
By SkyMalfoy80

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When life for the Parkinson twins, the Malfoy twins, and their friends seems to be amazing, a new student arr... More

1. Backstory
His Facade
Christmas Marks
New Character ✨
New Arrival
Intertwined Minds
Time Stands Still
Turning Tables
Best Friends
Act of Jealousy
Secrets (Part I)
Secrets (Part II)
The Truth
Yule Surprises
The Unseen
The Fault
Vacation Trip
Time Away
Abandoned Homes
Riddle Secrets
Heritage and Homes
Truth or Lie
Legilimency pt1
Legilimency pt2
Black Book
The Manor
The Journal

Change of Heart

284 6 0
By SkyMalfoy80

TW: Mention of rape and abuse

Three weeks prior

"Wake up you stupid bitch!"

The words she hears every day, like clockwork. The brisk and dingy room obtains no windows, just the little amount of light that creeps between the crack of the door and the floor.

Once again she had been moved to a different part of the second floor. Settling in one room was never an option because every time she thinks that they're going to keep her there, they move her.

The difference between this room and the others that they held her in is that this room was completely stone. There were no hideous wallpapers, no decor of any sort. Just a severely used mattress and a torn-up blanket. No pillows.

Comfortable- providing physical ease and relaxation.

Comfort, something that they make sure she doesn't have. Bruises are spread throughout her body, all in different stages. She has some that are months, weeks, and days old. The bruising is lasting longer than normal due to the insufficient amount of calcium and iron she has been given since her abduction.

Besides the bruises, she has an abundant amount of cuts, scars, and welts on her as well. She has been tortured multiple times. Between being stabbed, crucio'd, whipped, partially strangled, and worse.

So many nights she has dreamt of being back with her sister and her friends. She misses them, all the laughs, staying up all night gossiping about things, shopping, and more. She doesn't sleep often so when she could sleep, she tried to make the best of it and think positive regardless of the horror that surrounds her on a daily basis.

Every day that she wakes up, she hopes everything was just a terrible nightmare and that she will see her sister and friends. She misses everyone, especially her sister and mum.

"Mattheo go do a sneak check on that dead beat," Onyx says in a hasty tone.

He apparates to the manor's dark, musty cellars. No guards or dementors seemed to be present. Mattheo knew he had to make it quick

Cassius jolted up when he saw Mattheo standing there outside the cellar bars, "What're you doing here? You're going to get caught by your father."

"I was sent by Onyx to do a 'wellness' check on you."

"How poorly are they treating her?"

"They still believe it's Skyra, so we are in the clear. Why didn't you just agree to tell everyone you fathered another child, Cassius?"

Cassius' face dropped, he knew that what he was going to say would make him look more like a coward. "When I heard they thought Pansy was my favorite and they began describing how Skyra looked I knew that if they believed that it was actually Pansy I had to do it."

"I knew if they thought the girls were the other and if they wanted to hurt Pansy the most, they would take Skyra. Instead, they are hurting Skyra by taking Pansy, but I'd rather Pansy be gone than Skyra. The question is, you knew which one was which, so why did you take the real Pansy?"

"Cassius," Mattheo paused, running his tongue on the inside of his mouth, "As much as I despise Sky, she has something about her that makes her amazing, unlike Pansy. I'm sorry to tell you, but Pansy is well known for sleeping around, and when she found out Sky and Malfoy were dating I heard that they stopped talking because Pansy wanted him and I had to give credit to Sky when she turned me down for Malfoy."

Cassius locks eyes with Mattheo. Hearing the words that came out of his mouth, Cassius was so proud of Skyra. She and Draco were always a match and when they turned sixteen the betrothal would be signed and the two would be bound to be married. He knew that they were truly in love and they wouldn't disagree with it.

"How is Skyra?"

"I've snuck into the castle and she seems to be okay, but overly stressed. Considering she is probably trying to find Pansy, I expect nothing less from her."

"How are her and Draco?"

Mattheo laughs, "As far as I know, they are still good. When I used polyjuice potion as that short, fat boy that follows them around, Malfoy had said he asked Sky to the Yule Ball. She didn't want to go because she felt bad Pansy wouldn't be there, but he told her she deserved a night to relax and have fun and that after he wouldn't stop looking for Pansy."

"My little girl will be sixteen soon."

A look of confusion strikes Mattheo's face for a moment, but then realizes what he means by that statement. "So, is she already promised to a family?"

"She's promised to Draco. It had been a deal between Lucius and I since we found out that they were having a boy and us a girl. And when the girls were a little older, we paid attention to who Draco seemed to fancy a little more and that would be who he would be promised to."

"So he fancied Sky more?"

Cassius laughed, "Honestly, he didn't truly fancy either of them, but he and Skyra had a closer bond. When they had started dating and finally told Lucius and me, we told them about the promise to each other, neither was angry. Quite excited actually. Have you done what I told you to do to Pansy?"

"I have. I felt quite disgusting afterward. I made sure to wash myself afterward. I need to go before they begin thinking something is going on."

"Okay, just make sure that they don't find out that they have Pansy."

"Don't worry, I have that under control." He apparates out of the cellar and back to the house they are keeping Pansy.

The door to her cell slammed open, her body remained still just like if she were a statue. Usually, Mattheo is the one who comes into the room, but this time the figure appeared to be female. She's only seen two females in her time being here. One was fairly young, a few years older than Pansy, then the other looked to be around the same age or a year or so older than her mother.

The figured woman comes through the door, it was the older one. The look in her eyes was diabolic, frightening Pansy, but she stayed strong and was ready for anything that was about to happen to her.

"You're a perfect combination of your mum and father. It's a shame. You could've been beautiful."

No sound left her mouth causing the woman to be angry.

She walks towards Pansy, but Mattheo entered the room, "Onyx, I need to get off some stress. Go downstairs and I'll let you talk to her when I'm done."

"Fine," She says with an annoyed tone. She shuts the door, leaving Mattheo and Pansy alone.



The room is locked and silenced and he walked to Pansy and sat next to her on the mattress.

"Get away from me, please."

He hushes her, "Listen to me, Parkinson. Onyx and Elaine think you're Sky. They don't know you're actually Pansy."

"What? Why do they think I'm Sky?"

"They think that you're actually your father's favorite. Thinking that Sky is you and vice versa. They believe that if they took you, who they believed to be Sky, it would destroy you, but instead it's destroying her."

"I have never been the favorite. I'm a disgrace to—" she quickly paused and glared at him, "wait. You knew I wasn't Sky, why did you take me?"

"Your father told me to make sure Sky and your mum were safe. Especially Sky. But when Onyx or Elaine comes in, you have to make sure that you pretend to be Sky. I've snuck into Hogwarts and spied on your sister. She's getting closer to finding you."

"Why are you helping me? Mainly after you raped me!"

"I never wanted to. Your father made me and I had to take liquid luck before doing it. I'm not that terrible of a person. I'm sorry I did that, but I have to keep up the act to make sure you're okay and your sister. Your father doesn't care what happens to you, but I'm trying to protect you."

She froze, trying to find the words to say to him. Nothing added up to her. All she thought about is why her father could never love her like he does Sky, why was Sky promised to Draco and Pansy to no one.

She just wanted to be loved, knowing that she will probably never see Tom again and that he will live happily with Samantha tore her to shreds. Seeing Mattheo, who looked similar to Tom, just with curly brown hair, his smile was sinister compared to his brother's but she couldn't deny he was handsome.

He was protecting her, and he never wanted to harm her but had to ensure that everything went accordingly to plan. Did he care for the short-haired brunette witch who he had to kidnap, consistently torture, and even had to rape her. He hated himself for doing it, but it was the best, but he knew when to stop.


"Yes, Pansy?" The look that captured both of them was something neither of them should have.

The pit of her stomach grew emptier each second she looked at him, but she couldn't help herself. She hated feeling and thinking like this, but the more she's around him, she can't help it. Hearing that he never wanted to do it, made her feel more real and needed answers.

Without answering him, she leans forward, her lips, gliding against his. She slid on his lap, not removing her lips from his. Pressing her tongue into his mouth.

He quickly pulls away, "What're you doing?"


"Pansy no, I refuse to do that to you again. I can't." He felt guilty enough about doing it the first time, he couldn't bear to do it again.

She looked deep into his eyes, "Mattheo, it's not r—"

"Don't finish that word, please. I hate it and I hate I did that to you."

"Do you care about me?"

"I'm not sure how I feel about you. I care but then again I don't."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Then please, do this for me. Can I be honest with you?"

He nods his head yes.

"When you did that, it felt good. The way you talked to me, aroused me... I know I have a reputation but none of the others, except one, made me feel that way before."

"Pansy, I can't. You want the truth? I do care and I have, but my brother loves you. Yes, he is with my ex, but I can't put you through it again."

She looks at him, "Mattheo, we both know that they won't let me live long enough to tell Tom how I truly feel about him. So please, do this for me and for you. I give you all my consent, just please."

Not allowing him any time to say a word, her lips crash into his, running her hands down his chest, feeling every muscle in his core.

Mattheo snatched her undergarments off while she unbuckled and slid his pants down. She slid herself down on him, watching his facial expressions. He face showed relief and enjoyment.

She rolled her hips on him. His mouth went straight for her neck, leaving dark purple marks from sucking and biting her neck. Her nails dug deep into his back, leaving nail marks and blood slowly coming out.

"Fuck, Pans, just... like... that."

The words that escaped his lips sent her into overdrive. It reminded her of months ago. Those are the words that always drove her crazy and she knew it wouldn't be long before she hit her climax.

She continued to roll her hips, the tip of his dick hitting her g-spot. She felt the euphoria overtake her body as she hits her climax. Her moans grow louder.

"Keep doing that and you're going to make me cum Pans," He bucked his hips up hard, making her scream

She throws her head back, "Oh fuck. I'm going to cum again. Cum with me. I want to feel you, Tom, please."

Mattheo notices she said his brother's name, but he didn't think much of it, thinking she didn't realize what she said. He bucks up one more time, releasing his load inside of her. He could feel her again, "Oh Tom, yes. I love you, Tom Gaunt."

He eyes snap open, realizing what she said, their eyes met. No emotion was on his face. He didn't scream, he just sat there.

"I'm sorry—"

"Don't Pansy. I know you love him. I wish I could take you back to school but it wouldn't be safe for you right now."

"Mattheo, I miss him. Yes, I miss my sister and friends, but I miss Tom more than anything."

"I know. I'm trying to work something out."


A week later, it was late in the evening, everyone had already gone to bed. The door to Pansy's cell opened up, quietly. Two figures came in, both male. She expected Mattheo, but she didn't know there was another male there.

"Lumos," Mattheo said as he and the mystery man came into the room. He shut the door and silenced the room. Pansy didn't look up from the floor.

"Angel," the mystery voice said.

The voice sounded familiar like a sweet serenity to her. She felt that she was dreaming, but she knew there hasn't been a pleasant dream since being away.

"Pans, baby"

The voice. She knew it and thought she was dreaming until she looked up.


There he was standing next to his brother. As handsome as he was since the last time she had seen him.. Memories of them flooded her memory. There was never a bad one between them; even their petty arguments. They always led to amazing makeup shagging. Life with Tom was perfect in her eyes.

Seeing him standing there felt unreal until she sat up and they were the same height as he bent down in front of her.


"Hi my beautiful princess"

Her arms slung around him and didn't hold her tears back. He held on to her like it was the first time. Mattheo stood in the corner of the room, watching his brother and Pansy embrace each other.

"How did you get here?"

"Mattheo kidnapped me from my dorm and brought me here."

She stood up and went over to him and hugged him, whispering in his ear, "Thank you."

Nodding his head, "You two have a little under two hours. I'm going to lock the door, silence it, and hide the room. You can't use magic in here so don't try."

She fell back into Tom's arms as he held her in his arms. She felt safe again. All it took to feel safe was him. And all he needed was her.

"How are you my angel?"

"I want to go back to school. I want to be back with you."

"Trust me, I would love that, but Mattheo told me why you can't. Baby, it's not safe. You're safer here, even under these conditions."

Her tears hit his arm, "Tom, I need to tell you something..."

He looks down at her and sits her in his lap, holding her, "I already know. He told me. I'm sorry he did that to you. He told me how much he regrets it and didn't want to do it. And I know about last week; I'm not mad at you. With all you're going through, it's okay babe."

"I said your name. I called him Tom twice—" her voice cracked, "And I said 'I love you' not meaning it towards him."

"I love you, Tom, more than anything. If this is the last time I see you, I want you to know that I love you more than anything and I want you to be happy..."

"Even if that means, with Sam. I just want you happy."

He stopped her from saying anything else by smashing his lips on hers. Their tongues fought for a few minutes until she pulled back and admired him in all ways. She loved him more than she loved anything.

He was her saving grace and getting to spend what could be their last hours together meant more to her than anything she could imagine.

Rubbing his thumb across her cheek, smiling like a schoolboy, "I love you, Pansy Parkinson. I don't want Sam, a lot has happened between her and I, but I can't be without you. If I'm going to be happy, it's going to be with you. And don't say if this is our last time together, because you and I both know, this won't be. We are going to grow old together, have a few kids, and constantly annoy Malfoy and your sister."

"How is she doing?"

"She misses you like crazy. She's so focused on finding clues to you and trying to stay ahead in school and find your mum, and making sure to give Draco enough time so he knows she loves him."

"How is he? And find my mum?"

"He loves your sister that's for sure. He gives her sleeping draught to make her sleep and he continues to research where you could be. And your mum went into hiding after you went missing because they are positive your father has something to do with all this."

She smiles, "He does love her. I can't believe I got so mad over her being with him because they were happy. Who knew Draco Malfoy could love one person so much, other than himself."

"Still shocking, but let's just lay here and be thankful for the time we have right now."

She lays her head on his chest, feeling the rhythm of his heartbeat. His arms wrapped around her, loving every second he gets to be with her. She quickly fell asleep on him and all that mattered to him is that she was finally sleeping after all his brother had said.

What felt like a few short minutes was actually two hours when Mattheo had opened the door, seeing Pansy snuggled upon his brother who was playing with her hair and watching her body rise and lower from her steady breathing. He loved her so much that he would give everything for her.

Mattheo entered the room and quietly shut the door, "Tom it's time you go back."

"I know, it's hard leaving her especially like this."

"I know but you must. I have to obliviate you of seeing her, but I won't obliviate you two confessing your love. I'm just going to alter it."

He looks at Mattheo with a few tears in his eyes, "Why did you let me see her?"

"I had to give her a glimmer of hope that she would make it out of here and that you did love her. That night last week after she thought I left the room, I stood outside her door and heard her cry for hours, thinking she would never get to tell you she loved you. I never wanted part of this, but I'm glad it was me than one of the death eaters."

"I love her Theo. I've never loved anyone like I do her. I need her back with me. Forever."

"Soon brother. But for now, go back to Hogwarts. I will send you minor details on the location of this house so you can suggest them to Malfoy."

"Theo, Sky is going to fail this mission for father being worried."

"No, she won't because I have a plan for that to give her some hope, just like this gave Pansy hope. Now go back and act as if nothing happened."

"Protect her for me. As much as you can."

"I will. Now say your goodbyes to her and meet me in the hall." He steps outside leaving Tom there with a sleeping Pansy.

He holds her hand tightly, not wanting to let her go, but he had to. He refused to wake her up, knowing she wouldn't go back to sleep. His eyes admired her and her body, regardless of how hard it was to see her like this. Treated like a prisoner a ragdoll, covered in bruises, scars, and fresh cuts.

"I love you more than life itself Pansy Parkinson. One day I'm going to make you Mrs. Pansy Gaunt. No one will ever hurt you again. I'll never leave your side, but for now my princess, I have to go."

The tears fell harder than they ever have before, "Please stay strong and know that your sister will find you and everything will be back to normal again. I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll never stop saying it or showing you how much I do." He slips her favorite ring of his off his finger and puts it on a chain, placing it in her hand so when she wakes she will know it was real.

"Goodbye for now my love. I will be back, but for now, rest and dream the happiest of dreams."

Just like that, he was gone. His memories altered to just remember them confessing their love for one other, but the memory of him being with her for those two hours was gone.

When she would wake up in the morning, she would have her memories, but he would be gone and she was still stuck in hell, but thankful Mattheo allowed her to see Tom.

Her hope had lifted and believed her sister would find her.

Maybe Mattheo Gaunt Riddle wasn't as evil as he seems


Hi loves, thoughts?

Just a filler chapter. New chapter should be up in a few days!

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