The un-loved daughter of kron...

By Zeus_lives

5.3K 110 17

Persia is the oldest child of Kronos. Though she is a peaceful goddess, her father was a tyrant. She could no... More

Let them go, let them go, they won't fight you anymore!

Die, Daddy, die!

2.1K 42 6
By Zeus_lives

 "Persia! It is time to battle the gods!" I nod to my Father. I walk out of my room in my 6 year-old form. I flew out the castle window and hid in a tree. I watched as everyone fought. This was breaking my heart. I sobbed as I saw Zeus send Leto, my best friend, to Tartarus.

I cried into my hands and didn't see an arrow coming at me. It hit my shoulder and threw me off the branch. I landed on my back, but got back up. I took the arrow out of my shoulder and touched the wound. It instantly disappeared. I took a deep breath and threw off my hood. I turned and looked at the man that shot me. He still had an arrow notched in a golden bow. I cried harder as I saw Atlas put a sword at Demeter's chest. I pushed a hand up and shot at him. Sending him to hold the sky instead of poor Hermes.

 I pointed a finger at them both and two ribbons came out of my hair. They were a gift from my mother, Eternity. They quickly raped around the two gods, and healed them. Giving them hope. I collapsed on my knees using too much of my energy. The ribbons came back and tied into my hair, holding it to a long braid that fell to my ankles. I turned to the two gods and said, "Go help your families, young gods. I am Persia, the oldest child of Kronos. Go help them." Demeter and Hermes nodded and left, but the last kept his arrow drawn at me.

 While he was distracted a monster came up from behind. I shot another destroying beam and he dodged easily, but I wasn't aiming at him. I was aiming at the monster. It fell to the ground slowly dissolving. I fell on one knee again. Then got right back up.

 I had enough of Father's ways. I did not wish to live a tyrant. And I will only die when all life is gone. I live for the order in the world. Father has no order. I closed my eyes and said, "Oh lives that have passed, lives that are here, lives that are to come. Help me restore order to the world. Help me restore the good ways. Oh lives that are wiser, guide me! Where is my place? Who do I help? Where do I belong?"

 I heard the wind whistling in my ears. It slowly picked me up. 'Child, follow your heart, loyalty to your father blinds you. Think of what your father has done in this world. Follow your heart, child, follow your heart.' It slowly let me down and I thought, father destroyed many lives, tortured children and adults alike. All thinking that I was not there. I chose my side.

 I walked to the man and said, "Do not worry, I fight against my father. I do not wish to fight family, but I will for the sake of others. Go now, I need to talk with my brothers." I walked over to Zeus and froze time. Not even father could break through my power. The only ones that could move were Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. I walked over to them. My bow on my back. I saw that Poseidon was on the floor with my father's scythe just above his heart. I watch as Hades kicks it away and helped his brother up. Zeus was just staring at me. He must've recognized me. He pointed his sword at me. "What do you want?" He sneered. I cry harder not even my own family trusts me. I walk up to him, but he still pointed his sword. I sigh and will my ribbons to fly to the three of them, healing their wounds, changing their poor armor to thick, yet light, diamond. Their sandals to future shoes. Their skirts to pants. Their uncomfortable bare chests under armor to shirts. Their hair cleaned and their weapons upgraded. Their bodies refreshed. Then the ribbons came back to my hair. Now all three of them had their weapons pointed at me. "What did you do to us?" Hades said glaring at me. "You were the only one who did not drink the wine. Why did you not stop my plan." Zeus said. "I do not wish to live in my father's stomach, I don't think anyone else would." They still did not trust me. "Who are you?" Poseidon whispers. "I am Persia, Goddess and titan of yada, yada, yada, and yada. Eldest child of Kronos. And I tried to save you, but father ate you as I was held by guards. He may have loved me, but he did many things behind my back. I know all, see all. Anything that includes life, I may love my father, but he has done terrible things. I didn't fight in the battles before, but I will now. Brace yourselves, time will come back." I let it go and father fell forward. "Persia?" I look at him with sad eyes. "How could you?" He saw the tears that came down my face. "You found out didn't you?" I nod. "My daughter, I am sorry, I wish this could have ended differently. I am sorry." Though he didn't sound sorry. I shook my head. "Sorry is not anything, but an empty word. You need to show through actions. You laughed as the children cried for their parents. You laugh at the people's pleas of mercy. You became a tyrant. Eating your own children out of sheer arrogance. I do not wish to live fighting family, but with you here, that will not be possible. I must end this battle." I shoot a beam at him and he was defeated. I felt woozy and fell into soft arms that smelled of the sea. Then it all went black.

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