Reunion with a old friend

By -Mr_Midnight-

4.1K 27 7

Obirin More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

289 2 1
By -Mr_Midnight-

Minato POV

What the hell it's called tobi whatever obito has been captured and we need to get him back but first I must apologize to neji for sending him on such a dangerous mission I'm such a bad hokage putting one of naruto's friends in harms way like that

Minato: neji I am so sorry I put you in harms way like that I hope you can forgive me

Neji: no lord forth it's my fault I went easy on her because she was a woman but we need to find mr obito if memory severs me correctly that woman is going to marry him

Minato: well then we can't let that happen I'm going to have to talk to my old students

Tobi: wait wait wait minato senpai you need me as well

The little tobi thing says jumping up and down

Minato: why?

Tobi: because tobi is connected to obito san so I can track him kakashi senpai doesn't need to use his dogs sense tobi is very small and can fit under doors and tiny spaces

Minato: that would be very useful fine ok neji you go home tobi your coming with me

Neji: yes lord fourth

Tobi jumps on my shoulder I walk to the door to leave but neji stops me to tell me some information about that lady and her jutsu I walk to kakashi's house and knock on his door he then answers

Kakashi: minato sensei how can I help you?

Minato: it's obito he's been captured by the lady that's been kidnapping shinobie

Kakashi: when are we going I can grab anko and guy

Minato: we will be going soon I just need to grab rin meet up at the gate

Kakashi: yes sir

I walk away from kakashi's house and start heading to rin's house I knock on the door and she answers

Rin: yes sensei?

Minato: obito has been captured-

I get cut off by punching her door off the hinges with little effort

Rin: who's the bitch that took my man and when are we going

Minato: I- I- it's the woman t- t- that's been capturing s- s- shinobie meet at the gate

Rin: understood

I run away from rin's house that was scary as fuck that was as scary as kushina when naruto misbehaved or didn't do his homework I get to the gate and wait for the others a few hours go by and I see kakashi rin guy and anko they tell me there ready but as we are about to leave someone comes up to us that someone is a uchiha

Shisui: I hate to say this but I was ease dropping on your conversation with these guys lord fourth and I want to join you guys my name is shisui uchiha

Minato: I'm sorry but-

Guy: I'm sorry young man but we can't allow that your burning with youth I can tell but this mission is for adults not kids like yourself

Shisui: I'm not a kid I'm nineteen plus this is personal for me here read this

Shisui hands me a piece of paper that's folded up I unfold it and what I see is shocking I didn't know obito still had family in this world

Kakashi: sensei what is it?

Minato: obito is shisui's brother

Guy/Anko/Rin/Kakashi: what!!!

(Yeah before you ask me what the hell im doing just look at this real quick

Yeah uhh apparently there "brothers" which I'm sure it's not true you guys probably know this isn't true but fuck it lets say there brothers in this book because why not)

Shisui: my same reaction it's not every day you find out you actually have family that isn't dead so I'm going with you to get him back

Shisui walks out the gate we follow him because well he doesn't know where he's going

Kakashi: do you even know where your going

Shisui: nope but this little guy does

He says and he points to his pocket we look and see tobi in his pocket and the paper which is weird because he was on my shoulder a second ago and the paper was in my hand now we actually got to follow shisui to obito great anko walks next to shisui

Anko: so tell me how did you figure out you and obito are related

Shisui: well apparently some dumbass doctor gave me to the wrong family and told my real mom and dad I died when I came out the womb to cover up that doctors mistakes I found out yesterday when I went into the hospital because my forearm was slashed they did fixed me up and did a blood test on me to make sure I wasn't poisoned or anything because the blade I was slashed with had tiny bits of cyanide on it they got the poison out then they told me that I'm related to obito so here I am now

Anko: ok that's interesting

Shisui: yeah but we should pick up the pace a bit who knows what they are doing to him

With those words said we start running tobi telling us where to go after awhile of running we eventually get to where obito is and it's a huge castle

Tobi: oh no

Anko: oh no what do you mean oh no

Tobi: tobi can't sense obito san anymore he's around to many people we might have to split up

Shisui: well that isn't a problem for me sharingan should allow me to see there positions

Kakashi: I got the nose of a dog I should be fine on my own

Rin: I got obito's scent because of uh all the uh time we spent together yeah

Guy: I'll go with kakashi sense I got no tracking experience

Anko: I guess me and minato will be going with shisui

Minato: shit

Rin: what is it?

Minato: I can't leave the village unattended it's my job as hokage good luck you guys

I leave them to finish this mission I have faith they can finish this

Shisui POV

Anko: damn so me and shisui are going then

Shisui: actually I'll be fine on my own plus I got tobi with me so I'm not alone you can go with rin if that's ok with her

Rin: yeah that's fine just don't get in my way when I find the bitch that took my obito

Anko: scary but respect

Me and the others go into the castle threw different ways I went threw one of the upstairs window's and it's a room a room with a heart shaped and rose paddles on it so this is the master bedroom where the magic happens but I guess obito my brother is already in a relationship and I don't indeed to have it ruined I activate my sharingan and instantly get a lot of peoples positions and two people coming down the hallway I bust out the door and knock them out I run down the hall and go upstairs once I do I get on one of the support beams that are on the ceiling I look down and see what looks to be a wedding I see obito in a suit and some lady walking down the aisle she has purple hair and a wedding dress on then I hear the door get busted open by that rin lady

Rin: get away from my obito you bitch

Aijin: fufufufu I'm sorry but this bitch is about to marry your obito get her boys

A bunch of shinobie charge at her then a bunch of snakes strike all of them in the chest and they get knocked down which was anko I think her name was I jump down to join rin and anko just then guy bust down a wall him and kakashi come out with some dogs at there sides

Guy: let go of obito you witch or feel the wrath of the blue beast of the leaf

Kakashi: obito belongs in leaf with his friends not with psychotic women like you


Aijin: tch look at these people ruining our wedding honey

Obito: yeah it's it's un-

Obito puts his hands on his ears like something is hurting his ears that woman puts her hands on his cheeks

Aijin: oh baby what's wrong?

Obito: my head hurts it's-

Aijin: let me fix it with my-

I cut that woman off by punching her she goes flying into the wall obito grabs me by my shoulder and throws me to the side it leaves a big bruise on my shoulder and it hurts like hell and it's noticeable sense my outfit exposes my shoulders (she has the same outfit in the book cover same with obito) but I need to remember that obito is mind controlled so he did mean it obito goes to the woman

Obito: aijin my love are you ok

Aijin: I am now kill them for me obito

Obito: of course my lov-

Obito covers his ears again and anko points something out

Anko: guys look at his eyes

We look at his eyes and there going from black to his sharingan

Shisui: why is his pupils hearts though?

I look closer at obito's eyes and his pupils are hearts obito takes his hands off his ears and walks towards us

Aijin: obito kill them for me

Obito stops dead in his tracks and turns his head towards aijin I think her name was

Aijin: kill them obito that's a order from your wife

Obito: I hate this place

Aijin: what?

Obito: I hate the fact you tried to make me kill my friends but most importantly I hate you you psychotic bitch

Obito turns around and shoots a fire ball from his mouth a big one we hear the screams of aijin then nothing he also made a hole threw the wall the shinobie that were under her control the hearts in there eyes shatter and fall to the ground and pass out obito turns around to face us and the hearts in his eyes go away to but he's still standing we all hug him and he hugs back except for shisui we all stop hugging and obito turns his attention to shisui

Obito: I don't believe we've met before I'm-

Shisui: obito uchiha I know I'm your here just take this

He hands obito that piece of paper he gave minato obito unfolds it and a smile appears on his face and he gives shisui a head pat

Obito: I always wondered if I still ever had family out there somewhere guess I do

Shisui smiles and hugs obito he hugs him back they stop hugging as says he gonna go back to the village to get some medical ninjas to he's the other shinobie I walk back up to obito to kiss him but he stops me

Rin: what's wrong obito?

Obito: I'm sorry rin that I broke my promise I'm also so sorry that I hurt you

Rin: no obito it's ok

Obito: no it's not and I don't want it to happen again

Rin: what do you mean

Obito: I think we should take break

Rin: I- I understand

Obito: don't worry rin whenever I get my head and thoughts together I'll come back and hold you in my arms again that's a promise I'll keep

Obito walks away and walks out the hole in the wall the others follow and I do to

(Back in the leaf village)
Shisui POV

I'm on my couch watching tv when I hear a knock on my door I get up and open it to see my brother

Shisui: what's bro

Obito: nothing I just wanted to ask if I could stay with you for awhile and I know it's awkward as hell to ask but-

Shisui: sure

Obito: I'm sorry what?

Shisui: sure come in

Obito looks at me then walks in and look around

Obito: holly shit you house is a mess

Shisui: yeah I would've cleaned up but I always forget

Obito: well where the brooms at

Shisui: what?

Obito: come on let's go we got all day little brother

Shisui: but-

Obito: no buts your not gonna live how I did when I was thirteen let's go

(End of chapter seven)

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