Limerence [Completed]

By Allie_Perayuhhh

2.7K 260 223

๐‹๐ข๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ป: limerence; ๐—ฝ๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—น ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ป: limerences ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๏ฟฝ... More

Chapter One - Chaos
Chapter Two - University
Chapter Three - Sleepovers
Chapter Four - Visits

Chapter Five - Dates (End)

500 52 46
By Allie_Perayuhhh

A/N: unbeta-ed

Dates. You could say that Watee has never been on one. No one has ever asked him out, and he has never felt the urge to ask someone either, well, Maitee would be an exception but he always wanted to have dates with him 24/7. He always finds those things a waste of his time or is it just the fact that he's usually antisocial and hates to interact with other people especially when it's unnecessary.

Based on Teedo, which was always a disaster when it comes to dates, according to the other Tees, it was because of his sudden anger whenever he hears unpleasant eating noises, and he would rather not go through the traumatic experience of a failed date; a rejected human. Ever since he discovered he has feelings for Maitee, he knew he was in for some deep shit, and it made him think about how gay couples date.

He has watched his fair share of queer shows and movies, it's really not that big of a difference. It's just that social construct does not dictate who plans the date, who takes the other out, who pays for the meal, and other things you could do on a date. One thing he absolutely hated about himself is that he was a coward, he didn't like to confront things. With that experience with his recently discovered half-brother, he didn't even want to go through being humiliated all over again.

He's never had to think about this topic again until now, as he was walking around the campus, his bag slung over his shoulder. The man beside him was grinning happily at nothing, in particular, just enjoying the university's cool breeze.

"Have dinner with me, Watee."

"Don't I always?" He replied nonchalantly, not even giving it a second thought.

"No, I meant dinner," Maitee repeated.

"Yeah, we have dinner all the time."

"I mean, a dinner date," this caused Watee's footsteps to halt and his eyes widened, "What?"

"I said what I said," is typical Maitee behavior, who simply turned his head after being so courageous.


"What do you mean with that response?" Now, Maitee's nerves definitely spiked. He had high hopes that Watee reciprocated his feelings and this wasn't all just made up his head and he was assuming things because that would definitely be the worst. He would not know what to deal with first; heartbreak or humiliation.

"Yes, I would have dinner with you," Of course, Watee would not let him down. Despite his heart hammering in his chest, and the loud ringing in his ears, and the internal screaming inside his mind that this is the first time he will ever go on a date and with a person, he really likes nonetheless, he was able to remain cool and collected, not bad for a first-timer.

And Watee could actually boast that he was asked out in the perfect romantic place, under the trees, and in the middle of the cool wind, quite romantic, just like Maitee.

He gazed at the visibly brightened-up food science major who was practically bouncing on his feet. They continued to stroll around as if nothing happened, but in the silence of their steps, there were loud screams inside their heads.

After the initial boost of serotonin was controlled and mitigated, there comes the jitters. Again, it was Watee's first time for everything, and he could barely even think about anything coherent right now because he was now bombarded with all the possibilities of this ending up in a mess. He's worried that if their relationship wouldn't work out, then their friendship is doomed. He was also forgetting about the fact that the exact time they locked lips with each other that one night they slept together, it was already done for.

He was also distraught by the fact that he may not be a good boyfriend and he may just disappoint Maitee. Things are getting a little too advanced in Watee's mind that Maitee could practically hear him overthinking again, "Penny for your thoughts?"


"I know you're overthinking, Watee. Stop it."

"I'm not!" Watee scowled at him, sending him a glare. The other just laughed, "You make that scrunched-up face whenever you're thinking too much. I don't want you to freak out on our date, which will be on Friday, by the way. I have to go back to class, see you later!"

Maitee left him gawking in the middle of the road, clutching his bag strap in pure shock because that man just left him with a bomb, he didn't know it was just two days away. He could even see the stupid smirk on Maitee's face before he left, and he wanted to wipe it off. What is he supposed to do now?

It was already emergency sirens in his head as he scrambled for things he needed to do to prepare for the date. All he could think of was the word HELP.

And Help, did he get.

Because a day later, he was at the nearby shopping mall with his half-brother and his tenant; both were actually in their own world, as they were being too secretive huddled up together with the other's phone in the middle.

"Teedo, T-Rex, what the hell are you guys doing? You're here to help me, right?" In all honesty, Watee hated shopping. He was already proven to hate human interactions, much more so in a public venue. He remembered he was in such a bad mood one day and he was forced to buy supplies in the bookstore because his professor was being a jerk to the students and he accidentally snapped at the cashier. Needless to say, he now traveled to a new bookstore 30 minutes away from the campus whenever he needed to buy supplies.

"Yes, yes. We do, right, Teedo?" T-Rex elbowed him on the side causing Teedo to double-over.

"I don't know what do I really need with the date stuff, so I'm leaving it up to you," Watee turned his head and avoided eye contact, a little embarrassed that he had to even ask for help just because he was too nervous and inexperienced.

"Leave it all up to us," Gun steered them in the other direction, basically dragging Teedo with him as they enter the department store. Maitee has actually been giving some notes and advice to the two Tees in charge for the assistance that Watee requested, as he sat on the other side of the phone, fingers shaking as he waited for the updates given by his friends.

The shopping was not half-bad, according to Watee's opinion, Teedo would call it a success. The one major thing why he has been able to scoop up so many dates in the past is because of his style and his charm, evident from the last date he had in the Tee house, he was actually dressed up in a tux. T-Rex decided that it was better for them to dress Watee in semi-formal attire. Maitee told them that the dinner would be intimate and a little fancy, so they had to go all out.

Getting Watee to actually try on the clothes was a pain because, despite his utterly handsome face, he was scowling the whole time, a typical mood for him. You would think that after he had fixed his problem with all his tenants, he would soften up but it turns out he still had his bad days, and they were just lucky.

"Are we done now?"

"Yes, I think we are," attire is really the only major thing that Watee needed, especially since the date will be held at home. Honestly, he could turn up in pajamas and shorts and Maitee would still accept him. T-Rex has texted Maitee about the update and he was replied with a 'thank you' followed by a dozen crying emojis. He must be feeling really tense after waiting for an update in about an hour.

"I think it's time for phase two," Teedo began, making Watee slowly turn his head, an eyebrow raised, "What?"

"We need to give you dating advice," the music major said, and T-Rex could practically hear the cogs turning in Watee's head. He stepped in before he exploded, "Are you dumb, Teedo? Of course, we aren't doing it here!"

"It's what I've been waiting for the whole time!"

They were still inside of the busy mall, and Watee stood beside them, speechless. He didn't know if he wanted to commit a crime in public. Was h8e really that dense when it comes to relationships that his friends thought that he needed a serious dating advice session? He figured he really needed to change up his life if they really think he's a small bird who still hasn't flown out of the virgin zone. It's true, but they didn't need to know that.

Truly, every single Tee in the house knew he was a virgin. A raging virgin, in every way possible. Well, not in the kissing and cuddling zone, per se.

"Let's go back home, then! Maitee told us that he's already making dinner," Teedo slipped in, and T-Rex smacked him upside the head.

"You guys were talking to Maitee the whole time?" a menacing glare was directed at them and T-Rex internally cursed, when plastered on a big, fake smile, "No, he just texted Teedo right out of the blue."

After a few moments of silence and Watee decided that it is a waste to spent his leftover energy on two suspicious idiots that it wasn't worth his time anymore. Without another word, he headed for the exit and went home, making the other two scramble just to catch up to him.

About an hour later, they finally arrived home to a kitchen filled with three people. Maetee was arguing with Teedet, and Maitee has just finished setting up the table. Tonight's dinner was apparently fried chicken.

"I told you, I didn't touch it!"

"Then who did? Maitee? He's too busy!"

"Maetee, I told you, I never laid a finger on the rice platter!"

"Then why was the serving spoon transferred to the other side?"

"How the fuck would I know?"

"You foulmouth!"

"Okay, guys can both of you stop? It sounds pretty stupid. The others are already here," of course, the savior Maitee interrupted them both and it was like music to Watee's ears. He would never admit it but hearing Maitee's scolding actually does something to his heart.

"Maetee, calm down, it's probably just the wind or you forgot that you put it there," T-Rex tried to calm him down and the other just pouted and sat down, doubts were still lingering in his head.

"Let's eat, everyone."

They lapsed onto a light chatter, which turned into a heavy banter as usual. It was one of the rare times where everyone was actually present for dinner since lately, many of them were busy studying, others were busy with their girlfriends, and some were just knocked out cold, sleeping. Watee would now prefer the latter because Teedet decided he wanted to be seriously mutilated today.

"So, we were told that you gave virgin advice to Watee today."

"Teedet! Shut the fuck up!" Teedo reached over and punched him in the arm, feeling the pain recoil back into his fist because he remembered that this was a hard piece of muscle that Teedet worked hard for.

Maitee was peacefully eating his meal but when his spoon stopped halfway into his mouth after hearing Teedet's idiotic statement. It was great that he blurted it out just as Watee finished his plate because he was too fed up with all of the humiliation and embarrassment from his tenants that he needed some alone time for himself.

It was a little inconvenient for him that he slept in the living room because now he couldn't storm off in a room, so he just stood up, took his plate to the sink, and strode towards his drafting model table, just to get away from the suffocating bubble that his the Tees. He swore he would all kick them out one day because of pure lividness and agitation.

"See? You drove him away!" T-Rex hissed, and Maitee just sighed and continued eating. His gaze was always focused on the brooding male who strode off, and the others continued ot act like the idiots they are. Can they ever get some peace in this world?


Today is Friday.

Today is the day.

Maitee was restless.

They barely had any classes on a Friday, luckily for his department. But Watee's classes lasted until the afternoon, which gives him the perfect opportunity to prepare for the date. Arriving home at that time, you could say the house was in shambles. He remembered all the Tees being peaceful in the morning, but he came home to chaos.

"Maetee! Have you bought the extra paper napkins on the list?"

"Wait, I didn't see that on there!"

"Oh fuck."

"Teedet, language!"

One thing was for sure: It was definitely a mistake asking the other Tees to help him with his date.

The first time he told them about his plan to ask their landlord out, all of them were ecstatic. Maetee was relieved because finally there will be someone to act as their barrier, Watee's soft spot. But Maitee had always been Watee's weakness even before everything happened. Teedo was excited for Maitee and even asked if he needed to look for another roommate. Teedet congratulated him for being brave and Watee's definitely one of the "pretty" men, whatever the hell that means. T-rex was happy for his brother and e said he already knew this would happen.

Needless to say, they all volunteered to help.

"How about the new curtains?"

"I've got it right here, great decoration. Also resistant to dark forces."

"As long as they're blackout, that's good. Maybe I can use them in my music room back at home."

"Maitee asked us to buy these for the occasion only, right?" T-Rex put his hand at the side and raised an eyebrow at them. As much as he would like to admit, it was actually hard trying to keep everyone sane whenever they're together, he believed he was one of the normal ones, but he still ends up entangled in some sort of mess.

"Uh, how are you all doing?" Maitee asked a few feet away from the. The sight was not good. Scattered paper bags around, the new plates were also placed awkwardly on the table, and why were there helium-inflated balloons floating to the ceiling?

"I asked you guys for just a small favor and why are you still making a mess out of it?"

"We're sorry, Maitee. I know you wanted it to be perfect, let us just clean this up and we'll try to not get in your way," T-rex completely remedies the situation and hissed at the others to start cleaning up the mess. The kitchen was already crowded enough.

The others grumbled in defeat and muttered apologies to Maitee who just shook his head and went straight for the kitchen, taking out all the ingredients he bought on his way home.

A few hours passed and it was already sunset. Watee had already changed into his date clothes before he left the university. He didn't exactly know how it would start but he figured as soon as he entered the house, the date will begin.

Meanwhile, back in the Tee house, everyone was panicking and Maitee just had his palm to his face, agitated at the people around him.

"Oh my god, Watee is on his way here!"

"Quick, are the noodles cooked?!"

"I want to take a bite!"

"Shut it, Maitee was kind enough to give us snacks an hour ago!"

"Damn it," Maitee closed his eyes in an attempt to calm himself, he was already dressed in his date clothes and the last thing he needed was wrinkling the attire because he was busy punching his friends, "Everyone change into your clothes and remember what we practiced."

They scrambled out of the kitchen and at the exact time he heard the gate open. His breath hitched, knowing what was to come next. His hair wasn't the best looking today but Maitee prayed to all the gods that he looked presentable, and Watee would like it.

They're like high school teenagers about to confess for the first time. Close, but they're older.

"Maitee?"He heard a soft voice come from the entrance of the house. He opened the door and there was Watee, looking absolutely stunning, as Maitee would say in his head, but he was just at a loss for words at this point because he was afraid he may blurt out the three words that have yet to come later.



Just like two awkwardly adorable idiots, they spend a minute just staring at each other after saying only one word. The moment Maitee could hear the faint snickering of people distant from them, he broke out of his daze and ushered Watee inside.

"Where are the others?" he heard Watee ask as he proceeded to the kitchen, and then paused, seeing the arrangement on the dining table.

"You'll see them in a bit— why did you stop?"

"This is amazing. How did you know all of my favorite dishes?" Watee was beyond amazed at how Maitee was able to perfect every single thing, from the decor to the food. He started to sit down and Maitee sat across him, smiling, "When I used to visit here when we were kids, your mom would always cook these dishes and say they were your favorite. I guess I have a good memory."

Watee's heart softened at the mention of his mother, the fact that maitee was able to remember all of that made just want to reach over and kiss the life out of him, but of course not yet, "It's good that you have a knack for remembering little things. If you didn't, then maybe I wouldn't have realized we've known each other in the past."

"I'm sure you'll remember even if I don't. I knew you didn't have many friends, no one would put up with you because you're always teasing others!"

"Hey, I thought this was a date? This is not therapy!" Watee glared playfully at him, and the latter just laughed.

They both heard shuffling in the background and Watee saw a familiar mop of hair behind Maitee, "Hello everyone, I will be one of your waiters for today, Maetee."

"Oh my god," Watee couldn't help but say. He was at a loss for words because standing there two feet away from their table was Maetee dressed up in a formal vest, it looked absolutely ridiculous.

"We, unfortunately, ran out of wine, so I offer you this cool pink drink instead," Maetee took out a pitcher filled with ice and pink milk, and Watee bit back a laugh. This man was actually taking his role too seriously, and Maitee was just watching anxiously. Ready to abort everything if something goes wrong.

"Sure, I like pink milk," Watee held out his wine glass and Maetee started to pour. A heavy silence loomed over the three as Maetee was busy finishing his task. Once he was done, Maitee let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"So, the whole night will be filled with this service crew?" Watee couldn't help but ask, laughing as he saw Maitee's flustered expression.

"Pretty much."

"That's cute."


Watee would also like to call it cheesy but he decided not to put him through any more suffering, "Now, would you like to introduce me to the dishes that you've made?"

"Of course," Maitee proceeded to list off the things arranged on the table, from every single dish it was actually causing Watee's stomach to rumble because it looked that good. Maitee's course was not exactly Culinary Arts and they focused more on the research side of things but he never lacked in the cooking department, and tonight, he went all out with his flavor, plating, and overall presentation.

They lapsed into a casual conversation. Whilst eating, they were able to insert a bit of chatter into their meal. Generally, the topics range from how their day was to specific things like a thing that happened at work or in class. Watee was sure to cover up his dating jitters with a lot of chatter because he was actually shaking in his new leather shoes, and he was feeling all the nerves getting to him even though Maitee's presence somehow calmed him but it wasn't enough.

He had to be the most accommodating date Maitee has ever met in his life if he wants to give the impression that he was in for the long run.

"Excuse me, sirs, it appears that it's time for the dessert. I am your server for this course, Teedo. The chef has prepared a sorbet for the sweet ending to your meal," he came in with a tray of two fancy little glass bowls.

"Oh, it's Teedet," Watee said in surprise. The man was similarly dressed in the attire Maetee was wearing earlier and he came out of nowhere. Maitee was sharply looking at him because it appears that Teedo was holding back his laugh as he set down the two bowls. Watee finds it amusing but it was quite endearing that he would go through these lengths just to make it memorable.

"Enjoy," Teedet winked at Watee and his amused smile faded as he glared at him.

"How were you able to make this sorbet when we barely had any room in the freezer?"

"Let's just say that a bunce of popsicles weren't frozen anymore," Maitee smirked, and he swore he could hear Maetee grumbling from the distance.

"Oh, you've got a bit of ice cream on your face," Maitee pointed out, as there was a brown spot at the corner of his lips.

"Really?" Watee was about to wipe it off when Maitee reach out on purpose and wiped his lip with his thumb, and as the cliché, as it may sound, just like in the movies, Maitee couldn't help but lick off the chocolate from his thumb, eyes locked on the mess that is Watee.

"I was about to wipe it off," he weakly protested and unconsciously touched his lips.

Maitee knew he was already flustered but didn't pay it much mind, in fact, "The chocolate was delicious, by the way."

A few incoherent noises later and they continued eating. Watee could narrate every cliché line in the book with everything that's happened so far, but he's not complaining. He also wondered, there are two other Tees that haven't shown up tonight, where were they? His mental question was about to be answered when they were clearly finished with their dinner, the plates were clean and their stomachs were full.

"Good evening, both of you. It appears that you are now done with your meal. May we request your presence on the patio for the second part of the date? Mr. Reuangrittiroj will guide you on your way there," Teedo came running in with the uniform, gesturing to the path towards the open patio. Watee was already too focused throughout the whole dinner that he didn't notice the pathway adorned with fairy lights. He immediately turned to Maitee and asked, "There's more?"

"It doesn't end here," Maitee stood up and offered a hand to him. Teedo stepped away and T-Rex was already waiting at a short distance from them. Watee took his hand they continued to the short walk towards the patio. Instead of just being a wooden floor with nothing on it, there were lights around them and a blanket was situated at the place they were supposed to sit.

Watee didn't expect this one bit, and it was actually adorable that everyone in the house was wearing white socks currently, so they had no problem stepping on the blanket. It was simple, and yet it was beautiful.

Once they were both seated, Watee felt a strong sense of nostalgia running through his body, this was strangely familiar. He knew this spot was their special place, where they spent nights just talking and talking. They never cared that they were sitting on the floor, just sipping water and gazing up at the sky.

"You know, I don't want to flare up your ego, but I could never say anything wrong about this date. It's perfect in every way," Watee scooted closer to him and interlaced his fingers through the other. Maitee looked over at him, "I hope I did well. This is our first date after all."

"I don't even know how someone would do something this special for me. You already know I'm impatient and rude, and yet you still cared enough to see through me," Watee's true colors were showing, and he didn't know if it was because of the sky filled with stars or the fact that Maitee was looking at them, the light reflecting in his eyes.

"You remember the first time we sat here?"


"I was heartbroken about my mom and it was also the time you finally remembered who I was," Maitee told him, his eyes finding Watee's. He continued to speak, "When I applied here, I also forgot about our childhood, but then I remembered. However, it wasn't because of our childhood past that I developed feelings for you."

Watee was intently listening to him, the other squeezed their joined hands, "The first time I saw your smile when I moved in here, was when you were looking at a picture of your mom. It was the tiniest of smiles, but I thought 'wow, he has a beautiful smile'. And as time passed, I looked forward to seeing more of your smiles."

"I was trying to deny it, that what I felt for you was simply platonic and it was because we were once friends, but I find myself always cooking the meals you like, always looking in your direction, mentioning your name in every sentence, it was amazing," Maitee said.

"When you made a new promise to me, that you would go to the beach with my mom, I think that was my breaking point. Maybe I had multiple breaking points, but that was the first one," he took their hands into his lap, "Watee, even though you may think that your impatience and your rudeness make you 'unattractive', to me, it makes you you. I find it adorable, maybe you could say, love is blind, but my eyes are fully open."

"Watee, I lo—"

He was about to say it, but he was cut off by a soft pair of lips landing on his. His hand was let go as Watee cradled his face in his hands, kissing him stupidly. Of course, just like it was perfectly practiced, Maitee responded with the same fervor, loving the fact that Watee was taking control of everything.

When they slowly pulled away, Watee immediately sprung into action.

"I love you, Maitee. Be my boyfriend."

"You really had to pull one on me," maitee was already smirking with his swollen lips, but eventually placed another soft kiss on the latter's lips.

"I love you, too. Yes, I'll be your boyfriend. I want to be your roommate, too."

"Yes, I can't have you sleeping on a bed with another man," Watee rolled his eyes but couldn't help himself and pecked him on the cheek, all butterflies were swarming in his stomach right now and he felt like everything was perfect. Well, not so much because—




They then heard an extremely loud boom from the front yard. Looking over, they saw the four other Tees huddled up in a circle, with a flaming paper on the grass, and half of them were staring happily at the sky with the other two were screaming while scrambling for something to cover the fire.

"Congratulations to the newlyweds!" Maetee was already jumping around and making noise. Teedet was able to put out the fire by ripping off Teedo's new shirt and happily getting burnt marks on it. T-Rex grabbed Maetee by the ear and screamed at him, "YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID? YOU ALMOST CAUGHT THE HOUSE ON FIRE!"

The couple several feet away from them was speechless, at the most chaotic sight they have ever seen.

Watee was already practically sprawled on Maitee's lap because apparently, he was subconsciously climbing upon it while they were kissing, and now they were also awkwardly displayed to the other Tees. Maitee was horrified, but Watee wasn't fazed. He was more bothered about his house being destroyed.

He was about to stride over to them and berate them but Maitee held him back, a silent plea to just let it go. When he finally gave up, T-Rex then felt a strong scent entering his nostrils.

"Hey guys, something is burning."

"Where— OH MY GOD!"

Truth as it may, Maetee's pants were on fire, as well as Teedo's socks, and the grass in the middle of them.

Everybody started screaming.

Well, there's certainly a lesson learned from this whole night. One, it was never a good idea to ask the Tees out for help. Two, never let Maetee near flammable items. And lastly, Maitee and Watee are finally, finally, lovers.

Falling in love despite a chaotic household could be difficult, but Watee begged to differ.

Tonight, their story has proven that even living with a house full of people with the same name as you somehow, you can squeeze a little bit of falling in love. Because when a terse architecture major landlord falls in love with his cute food science major tenant, not even four idiots can stand in the way of that.

Limerence is the state of being infatuated with a person. You could say Maitee and Watee are way past that phase because they were in for the long run. They were in for forever.

Author's Note

I want to cry because this is the first semi-long multi-chaptered fic I have ever written and it turned out to be MaiWa. I figured the ending would be perfect with this kind of chaos. Cliché as it may be, MaiWa is all about that cliche childhood friends to lovers.

From the show ITMT that gave MaiWa life, I firmly believe that if it were renounced as a romance series, MaiWa would definitely be the story to tell.

I hope you liked this story, and please tell me what you think of it! I'm on Twitter @perayuhhh, you can always tag/mention me there. I can't respond much to WP comments but I'm more active on Twitter.

Once again, I bring you Limerence.

Started on June 28, 2021
Ended on August 9, 2021

Thank you for reading.


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Just a random Taekook oneshots\ministories collectionโฃ๏ธ Toptae Bottomkook ~ โ—๏ธkindly read the tags before proceedingโ—๏ธ
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"๐ผ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘›'๐‘ก ๐‘ ๐‘™๐‘’๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘‘๐‘‘๐‘™๐‘’๐‘ " "๐ถ๐‘œ๐‘š๐‘’ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘’" โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ สœแด‡แด€ส€แด› แดา“ แด›สœแด‡ษชส€ แด„แดสŸสŸแด‡ษขแด‡ แด…แดส€แด, แด›แดกแด ษขษชส€สŸs ส™แด‡แด„แดแดแด‡ ส€แดแดแดแด€แด›แด‡s. แด€s แด…...