No longer alone-paddy Holland

By Ells797

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Sequel to: the one for me~ paddy Holland If you haven't read that story you should because this one won't ma... More

Im excited
Happy halloween
The news
After the flight
The text or the call
The movie night
I need a distraction i need you
What to do

The day out

262 4 2
By Ells797

Me and paddy have been hanging out again since we became friends again about 2 months ago, and the boys suggested that we all went on a day out so we all decided to go to Thorpe park, the gang consisted of: me, paddy, Harry, Amy, the newlyweds aka haz and Tom, Sam and last but not least zendaya.

I love Thorpe park, it's one of my favourite places to go, I remember when it was fright night and paddy took me:

E-paddy I'm scared,
P- Ell do you trust me

I nodded my head as we made are way around to the queue to get into the maze that I really didn't want to go into, after many jump scares and almost peeing myself like 3 times, I was happy to get out and have ago at paddy

E- Patrick Holland you said you would protect me but when you got scared you held me in front of yourself  so that you weren't scared
P- not true, but did you like it
E- no but after that I want to go on the roller coaster
P- ok but it has to be...

We both say at the same time

E,P- SAW!!!!!

End of flash back

E- hey guys I already know what roller coaster we are going on first...
E,P- SAW!!!!!
P- once the same always the same, right Ella
E- mate saw is the best ride here now who is going in a cart with me
H.h- how about paddy, Ella, Tom and haz go together then it's me Sam, zendaya and Amy
T-I'm ok with that

We all agree and go to the ride saw. And as we came off we went to look at our photos which would probably look horrible but I didn't mode much and bought the photo anyways, we went on all of the rides except from stealth, swam and tidal wave. Ever ride I've been on I've sat next to paddy and we are going on stealth and paddy has never been on it before and let's say he is a little bit scared, but that just means I can take the piss out of him, we were all lining up in the fast pass queue with are body guards just in case we saw any crazy fans, which to my surprise we only had a couple of people come to us but that was probably because they were intimidated by our guards. As we made are way to the entrance of the ride paddy picked me up and ran away from the entrance.

E- paddy are you really that scared of a ride that you had to literally pick me up so you don't have to go on it.
P- Ell I'm serious, I'm scared it goes fast and high, I'm literally going to shit my pants if I do on it.
E- aww I'd padster Wimping out, does little pads want to hold my hand when we go on the ride (I say in a baby voice)
P- fine just stop talking about that and now you have to hold my hand on the ride
E- fine you pussy

We walked over to the entrance of the fast pass queue and ran to the top of the queue, and that when I saw her, she wasn't so little anymore but I guess people grow up after 2 years,

E- Alice is that you,
The ten year old turned around and smiled and ran towards me
A- mum, mum, look it's the wicked witch of the west
E- how have you been Alice
A- really good Ella, it's my 10th birthday today and I'm so excited to go on this ride because it's super high and fast.
E- happy birthday Alice

I laughed and looked at paddy who was getting embarrassed because he was scared and the 10 year old girl wasn't

A- he's cute is he your boyfriend
E- umm no he isn't he is my friend paddy,
P- hi Alice how are you
A- I really want to go on the ride let's go,
E- you are braver then paddy because he's scared to go on this ride
A- well then just hold Ella's hand, ok paddy
P- will do,

Clare, Alice's mom- Alice we need to get on the ride now,
A- ok I'm coming mum
E- hi Clare can I have your number so I can contact Alice
C- sure here you go
We exchanged numbers and me and paddy are about  to go on the ride, we sit at the front and we get strapped in,
P- Ella give me your hand
E- ok wait a sec... there you go

When paddy held onto mg hand I felt my belly erupt with butterflies, I simply gave him a little hand squeeze to just let him know that he is alright and I've got him, which when I did I saw him smile through the gap it the seats

E- you ready
p- no I'm not
E- well to bad because here we go

3,2,1 go go go

And that's when we speeded over the tall hill and then the little ones, and then the ride cam to an end

E- see it wasn't to bad
P- what the fuck, how can you like that I felt like I was dying
E- what I'm crazy that's why you love me

After I realised what I had said  i mentally slapped myself and the silence was awfu, and I let go of his hand as we got to the beginning of the ride so that we could get out, I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs to be met by the group,

Z- there you are, we have been waiting for like 7 minutes for you guys
E- well that dimwit didn't want to go on it so he ran and carried me away and then I convinced him to go on it then met Alice from 2 years ago, and now we are here so what does the picture look like

I saw the picture with me and paddy holding hands and his face scrunched up and then me just smiling.

P- ok I have to buy that
H,S: ok love birds we have to go on two more rides,
E- hell no I ain't going on the water ride, nope, no , that ain't going to happen, not today
H.I- mate she hasn't gone on the ride since like 8 years ago
E- yep and I'm never going on it again

I hope you enjoyed he first chapter of - no longer alone.
If you haven't already go on my profile and read my Harrison osterfield story called penpals

Love you guys xxx

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