Kingdom Hearts 2: 2nd sequel...

By Alexaslowell

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In Twilight Town, two sisters, Harmonyx and Xamira, continue to live their peaceful lives with their best fri... More

Chapter 1: Odd Jobs for the Beach
Chapter 2: Mysterious Meeting
Chapter 3: Struggle Tournament
Chapter 4: The Seven Wonders
Chapter 5: Return
Chapter 6: Awakening in Twilight Town
Chapter 7: Mysterious Tower
Chapter 8: New Friends, New Clothes, New Journey
Chapter 9: Dealing with Problems
Chapter 10: The Land of Dragons
Chapter 11: Proving One's Self
Chapter 12: Beast's Castle
Chapter 13: To Beast or Not to Beast
Chapter 14: Revisiting/Meeting Meg
Chapter 15: Dealing with Hades
Chapter 16: Saving Meg Part 1
Chapter 17: Saving Meg Part 2/Hydra Attack/Disney Castle
Chapter 18: To the Cornerstone
Chapter 19: Timeless River
Chapter 20: Auldrant
Chapter 21: Confrontations Part 1
Chapter 22: Confrontations Part 2
Chapter 23: An Old Friend Helps Keep the Peace
Chapter 24: Port Royal
Chapter 25: Settling Old Scores
Chapter 26: Visiting Agrabah
Chapter 27: Securing the Lamp
Chapter 28: Waiting Isn't Good Enough/Halloween Town
Chapter 29: Christmas Town Visit
Chapter 30: Saving Christmas
Chapter 31: The Pride Lands
Chapter 32: Retaking the Throne
Chapter 33: Returning to Twilight Town
Chapter 34: Kairi and Chuzuru Captured
Chapter 35: Finally
Chapter 36: Space Paranoids
Chapter 37: Password Uncovered
Chapter 38: The Real Ansem?
Chapter 39: New and Unlikely Friends
Chapter 40: Friends Help Each Other
Chapter 41: One Thing After the Other Part 1
Chapter 42: One Thing After the Other Part 2
Chapter 43: Inspiring Story/Swim This Way
Chapter 44: Part of That World/Under the Sea
Chapter 45: Poor Unfortunate Souls
Chapter 46: Kiss the Girl/Ursula's Revenge
Chapter 47: A New Day is Beginning/Spy in Black
Chapter 48: A Palace of Troubles
Chapter 49: Party Gone Ruined
Chapter 50: Heroes Don't Quit
Chapter 51: True Heroes At Last/Upcoming Ball
Chapter 52: Getting Ready for the Ball
Chapter 53: Saving the Kingdom
Chapter 55: Jafar's Return
Chapter 56: Recovering Pooh's Memories
Chapter 57: Always Here/Missing Gifts
Chapter 58: Scar's Ghost
Chapter 59: A Father's Son/Digital Discord
Chapter 60: Radiant Garden Renewed/Sephiroth
Chapter 61: Two Twilight Towns
Chapter 62: Flames of Friendship
Chapter 63: The World That Never Was
Chapter 64: Riku and Ansem the Wise
Chapter 65: Reunited At Last
Chapter 66: Nobodies Revealed
Chapter 67: Essence of the Heart
Chapter 68: Facing Xemnas Part 1
Chapter 69: Facing Xemnas Part 2/A Way Back Home

Chapter 54: The Curse Resurfaces

145 5 4
By Alexaslowell

(3rd) POV:

In the world known as Port Royal, one of the Organization members enters the Island Isla de Muerta. He heads to the deepest part of the island, where the cursed Aztec treasure is located. Whatever the Organization's intentions are, it can't be good.

(Harmony's) POV:

After the ball ended, my friends and I stayed the night in Auldrant. We then set off for another world, after restocking on some supplies and saying our farewells to everyone. Our next destination is Port Royal. When we told what happened last time we were there to Sora and Madison, Sora got super excited, looking forward to meeting actual pirates.

As for Madison, she was less thrilled, believing that pirates are not to be trusted. We parked the Gummi ship in the same exact spot as last time. Afterwards, we head towards Will and Elizabeth's home, then start to hear a ruckus nearby.

"What's that sound?" Madison asks.

"That's coming from the port," says Goofy.

"We'd better go check it out," I say. We head to the port as quick as possible. When we get there, we see Jack being surrounded by a bunch of undead pirates. "Jack!"

"Destiny! Some assistance!" Jack calls out, noticing me and the others.

"My name is 'Harmony'! Har-Mo-Ny!" I exclaim, feeling insulted that he got my name wrong.

"Cool! A real pirate!" Sora exclaims, excited.

"Friend of yours?" Madison asks, referring to Jack.

"Something like that," Asch answers.

"Will ye leave a mate to perish?" Jack asks, pretending that he's in anguish.

I let out a sigh, deciding to let his mistake slide for now. "Aye aye..."

My friends and I brought out our weapons and helped Jack take care of the pirates. Since we're very familiar with fighting them, I used my Wisdom form on them and told Madison and Sora to use their magic, too. Before we knew it, we won the fight.

"Those pirates...they were cursed," Nagakura points out.

"And just when I thought we'd seen the last of the curse of the Aztec gold..." says Okita.

"What gives, Jack?" Luke asks.

"Some scallywag must've got greedy," Jack answers. The others and I then give him a suspicious look. "Oh, I see...You don't trust me, do you? Likely a wise choice. I AM a pirate, mates."

"Jack! Harmony!" a familiar voice exclaims.

We see Elizabeth running in our direction. "Elizabeth!" I exclaim, glad to see her.

When Elizabeth is right in front of us, she notices Sora and Madison. "Oh? And who are your new friends?"

"I'm Sora."

"Name's Madison."

"And these two are Stitch and Kuro," I say.

Kuro lets out a happy bark to greet Elizabeth, while Stitch does a 'hello' motion with his hand. Jack turns around to leave, obviously not wanting any part in what Elizabeth could possible need.

"Wait, Jack! I need your help," Elizabeth says. "The cursed pirates have returned. Will had to find out he went to Isla de Muerta--to check on the Aztec treasure. I fear something's happened. You have to take me to him."

Jack turns around to face Elizabeth. "Aye, there it is. If you'll be wanting him rescued, best do it alone, lass."

"Alone? Really, Jack? Sail to the island and take on the cursed pirates?" Elizabeth asks as though Jack is crazy.

"Well, if any lass could..." Jack says.

"Are you sure Will's in trouble?" Heisuke asks.

Elizabeth slowly shakes her head. "No. Not certain. But he's been gone too long. I wanted to go with him, but he insisted I stay here. I can't just sit and wait! I've got to know if he's all right."

"Lucky man..." Jack groans.

"Please, Jack. Take me to him!" Elizabeth pleads.

"Hold a moment. I see no profit in it for me," says Jack.

"I shall reward you. Of do owe will. He has saved your life before," Elizabeth points out.

"Right. Shall we?" Jack asks.

"We'll help, too. Will is our friend, after all," I say.

"That and we need to figure out why the cursed pirates are back," Harada points out.

With that decided, we all agree to set out and help Elizabeth find Will. We all board the Black Pearl and set out to sea. While keeping a lookout, Goofy eventually speaks up.

"Interceptor off the starboard bow!" Goofy exclaims.

We all head to where Goofy is pointing at and see the Interceptor, which isn't that far from us. And on the ship, slumped on the edge is none other than Will.

"Will!" Elizabeth calls out with worry.

While the rest of us are relieved, Jack is the only one who places his hand over his heart, acting like Will isn't even alive.

Elizabeth glares at him. "Stop that, Jack," as though backing up Elizabeth, Madison summons her Keyblade and uses the hilt to smack Jack right into the stomach for believing that Will is dead, causing Jack to flinch in pain. "We've got to rescue him!"

The others and I nod our heads in agreement. We bring the Black Pearl as close as possible to the Interceptor, then bring Will below deck.

"Will, wake up," Elizabeth says, gently smacking Will's cheek to get him to wake up.

Thankfully, Will opens his eyes. "Elizabeth..."

"What happened?" Elizabeth asks.

"The medallions...and...the stone chest--someone's taken them...Next thing I knew, we were attacked...but I couldn't see who it was--his face was a black hood," Will explains.

"The Organization!" I exclaim, realizing who it is.

"Will, what happened after you saw this man in the black hood?" Hijikata asks.

"We found a way out of the cave...but the villain sent a horde of terrible creatures after us...I've never seen their likes before...I think I'm the only one who made it back to the ship..." Will explains.

"Will..." Elizabeth says.

"Elizabeth...I feel rather..." Will says, then loses consciousness.

"If the Organization is here, that means it can't be good," says Saito.

"But why would they go after the Aztec treasure, mieu?" Mieu asks.

"The only way to know is to find out for ourselves," says Madison.

"You'd best go prepared. We've no idea what's out there," Elizabeth points out.

"Pardon me, lads and lasses, but your captain will have no monsters today. Thank ye. We're turning for home," Jack says, then turns around to return to outside.

"Just like that?" Elizabeth questions.

"Just like that!" Jack exclaims simply, without turning around.

"But Jack! We can't just run away! Not with the Organization out there!" Sora exclaims.

"Then I suggest ye get yerself another ship, mate. The Black Pearl is my ship, and as her captain, I won't be facing any monsters, thank ye. The Interceptor still floats. You'll have better chances using her as your vessel," Jack says.

"No justice, even among pirates, is there?" Madison asks, glaring at Jack.

"Nope. Unless it's of greatest profit to him, he won't lift a finger for anyone," Nagakura answers.

I let out a sigh, wondering what we should do. True, Jack helped us before, but that was only to get the Black Pearl back from Barbosa. Without anything to motivate him to do so, there's no way he plans on helping us. While I try to think of what it is that my friends and I should do, we all hear Jack speak up the moment he steps outside.

"Don't remember invitin' you," says Jack.

My friends and I all head outside to see the chest that contains the Aztec treasure on deck. And standing right next to it is a man in a black coat. The others and I bring out our weapons, ready to fight.

"So it was the Organization," says Asch.

"Let's do this!" I exclaim.

Before we can do anything, the man holds a hand up, gesturing for us to hold our attack. "The Darkness of men's hearts--drawn to these cursed medallions; and this Heartless--a veritable maelstrom of avarice," he snaps his fingers, making a bizarre Heartless appear beside him. "I wonder, are they worthy to serve Organization 13?"

"And you want an answer now?" Jack asks.

"Precisely!" the man exclaims, then disappears.

Seeing how we weren't going to get out of this situation, my friends and I fight with all our might to defeat the Heartless. When we weakened it just enough, Madison calls out her Heartless Chimera, who knocks the enemy Heartless overboard, causing it to fall into the ocean.

"Oh, boy!" Donald exclaims.

"Well done," Madison says, stroking her Chimera's fur, causing it to purr in response, then returns to Madison's shadow.

"It's not over yet!" Luke exclaims.

We all turn our attention on the man from the Organization, ready to fight him next. He removes his hood, revealing himself to be a middle aged man.

"Throw him overboard!" Jack orders.

"Aye aye!" Sora exclaims.

The man, however, holds up a hand. "Parley!"

"'Scuse me?" Jack asks.

"What did he say?" Heisuke asks.

"Barley?" Goofy guesses.

"It's a bit of a pirates' code. Anyone who invokes 'parley' must not be harmed 'til negotiations are complete," Jack explains.

"Are you kidding me!?" Okita questions, giving Jack an annoyed glare.

"Jack, this isn't the time for that!" I exclaim, earning barks of agreement from Chibi and Kuro, while Stitch growls at the man from the Organization.

"True. But as we're honorable pirates we should always stick to the code," says Jack. He then turns his attention on the man from the Organization. "All right, you. Out with it!"

"I surrender the chest with my humblest apologies," says the man.

"Rather accommodating of you, mate. And for that you want...?" Jack asks.

"Just a few souvenirs...for the memories," the man says.

Jack becomes confused. "Huh?"

The man swipes some medallions from the chest and then tosses them in the air. Some Nobodies appear and catch the medallions, then go off into different directions.

"The medallions!" Mieu exclaims with worry.

"Oh no! We can't stop the curse unless we got all the medallions!" Goofy exclaims.

"I had a feeling something was fishy about this," Saito says.

"Bastard tricked us!" Harada exclaims.

"I thought I recognized you. His name is Luxord. He treats life like a game by making all sorts of gambles," Madison explains.

"But my dear, isn't that what life is all about? A gamble, where you don't know whether you might end up as the victor or the loser?" Luxord asks.

"Our friend's about to learn what it means to cross a pirate," Jack says, just as angered by Luxord's actions.

"Oh?" Luxord asks, as though nothing is wrong.

We then hear something coming from the side of the ship, followed by some rumbling. The Heartless we had defeated earlier rises from the ocean, but it looks a little different for some reason.

"Harmony! Everyone! He's yours!" Jack exclaims.

Before we even have the chance to do anything, the Heartless hurls a strong gust of wind at my friends and me, knocking us off the Black Pearl. We end up landing on the Interceptor. I quickly get up just in time to see that the Black Pearl's cannons are aimed right at us.

"Fire!" Luxord exclaims.

(3rd) POV:

As the cannons go off, Will and Elizabeth come outside to see what the commotion was all about, only to see the Interceptor get blown to bits. As for Luxord, he chuckles wickedly, pleased with how things turned out.

(Harmony's) POV:

I'm not sure how long I was knocked out for. All I know is that once I regain consciousness, I carefully get up and see Jack, who is now a skeleton, instead of flesh and blood.

"You stole another Medallion!?" I question.

"Were I only that fortunate..." says Jack.

"Harmony, are you okay?" Asch asks with worry, while helping me up.

"I'm fine. Is everyone else all right?" I ask.

"All here and accounted for," Luke answers.

"So, this is what the curse of the treasure does when someone steals a medallion?" Sora asks, looking at Jack.

"What did you mean when you said 'fortunate'?" Heisuke asks.

"Because he didn't steal from the chest. He got knocked over to the Interceptor, just like the rest of us, not leaving him enough time to even get near the treasure," Madison explains.

"So, uh, how come you're all skeleton-y?" Goofy asks, his attention on Jack.

"Perhaps I got a touch o' somethin' from that monster what attacked us. Yet, why's the skin restin' right on the lot of you?" Jack asks back.

"'Cause we're not greedy!" Donald declares. The others and I all stare at Donald, knowing that he, unlike the rest of us, has his moments of being greedy. He takes notice of us starring at him and becomes irritated. "What're you looking at?"

"That still doesn't explain anything," Hijikata points out.

"Sorry. Despite how much I know about the Heartless, even I've never encountered one like that before," says Madison.

When Jack steps out from the moonlight, he reverts back to his fleshy self.

"Gwarsh...Maybe the reason we're all okay is because we're not from this world," Goofy suggests.

"There must be different laws," Donald says.

"Well...we are always just passing through...Makes me wonder if we'll ever get the chance to go home..." I say, feeling down all of a sudden.

The only reason I'm here in this world is because of the Keyblade. If it didn't choose me, I would've still been living my life on the islands. But since it did choose me, I can't help but wonder how much longer it'll be until I am able to go home with all of my friends.

"Harmony...?" Mieu gently calls out, him and the others looking worried about me.

Madison walks up to me and gives me a bonk on the head, making me look up at her with confusion on why she did that. "Quit feeling so down. Last time I checked, your dad wields a Keyblade, too, and traveled to many different places. But when he met your mom, he decided to settle down and make Hollow Bastion his home, right? If he was able to do that, then who's to say you won't go back to the islands, either?"

After putting some thought into Madison's words, I can't help but laugh a little. "Fair enough. You know, Mads, having you around makes me think that I've got an older sister watching over me."

Madison's cheeks turn a little pink. "Shut up!" she exclaims, giving my head a noogie.

"Well, either way, let's count ourselves lucky for not getting cursed, okay?" Luke asks.

"Quit yammerin', mates! We've got to find ourselves a ship that'll float," Jack points out.

With that, we begin to walk around. I'm not sure where we ended up in, but thankfully, there's enough rocky terrain for us to walk on. The only down-side is that there is a lot of wreckage from the Interceptor, that it makes me wonder if we actually will find something that will help sail us back to Elizabeth and Will. While keeping a lookout for anything that might help us, Chibi, Kuro and Stitch all eventually growl at something.

"Look!" Donald exclaims, pointing in the direction that Chibi, Kuro and Stitch are growling at.

We all look and see one of the Nobodies from before. Not only that, but it's also holding one of the medallions.

"A medallion! Get it!" Jack orders.

"Don't need to tell us!" Okita exclaims as we all get ready to fight.

Since there is only one, it didn't take us long to defeat the Nobody. Once we take it out, the medallion it was holding onto falls to the ground.

Jack picks up the medallion. "Three more to go!"

"How do you know?" Nagakura asks.

"A pirate must have a keen eye. Else he won't be sailin' free for very long. Savvy?" Jack asks.

"Huh?" Donald asks, his attention focused on something else. "What's that?"

In the distance, we see a ship off the horizon. And not just any ship; it's actually the Black Pearl.

"Ahoy, mateys!" Elizabeth exclaims, upon noticing us.

"Ridiculous imitation--and yet, I'm flattered," Jack says.

Thanks to Elizabeth and Will's help, we get aboard the Black Pearl. They quickly take notice of Jack's situation, however.

"Jack, what happened?! This is horrible!" Elizabeth exclaims.

"Ah, but who's to blame for it, eh?" Jack asks.

"Well, it certainly isn't Elizabeth," Will points out.

"It's actually Organization 13. They're the ones who are really behind this mess," I say.

"Wonder where they went?" Goofy asks.

"The hooded man took the pirates and his creatures with him into some strange hole. We saw them leave from inside the captain's stateroom," Will explains.

"Didn't occur to you to fight them, mate?" Jack asks.

"I'm no fool. I knew I was no match for them," says Will.

"That I believe," says Jack.

"Harmony, I believe we'll need yours and your friends' help," Will says.

I nod my head. "Okay."

"Then let's go get those guys!" Sora exclaims.

"Not so fast. There are still three more medallions somewhere out there," Madison points out.

"First, let's find all the medallions. Otherwise, the curse can't be broken...and the creatures will remain invisible," Will says.

We then begin our search for the medallions. Since Nobodies kind of live closer to darkness, we decided to have Chibi and Kuro sniff out the Nobodies that are in possession of the medallions. It took a while, but at some point, we managed to defeat the other Nobodies and took back the medallions.

"Four medallions...That's all of them," I say, holding the said medallions in my hand.

"Now all we need to do is return them to the chest," says Saito.

"But where's the chest?" Jack asks.

"If we find the hooded man, we'll find it," Will answers.

"If I had to guess, he's probably heading to Port Royal," says Okita.

"Why's that?" Elizabeth asks.

"Organization 13 is after people's hearts. They go wherever there's lots of people," Hijikata explains.

"They'll hurt the townsfolk?" Will asks, worried.

"No, they're bringin' 'em flowers, mate," Jack says with sarcasm. "I don't know who these Organizers are, but I will say they're makin' we pirates look like proper gents."

"Well, Jack...then...we have to help!" Will exclaims.

Jack gives a quick bow, then heads toward the ship's wheel.

"Then let go and haul to run free!" Jack orders.

We then sail back to Port Royal as fast as the ship can carry us. Since Elizabeth is the only one who can't fight, we tell her to stay on the ship and wait for us. Once we dock, the others and I rush into town, where we see the chest and the Heartless from before.

"Go! He's for me," says Jack.

While Jack distracts the Heartless, the others and I head towards the chest.

"Now to break that curse," I say.

Once I place the medallions back in the chest, we see the Heartless reverting back to normal.

"The curse--it's gone!" Donald exclaims.

"Then what's this?" Jack asks, still looking like a skeleton for some reason.

"Aw, I understand. Jack musta been cursed by that monster, not from takin' the gold," Goofy points out.

"Oh, I've no worries, then," Jack says, sounding sarcastic.

"Relax, Jack. If getting touched by the Heartless is what cursed you, then all we've got to do is defeat it," I say.

The moment I say that, the Heartless tries to swipe us with its weapon. We all manage to move out of the way, but the Heartless ends up knocking some of the gold out of its chest, causing the Heartless to become cursed again.

"Assuming it even lets us," says Madison.

"Get the gold!" Jack exclaims.

Since magic always worked on those who have been cursed by the Aztec treasure, we deemed it wise for me, Madison, Sora and Donald to fight against the Heartless, while the others collected all of the gold that would fall out of the chest. The Heartless obviously didn't make it easy for us, continuously swiping the gold from the chest to make itself stay cursed. But with some team effort, we somehow managed to defeat the Heartless, as well as return the treasure back to where it belongs. The Heartless dropped its weapon and collapses to the ground. Then Jack returns to normal, being flesh and blood once more, showing that we broke the curse and won.

"All better," says Sora.

"Ah, not quite, mate," Jack says.

The moment he says that, we all see Luxord, who came from out of nowhere, taking the heart from the Heartless we just defeated.

"Harmony, Sora, Madison, bravo," Luxord says with a satisfied smile.

Just as we're ready to go after him, he disappears into a corridor of darkness.

"Just who was that chap?" Jack asks.

"He's part of an Organization that's collecting hearts. What you saw just now is an example of that," Harada answers.

"First they release Heartless into different worlds. We defeat those Heartless. Then the Organization gets those hearts," Asch explains.

"We're trying to put a stop to them, but they have a couple of our friends as hostages, and they know full well that there's no way we'd turn a blind eye to people in need of help. With how things are going, we're not going to defeat them at this rate, unless we find out where their world is located," I say.

"What's the plan, then?" Jack asks.

"We've got to find their stronghold, save our friends, and then finish off the Organization for good," Luke answers.

"Sailin' these waters, I've heard some tales, but not a one like this," Jack admits.

"Is there any way we can help?" Will asks.

"Anything at all?" Elizabeth asks.

"There is," Jack answers.

It doesn't take long to figure out what Jack means. After retrieving the chest of the Aztec gold, we sail out to sea, a fair distance away from Port Royal. Once we're far enough, we dump the sealed chest into the ocean, so that the gold's curse will never cause harm for anyone again.

"It's certain we don't need the likes of that hooded fellow and the Heartless about. They'll ruin the market for us true pirates," says Jack.

"So that's why you went to Port Royal. And we thought you actually wanted to save everyone," says Elizabeth, not pleased with the true reason behind Jack's actions.

"A pirate always looks to profit, Miss Swann," Jack says.

"Too bad. You had us going there, thinking you'd turned over a new leaf," Sora says.

Jack shakes his head. "The question is, what's beyond the leaf? Savvy?"

"Oh...oh, yes--a reward. And what'll it be?" Elizabeth asks.

Despite what Jack's true intentions were, Elizabeth still knows that she owes him one for all that he's done, since that was the agreement, after all.

"That lovely blade of Harmony's," says Jack.

"Huh?" Donald asks.

"Come again?" Hijikata questions.

I let out a sigh. "I guess it's okay."

I summon my Keyblade and then get ready to hand it over to Jack, who looks surprised.

"Hold on! That was far too easy. What's the rub?" Jack asks. I say nothing as I hand my Keyblade over to Jack. After holding my Keyblade for a few moments, it quickly disappears, then reappears in my hand. "There, you see?"

"Hey, sorry, but that's just how it is. The Keyblade chooses its wielder, not the other way around. So, whether any of us like it or not, I'm stuck with it. But at least you've still got the Pearl, right, Jack?" I ask.

"That I do. But someday, I'll gather a blood-thirsty crew, and come to take that blade. Chance by then I'll have the way to wield it," says Jack. He then turns his attention on Will and Elizabeth. "And if I succeed, I'll ask you two to join me. That'd be reward enough."

Elizabeth nods her head. "Done," she says, earning a shocked look from Will.

"Maybe someday, Jack'll be able to use the Keyblade after all," Goofy says.

"Why's that?" Donald and Mieu ask in sync.

"A-hyuk! He and Harmony are kind of alike, dontcha think?" Goofy asks.

"Are not!" Asch, Madison, Jack and I exclaim in sync.

Realizing we just said that at the same time, most of us start to laugh, while Asch, Hijikata and Saito smile. After that, we returned to Port Royal, and saw Jack off, seeing him sail away on his ship.

"Some say Jack Sparrow's the worst pirate ever to sail the Spanish Main," says Will.

"No one could really mean that," says Elizabeth.

Will nods his head agreement. "Right. We know he's the best."

"The best at getting himself into trouble is more like it," Madison says.

"I'm pretty sure that applies to us, too, Madison," I point out, remembering all the things we've been through together.

"I hope we'll get to see him again," says Sora.

"Say that, and we really will see him again," Asch says, sounding annoyed.

I let out a small giggle at my boyfriend. Asch can say how much he doesn't like Jack all he wants, but I can tell that a small part of him considers Jack to be a friend. We might have stepped into another one of the Organization's traps, but at least we're getting closer to finding where their base is located. And hopefully, we'll be able to find Kairi and Chizuru real soon.

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