Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 90

15.9K 436 328
By niallsbabe_xx

The breath in my throat hitches as I force all of my strength and power into the impenetrable object. My left fist collides first, then my right; little beads of sweat dribbling down my forehead.

This wouldn't be the first time this week that I've been to the gym, wearing myself into thin exhaustion only to gain strength and endurance.

Boxing oddly enough was a great way to not only get a full body work out, but to relieve stress and to clear your mind. It was a way to express anger without destroying something, but rather building. It gave you this great power which just completely turned your bad day into a good one.

A faint buzzing in the distance brought my mind back to reality as my eyes directed themselves upon my black equipment bag which contained not only my football gear, but my plastic water ball, a couple protein wrappers and so forth.

I sighed and unraveled the black tape from my slightly bruised knuckles before making my way over to my phone. "Ello?" I ran a hand through my sweaty hair, pushing it off my forehead.

"Hey, man. Do you plan on meeting us at the club or are we carpooling to Atlanta?" Harry's voice powered through the speaker sending my thoughts in an up whirl. I'd forgotten all about Louis party if I'm honest.

"When are you guys leaving?"

"We've called for taxis to pick us up at six. So two hours."


"I'm at the gym now. Let me call Khlo and see what she wants to do."

"Okay, call us back soon though so we know space wise."

"I will."

"Okay. Oh, before I go- why did the dick go to 7/11."

I huffed and pressed my hand to my forehead. "I don't know, why?" I monotonously questioned with a shake if my head.

"To get a slurpee." He laughed and I chuckled.

"God, Harry."

"I know! Okay, okay, call your hot bitch and text me back."

"Oi!" I let out, Harry laughing on the other line.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Tell her I have someone for her to meet by the way."

"Alright. Bye." I hung up the phone, lightly chuckling as I dialed K's number.


"Hey, babe. How's your day?" Realizing that I wasn't going to be able to finish my work out, I grabbed my water bottle filled with protein mix and took a large drink.

"It's been okay. Trying to finish my homework before tonight." I pulled my shirt over my head, wiping it across my forehead to clear the sweat before I placed a slightly cleaner one on.

"Yeah? How'd your presentations go?" Weeks turned into day and days turned into hours spent on long nights of putting projects together. During this "intermission" period of classes before officially starting the next semester in January after break, all teachers had the students put together presentations and projects which would open our minds about the subjects to come.

The last few days were spent on actually presenting our work and turning in everything.

Now being December 19th, it took everything in us to get through the last few hours of the day. Khloe, however, still had one more class to turn in work for before her break started and life couldn't be better.

"They went good! It's scary being up there in front of all those people, though." She giggled and I physically felt my heart leap in my chest as if running a marathon. A smile formed at my lips.

"It is. You get used to it though."

"Boy, I hope." I laughed.

"You will. Hey, how much longer do you think you're gonna be?" I then quickly added, "Not to rush you or anything, Harry just wants to know if we're carpooling or not."

"I.. I mean, I guess we could. Is Gemma gonna be there?"

I sighed. "Probably, Khlo, I mean it's Louis' birthday party. You're going to have to talk to her sometime ya know."

"I know..." I could hear the frown in her voice. "But I just chose later."

"Khloe." I picked my bag up, placing the strap over my shoulder and began out the door. "You make no sense to me."

"Make no sense about what, Niall? I just don't care to talk to her after hearing what she said about Ashton and after her only sticking on Luke's side. That's not fair to us, Niall."

"Calm down, love. I know. I'm just saying." I threw my bag into the backseat of the car and jumped into the front. "You keep saying that you don't want to start things with her and that you don't want to move out of your dorm because of her, yet you won't even say two words to the girl."

My mind started to race and I could feel the air catch in my throat. She didn't... I hope she's not lying to me. Did I do something that would push her away? I tried to think back to everything I've done recently, trying to figure out why she would decline my pleads for her to move in with me. I could feel the panic rushing through my veins. God I hope I didn't do anything that I'm not aware of that would hurt her or cause her not to trust me...

"Y-you didn't- Khloe, you didn't just use that as your excuse to not move in with me, right?" I held my breath as I heard her gasp quietly. Fuck, she probably did...

"What? Niall, no. No, no, no, not at all! I really do want to work things out with her, I'm just... scared?" I let the breath out leaning my head against the steering wheel.

Lord, why do you have to play me like this?

"You sure?" I asked for my own selfish needs.

"Positive, Niall."

"Okay. So are we car pooling or not?" I quickly adverted our conversation back to the origin as I pulled out from the empty parking lot.

"Yeah, I guess. When are you getting home? I have to run this down to the science building quickly."

"On my way. Be there in twenty maybe, if traffic's good." She mumbled an 'okay' before I heard the click of the phone. I sighed and let it rest in the center counsel, my shoulders feeling ten times lighter than they did a moment ago.

When I finally entered my dorm after looking for a parking spot for ten minutes, I threw my gym bag into the little cheap table, and slipped my shoes off. "Khlo?" I called and made my way to my bedroom.

"She's in the shower." Liam called out as he passed my door. My head spun to the side to see him dressed in his jeans and a black cotton shirt. His hair had been newly cut and shaved on the sides. Guess you could say that it kind of looked good if I'm honest.

"Are you going to the party?" I called out, stripping off my shirt as I pulled it over my head. I turned around and walked out of the room, moving towards the bathroom.

"Yeah. Are you carpooling with us? I think they called taxis to drive us."

"Yeah. We'll be ready soon." I nodded and quietly snuck into the bathroom. An instant smile was brought upon my lips at the sounds of her light hums. I quietly slipped out of my shorts. Pulling my briefs down after, I slipped the shower curtain open and stepped inside, wrapping my arms around her waist.

A laugh bubbled out of my lips at the gasp that was elicited into the air, along with the jump. "Holy fuck, Niall!" Her eyes popped open, wide and bold, hands still running shampoo through her hair as her chest heaved from the panic attack she had just a moment ago. "Don't do that." Khloe scowled.

"Oh, c'mon babe. I needed a shower too. I'm all sweaty still- here, smell." I lifted my arm and Khloe squealed, backing away.

"Ew, Niall! You're so gross!" She giggled. I laughed and ducked my head under the thin streams, shaking it around to get it all wet as I pulled Khloe closer to my chest.

I felt her lips run across my neck, gently sucking along my sweet spot by my jaw. I leaned into her touch, lightly running my hand through her hair to wash the soap out of the long locks. She nibbled along my skin, turning my body into putty. "Don't do that too much, babe." I finally spoke up. It was already hard to contain my posture around her in the shower itself, let alone when she was leaving a deep purple mark. "You'll have consequences to deal with." I warned. Khloe laughed and backed up, pecking my lips once more before she grabbed her razor off the holder.

I washed myself and cleaned up as she saved her legs and underarms, both of us done within a matter of twenty minutes. Towels were wrapped around our bodies (mine around my waist) as we quickly escaped to my room.

"Wear that." I told her, gesturing to the outfit she'd picked out on the right of the bed. It was a black skirt with a black top that had lace sleeves. It looked nice. Khloe smiled and placed the other white dress back into our closet.

"You like it?"

"Yeah. Looks good." She smiled and I smiled back, slipping into a pair of jeans with a white graphic tee.


"Let's go, slow poke." Ashton laughed, wrapping an arm around Khloe's shoulder. I felt my jaw clench, watching his every move as he leant his head down and placed a kiss on her cheek. She giggled, then turned her head my way and smiled.

"Coming, Niall?"

"Yeah." I walked a smidgen faster, not even bothering to walk with them, instead I just passed her and jumped into on of the taxis. Collin was sat in front with Emily on the left in the back. "Hey, Em. How are ya?"

She smiled and leaned over, giving me a small hug. "Good! How are you?"

"Could be better." I chuckled "Nah, I'm good. It's been a while."

"It has! Have you gotten your letter letting you know when you can come back to the house yet?"

"No, but it should be in soon. I hope it's soon anyways." She laughed.

"Me too. I miss you hanging around. You haven't done that lately."

"I know; I never knew how tied down you became once you had a girl." I laughed. She did too, glancing to Collin.

"Know what 'ya mean." Just then, my head snapped towards the door as it opened, revealing a smiling Khloe. She waved to Emily and slowly slid into the seat.

I placed my arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer. Khloe smiled and leaned into me, her mouth coming level with my ear, "Just so you know, jealousy isn't really your color, Niall." Her hand was brought up to my cheek and she pulled my face to the side, pressing her lips to mine.

I smiled and held onto her chin, clamping my teeth down onto her lip. Khloe giggled and pulled away, leaning into my side.

The car ride from Athens to Atlanta didn't take long with the light talking, laughs and few kisses from Khloe. It was good to being hanging with Collin and Emily again. It's crazy how much you take for granted until it's gone.

Months have passed and we haven't had a decent few hours to chat like we've had today.

I enjoyed the fact that Khlo got on so well with all of my friends too. She and Emily talked a lot from boyfriends, to nails, to clothes, to who the hell even knows what girls talk about. They seemed to enjoy each others company more than I ever thought and it made me happy that she a had a girl to talk to at the moment since she wasn't speaking to Eleanor or Gemma or Parrie. None from her group anyways, that she used to, besides Harper.

I think deep down she was still upset or at least unsettled at the fact of what I had done and that no one had told her? But, I was glad that she at least trying to open up again, even a little.

"Ready, babe?" Collin asked Emily as he opened the for her while I paid the cab driver. Khloe giggled at the fact that she was holding the door open for me, imitating what I always do to her as she reached across my lap and unbuckled my belt.

"Get out of here!" I laughed and pushed her back so I could slide out.

"What! It's what you do to me." she smiled.

"Oh, it's what you do to me...oh, it's what you do to me..." I joked, singing lightly as I wrapped my hand around hers and tugged her over to the others who were standing on the sidewalk in a huddle.

People lined the entrance, all waiting to get a step inside as a chilled breeze blew by. You could hear the music bouncing and the drums pulsing. It sounded like a live band tonight?

"Alright losers, let's go." I shouted towards the group. I led us all in through the side entrance with ease where we had to climb up the small metal staircase before being led to a door. "Zayn, this was the way, right?"

"Yeah, man. Just take a left and it leads you past the stripper's dressing rooms, then take a right and you'll walk straight out onto the dance floor."

I nodded and opened the door, feeling Khloe tug on my hand. "There's strippers here?" Her mouth hung agape.

"Jealousy isn't really your color either, babe." I teased, pushing her forward. "Now let's go before you get us caught."

I led the way down the narrow backlight lit hallway, passing all the private rooms with little green lit stars on their doors, each holding a bubblegum name.

There was a bit of giggling in one of the rooms and a loud moan that echoed in another and I noticed Khlo's face scrunch in disgust.

Once we were finally led out onto the floor, it didn't take long to get swallowed by the sea of people. I couldn't even see Khloe in front of me, the only indication that she was still there was her tight grip on my fingers.

My predictions from earlier were confirmed as I noticed the small stage on the side where guys slammed on their guitars and a girl with orange hair bellowed into a microphone.

Talk about a rock pop show...

Bits of liquor sprayed from above my head and it didn't take long to become a sticky mess as everyone continued to dance and wave their drinks in the air, too drunk to realize that it was splashing over the sides of the glass with each sway of the arm.

"I'll have Bourbon on ice and-"

"I want a seven and seven." Khloe interrupted. I looked to her in a teasing manor.

"C'mon you can't even taste the alcohol. What's the fun in that?"

"That's the point. You know I don't like the taste." She laughed, turning to find a seat but they were all taken. I turned her around and lifted her by her waist, sitting her on the counter. She smiled and kicked her feet, wrapping her hands around my neck. "Where do you think the birthday boy is?"

I nodded towards the barista as he slid our drinks to us then took a sip before placing a kiss on Khloe's nose. "Here's you're pussy drink." I teased and handed her's over. "And who knows, He's probably drunk off his ass. He's been here since four with Zak and Garrett and a few of his friends from his classes."

"Why were they here so early?" Khlo gaped, taking a large drink of her mix. I laughed watching her like she was some science experiment. Except she was better than those lame ass things in chemistry.

"Who knows... it's Louis." I smiled and so did she. I finished off my glass--relishing the feel of the ice cold and burn in one-- sliding it back along the scratched and beat up wood. "Hurry up so we can go dance."

"Don't rush me." She giggled, still kicking her feet like a little kid.

"C'mon! I would've had that finished in a second. Want some help?" I leaned my head down to take a drink only for her to laugh and push my head away.

"Get out of here!" Khloe laughed and scrunched my hair in her hand. Smirking, I brought my hand down to her drink before bringing the glass to her lips. Her eyes stayed on mine the whole time while the liquid entered her mouth and slowly slid down her throat. Immediately leaning my head down, I crashed my lips onto hers, plunging my tongue into her mouth.

The alcohol was still very fresh on her tongue as my mouth devoured hers, sealing us together in unity. My hands rested upon Khloe's face, the glass now placed beside her. When she pulled away, a smile formed on her lips and her eyes sparkled through the dark.

My chest rattled with each beat of the drum and I suddenly found my hands pulling hers towards the overly crowded dance floor. Hands tangling with each other's, I rested them on Khloe's hips, pulling her even closer to me.

Grinding her bum on my front, we danced to the beat just like every other drunk couple in here.

"Niallllll!" A voice slurred from behind us. I whipped my head around, smiling instantly at the sight of my drunk, and possibly high, best friend.

"Happy birthday, mate!" I yelled turning to give him a hug.

His arms embraced my body as firm as he could, bracing his weight on me. "Are you having a good time?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"You know what? I really am. The shit here is good! And they even got a live band to perform!" His smile was wider than his face and I couldn't help but to smile at the sight.

I'm happy he was having a good time.

"I see that! Have you came across the rest of the crew yet?" I asked, wrapping my arm around Khloe's waist.

"No- wait yes! And I think Liam was fucking Sophia in the bathroom... Or maybe it was Zayn. Either way he scored." My eyebrows creased and I couldn't help but to laugh while Khloe stood still with bugged eyes.

"Niall, I didn't know-"

"Wouldn't be the first time." I cut Khloe off, looking back to Louis who suddenly was preoccupied by a girl. "Mate, do you want to move towards the front?" I hit Louis' shoulder and he nodded, dragging the girl behind him.

Each body, the next bigger than the other, began to come even closer the further we moved forward, and the lights that were flashing and circling the area didn't help us any as we pushed our way towards the front of the stage.

The music was even louder and my heart started to pound harder. A smile was brought to Louis face as he wrapped the blonde girl in his arms, swaying side to side with her.

"What happened with Eleanor?" I asked in his ear so only he could hear.

"She's being a whiny bitch. Don't have time to deal with that tonight. She didn't end up coming. She stayed with Gemma so why should I give a shit about her?" I bit my lip and shrugged.

"Niall, Khlo, Louis!" Harry yelled, pushing past a man as he carried a few drinks in one hand, a fair skinned, dark brunette's hand in the other. We each took a glass and I smiled, downing mine within the seconds.

"Khloe, Niall, this is Taylor." Harry smiled widely.

I noticed Khloe perk up, smiling widely. "It's nice to meet you!" She yelled over the music. Taylor smiled as Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him from behind.

"It's nice to meet you too!"

"Are you a thing or more?" I asked Harry.

"Maybe more." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. Khloe awed and I nudged his shoulder making both, Taylor and him laugh and blush.

"Here, babe. Get on." I crouched down and held onto Khloe's hips, lifting her onto my shoulders. She laughed and gripped my hands, leaning down to place a kiss on the top of my held. She tugged Harry's SnapBack off his head and placed it on her own, smiling widely as we listened to the band, supposedly called Paramore, jam out.

They're weren't bad, I must admit.

Khloe even knew a few of their songs as she belted out a couple lyrics, laughing and swaying hands with Taylor to the side.

I noticed Ashton and Harper appear to the side of us and Ashton followed my actions, Harper being lifted in the air next to Khloe.

I was brought a shot from a few of Louis' classmates which he'd invited as the other boys crowded around. We all piled into our own grip not far from the front row of the stage, making a toast to Lou for his 23rd birthday. A few hollers from bystanders were emitted and we all smiled.

A strong buzz was now running freely through me, heating my skin and causing my toes to tingle.

It didn't take long for the hours to pass. Drink after drink; Zayn, Sean, Zak, Louis, Liam and I were all solemnly running on the alcohol flushed through our systems. Everything was a but hazy and a little too funny.

Khloe and Sophia sat with Emily, Parrie and Taylor as they all talked about us. I know they were.

Khloe's eyes always had this look in them when she talked to me or about me. I'd realized it some time ago.

I swayed a bit on my feet, dizzily walking towards the girls but as I stopped and looked around, I couldn't exactly remember where I saw them last.

The red light that was fueling my vision seemed to get a little darker as little dots clouded.

"Man, I'm fucked." I laughed.

I glanced to the side, finally seeing my girl and damn did she look hotter than ever. Her hair seemed brighter and face seemed a little rounder and her lips looked so damn kissable.

"Are you okay there, Ni? You look a little lost." she laughed her hands feeling like flames, hot and burning, as she placed them on my arm.

"Jesus Christ, you're so damn beautiful." I turned and grabbed her face into my hands, slamming our lips together. She giggled and stumbled a little, grabbing onto my waist to keep us still. I pulled away, resting my head on hers.

Fuck, why is it so hot in here?!

"Let's dance." I commanded, not giving her a chance to back out as I tugged her out onto the floor.

I whirled her around and held tightly onto her hips. She moved lightly against me, but I knew she was timid. She was scared to put herself out there.

I don't know if she remembers but I've felt her the first time we ever danced together and that was no soft touch, scared dancing. That was hot and hard and sweaty and sexy.

Normally I don't complain on how we dance because I know Khloe's an insecure girl, but tonight, fuck, tonight I want more. I need more.

I ground my hips forward against her as my lips attached to her neck, harshly assaulting her skin. I heard her whimper and lean more into me. "Move fer' me, baby." I slurred in her ear. "I'know 'ya got it in 'ya." My hands traveled down her silky thighs, sliding inwards just under her skirt.

Khloe started to press herself more into me, finding a rhythm with the music which a DJ was now playing. One of her hands tangled into the hair at the nape of my neck and I felt her back arch before she slowly ground down, her back sliding along my torso as my hands traveled up her sides.

Bringing herself back up, she was quick to turn around then press her lips to my neck causing me to toss my head back. I felt her hot tongue side across my creamy skin before she began to suck, her teeth clamping down in pursuit.

The breath in my throat hitched and I could suddenly feel all the blood rush to my lower region. "Khloe..." I hissed at the sting, gasping as she started to grind on my front, knowing exactly what she was doing to me.

She kissed the mark she'd left on the side my my neck, before trailing more up my jaw and onto my lips. I gasped as I felt her hand reach down and tease along my lower abdominal. Like natural, my body tensed and a soft whimper was released inside her mouth.

"Fuck baby, I need 'ya. Like now." I pulled her hand away and began dragging her to the back, her eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Now, Niall?"

"Right fucking now." I hissed. Khloe tensed but still followed, not like she really had a choice anyways.

We passed by the secluded area where thirsty men watched and googled over women in trashy outfits as they danced around a stage and climbed around poles.

I suddenly pushed through the back where we had entered only hours before. Rattling a few door handles, I finally found one that was unlocked. I shoved Khloe into it, slamming the door behind us.

"Niall, we can't-"

"It's either here or the bathroom, and I think you'd much rather be here. Am I correct?" Khloe nodded. "Good." Like a flash of lighting, I yanked her back into my arms, shoving her against the door so she was pinned in between.

My mouth clamped down into her neck, harshly lining opened mouth kisses down her skin, to her chest which her low cut shirt allowed to be visible. Khlo gasped, automatically placing her hands into my hair.

"Niall- Niall, no stop." I pulled away breathlessly, looking into her eyes which were now a deep brown. "I don't want anything."

"But, Khloe I-" she was quick to hush me with another kiss.

"I know. Just sit down and I'll suck you off." Her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks.

"I don't want to seem like I'm using you though." I just felt bad if I got something and she receive nothing in return.

"Niall, you're not using me. I'm your girlfriend, it's what I do. I make sure you're taken care of, now go sit in that chair." Her smile made me smile and I did exactly as she asked.

I watched intently as she lifted her shirt a over her head and yanked it off, revealing her silk black bra which had bits of lace around the edges and a small pink now in the front, drawing in that sex appeal.

"Holy fuck." She smiled at my words, pulling her hair into a quick and sloppy ponytail and if it wasn't the sexiest thing to watch as she dropped to her knees in front of me.


My eyes fluttered open, a bright light immediately reflecting off the glass of the window. I groaned and slammed them shut again, turning on my side. The blanket was pulled over top of my head and even the pure silence was enough to make my head pound.

I whimpered and buried my head into my pillow.

"Here, babe." Khloe whispered and I could hear glass lightly tap against more glass. I slowly looked over to see Khlo placing two tablets of Tylenol and some water on the living room stand.

"Thank you." I swallowed the pills, reaching my arms out to her. "Come cuddle."

She wasted no time in slipping under the comforter and wrapping her arms around my waist. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Shh..." I whispered, nuzzling my head into her neck. "Yeah, I did. Just last night is catching up to me." Khloe silently laughed, kissing my forehead. A present silence rested among us and all that could be heard was the small creaks of the house and the soft beats of our hearts against each other.

I ran my hands through her hair, lightly twisting the end around my fingertips. I loved the way it was always so silky and soft despite not being brushed or washed yet.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She retorted with a smile.

"No you don't. That's impossible because I love you the most."

"That's preposterous."

"You're preposterous." I laughed. "What does that even mean?"

"Oh, god, Niall." she giggled.

I smiled and started down at her. The love and admiration I'd grown towards this girl was unbelievable. I didn't know what to do with myself. She was so crazy and silly and funny and so kind and loving. She had such a big heart and she gave me a chance when no one else would.

She's always been there for me and she's shown and taught me so much. Without her I am nothing and I don't know how she managed to do that but she did.

Through all the pain and suffering I've been through, Khloe has been the one to solemnly stand by my side. She's been the one to take my hand and guide me despite the ruckus I've caused in her life as well. We've managed to do it though, some how. We've managed to find our way through the dark even in the hardest of our times.

I'd be lost with out her.

My thoughts were violently interrupted as my phone blared out. I sighed and Khloe turned to grab it off the glass table before it woke anyone else up in this frat house.

"It says UnKnown." I opened my eyes and looked at the screen before shaking my head.

"I don't know. Just end the call." I closed my eyes again, hearing the ringing come to a halt before Khloe's voice was softly elicited.

"Hello?" I opened them once again, turning to look at her, furrowing my eyebrows at the sight of her wide eyes and open mouth. "Um, uh-" she cleared her throat and looked to me. "Yeah. He's right here." Her eyes were very dark and I wasn't sure what to think... "You need to take this." She held the phone to my ear and my head started to buzz with thoughts.

"Uh, hello?" I looked up to Khloe again silently begging for her to talk to me; tell me something at least as to why she looked like that and why I needed to take it.

"Niall? This is your father. I have a request to ask of you."

Okay, so it's been a while. A long while. I'm really sorry, just I have had a lot going on, not to mention the events that have occurred this past week.

I'm not going to get too much into this, but about Zayn leaving One Direction- there's been so many rumors and so much happening and I just feel that if the other boys are able to support him then we should be able to as well despite what he does. He's a smart boy and he knows what he's doing. It sucks, but I think we need to not be selfish about this and just be happy for him. If this is what he truly wants then we should be backing him up and just be thankful for the time we got with him, not bashing on him.

I'm starting the next chapter now and I only hope that I'm able to get it done within a decent time frame haha

I love you all :) xx -A

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