Sealer of Your Fate

By timebomber666

2.4K 41 25

Chris Motionless as a demon fic. "Promise me this is forever." "I promise, Amaris. I am eternally yours." Dem... More

Chapter 1 (Trigger Warning)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Trigger Warning)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8 (Explicit Content)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Explicit Content)
Behind the Scenes

Chapter 7

129 4 1
By timebomber666

Amaris wakes the morning of her eighteenth birthday with a smile on her face. It was April, and today was her last day of school before spring break. Chris would at times give her the option to skip school if her birthday was on a weekday, but she wanted to see Josh and Tayla, as they'd told her they had gifts for her.

As soon as she awakes, Chris apparates into her room.

"Happy Birthday!" Chris scoops Amaris up and spins her around.

"Ah! Chris!"

Chris kisses her cheek before setting her down on her bed again. He marveled at her disheveled black hair, sparkling blue eyes and the freckles on her nose. She grew more and more beautiful every day.

"Are you excited for our trip?" Chris asks.

"Beyond excited. It's all I've been able to think about."

"Well, start getting ready, and I'll treat you to a five star birthday breakfast before school."

"You're the sweetest."

"I know," Chris jokes. He then apparates out of the room.


Amaris's sense of style had evolved substantially over the years. Even when she was younger, she loved darker clothing and accessories. She covered up for school to avoid getting bitched at over the dress code, despite how stupid she thought it was. However, she'd grown more confident in her body, and Chris loved seeing Amaris love herself.

Today, Amaris wore a mesh shirt with a black T-shirt over it. She wore a black pleaded skirt with white stripes, and a belt and chains. Black stockings covered her legs, and she wore black, bulky ankle boots on her feet. Her black hair flowed over her shoulders and she'd done her makeup.

Amaris walks into the dining room to find a spread of breakfast foods all along the table. She grins ear to ear.

"Happy Birthday, love," Chris says again.

"Thank you so much. You always make me feel so special."

"You're the most special thing in my life. It's my life's mission to make you feel special."

Amaris puts a hand on her chest, then steps forward and hugs Chris again. He smelled like amber and oak, and Amaris felt so warm in his embrace. She couldn't wait to spend time with him alone in Iceland.


Josh and Tayla decorated Amaris's locker for her birthday and gifted her with crystals and incense. Amaris was so thankful to have them as friends, and knew that she was going to miss them dearly when they went off to college. Then again, she'd have more time to spend with Chris.

The day seemed to drag, but Amaris appreciated all of the birthday wishes she received from acquaintances and teachers. When the day finally ended though, Amaris dashed out of her school and ran to the woods to meet her demon.

Chris smiles as Amaris runs to him. He loved that he made her excited. Seeing her smile was what Chris lived for.

"Hey!" Amaris exclaims.

"Hi, princess. How was your day?"

"Good. Josh and Tayla got me incense and crystals, and a cupcake. I'm super pumped to spend time with you though."

"I am too. I've got us checked in already, so once I apparate us to the portal in Iceland, we can just go straight to our suite."

"Awesome!" Amaris wraps her arms around Chris, ready to go. Chris smiles and wraps his arms around Amaris as well before taking them through the portal.


Their "suite" was sort of like an AirBnB. Instead of staying in a house or apartment though, they were staying in a renovated lighthouse near the ocean that had been converted into a lovely vacation stay.

The space was open, with the first floor consisting of a small living room, kitchen and bathroom. There was an upstairs loft with a king sized bed, and the windows overlooked the beautiful landscape.

"Wow..." Amaris sighs as they walk in, "This is amazing!"

"You really like it?"

"Hands down one of the best places we've stayed in."

Chris grins, "Well take a look around, get settled! Then I wanna take you to dinner and we can get a look at the night life a bit."

Amaris squeals with delight, then takes her things upstairs. Chris loved seeing her so happy. Chris sits down on the couch and gives a content sigh. He always loved taking Amaris on trips, getting to spend time with her in a human way. Some of his favorite memories with her were on their travels, and he couldn't wait to see what would come of this trip.

With the wave of his hand, Chris goes from wearing a T-shirt and jeans to a full on suit and tie. He enjoyed wearing suits in his human form, liking the aesthetic. He wanted to treat Amaris to something special for her birthday, so he'd found a place for dinner that he thought she would enjoy.

"Chris?" Amaris calls from upstairs.


"This is kind of a nicer place we're going to, right?"

"A little."

He hears Amaris walk down the stairs.

"How does this look?"

Chris turns to see Amaris and his mouth falls open.

She wore a short black dress with a lace top that flowed loosely down her thighs while hugging her breasts and waist perfectly. Her long waves flowed over her shoulders, and her necklace with Chris's sigil rest on her chest.

"Wow," Chris says, "You look beautiful."

Amaris smiles, "Really?"

"I mean, you always look beautiful." Chris steps towards her, "I just don't see you get dressed up very often." 

Amaris shrugs, "I like dressing up like this, I just don't have a lot of occasions to."

"Well, maybe we should change that." Chris extends his arm, "Shall we?"

Amaris's smile grows, then she takes Chris's arm and the two of them head out.


"Human food is where it's at," Chris says as he and Amaris walk back into the lighthouse, "I mean, don't get me wrong, all those gluttony demons can whip up some pretty good things, but there's just something about the humans."

"Maybe that's because human food is made with love," Amaris jokes.

Chris smiles, "That must be it."

Amaris smiles in return, then takes both of Chris's hands and squeezes them, "Thank you so much for everything today. You're incredible."

"You're incredible."

Amaris squeezes his hands again, then stands on her tiptoes and kisses Chris's cheek. She then releases his hands.

"I'm gonna go get changed and settled for the night."

Chris nods, and his eyes never leave Amaris as she walks upstairs.


"Chris! Come look!"

Chris walks upstairs to find Amaris in an oversized T-shirt - was it one of his? - and shorts. She'd washed off her makeup, but her face as as beautiful as ever. She was standing at the window near her bed, overlooking the night sky.

It wasn't quite yet the season for the northern lights to be as frequent, but you could just make out hints of the green and blue streaking across the sky.

"Wow..." Chris exhales.

"It almost looks like home, doesn't it?" Amaris asks, referring to the green streaks of light that flew across the purple skies of the demon realm.

Chris smiles at Amaris referring to the realm as her home.

"A bit, yeah," Chris says, softly.

Chris turns and looks around the room, then spots the book that Amaris had on her nightstand.

"Edgar Allan Poe." Chris picks up the book and marvels at it.

Amaris smiles and turns to Chris, "It's for my literature class."

"You got homework over spring break?"

"No, but there's a test as soon as we get back, so I figured I should brush up. Plus, I do enjoy his work a lot."

Chris nods as Amaris sits on the bed. He sits next to her, flipping through the book.

"I knew some of the demons that used to fuck with this guy."


"How do you think he became such a brilliant, tortured artist?"

Amaris laughs and shakes her head. Chris always had such incredible stories to tell about demons encountering mortals; though she was sure that their story was something that was far more unique. Amaris gazes at Chris longingly as he flips through the book, and he gives a small smile.

"This one's my favorite."

"Which one?" Amaris asks.

Chris pauses. It had been a while since he'd read to Amaris, but this seemed like as good of an occasion as any to read her the poem.

"It was many, many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee."

Amaris smiles. She loved when Chris read her poetry or sang to her, though it had been a while. Reading the works of Poe to her was much more adult and romantic too, which Amaris delighted in.

"And this maiden, she lived with no other thought..."

Chris pauses in his reading. He swallows, then makes eye contact with Amaris.

"Than to love and be loved by me."

Chris's eyes, hazel and warm, entranced Amaris as he spoke these beautiful words to her. His eyes drifted back to the page of the book all too soon before he continued the poem.

"I was a child and she was a child
In this kingdom by the sea
But we loved with a love that was more than love
I, and my Annabel Lee
With a love that that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me."

His voice had been soft, yet passionate as he read this poem of love. Alas, Amaris knew that the tone was about to change, and it seemed that Chris did too, as his voice changed slightly to fit the tone of the next stanza.

"And this was the reason that, long ago
In this kingdom by the sea
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea."

Chris's voice began to shake. He recalled his conversation with Balam and Allocer a couple of months ago, discussing the imprint and Amaris's mortality, and how this poem began to seem all too familiar. Amaris noticed that Chris seemed to be struggling with something, but she said nothing as he continued.

"The angels, not half so happy in heaven
Went envying her and me
Yes! - that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night
Chilling and killing my -"

Chris cuts himself off, unable to continue.

"Chris?" Amaris asks.

Chris closes the book and sets it back down on the nightstand. He stands and turns his back to Amaris. Amaris stands as well, growing concerned.

"Chris, are you okay?" Amaris asks, "What's wrong?"

Chris stares out the window at the night sky. The stars glittered across the ocean, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. If only the two of them could stay here forever, not having to worry about the future, not having to worry about death...


Chris turns around to face Amaris. Amaris leans against the wall and waits, as Chris still looked distressed. The poem had clearly triggered something in him.

Chris clenches his fists at his sides a moment, then unclenches as he steps toward Amaris.

"We loved with a love that was more than love," He says again, before he begins to change the poem to fit his own mold, "And together, we lived happily..."

Amaris watches Chris closely. He steps closer and closer to her, taking both of her hands in his.

"In our kingdom by the sea, for all eternity..."

He began to lean forward, and for a moment, Amaris thought he was going to kiss her. Her heart fluttered as she mentally prepares for it. However, Chris instead rests his forehead on Amaris's. They rub noses a moment, breathing each other in, closer than they'd ever been; then Chris squeezes Amaris's hands before softly whispering:

"I, and my Amaris Delphi."

Her breath was taken away.

Amaris swallows, her mind swimming, but she manages to say, "I like that version of the poem much better."

Chris gives a small smile. Amaris wanted so badly to show him how she'd felt for so long...She's about to tilt her head up to meet her lips with his, when Chris releases her and steps back.

"Get some sleep, my love."

With that, Chris turns and walks downstairs, leaving Amaris hanging yet again.

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