry smiled as he pulled away and Draco bit his lip and nodded

"Yeah but. I was thinking maybe we could try for the first time?" Dracos eyes darted everywhere in the room except to Harry's eyes. Harry blushed and took a step back looking away mimicking his boyfriend and nodding

"Y-Yeah." Harry sputtered Dracos head practiced swung to the side to stare at Harry whoes hands pulled at the end of his shirt as he stood nervously

"Alright then. See you later" Draco smiled awkwardly as he watched Harry shuffle out of the room

"Yeah see ya!" Harry said in response shutting the door softly

Draco smiled and and leaned back in his chair covering his face with his arm as his heart beat fast in his chest

"Merlin I'm in love" he thought

Harry told outside processing his interaction with Draco

"It's fine. it's fine. Merlin why did he have to make that face." Harry blushed and sank down to the floor face burning up before he knew it Narcisa stood before him extending a hand out to him

"Come on now Harry you've promised me a stroll" she smiled Harry nodded snd took her hand they walked around the entire manner talking about whatever came across their minds and for a few hours Harry forgot about his deal with Draco

But only for a few hours after that night Draco never asked Harry if he was sure he still wanted to marry him

And when they eventually did marry and Draco held into Harry's hands tightly as his father stood proudly next to Draco and Dracos mother stood next to Harry.

Draco smiled at Harry and spoke

"Dear diary- I saw Harry again today. Prat. I have a feeling he's trying to make it seem like I'm plotting something against him. I know I shouldn't but sometimes I pretend I am. It's funny to me. Sometimes I'll watch him for a little longer than usual and I'll watch him go crazy and whisper to his friends. It's hilarious." Draco aid and Harry smiled broadly as Draco took out his old diary and handed it to Harry

"Between these covers are the he thoughts and feelings I went through while I was falling in love with you and I want you to have it. So when you read it you know that even though sometimes I call you a prat I'm always going to be in love with you" Dracos cheeks were pink as he watched Harry take the book eyes tearing up and he opened his mouth to speak

"Wow" he said the crowd laughed softly at Harry's response and Harry laughed awkwardly

"How do I top that" he laughed quickly taking out a newspaper clipping snd handing it to Draco

"This is the newspaper that started it all the interview where I tried to confess my love for you and you thought it was a joke so I told you it was a way to help you" Harry let out a breathy laugh as Draco took the paper and held it in his hands carefully

"I don't hold record of what I went through to fall in love with you but I've never stopped loving you and I never will I think I survived this long just so I can stand right here with you holding my hands and smiling widely" Harry said and Draco scoffed and looked away with pink cheeks

"Always trying to one up me Potter" he said the crowd laughed as they watched the exchange before the wizard in between them smiled and spoke loudly

"I pronounce you husband and husband you may kiss the groom" he said as Draco pulled Harry it and dipped in the crowd cheered as Draco pulled away and he cleared his throat

"Let me say that again. Always trying to one up me aren't you Malfoy" Draco smiled and Harry laughed

"I always will Potter"

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