Slightly Undead. || Glenn Rhe...

Per baddie4xanax

134K 2.9K 426

Jade Dixon, one of the Dixon siblings, survives side-by-side with her badass brothers. With a sword in her ha... Més



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Per baddie4xanax

// Jade //
The wind was fierce as we buried our loved ones. I glanced over at Andrea, who had covered Sophia up in a blanket. My heart ached for the little girl. Winter was coming soon and no one in our group had many winter clothes. I wiped my brow and walked over to Dale, "What a shitty day this turned out to be." I sighed. He patted my back as Rick and Shane walked over. Lori looked up to Dale, "Dale?" she ask, getting his attention, "Yeah?" he glanced up, almost jumpy, "Could you take Carl up to the house?" she ask, getting a long look from Dale, "I want you to rest," she looked down at Carl, "Okay." he said, getting off the ground and walked up to the house with Dale. Before he walked away, Rick put the hat on his head and watched him walk away. Rick looked distraught, knowing Hershel was a man to his word. We had to leave, I thought to myself. T-Dog speaking shot me out of my thoughts, "You want us to start burying?" he ask our leader, "We need a service. Carol would want that." Andrea said. I looked down to my feet, "Yeah, we all want that." I mumbled, glancing up at her. Rick looked at each one of us, then down at the bodies, "Let's-- Let's dig a grave for Sophia, Annette and Shawn, uh, over by those trees." Lori said, pointing to the tree line that led into the woods, "And we'll need a truck to move the bodies." Lori said, stepping up in place for Rick, who was unable to speak, "I'll get the keys." Jimmy said and started to walk past Shane. Shane stuck his arm out, "No, no. I got the truck." Shane said as he walked away, "And the others? That's a lot of digging." Jimmy said, looking behind him at the other bodies, "We bury the ones we love and burn the rest." I said, not meeting Jimmy's eyes, "Let's get to work." Lori said, walking forward. We all dispersed.

Jimmy, T-Dog, Andrea, Shane, and I were digging the graves. I suddenly felt grateful for the cool weather coming in, because this was hard work. Lori laid rocks for headstones beside each of the graves. I was helping T dig when Shane got out of his grave, looking at the rest of us. I climbed out, too, T and I had finished the grave, "That's it." he said, holding his hand out to me, hoisting me out of the grave. Everyone else was done, too.

I stood between Glenn and Daryl. Glenn held me by the waist, glancing at me occasionally. I wanted to pull away and go to Daryl, honestly. Daryl had this way of making me feel better then anyone else could. I lay my head on Daryl's shoulder, getting a small kiss on the top of the head. There was a big lump in my throat as well, complicating not crying. One by one, we dispersed. Glenn kissing the side of my head and walked away. Daryl nudged me once everyone was gone, "C'mon, Jade." I didn't respond. I took my seat on the dirt, in front of Sophia's grave. He sighed and sat with me, "I left her out there. You know what her last words were to me?" I looked at Daryl, "She said 'Don't leave me'. And I left her! I left her alone and scared. I told her I'd be back, that she'd be okay." I gave a small sardonic smile, "Jade, it ain't your fault." he said, "I LEFT HER THERE, DARYL!" I didn't mean to yell, "I left her there." I whispered, leaning over on Daryl.

The smell of smoke emerged, and I knew they were burning walkers. I guess I should've helped, but I was in the house helping Beth with the dishes. Before I knew what to do, she collapsed to the floor, "Shit." I muttered, reaching down to pick her up, "MAGGIE!" I screamed at the brunette who came bounding down the stairs, "What happened?!" she ask, running over, "She just collapsed!" I said, running my hand through her hair. Maggie picked up her feet and I got her head. We carried her to a bedroom and lay her down on the bed. Her eyes were open now, "Sweetie, can you hear me?" Maggie ask, caressing her cheek. I stood beside Maggie, "Whats wrong with her?" I looked up to the asker of the question, seeing Lori, "She might be in shock." I said, looking at Beth intently, "Where's Hershel?" she ask, "We can't find him anywhere." I said, standing upright. She jogged away as I watched Maggie grab her hand, "Hey, kiddo." she said, hoping for an answer. I sighed and sat down in the chair beside her, biting on my nails.

Shane, Rick, Lori, Maggie, and I were in Hershel's room. Rick was looking through a box of Annette's things that sat on the bed, "Your stepmothers things?" he ask, looking up at Maggie, "He was so sure she'd recover." she said, looking at the box, "They'd just pick up where they left off." she leaned back against the vanity. Shane picked up a flask, "Looks like he found an old friend." Shane tossed it to Rick, who caught it with ease. Maggie walked up and took it from Rick, "That belonged to my grandfather, gave it to dad when he died." Maggie looked at it and flipped it over in her hands, "I didn't take Hershel for a drinker." Rick said. Maggie walked back to her spot, "No, he gave it up on the day I was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house." Maggie said, shaking her head. It was quiet for a moment, "What's the bar in town?" Rick ask, walking over to Maggie, "Hatlin's. He practically lived there in his drinking days." Maggie said to Rick, "Betting that's where I'll find him." Rick said, giving a small smile to Maggie, "I've seen the place, I'll take you." I said to Rick with a nod, "All right, I'll get the truck." I started to follow Rick out, but Maggie grabbed my arm, "N--No." she said, "It's an easy run." I said to her, "Hey, Maggie?" Rick turned to her, "I'll bring her back." Rick laughed. She nodded, "Be careful." she said to me, "I will. Take care of Beth and will you tell Glenn and Daryl where I went if they ask?" I said to her. She nodded and I followed Rick outside, my weapons already on me.
"I'm Dave." the skinny one said to me, "The scrawny-looking douche bad there is Tony." he pointed to the large man while Rick poured Dave a glass of whiskey. I was leaned against the counter on the bar next to Hershel, "Eat me, Dave." Tony said with a snort, "Hey, maybe someday I will." Dave winked at Tony, "We met on I-95 coming out of Philly. Damn shit-show that was." Dave said, fiddling with his glass, "I'm Jade." I waved at the two. Tony looked at me as if he was picturing me naked. I looked away from him quickly, "Rick Grimes." our leader nodded to Dave as he handed Tony a drink, "How about you, pal? Have one?" Dave ask Hershel as I downed a glass of wine, "I just quit. " Hershel said to Dave, "You've got a unique sense of timing, my friend." Dave smiled, "His name's Hershel. He lost people today, a lot of them." Rick nodded, taking a seat, "I'm truly sorry to hear that." he nodded to Hershel. I refilled my glass with whiskey, "To better days and new friends." Dave said, waving his glass around for a toast, "And to our dead-- may they be in a better place." I raised my glass and took a swallow, the liquid burning down my throat, "Not bad, huh?" Dave pulled out his tiny pistol, "I got it off a cop." I glanced to Rick, "I'm a cop." Rick said a matter-of-factly, "This one was already dead." Dave reassured Rick with a smile, "You fellas are a long way from Philadelphia. " Rick said, changing the subject quickly, "It feels like we're a long way from anywhere." Dave chuckled, "What drove you South?" Rick ask, sipping from his glass, "Well, I can tell you it wasn't the weather." Dave joked as he took a drink, "I must've dropped 30 pounds. In sweat alone down here." Dave said, putting his hand to his face, "I wish." Tony said, mainly to himself, "No, first it was D.C. I heard there might be some kind of refugee camp, but the roads were so jammed, we never even got close. We decided to get off the highways, into the sticks, keep hauling ass. Every group we came across had a new rumor about a way out of this thing." Dave said, glancing at all of us, "One guy told us there was the Coast Guard sitting in the gulf, sending ferries to the islands." Tony looked at me again, "The latest was a rail yard in Montgomery running trains to the middle of the middle of the country-- Kansas, Nebraska." Dave said, looking at Rick, "Nebraska?" he ask, giving Dave a confused look, "Low population, lots of guns." Tony said to Rick, "Kinda makes sense." I breathed out, looking down into my glass, "Ever been to Nebraska, kid?" Dave looked at me with a smile. I shook my head, "Theres a reason they cal 'em flyover states." Dave laughed, causing Tony to laugh as well, "How about you guys?" Dave ask, looking directly at Rick. I knew it was gonna go down right now. I put my hand loosely on my gun that lie on the counter, "Fort Benning, eventually." Rick answered, giving a quick glance at Tony, "I hate to piss in your cornflakes, officer, but... We ran across a grunt who was stationed at Benning. He said the place was overrun by lamebrains." Rick stared at Dave for a good while, "Wait, Fort Benning is gone? Are you serious?" I ask Dave as Rick looked at the ground, "Sadly, I am." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Oddly, the truth is there is no way out of this mess.
Just keep going from one pipe dream to the next, praying one of these mindless freaks doesn't grab ahold of you when you sleep." Dave said, "If you sleep." Tony snorted. I absorbed all of this information, "Yeah, it doesn't look like you guys are hanging your hats here." Dave said, dropping the bomb, "Y-You holed up somewhere else?" he ask, glancing around to each one of us, "Not really." I blurted out, seeing Rick was taking too long to answer, "Those your cars out front?" he ask, motioning out the door, "Yeah. Why?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm as I tightened my grip on my rifle, "We're living in ours. Those look kinda empty, clean. Wheres all your gear?" Dave ask, "We're with a larger group out scouting, thought we could use a drink." Hershel lied, "A drink? Hershel, I thought you quit." Dave smiled. Everyone was silent for a moment, "Well, we're thinking of setting up around here. Is it-- is it safe?" Dave looked to Rick, "It can be, although I killed a few walkers around here." Rick glanced at me, "Walkers? That what you call them?" Dave was smiling at me, "Yeah." I let out a breathy laugh, "That's good. I like that. I like that better than lamebrains." Dave sighed, "More succinct." Tony agreed, "Okay, Tony went to college." Dave smiled at the use of a big word, "Two years." Tony agreed with a smile. Silence filled the room before Dave spoke again, "So what-- so what, you guys set up on the outskirts or something? That new development?" Dave pointed behind him. Tony got up from his place, "Trailer park or something?" Tony waddled over to Dave, "A farm?" he said with his back turned, "Old McDonald had a farm." Dave sang, glancing at Tony, causing him to chuckle, "You got a farm?" Dave looked at Rick. Tony was in the corner, peeing while singing the rest of Old McDonald. I switched my glance to Dave, "Is it safe?" Tony said, followed by Dave, "It's gotta be." I let out a sigh and waited for Rick for an answer, "You got food, water?" Dave said, leaning forward, "You got cooze?" Tony ask, still in the corner, "Ain't had a piece of ass in weeks." Tony glanced over his shoulder, "And Jade right there is fine, so you gotta have more." he smirked, turning back around to face the wall, "Listen, pardon my friend." Dave rubbed his forehead, obviously aggravated, "City kids-- they got no tact. No disrespect." Dave sighed, then looked to me, "So listen, Jade--" Rick cut him off, "We've said enough." I looked to Rick, grateful, "Well, hang on a second. This farm-- it sounds pretty sweet. Don't it sound sweet, Tony?" Dave ask his friend who was now done. He looked at me, "Yeah, real sweet." I rolled my eyes at him, "How about a little southern hospitality?" Dave edged on. My hand was getting sweaty from its grip on the barrel of my gun, "We got some buddies back at camp, been having a real hard time. I don't see why you can't make room for a few more. We can poll our resources, our manpower." Rick stopped Dave before he could say anything else, "Look, I'm sorry. That's not an option." Rick said. Dave shrugged, "Doesn't sound like it'd be a problem." Dave said, looking at Tony, "I'm sorry, we can't." Hershel said, trying to be as gentle as possible, "We can't take in anymore." I said, grabbing my gun and slinging it over my shoulder. I walked over and stood beside Rick. Dave chuckled, "You guys are something else. I thought- I thought we were friends. We got people we gotta look our for too" Dave threw his hand in the air, "We don't know anything about you." I said, leaning against the counter, "No, that's true." Dave said, looking from the floor to me, "You don't know anything about us. You don't know what we've had to go through out there, the things we've had to do. I bet you've had to do some of those same things yourself. Am I right?" It was quiet now and I'm pretty sure Tony was staring at my chest through my tank top, " 'cause ain't nobody's hands clean in what's left of this world. We're all the same. So come on, lets-- lets take a nice friendly hayride to this farm and we'll get to know each other." Rick put his hand to his side, "That's not gonna happen." he said, not giving into Dave's little speech, "Rick--" Tony cut Dave off, "This is bullshit." he growled, "Calm down." I said, rolling my eyes, "Don't tell me to calm down. Don't ever tell me to calm down." he spat at me, "Woah." Rick said, "I'll shoot you three assholes in the head and take your damn farm!" Tony was yelling. Rick had gotten up and walked closer to Tony, "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Relax." Dave put a hand on Tony's chest, "Take it easy, nobody's killing anybody." Dave smiled, "Nobody's shooting anybody. Right, Rick?" Dave hopped over the counter opposite of us, "Looks." Dave said, putting his gun on the counter, "We're just friends having a drink, that's all." Dave smiled at the three of us, "Now where's the good stuff, huh?" Dave said with his hands out to his side. Dave leaned down behind the counter and I saw Rick put his hand on his gun, "Hey, look at that." Dave pulled up a bottle making Rick let go of his gun, "That'll work." Dave took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, "You gotta understand-- we can't stay out there. You know what it's like." Dave poured himself a glass, "Yeah, I do." Rick nodded, "But the farm is too crowded as is. I'm sorry. You'll have to keep looking." Rick said, no emotion visible, "Keep looking," Dave repeated, "Where do you suggest we do that?" Dave ask, "I don't know." Rick shrugged. I caught Tony's glance at me, "I hear Nebraska's nice." I held back a laugh, "Nebraska." Dave snorted, "This guy." Dave said while his smile faded. In one swift movement, Dave reached for his gun. Before he got there, Rick shot him. I returned the favor with Tony with a shot in the chest. Tony ended up shooting the celling as Rick marched over and shot him in the head. Hershel looked at Rick with a look I really couldn't read. Tony's body fell to the ground with a thud and Rick put his gun back in the holster. Rick looked at me as I looked away.

I walked over to Tony's body, as did Hershel, "Holy shit." I muttered, my gun in hand, "You all right?" Rick ask me, "Yeah." I said, keepin gmy voice low. It was dark outside now, "Hershel?" Rick ask. After a moment, he nodded, "Let's head back." Hershel said. I nodded and walked away from Tony's body. Rick picked up his gun while I reached to get Dave's. Just as we reached the door, we seen the headlights of a car, "Care. Car. Get down." Rick said as we picked up the pace. I crouched beside the main door and held my gun to my chest while Dave's was in my waistband. The engine stopped running and car doors slammed shut. I took in a deep breath, "Dave? Tony? They said over here?" I kept track of how many voice I heard. One.
"Yeah." Two.
"I'm telling you, man, I heard shots." Three.
"I saw roamers." replied the second man I heard, "Two streets over. Might be more around here." same voice, "It's hot." the first man sighed. So there are three men from what I can hear. I waved over to Rick and put up three fingers. He nodded. "We gotta get out of here." said the first man, "Dave! Tony!" the third one shouted. Shadows passed by Hatlin's door, "Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract 'em?" one man said, "Just stick close. We're gonna find 'em." the same man said. One man stopped at the bar door and looked in. I reduced my breathing, "Dude, he said to stay close." one man called to him. He left. I let out my breath carefully and waited.

I moved the checkered curtain a bit, peering outside for the men. No one was there. Rick stood, still against the wall. I waited for his signal to move. He came over to us, "Why won't they leave?" I whispered, frustrated, "Would you?" Hershel ask, "We can't sit here any longer. Let's head out the back and make a run to the car." Rick whispered. I nodded, as did Hershel. Just as we began to move, a gunshot went off. I handed Hershel Dave's pistol and went back to my spot. I ignored the voices of the men and looked at Rick, "We're looking for Dave and Tony and no one checked the damn bar?" One man said. I threw my head back. Footsteps approached. Just as the door started to open, I threw myself in front of it.
"Someone pushed it shut."
"There's someone in there."
"Yo, is someone in there?"
"Yo, if someone's in there, we don't want no trouble. We're just looking for our friends."
"What do we do?"
"Bum rush the door?"
"No, we don't know how many are there. Just relax." I motioned to Hershel for my gun, which he slid over.
"We don't want no trouble. We're just looking for our friends. If something happened, tell us. This place is crawling with corpses. If you can help us not get killed, I'd appreciate it."
"You're bugging. I'm telling you nobody's in there."
"Someone guard the door. If they're in there, they might know where Dave and Tony are." I automatically regretted moving in front of the door. Rick took in a deep breath, "They drew on us!" he shouted to the men outside. I shut my eyes. He should've just left it alone. I planted my feet firmly on the ground and braced myself, "Dave and Tony in there? They alive?" one man ask. Rick was quiet for a minute, "No." he replied, "They killed Dave and Tony."
"Come on, let's go."
"No, I'm not leaving. I'm not telling Jane. I'm not gonna go back and tell them that Dave and Tony got shot by some assholes in a bar." Rick got aggravated, "Your friends drew on us!" he shouted, "They gave us no choice! I'm sure we've all lose enough people, done things we wish we didn't have to, but it's like that now. You know that! So lets just chalk this up to what it was-- wrong place, wrong--" Rick didn't get to finish as a bullet went through the glass. I covered my head as small pieces of glass landed on me. Rick raised up, shooting, "GET OUTTA HERE! GO!" Rick shouted at Hershel and I. I didn't hesitate to run. Bullet holes covered the walls as Hershel and I ran to a different spot. I got beside a wall, behind an old piano as Rick sank back to his spot. I held my rifle to my chest as I waited.

"We all know this is not gonna end well!" Rick yelled to the men, "There's nothing in it for any of us! You guys just-- just back off, no one else gets hurt!" no one answered. Some bottles rattled, the sound coming from downstairs. I looked back at Rick, who nodded for me to go. I sighed and took off in a sprint. The door creaked open as I peered into the room. No one was there. I walked inside, my gun ready. I walked down the steps as silently as I could. One stairs creaked loudly as I shut my eyes for a quick second, pausing on the step. I made my way down to stairs and followed the sound of bottles rattling. I kept my eyes and ears alert as I swept through the room. More bottles clattered and I heard a voice, "Shit." he muttered. The back door was coming open, the shadows of a man was there. In a swift movement, I shot at the shadow, the glass shattered, "JADE! JADE!" I heard Rick call for me, "I--I'm all right. I'm all right." I repeated quickly so I wouldn't startle Rick or Hershel. I ran over to the door and stood on the side, my gun ready to go.
Footsteps came from behind me. I swung, ready to shoot. Hershel put his hands up as I moved my finger off the trigger quickly. He pushed the barrel of the gun away from him as I took in a breath, "Sorry. Sorry." I said, letting out my breath, "Rick wants you to try for the car." he said in a hushed whisper, "Try?" I repeated with a sarcastic smile, "You'll try and succeed." he said, encouraging me, "I'll cover you." his voice was stern, but caring, "That's a great plan." I sighed sarcastically, nodding my head. After I collected my thoughts, I ran for the door. Hershel followed me quickly. I opened the door quickly and looked at the dead body on the ground. I peered out both sides and made a run for the right. I walked forward, quickening my pace as I went. Hershel stuck close behind, the small pistol held to his chest. Before I could react, a gunshot came from behind me. Hershel shot the man down as I dropped behind a dumpster. Shock overtook me. "You hit?" I heard a rough whisper. I didn't sound like Hershel, so I didn't reply, "Are you hit?" the same voice repeated. At this moment, I thought it could be Rick, No. No." I whispered back. Rick crouched beside me, "It's all right. The car's right there." Rick said, "We're almost home." Rick glanced behind him. He looked at me, "You good?" he ask, "I'm good." I let out a sigh. He nodded and patted me on the shoulder, "Lets go." Rick said, running out from behind the dumpster. Just as I followed, gunshots went off. Something sharp lodged itself in my side as I took in a sharp breath. I had been shot. My breath was raspy as I struggled to breath correctly, "Fuck." I muttered, looking at the bullet hole in my side, "Jade!" Rick wiped sweat from his forehead, "I'm-- I'm okay. Its in my side." I said, chocking back tears. I ripped off the bottom half of my shirt and tied it around my waist tightly. There was a sniper on the roof.
"Let's get out of here!"
"Roamers all over the place! Hurry up! We gotta get outta here!"
"What about Sean!"
"They shot him. We gotta go. Roamers are everywhere."
"We're leaving?"
"Hurry up! Jump already!"
The man jumped, but didn't make it into the truck. His grunted and screams carried as I worked on my side, trying to make the bleeding stop. I ignored the mans shouts for help as Rick helped me up, "Go to Hershel." he said. I nodded as Rick ran toward the man. With every step I took, it hurt like hell. I let a tear fall and wiped it away quickly. Hershel met me half way, "Are you okay?" he ask, holding me up. I nodded, "It's in my side. It didn't go clean through. " I said, grunting. Just as we started to walk, the black man that Hershel had shot was getting attacked by walkers. Hershel shot one down, but the two others had gotten to him already. He took in a deep breath and continued to help me toward Rick, "The gunfire must've attracted the walkers. Where's Rick?" he ask, "He-- he ran across." I said. Hershel was almost to his car, "Well, hell, we can't go without him." Hershel rushed back over the side, leaving me stranded at his car. I sighed and wobbled over to Hershel and Rick. The man that shot me had his leg lodged in a fence post. I smirked, "We have to go now." Hershel said, "No!" the man cried, "Shut it. You shot me!" I spat at the man. Hershel and Rick glanced at me, "I'm sorry, son. We have to go." Hershel placed a hand on his knee. I ignored the pair and slung my rifle over my shoulder. My hands were shaking as I felt myself getting dizzy, "H-Hershel." I muttered, rubbing my eyes, "Give me your pistol." I said, stumbling over to him. He handed it to me as I shot incoming walkers. I couldn't mange my rifle right now and I needed something with little to no kickback. The cries and arguing of Rick and Hershel continued as my vision went black. I fought for consciousness now as my vision went black and I dropped to the ground.

I woke up half-way through the ride. I was sitting up now as I felt Hershel messing with my gunshot wound. I punched the back of the empty-passenger seat with pain, biting my lip. I bit my lip too hard and it my teeth sink in, my lip bleeding. The taste of blood filled my mouth as I pushed Hershel away, "It didn't break into pieces. You're lucky. I can just pull it out. You're gonna need blood, though." he said. I nodded and took in a deep breath as he pulled into the driveway. I saw Daryl coming to meet the car in the driveway. As I opened the door, I limped out, clutching my side as I spit out blood. People bailed out of the house as Daryl waited for me to come around the side, "Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery." Hershel shouted. I walked around the side, meeting Daryl's gaze. His eyes dropped as he saw the blood on my stomach and the blood that had began to soak through the cloth. He ran over and grabbed me, "What happened?" he ask, his voice rough, "Bastard, Randall, shot me. It didn't break off into pieces, though. I'm fine. Just lost a lot of blood." I said, the sun hurting my eyes. Glenn went around Daryl and kissed me, "You're never leaving again." he muttered into my hair. I smiled and felt myself collapse into his arms, my world going dark once more.

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