Delayed Bonus

By Ruby747

44 4 0

prompt A News "Two strangers who missed their flight were asked to share a hotel room with one bed." Jinyoun... More


-Delayed Bonus-

28 3 0
By Ruby747

“I'm really sorry sir but the earliest available flight is at 6.30 am tomorrow.”

Jinyoung rolled his eyes at travel conceiger’s words. He was already late and Jackson has been blowing up his phone every five minutes. He was supposed to be in Seoul two days ago but he had to postpone his flight due to a work conference. Finally when he managed to reach the airport it was displayed as delayed for two hours. It was partially his fault for sleeping with headphones on, so he didn't hear the announcement that the flight would take off at the right time. But they should have been more careful with their notices. He sat on a chair as he typed a message in the group chat. He wondered whether he should mute the chat until tomorrow just so he could avoid getting bashed by his friends. Jaebeom, Youngjae, Yugyeom and Mark were already in Seoul.  Bambam was flying from Thailand today.

"Listen here..., Debra. I needed to get down there like yesterday. My best friend is getting married."

Jinyoung’s thoughts were interrupted by the raging voice of a slender woman with reddish brown hair. He couldn’t see her face but he could tell she must be as pissed as he was due to the missed flight. He also understood her pain since he, himself was going to his best friend’s wedding.

His phone started to ring taking his attention away from the scene red hair was making. Jackson was calling, again.  “What do you mean you missed the flight?” Jackson’s voice rang loud in his ears. He was hysterical.

“Listen I’ll be there for the rehearsal tomorrow. Don’t worry.” Jinyoung used his calmest voice that he often use on his patients.

“gosh you are unbelievable. Zoey is going crazy here. She has turned into bridezilla cause one of her maids are late. Now if I tell her that you missed your flight she will eat my head.” Jackson whined.

“Don’t tell her then. Tell her I came and I’m feeling little sick or something.” Though he suggested Jinyoung knew it was never going to work with Zoey. But it was worth the try.

Jackson sighed soundly, “fine. I’ll do something. But get here as soon as possible. Or else I’m withdrawing your status as my best friend.”

Jinyoung smiled softly watching the blank screen. Jackson’s over dramatic demeanor definitely went with Zoey's over the top self. They complemented each other perfectly.

“No you don’t understand. For a very personal reason I can’t book a hotel room. So I might end up on streets if I don’t get on a plane tonight.” Red hair was still arguing with Debra.

“Ma'am we can provide you with a hotel room with complimentary dinner and breakfast. There is another passenger who missed the flight due to the erroneous notice. So we will arrange it for both of you.” She played her final card which she played with Jinyoung. That made the red head calm down a little. Jinyoung watched her calling someone to come and pick them. He stood up and straightened his blazer. He didn’t have time to change his clothes as he came straight from the conference.

A man came and loaded his luggage into a trolley and then collected red head's luggage. “Don’t worry about your luggage Ma’am. Airport staff will keep it safe till you get there tomorrow” Debra  called to them as they were leaving with the man.

They ended up at the airport hotel which was used as a transit hotel by tourists. It wasn’t crowded but wasn’t empty either. They collected their luggage and waited by the reception to receive their room keys. Jinyoung wondered whether he should say something to make the red head feel better but she had her face buried in her phone. Her aura saying, ‘don’t talk to me even if it’s the last thing you do' Jinyoung thought.

“Here's the key sir. It’s on 5th floor. I’ll get a bellboy to come down and get your bags.” The receptionist handed over the key to Jinyoung and called for help.

“hi, excuse me, what about my room?” Jinyoung heard red head asking as the bellboy loaded their bags onto a trolley.

“I gave the key to sir, ma'am.”

“you only gave keys to one room.” Jinyoung said quickly.

“Yeah. So what’s the issue?” receptionist asked with a vibrant smile on her face. ‘No this isn’t happening,’ Jinyoung said in his mind.

“You do understand that we are two strangers so we need two separate rooms?” red head said in a firm voice making the receptionist lose her smile.

“I’m sorry ma’am we were asked to give one free room. They only paid for one half board room for two.” She checked her memo before getting back to them.

“ONE ROOM? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Red head’s voice rang over the hotel lobby making several people turn their heads.

“Look, it is very uncomfortable for us to share a room since we are total strangers. So if you can throw another room it will be helpful.” Jinyoung stepped in just in time to save the receptionist from red head.

“I'm sorry sir, we only have limited rooms and all of them are occupied at the moment. Even if you want, we can’t give another room.” She said apologetically.

“Damn it. Nothing goes the way I want,” red head slammed her hand on the counter. She was fuming with anger and Jinyoung was honestly scared to share a room with her. But it was a desperate time and called for desperate measures. He was already tired from the conference and he needed a good shower and something to eat. Even if it means sharing a room with the agent from hell, he was ready to take his chances.

“Fine. We’ll make it work somehow.” He grabbed the keys and turned around to walk into the elevator.

“Excuse me, what do you mean by make it work?” the red head kept pace following closely.

“I meant, I can’t waste time here arguing with every Tom, Dick and Harry. I’m already tired and since this is the only way to gain a few hours of rest, I’m going to take the room.” He said while stepping inside the elevator with her hot on his tail.

“What? I can’t stay with you,” her eyes got bigger, mortified by sheer thought.

“Then you might have to consider spending the time in the lobby. The couch looked comfortable.” He said punching the button to the 5th floor.

She scoffed sarcastically but didn’t make any effort to step out of the elevator making sure to keep her ‘I’m pissed off’ face until they reach to the room. Their bags were already inside the room. Jinyoung put the key card into the key slot and red head followed him behind. He opened his bag to get his clothes out and shower was on his mind. But obviously the red head had different ideas as she struggled to keep the door open.

“Look, I can’t stay in a room with a stranger, specially a male” she said while looking for something heavy to keep against the door.

“Then you can get another room.” He replied without looking at her, “Oh wait, there aren’t extra rooms”. His sarcastic self got out before he  could think through. He had to get at least few hours of sleep before the flight. He took out his towel, a fresh set of clothes and bag of toiletries. He was ready to settle in and whether she wanted to stay or leave was her problem’ he thought.

“Listen, I for very personal reasons can’t go to a different hotel. Can’t you get another room in another hotel?” she rolled her eyes and added “From the looks you are definitely doing better than I, financially.”

Jinyoung took a deep breath and looked straight at her. Now that he looked at her more carefully she was not bad looking. A slender figure with a heart shaped face. Big brown eyes with a long nose. Thin tight lips and a long neck. One would even say she is pretty. But what he noticed was her nervousness. She was rude but that rudeness was laced with nervousness. Also the way she dressed. Her slender figure was hidden under a layer of baggie clothes. Red hair was arranged in a messy bun. He knew he can’t blame her for being nervous. After all he was a stranger and in her mind he could be a serial killer or a rapist.

But he was not going to a different hotel. “This room is under my name and I have no any intention of going to a different hotel at this hour. I’m going to have a wash and if you wanna leave please close the door behind” he went into the bathroom and said, “also if you are worried about me being a serial killer or rapist feel free to take a picture of my passport and send it to your friend. So you will be safe.”

Jinyoung came out dressed in gray sweat pants and a white t-shirt. Red head was curled up in the couch with the phone against her ear. He picked up the phone to call room service as he wasn’t feeling like going down for dinner. That’s when it happened. She jumped off the couch like a tigress and grabbed the phone. She kept  her finger to his mouth gesturing him not to speak. He was taken back by the sudden attack, he automatically sat on the bed. “No, no. It's nothing babe,” she said while placing then phone back. She went out from the room while talking, leaving a very confused Jinyoung.

Did she just shush me because of her call?

He wondered whether he should order for her as well but at the end he only ordered for himself. He lied down on the bed with his phone to check the chat. It was flooded with messages from his friends blaming him for getting late. Most of those were from Jackson panicking that suit won’t fit Jinyoung so they will have to do last minute adjustments. He typed short reply assuring that his measurements hasn’t changed over two weeks time so Jackson has nothing to worry about. He had no idea when he fell asleep but when he woke up his dinner was already in the room and he heard water running in the bathroom. Next to his tray there was another tray with Korean food and he realized red head had finally decided to stay in. He wouldn’t say he did feel strange about sharing the room with her. He hasn’t shared a room with a woman for like two years now. Not because morals but mainly being a psychiatrist was taking a whole lot of time in his life. He was practicing while giving lectures and he had to conduct a guest lecture at the conference today. He fished his blazer pockets. He had few brochure from the conference, one with his face on it and the topic of his lecture. “Obsession laced as love in 21st century”. He left those on the table and nicely put the blazer back in its cover. Then folded his dirty clothes and put those in a laundry bag he found inside the wardrobe. He placed those neatly on a side of his bag and he was ready to eat.

She walked out dressed in a black pajama short and a pink t-shirt with wet hair. He could see she is definitely more on the pretty side than the average side but for some reason the way she dressed hid her beauty. Her phone started to ring as soon as she got out from the bathroom. She answered it more of a whisper. But he could make her words since the room was silent except for her voice. It was an occupational habit. He had been reprimanded by his family, friends and colleagues for this habit. But he was used to be a listener so he couldn’t help but hear others conversations even when he didn’t want to listen.

“An old lady in her sixties. Aha… I don’t know, didn’t ask,” she pacing while talking on the phone.

A small smile crept on Jinyoung’s face. When she came to eat he was already done with his food but he wanted to wait for her to finish her food. He didn’t want her to eat alone.

“I'm Park Jinyoung,”

She looked at him with an annoyed expression. “I thought we should get to know each other since we are sharing the room.” He explained.

“I have boyfriend and not interested,” she replied blatantly leaving him flustered for a moment.

“What did I say?” he asked.

"That we should get to know each other since we are sharing a room". Her eyebrows formed a frown.

“right?” He nodded in agreement, “then what did you hear?"


“No I mean you must have heard it like, are you single? Can we have sex or something right?” he shrugged his shoulders keeping a straight face.

Her face turned red just like her hair realizing how self-centered she sounded when she said what she said. But it was too late to start being nice. She ignored him completely. He got up from the couch leaving his empty tray.

He was starting to enjoy this red head's rudeness but he was too sleepy to tease her more. He knew it’s anyway better to jump on to the bed first since there is only one bed. He went into the bathroom with his brush and towel running his head over the lecture he gave in the evening. It was another habit. He would go through every event in his head before bed and would analyze whether it was a successful day or not. Most of the time he felt successful and it helped him sleep better. He came out after brushing and analyzing his day. He decided despite the fact he missed the flight, it was a successful day.

Unfortunately day was not over for him just yet. Red head was no longer eating on the couch, she was sprawled on the bed like a star fish under the duvet. He could say she wasn’t sleeping from the way her eyelids were dancing but she was definitely knew what she was doing. She took the bed before he even had a chance. No he wasn’t going to give up the bed just like that. He was tired from the conference and he needed the bed.

“You can’t take up the bed,” he dragged the duvet. She was startled and jolted upwards.

“What are you doing?” she yelled slightly annoyed.

“Either we share the bed or you take the couch,” he gestured while holding the duvet in his hand. She sat on the bed with her legs crossed. “after all an old lady in her sixties deserves to be sleeping on the bed.” He said with a smirk.

“Did you eavesdrop my conversation?” she held on to the duvet and pulled it. “Jackass"

“It was hard not to hear it when you announced it to the whole world,” a lie, but he wanted to see her flustered face.

“I certainly did not,” she pulled the duvet towards her again but he was stronger. “Does being a psychiatrist means that you listen to other people’s conversations?”

“Ah so you did go through my stuff"? He pulled duvet harder making her jolted towards him with it. She lost her balance and fell on her face with her back on the air. That made Jinyoung laugh. A genuine laugh showing his eye wrinkles. She was cute.

“I saw it from the brochure.” She quickly sat and arranged her messy hair with her hands. “Obsession laced with love in 21st century. You must have spy in others’ relationships to find materials for that topic.”

“This must be coming as a surprise to you but people pay me to listen to their stories.” He said while getting in to the bed from the other side. And seventy five out of hundred have mistaken love with obsession. It’s a real issue.”

“We can’t share.” She quickly  got up from the bed.

“In that case you can take the couch,” he pulled the duvet covering him. “let’s play rock, paper, scissors.” She said putting her fist to the front. He raised his hand without bothering to get up. She counted to three and both of them threw their hands. Jinyoung smirked seeing her showing paper when he was showing scissors. “Two out of three,” she called again. She counted again and they threw their hands. Once again she showed the paper while he showed scissors. “Not every man feels the need to throw rock to show their masculinity.”

She took the extra pillow and aimed at Jinyoung who caught it in midair laughing. “Ok you don’t get a pillow either.” He hugged the pillow she threw.

“Give it back,” she demanded but he was in a mood to play. Something in her big brown eyes made him feel playful. Something he hasn’t felt in a long time. He tightened the grip on the pillow more.

“Come and take it."

She climbed to the bed and grabbed one corner of the pillow and pulled to her side. She pulled several times but his grip was stronger. He smirked before pulling the pillow towards him and she along with it. She fell on the bed with her face inches away from his. Her big brown eyes sparkled beautifully and he could see his image inside her iris. She was shocked by the intimate position, she couldn’t move herself.

“Why did you lie to him?” his voice came as soft whisper without breaking the eye contact. She shook her head breaking the moment and pulling herself away from him. He released the pillow. “why did you lie to him?” he asked again as she went to the couch.

“None of your business,” she said making herself comfortable on the couch.

“How many times did he call you within last two hours?” he was too inquisitive for his own good.

“Why are you like this?”

“Just curious which side your relationship falls in, seventy five percent or twenty five.” He said nonchalantly.

“What are you suggesting? That I’m in an abusive relationship?” her tone was slightly higher alarming that she was uncomfortable. But he wasn’t ready to drop it.

“If you were my patient I would say yes. But since you are not, well I don’t know. Are you?”

She stood up from the couch like she was pinched with a needle. Her face turned red with anger. “You know nothing about us. About him. We have been together for ten years. Since high school. Just because you have given one stupid lecture about relationships don’t kid yourself to think you know everything about everyone.”

It only got Jinyoung interested in her more. If he was a little brainer he would have dropped it then and there. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to shake her more, was it him or the psychiatrist he didn’t know.

“Ah so marriage must be around the corner huh?” he provoked her more.
She rolled her eyes. She was lost for words.

“Yes of course. In fact he proposed to me last week.”

“Oh sorry I didn’t see a ring. Could it be over the phone because he felt guilty for something he did?” once unleashed he couldn’t stop his sarcastic self from making remarks. But seeing the way her face changed he knew he pushed it little too far. She blinked hurriedly several times as to stop her from tearing up but her eyes were already wet.

“How dare you?” it came out as a low whisper. She opened the door to the balcony and walked out.

Jinyoung pulled his hair knowing he messed up real bad. He didn’t want to make her feel bad. All he wanted was to make her talk. Her phone vibrated next to him. It showed as “Love' with a picture of a clean shaven man. He took the phone and silently showed the phone to her. She took it but didn’t make any effort to answer it.

The city was brightened with lights like it was day and cool breeze swept through their bodies. Sound of vehicles diminishing as the night deepened in but a soft music was flowing from somewhere.

“I’m sorry. I’m an ass sometimes,” He said as he turned around to leave her alone.

“Sometimes?” she scoffed as she turned to face him.

“Fine I deserve it.” He said with a smile. She smiled at him silently. It was like a wall was taken down between them.

“How do you find out if it’s love or obsession?” he almost missed her question as it was soft. Almost like something came from her heart.

He took a deep breath thinking what he should tell her. He had the option of brushing it off and tell her he was wrong to judge her. But part of him wanted to tell her that when she had to lie to her boyfriend or when the boyfriend calls her over twenty times within two hours, that screams obsession rather than love. Instead he chose to say a story. He told her the story of A and B. He told her A and B were high school sweethearts and was going to get married in their sixth year of dating. He told her how A loved B a lot but B always had trust issues. He told her, how B would sometimes go through A's phone or how B would call randomly to A's friends to find out what A was doing or how B would fight for days if A went out with a friend from opposite gender. He told her how B would suspect A has cheated on B whenever A do something nice to B. He told her at the end when A proposed to B, B broke down saying A has cheated on B and that’s why A proposed to B. Because A felt guilty of cheating. She was silent the whole time and once he finished his story she didn’t say anything more. She silently went back inside and lied down on the couch.

He stood in the balcony thinking how it all turned out. Everything was still vivid in his memory.

He took cover to avoid getting hit by things that she was throwing at him. She called him a cheater and tore the bouquet apart. She stumbled on roses and threw the ring. He had to hug her tightly to stop her from hitting him. He thought it was over. Until one night he woke up to see her holding a knife in her hand threatening to cut herself unless he admit that he cheated and give up the other woman’s name. One week after the incident he got her checked into therapy and it was decided the best would be to break up. Since then he didn’t think of his first love until now.

When he went back red head was fast asleep on the couch curled up like a porcupine. He lifted her up softly and laid her on the bed. She had enough pains in her hand and he didn’t want her to have a back pain also.

The next morning they didn’t talk to each other much unless to say something that cannot be avoided. Both of them were at the airport by five in the morning and grabbed breakfast together. The uneasy feeling was no longer there but they didn’t talk. It was like if they talk something would happen and both of them were scared of it. She of course had a boyfriend to get back and he, well he didn’t want complications. They said their goodbyes by the terminal as he was headed to business class and she was in economy class.

Even after settling down in the seat he couldn’t forget her. Everything about her dominated his mind through out the journey. When he got down he stalled few minutes near economy class terminal to see whether she will be walking out. He wondered whether they will see each other again and that’s when it struck him. He didn’t even know her name. He didn’t ask first and then it was too late to ask and now he has no way of asking. But his mind was full of red head. It was strange how much a person can take up someone’s time when they have only met each other once. He ended up looking at every red head he sees on his way to the hotel to meet guys. He would stop on his track if he sees a red head talking to someone. He would turn his head if a red head pass him on the way. But none of them were his red head.

However red head was temporarily pushed to aside when he met guys. During the day he was busy as Jackson dragged him for dress fit-on, collect champagne cases for the ceremony and to do numerous other things. Dress rehearsal went well but one bridesmaid, who was supposed to be Jinyoung’s was missing so he had to stand alone. Surprisingly Zoey was very calm about it and boys had the rest of the night to party.

They were as loud as always. All seven of them haven’t been under the same roof for nearly two years and they were ready to break the hotel apart.

The party went on till really late that night. Jackson was high on sugar as Mark was stoned like a fish. Jaebeom as usual drowning himself in a tube of mint choco ice cream and Youngjae was singing on top of his lungs. He had no idea what Bambam and Yugyeom were doing anyway with peanut butter and soda. Then the red head silently crept out from the place he hid her. He wondered whether she had been to her friend’s wedding. He wondered whether she was having a good time just like he was or was she busy attending to her needy boyfriend. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking of an already taken woman but he couldn’t help it.

“Spill,” Jaebeom sat next to him with the tube of mint choco and a giant spoon.

“You have an illness to eat that much mint choco honestly,” Jinyoung said with a smile. “You can either spill what’s on your mind or I get Jackson to get it out of you,” Jaebeom said shoving a spoonful of ice cream in to his mouth.

Jinyoung ended up spilling about his fateful one night with a red head he didn’t even know the name. At the end they were giving him ideas about finding her. Jackson suggested to post an ad as “looking for a red head woman who spent the night with me" and Mark thought it would be better to call the airline company to pretend as she was a runaway patient from a hospital to get her details. That’s when they knew it’s time to call it a night. Jinyoung and Jaebeom got all of them to beds.

“you know maybe it’s good you didn’t know her name or anything to follow up. Seeing how invested you are with her, you will only make it hard for her.” Jaebeom said as he left him at his room. Jinyoung knew he was right. He was ready to forget the red head and make him useful at the wedding tomorrow.

“Hey come and meet Mona, she missed the dress rehearsal yesterday,” Zoey shouted as Jinyoung passed bride's waiting room of the hotel.

"Mona this is Jinyoung,” Zoey said with a bright smile, “Jinyoung this is Mona.”

Sometimes destiny works in a strange way. It makes you wonder whether you are supposed to make some trouble. Jinyoung extended his hand and stopped midway. There she was, his red head. Dressed in a light golden brown dress with a ring of flower on her reddish hair.

“Hey there, nice seeing you here.” He finally managed to say.

“What ? You guys know each other?” Zoey was surprised as she checked both of their faces.



They said it at the same time. Jinyoung was confused as why would she even lie to her friend.

“Well I didn’t know her name or anything so technically No.” he said saving her from answering.

“Is that her? The one who shared the room with you?” Jinyoung heard Bambam’s squeaky voice behind him and he wished if Bambam was dead in a ditch at that moment. Mona’s face changed from embarrassment to horror like she was caught in a lie.

“You said it was a woman in her sixties,” a deep voice came from the man who was in the room. That’s was the first time Jinyoung noticed him even. He recognized him from the picture on her phone.

“Did you sleep with him?”

“She did not,” Jinyoung couldn’t stop himself.

“I think you should stay away from this conversation,” the man start to walk towards Jinyoung but was stopped by Mona who came in the middle.

“Kevin, let’s discuss this once the wedding is over. Please. It’s Zoey’s big day.”

Jinyoung had an urge to pull her away from him and walk out. The pleading in her voice was like torture to listen. But he didn’t. Because he knew that’s not what she needed. She didn’t need a man to save her. So he walked out alone.

The rest of the day was not enjoyable as he expected it to be. When she walked besides him to the altar he could feel the tension in her.

“I’m sorry” he said as they were walking hand in hand.

“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who lied.”

“I honestly didn’t say anything weird about you to them. I said I didn’t even get your name, I promise,” he was feeling guilty over what happened. It was partially his fault and he had no idea Bambam was even in the right mind when he said it last night. But that little shit remembered it somehow and ran his big mouth as always.

“You are a good man Jinyoung I have no doubt about it. Please don’t feel bad because of me.” She said before them part right before the altar.

The rest of the day went fairly well considering how it started. But things were not forgotten. They were merely brushed under the rug temporarily and it was bound to come out at some point.

Jinyoung knew it was not his place to intervene. Every rational cell in his body told him to ignore. But he wasn’t a man to ignore. Despite every warning of his brain when he saw Kevin dragging Mona by her wrist towards the hotel pool, he followed them.

“She is a very loyal person and you should appreciate her more,” it was out from his mouth and both Kevin and Mona turned to face them. If Mona was upset she didn’t show it on her face.

On the other hand Kevin was raging, “Wow look at that, he only met you once and already taking your side.,” Kevin shouted sarcastically.  

“Don’t make a scene Kevin,” she pleaded with him. “you should have thought about it before you slept with him,”  Jinyoung was fuming with frustration but before he say anything Mona slapped across Kevin’s face. He clutched his cheek and for a moment he was so lost. It certainly was something new to him. It was like he was not used to seeing her acting out.

“Admit it, you slept with him. That’s why you are acting like this now,” once he regained his composure he grabbed her wrist tightly. But she managed to get it released. She took a step back.

“You know what, I should have slept with him. Why didn’t I do that? He is attractive and beyond average handsome. Easy to have a conversation with even. A real gentleman. But I didn’t. Why? Because I had a boyfriend and I’m loyal. But it doesn’t matter anymore Kevin. We can’t continue like this and this time it’s over for real.” She pulled the ring and placed it on his palm. She wasn’t yelling or crying. She was composed and gathered like she knew it was coming. Kevin on the other hand was dumbfounded.

“What are you saying?”

“We aren’t meant to be Kevin. We only bring out bad in each other. I can’t even remember why I fell in love with you anymore. I don’t think I love you even. This isn’t love. We don’t have trust. We don’t respect each other.” She took a deep breath, “We should end this in good terms right now. If not we will harm each other in ways we can’t even go back.”

Kevin looked like he would hold on to her and beg her for a minute. But instead he put the ring in his pocket and turned around. He was faced with Jinyoung who stood halfway not knowing what he should do. Jinyoung half expected Kevin to say something but he didn’t. He walked away without looking back and not even stopping to say goodbye to Jackson and Zoey.

Jinyoung saw Mona walking towards the pool. He wanted to follow her but he knew it was best to leave her alone. He went back to the reception which had returned to its previous fun. Bambam was singing a song with the band and he couldn’t have be more out of pitch even if he tried. But guests didn’t seem to mind it at all and everyone were having fun. That was life he knew.

Mona sat on a chair next to the pool and took off her flower ring. She didn’t know what she was feeling. She wasn’t heartbroken as she ended her ten years relationship. She felt relieved. She felt like she could breath a little. It made her realize how much she had longed for freedom. She felt like dancing but her heart was heavy.

“Can I feel happy and sad at the same time?” She asked herself. ‘He would know' her heart replied.

“Yes you can.” She didn’t notice when Jinyoung sat on the pool chair next to her. “I was going to leave you alone but I wanted say sorry it happened. I sort of feel responsible,”

She smiled softly. “Please don’t. I was anyway going to end it. I was going to talk to him this weekend.” She already knew it. She knew it was the right thing years ago. “you can amend the ending of your  A and B story. I know you said it indirectly to show what my relationship really is.”

“I can’t amend the ending,” he said as he got up, “it was my story.”

She looked at him to see whether he was lying. But he was not. It made her feel better. It wasn’t only her who went through something like that. Even someone who appear to be perfect like Jinyoung had gone through it. It made her heart less heavy.

Jinyoung cleared his throat, “So very attractive and beyond average handsome huh?”

“Don’t push it,” she aimed her flower ring at him which he caught easily.

“One last thing, I know it’s highly inappropriate but since I wouldn’t get another chance I’m anyway gonna say it.” She looked at him confused.

“Would you be interested in grabbing dinner tonight with me? We can pretend we missed the flight again”

She was shocked with his boldness but rather than refusing it outright she found herself laughing. Loudly and freely after  a long time. She had no idea what tomorrow looked like but for tonight she agreed to have dinner with him.

Jinyoung knew it was a long shot anyway but he had stopped worrying about future long time ago. She agreed for one dinner and that was more than enough for him. He rejoined the on going party and he saw her joining the girls with a big smile on her face.

-The End-


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