Love And Other Problems

Da WriterChicks4

323 64 18

(NOT CONTINUED because apparently, it is very lovey-dovey for a few people!) **** Amelia, Olivia, Sasha, and... Altro

| Author's Note
| Cast
CH-02| The After-Party
CH-03| Silence is Gold, Duct Tape is Silver
CH-04| The Accidental Dinner Embarrassment
CH-05| That's Not How You Do it
CH-06| Avengers Assemble
CH-07| I Am Not Pregnant
| Interview #1
CH-08| Married Life Sucks!

CH-01| Wedding Bells

37 6 5
Da WriterChicks4



Amelia looked at herself in the mirror dressed up as a fragile beautiful doll. 

She was having second thoughts about agreeing to this marriage but she couldn't run away now. 

She had promised her parents she would do this wedding, even if it meant not having her happy ending...

She heard a knock on the door and turned her head to find her father standing with his eyes reflecting love, happiness, and guilt?

"You look like a princess," He said with a tight smile.

"You've become such a big girl, but for me, you will always remain my little angel," James, her father completed pressing a kiss on her forehead with tears in his eyes.

"I will miss you," Amelia said in a low voice and he smiled.

"Let's go, it's time," James said offering her his arm.

They both walked down the aisle with 'A thousand years' playing in the background. Mia always wanted it for her wedding, but even though the wedding wasn't real and wasn't with the person she loved, at least she could have her favourite wedding song played. 

Mia was indeed very nervous, she didn't dare to look in front at her future husband, all this while her head was hanging low. 

She was so nervous that she kept playing with her finger and digging her hands with her nails.

She could feel all three of her best friends, Olivia, Jessica and Sasha, standing on the left of the alter with bouquets in their hands, drilling holes into her skull through their eyes, making her realize how huge of a mistake she was going to make. They had told her not to agree to something that stupid, but she did, for her parents happiness. They were friends since high school.

Jessica had blonde hair with bangs and crystal blue eyes, she was wearing a dark blue gown, her favourite colour, with matching heels.

Olivia was an introvert with chocolate brown, wavy long hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a cold shoulder dark blue long gown, the same shade as Jessica's, that matched her personality. 

Sasha had dark brown, long hair and cocoa brown eyes. She was wearing a dark blue V-neck gown with white bellies. She was the girl who would be late for her own wedding.

Amelia's father stopped, bringing Amelia back to her senses. She looked up to meet with a pair of  chocolate brown eyes.

Her future husband was standing at the altar in front of her, in a black tuxedo with his hair combed back.

He was indeed intimidating and very charming! Mia didn't know how to feel about this. 

"Take care of her," Her dad spoke as he gave his daughter's hand in Shawn's.

"I will," Shawn gave a curt nod to her father with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Shawn was having mixed emotions, he was angry, confused, and what not. 

He was not really happy with the wedding, he did not want to marry anyone.

 He was really annoyed by the idea that his dad forced him into it.

 But after all he was the one who agreed, it was his mother's last wish that he got married and settled down. 

But when he saw Amelia walking down the aisle with her father, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was looking like a beautiful angel in a white wedding gown. Shawn couldn't help but agree that she was pretty, not the usual kind pretty, the pretty which has innocence in it.

And as much as Shawn wanted to deny it, he was indeed attracted to her.

He hated how his thoughts were leading him to become weak and vulnerable.

He shoved all those feelings from his heart as he knew that looks could deceive him into believing she was a real angel.

The priest soon started with the vows.

"I promise to love you without condition, to honour you every day, to laugh with you when you are happy, to support you when you are sad, to guide you when you ask for direction, to challenge you to be a better person, and allow you to do the same for me. To be your biggest fan and your ever-present listening audience."

That was the moment when she became Mrs. Parker from Ms. Clark. She was sweating. Even thinking about the idea of marrying a Greek god gave her goose-bumps. She knew very well about how rude and cold he was but she could not deny the fact that he looked devilishly handsome.

"Do you Shawn Parker take Amelia Clark to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked him as all the eyes in the room turned towards the groom.

"I do,"

"Do you Amelia Clark take Shawn Parker to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked her and again all the eyes turned towards the bride.

"I do,"

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." They both exchanged rings.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said and Amelia's eyes widened.

This was going to be Amelia's first kiss and she was going to give it to the person who is a stranger to her? The thought gave her an uneasy feeling, she had waited her whole life to give her first kiss to the person she loved unconditionally, but unfortunately, she had no choice.

Shawn noticed her uneasiness and therefore pecked her forehead. The action made tingles in Shawn's heart and butterflies in Amelia's stomach.

For the past hour, both the bride and groom were busy attending to relatives, friends, business partners, and all the important people from Shawn's life. Plastering fake smiles and getting blessed by every single person was quite boring.

"Oh Shawn, It has been years since I last saw you," A lady said while coming towards them.

"You have got a really pretty wife," She said and Amelia blushed.

"My name is Catherine. I am his Aunt, most favourite aunt, he must have told you about me." She said while adjusting her hair.

Mia looked at Shawn who was least interested in this conversation with his favourite aunt, he looked like he had seen her for the first time

"I am so happy he finally found someone like you. So, where did you two meet?" She asked.



They both said simultaneously.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Uh-uh, it means we met at the library on the plane?" Amelia said and chuckled at the end. Shawn gave her a look that said I-knew-I-made-a-mistake-marrying-you.

After listening to the excuse his 'favourite aunt' gave them a weird expression and went away.

"You know, you are smarter than you look," Shawn spoke with an annoyed look.

"Really?" Amelia asked with a wide grin.

Shawn just gave her an annoyed look.

"At least I said something, unlike you." Amelia snapped back and started walking ahead.

"Who meets in an airplane?" Shawn asked as soon as he caught up with her.

"We do, any problem? Even if you have any, I don't care. You know what? I am super tired, hungry and my feet hurt in these fucking heels. I'd always dreamed my future with my prince charming who would love me, cherish me, with whom I would have my children with, but my damned luck! Who did I get, a person whom I don't even know, who is a total fucking stranger to me, a person who probably hates me now? What had I ever done to deserve this? God! I am speaking too much I need to stop." Amelia was bombarded and finished panting as if she had run a 1000-mile marathon.

This was Amelia... with her dream of having her prince charming, true love, and of course... her drama can never be excluded. She was totally melodramatic, even as a child and teenager and adult and now a married women. 

Amelia finally decided to turn to look at Shawn only to find him talking to someone else.

"Oh, and by the way guys, this is Amelia," Shawn said to the men he was talking to.

Mia looked at them and realized they were the groomsmen. "Yeah, we figured," The one with black hair and almond brown eyes spoke.

"It wasn't like figuring out the value of pie," The one with green eyes commented with an accent familiar to British.

"Never mind, Amelia, this is Zachary and this is Aaron," Shawn said gesturing towards the both of them.

Is it true hot boys have hot friends? She thought.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Amelia," Aaron said and kissed her knuckles for formality purposes.

"It is indeed," Zachary added.

"Well, It was nice to meet you. I will see you around."


Sasha was never a grand gathering kind of girl, this all was too much for her, she looks around, the expensive, but the aesthetic décor, waiters serving champagne, an open bar, and food.

The room was filled with high profile people, all smiling, Sasha sucked in a breath and put on a smile, that's the least she could do at her friend's wedding, even though she is not doing it willingly. Her friend Olivia had gone somewhere and Jessica was busy talking to people.

Sasha walked to the tables, her heels clicking against the marble floor, she took a seat and sighed, she had nothing to do, might as well listen to peoples conversation, behind her she could sense a few men sitting, by their cologne scent and talking style, she could sense they were young, maybe 27, 28?

"Ahh, work is exhausting as always, but London was good." She heard a guy say.

"Well, try being a detective, work is always exhausting then," A smile makes its way on Sasha's face as she recognized the voice.

"Evan?" She asks as she twists her chair, and she was right, it was her dear old friend Evan.

He had worn a black tux with a black tie and black shoes. He and Sasha had worked many cases together before.

"Sasha, what are you doing here?" Evan asks as he hugs her in greeting.

"Shouldn't I ask you the same? Well, I am here for Mia's wedding, duh!" Sasha said.

"Ahh, of course, Shawn is my best frie-" Evan is cut off by another familiar voice that Sasha loathes a lot.

"Evan you won't believe this," Zachery says as he looks at something on his phone, Sasha's eyes widen, and her face immediately morphs into a scowl.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Both of them exclaim at the same time.

"Well, I should ask first, this is my friend's wedding," Zach argues.

"it's my best friend's wedding, beat that!" Sasha snaps back.

Zach scoffs. "Amelia, and your best friend, does she even know that?"

Sasha's urge to shout in frustration increased, Zachery Knight, the hotshot prosecutor, a quick-witted asshole, and also her arch-nemesis, Sasha never liked him and he didn't return the favour according to her.

Zach had dark brown hair, which was shaggy but messily shoved up, he was about 6ft tall, or an inch shorter than that, he had almond brown eyes and would easily be passed as a guy of dreams.

Zach smirks at the lack of Sasha's response and twists to look ahead, he walks and stands beside Sasha.

A beautiful lady smiles at Zach while eyeing him, Zach smirks back, he was used to these.

"Dude you are getting laid tonight," Evan, his childhood best friend says while patting his back.

"Pervert," Sasha says.

"Prude," Zach replies back.

"Oh god, not again!" Evan whines as he chugs his drink.


Olivia's peers thought she'd went missing. But she was sitting with her nephew keeping him somewhat occupied.

"Oil, why do people get married," Zeke, her 6 years old nephew asked her.

"I don't know Zekey, maybe they are fed up with their lives and have nothing else to do so, they just find another person who is fed up with their life too and marry them," She replied.

"Oh, so when you are fed up with your life, you will get married too?"

"No, Zekey, I won't," She answered smiling at her nephew's question.

"Oh hey Zekey freaky," Came the voice of Olivia's best friend, Jessica.

"How many times should I tell you that Freaky goes with Friday, not with little Zekey," Sasha commented as she kissed Zeke's cheek.

"Hello Sasha and Jessie," Zeke greeted them with a cheeky smile.

"Hey kid," Sash greeted him back.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica asked Olivia.

"Taking care of my nephew," Olivia said as she dragged Zeke closer to her by his shoulders.

It was just a second later that Olivia saw Shawn and Amelia coming towards them. "Oh, see the newlyweds are finally coming to meet us," Olivia exclaimed.

"Shawn," Amelia started "These are my friends, Sasha, Olivia and Jessica,"

Shawn's face instantly displayed a smile, he nodded at her friends but as soon as his eyes landed on Zeke, his eyebrows furrowed and he bent down to reach Zeke's level.

"And who must this gentleman be?" Shawn asked as he straightened Zeke's tie.

"My name is Zeke," Zeke replied and did something totally unexpected, he smacked Shawn's hand away from his tie. "And Zeke doesn't like strangers touching him,"

"Oh, Zekey, that's not how you talk to people. He's Shawn, Amelia's husband," Jessica explained.

"But Mia is not married," Zeke stated and pouted at Amelia.

"But she is," Shawn stated back. "Nooo!" Zeke cried. "She's supposed to marry me, aren't you Mia?"

"Oh, yes Zeke," Amelia bent down too and wiped away his tears. "I'll marry you when you're old enough." She said.

"No! You won't," Shawn interrupted as he looked at Amelia, wide-eyed. Oh, what a tease... I thought.

"For god's sake Shawn, he's a kid," Amelia whispered to him.

"Aunt Olive!" Zeke cried and ran to Olivia.

"Good job newlyweds, you made a kid cry," Sasha said before taking a sip from her champagne

"It's all your fault!" Amelia shouted and followed Zeke. "My fault?" Shawn scowled and followed behind her.

"If he was a true man, he wouldn't cry,"

"Oh, so you are a sexist too? No wonder why women have to face so many problems," Jessica spoke while she passed on a glass full of water to Olivia for Zeke.

"I really don't like you, people," Shawn muttered and exited the scene.

"Zekey, here, drink some water, you'll feel better," Olivia suggested and made Zeke drink the water.

"Are you feeling better?" Olivia asked and he nodded. "Okay then, let me find your grandparents now,"


After his, Jessica was just busy eating food, well that's what you do when your best friend is getting married and the other people you call friends aka Sasha and Olivia are nowhere to be seen.

Jessica looked around the fully decorated wedding hall while eating her vanilla ice cream.

She likes it better than chocolate, surprising, yay. 

'Mia looks so pretty in that wedding gown' Jessica thought and turned around and her eyes locked with a familiar pair of sea-green eyes.

Evan Carter!

Jessica knew Evan since they went to the same college and also because Sasha and Evan were colleagues/ friends. Jessica and Evan didn't really talk much in college, Evan was the nerd whereas Jessica was popular, not the queen bee kind of, but she was. They were also together during graduation. At that time also Evan remained a nerd whereas Jessica was still popular. Evan had started looking hotter and more mature. Jessica was studying fashion whereas Evan was studying criminology. Jessica started disliking Evan because he started pulling pranks. Once he pulled a prank on Jessica and since that time they have been pulling pranks on each other.

Jessica threw her empty ice cream cup in the bin and walked towards Evan. She hadn't forgotten how Evan had humiliated her last year on her birthday.


"Okay, time for the birthday cake!" Mia yelled and blew the party horn and started jumping.

It was Jessica's birthday and there were 15 people in her house including her best friends, family, relatives, mutual friends.

Sasha told Evan to bring the cake which was kept inside the refrigerator. Evan bought the cake a few minutes later and kept it on the coffee table in front of Jessica.

"Cake! Finally," Sasha shouted happily and was about to burst the confetti canons but Jess cut her off saying that they will click pictures first and Sasha's smile faded and she threw the canon away which landed and hit on Oli's head who turned around confused and lost as always.

After the photo session, which was mostly Jess, Mia, and sometimes Oli since they were the only ones interested, they finally agreed to cut the cake. Plus a few photos where they dragged Sasha in.

Jess grabbed the butter knife kept beside the cake as everyone started singing 'happy birthday. She tried to cut the cake as normal people would, but it was so hard that it was impossible to cut it. Everyone stopped singing happy birthday as they saw Jess struggling to cut a cake.

"Are you not cutting the cake so that I don't get to eat it?" Sasha asks and all the faces turn to her with an 'are-you-serious' look on their faces.

Jess took a sharper knife and tried to cut the cake. As soon as the cake was cut open Jess smiled but then it faded as she saw a small tube in it but before she could process anything the water blasts off from the tube right on Jessica's face. Everyone in the whole room was confused, looking at Jess drenched in water.

Suddenly Evan burst out into laughter and Jess stared at him and anger and embarrassment raised inside her as she realized it was Evan who planned to replace her cake with a cardboard box covered in frosting with a water tube inside it. She ran around the room behind Evan yelling his name are cursing.


An evil idea suddenly popped in Jess's head and an evil smirk made its way to her face as it happens in movies.

She walked towards Evan and patted his shoulder which made Evan look at her.

"Long since we met, right?" Jess looked at Evan who stood there still trying to process everything happening. He turned around and looked at his left and right confirming if Jessica was talking to him only. Then he pointed to himself and Jess nodded.

"Never thought you would talk to me again," Evan said in his British accent and Jess chuckled trying to act mature.

"Wha-...Ooh, that prank? We're grown-up adults now, it's okay," Jess patted his back and Evan still looked at her wondering what had gotten into her. The Jessica he remembered defiantly wasn't this one.

"Let me get you a drink," She told Evan who was still wondering whether to trust her or not.

Its just one drink anyways. Evan thought and nodded at Jess who smiled and went to get Evan a glass of Champagne

Jess walked away from Evan and told a waiter to get her a drink. The waiter rerated with 2 champagne glasses in his hand. Jessica took the two glasses and thanked him. She kept the glasses on the nearby table and kept sprinkling salt into Evan's glass but it was taking a lot of time so she just opened the lid and poured half of the container in the glass.

She walked back to Evan and handed him his glass.

"Cheers," they said and drank the champagne.

As soon as the champagne entered Evan's mouth his expressions slowly changed and his smile faded and he instantly spits out the liquid that entered his mouth.

"What the hell is this?" Evan yelled at her face with an infuriated expression.

She burst out in laughter and kept laughing and laughing and laughing like a hooligan with Evan just starting at her deadpan.

She was always kind of weird that way.

"Payback darling!" She winked at Evan and walked away dramatically leaving him bewildered and angry at the same time.


Shawn had excused himself from the crowd which was actually getting onto his nerves, though they were invited to his own wedding.

He was busy thinking about his married life when suddenly his phone started ringing... the caller id reflected his P.A'S name.

He was about to pick up the call when three goons attacked him. The first one snatched his phone from his hand, the second one gripped his arm tightly and pulled it towards his back, and finally, the third one came with a weapon which was a damn.....heel?

Any guesses who those goons were?

They were none other than Mia's 'childhood friends' - Sasha, Jessica and Olivia.

"What the f-" Shawn started but was interrupted.

"Shut the fuck up and speak when asked to." The footwear girl, whose name he didn't seem to remember, threatened while the girl who had his phone, Olivia, crushed his toes beneath her heels and the girl behind him, Jessica, pulled his arm harder.

"Do you understand?" The footwear girl asked.

"N-" he was again interrupted.

"Were you asked to speak?" Olivia asked.

Shawn shook his head.

Shawn was spitting on his luck right now, he was frustrated and sick of always being caught up in weird situations.

"Good!" Jessica said, her voice dangerously calm making him gulp the saliva that formed in his mouth because of fear.

As much as Shawn would like to deny it, a shiver went through his backbone once hearing the threatening voice.

"Now use your damn ears and listen to us very fucking carefully," The footwear girl commanded sternly, she had that in her, a natural sense of command you can say, but she only used it when it was necessary.


"I see, you already are under the influence of our dear Mia," Jessica said while letting out a chuckle and shaking her head, her dear old friend managed to influence him.

"I know right, he's also started with those diplomatic Mm-hmm's," Olivia said, agreeing with Jessica.

"Not now you, You dare hurt her in any way, dare to break her trust... you have no idea what I am capable of, I am a prosecutor, so you know, I have my connections," Sasha said, her tone cold, fierce, and threatening, just like how she uses with criminals she is about to put in jail.

"You mister hurt her in any way or cheat on her or- " Olivia continued.

He did not let her complete and freed himself from them.

"Do you really think I will do any such thing to her?" Shawn looked at them in disbelief. He could not believe they thought of him that way, he had always respected women.

"Listen, we don't know, we just want you to know that we would do anything and everything when it comes to her and we also know that she will live through hell and not complain about it, she will take all the pain just to put a simple smile on your face, she will always take care of others even if they don't she will always put others before he-" Sasha said, her voice increasing with every line.

"Stop," Shawn said. Right now he was mixed with different emotions. He didn't need a pep talk for he was good at judging people by their character.

"Just stop! Okay? I don't want you to tell me what she is, I have to spend my entire life with her, I want to figure her out on my own." he said while looking at Sasha in the eyes.

Sasha saw certainty and honesty in them but was still doubtful, the world isn't ideal, you don't always get prince charming on a snow-white horse. She should know, Sasha almost scoffed at that thought.

"We know, but we just wanted you to know that how she really is, she is not as strong as she likes to show," Olivia said, worried about her friend, she had always been the protective kind, or at least what others had thought.

"Oli! Jess! Sash!, where the hell are you guys?" They heard Mia shouting.

"Let's go! But you mister better not let Mia know about our little talk, " The footwear girl, Sasha warned while wearing her heels.

Shawn gave a curt nod and went towards the place where Mia was waiting.


They all reached the place where Mia was waiting and on the way to Amelia, Shawn got to know the names of the goons.

"Mia!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Oh, Mia come on now, give us our 50 bucks," said Jessica.

"Yeah, you lost the bet too, now you will have to give us our decided 50 bucks." Sasha the 'footwear girl' said.

"What bet?" Shawn asked as Mia's face portrayed pure horror.

"No-Nothing," Mia said as Jess, Sash, and Olivia narrowed their eyes at her.

"Well, it surely seems something." Shawn taunted while looking at her suspiciously.

"Yeah, it's nothing you need to know about, now you can back off," Sash stated as she gave Shawn a boring look.


Well, this was chapter one. I know it's not that interesting but I promise it will get better with time. This was just like a filler. 

Please give this story some time and don't forget to vote and comment!!! 






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