The Tower || Stiles Stilinski

By kiaracore

19.9K 754 102

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3.4K 90 9
By kiaracore

Loki Blackwell wished the news of half of a body found in the woods came as a surprise to him, but it really didn't. Beacon Hills was a lot weirder than some people would care to admit. The small town was the kind of place that thought a few random break-ins would be the biggest crime it would ever get. Loki knew things would eventually get worse, the already existing supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills wouldn't be the last ones there by a long shot.

Of course, Loki knew of the supernatural creatures that were apparent in Beacon Hills, he and his father were a part of them. His father had been drawn to the place just like all the other creatures had been.

"Do you have any idea what did it?" Loki asked, sitting on the kitchen counter next to where his dad was making his morning coffee.

"Not really. If I had to guess, probably stray werewolf but the news coverage of it was really surface level so there's no way to tell yet." His dad, Damien, said as his coffee finished dripping into his mug. "Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure it's no big deal."

Loki nodded in response, hopping off the counter and grabbing his backpack and keys, "Alright, I gotta go, don't wanna be late. I'll tell you if I hear anything weird. Bye, dad!" Loki yells out with a wave as he walks out the front door, shutting it behind him. He walks over to his black Toyota Cambry, throwing his backpack into the passenger seat and getting into the car, driving off quickly to school.


Loki pulls into his usual parking spot next to Jackson's Porsche, turning down his blasting music that was already getting stares from other students. He steps out of his car, flashing a quick grin at a small group of girls stood by his car which gets a few waves and bashful giggles back from them. He gives a small two-finger salute and wink before walking inside the school.

Loki immediately goes to find Jackson and Lydia who he assumes will be at Jackson's locker. Seeing the girl's fiery red hair as he rounds the corner tells him he's right. He goes to lean against the locker next to Jackson.

"Dude, we're at school, not one of your dad's fancy dinners, what's with the outfit?" Jackson scoffs, looking over at the boy to his left who had on a black long sleeve button-up with a dark floral print on it tucked into some tight jeans.

"I like to look nice, sue me," Loki shrugs, glancing over at Lydia. "Hey, Lyds looks just as nice as me, so technically you're the odd one out." He walks around Jackson to Lydia, throwing his arm around her shoulder with a shit-eating grin. He knows that if it were anyone else Lydia would have immediately pushed them away but she leans slightly into him. Lydia was Loki's first friend when he moved to Beacon Hills and ever since they met they'd been practically inseparable.

Jackson rolls his eyes as he looks over at the two of them, "I hate you."

"Love you too, dude." Loki laughs, attracting the attention of those standing nearby. He always seemed to have that kind of effect on people, it was like the charisma was practically flowing out of him without him even having to try. He punches Jackson's shoulder lightly with a grin, "Gotta go, I'll see you later. Bye Lyds."


Pulling him along with her, Lydia doesn't stop until they're in front of the new girl.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" Lydia asks.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." She explains, nodding.

"And you," Lydia points to the new girl and laughs softly, "are my new best friend."

"I'm literally standing right here." Lydia rolls her eyes at Loki's remark. He laughs in response, switching his attention to the new girl. "I'm Loki." He says with a smile.

She smiles back widely, "Allison."

Jackson walks up to the small group, wrapping his arm around Lydia's waist. They exchange 'heys' before kissing. Loki looks over at Allison, raising his eyebrows and fake gagging. They both laugh before looking back over to the couple.

Across the hall, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski were stood watching the interaction.

"Not even a day and Loki's already got the new girl. I hate him." Stiles sighs, staring at Loki.

"You've hated him since middle school, what's he ever done to you?" Scott asks, focused on Allison.

"He's a cocky asshole. He thinks everything will be handed to him just because he's hot." Stiles rolls his eyes. Scott looks over, raising an eyebrow at his friend.

"So this weekend, there's a party." Lydia explains, leaning forwards slightly.

"A party?"

"Yeah, Friday night. You should come." Jackson added.

"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." Loki watches as she replies, getting the feeling that she just doesn't want to go to the party but needs an excuse.

"You sure? I mean, everyone's going after the scrimmage." Jackson pushes. Loki nods slightly, silently agreeing with Jackson. Loki didn't particularly like lacrosse, it wasn't his favorite sport, but watching it was fun enough that he could handle sitting through the games.

"You mean like football?" Allison asks, confused.

"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here's lacrosse." Jackson explains. Loki watches Allison as she glances across the hall. Loki quickly follows her gaze, finding himself looking at Scott McCall. He raises an eyebrow silently at her as if asking 'him?'. He could tell that she was just as disinterested in lacrosse as he was. "We've won the state championship for the past three years."

Lydia smirks, fixing a piece of Jackson's hair that had moved out of place. "Because of a certain team captain."

"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is if you don't have anywhere else--"

"Well I was going to--"

"Perfect." Lydia cuts her off. "You're coming." Lydia grabs her hand, pulling her off as she starts to walk away. Loki follows, walking next to Allison.

"So do you play too?" Allison asks, looking over at Loki.

"God no. I wouldn't be caught dead playing lacrosse." He laughs. Lydia turns back to look at Allison.

"Loki doesn't work well with others in competitive settings." She says, rolling her eyes.

"I like to work alone." Loki shrugs, smiling. They continue the short walk out to the lacrosse field. Jackson walked away, going to get his gear on while Loki, Lydia, and Allison made their way to the stands. Loki sat on the outer edge next to Allison, watching as she stares out at Scott and gives him a small smile. Allison continued to watch Scott as he made his way out to the goal.

"Who is that?" She leans a bit closer to Lydia.

"Him? I'm not sure who he is."

Loki scoffs at Lydia, turning to Allison. "That's Scott McCall. He's normally benched but I guess Coach thinks he's better this year. What's with the interest in him? I saw you looking at him in the hall."

Allison shook her head slightly, "He's in my English class."

"Do you like him?" Loki says teasingly, nudging her with his shoulder, "He's cute, a bit of a nerd but cute." Allison laughs softly, looking back out to the field. Loki notices her avoidance of the question but doesn't push it. Sure, he's a bit cocky and likes to tease people but he's not an asshole.

Loki looks back out to the field just in time to watch Scott get hit in the face by a ball. He grimaces slightly, knowing that's gotta hurt. The trio keeps watching, focused on Scott as he catches the next ball with ease. Loki senses an overwhelming amount of confusion coming from the team, being right there with them in their confusion. He continues to catch the balls as they come at him, the crowd cheering every time he does so. Loki hums softly to himself, guessing that Scott must've really put in the time with practice for this year.

"He seems like he's pretty good," Allison says as the three continue to watch him.

"Yeah, very good." Lydia agrees as Loki nods along.

"Wonder when that happened, he couldn't even catch one ball last year." Loki muses, not really looking for an answer. He sniffs the air subtly, the smell of confidence practically wafting off of Scott. Loki's sense of smell wasn't the most amazing when it came to things like emotions or feelings but if there was enough of it he could normally get a pretty good read on it. Judging by the fact that he could smell the confidence all the way from the stands, he knew it was really strong. He hums softly to himself, wondering where all this newfound skill and confidence came from.

Jackson walks out, stepping to the front of the line of boys throwing at Scott.

"Oh, this has gotta be interesting." Loki laughs, leaning back against the bleachers behind him. Jackson takes a running start, jumping as he goes to throw the ball. Loki's eyes immediately follow the ball to Scott, watching as the ball lands safely in the goalies' racquet. The crowd erupts into cheers, including Lydia who stands and cheers loudly, cupping her hands around her mouth. Loki raises his eyebrows at her, surprised that she's cheering for Scott but stands with her to cheer, knowing it'll piss off Jackson which is always fun.

He watches as Jackson looks over at Lydia, clearly surprised, and can't help the laugh that escapes him.


The rest of the practice had gone by fairly uneventfully besides Scott's new talent for lacrosse. Loki bid goodbye to Lydia and Allison before heading home.

As he pulled into the driveway he noticed his dad's car, excited that he wouldn't have to make dinner for himself tonight.

"Hey Dad, I'm home!" He calls out as he makes his way in the house and to his room to quickly put down his bag. He pauses, walking over to his dresser and smiling as he sees Felix, his pet corn snake, is out.

"Hey, buddy." He coos softly, opening the tank and reaching his hand in to allow the snake to smell. Felix bumps his head against Loki's hand in affection. Loki gets a sense of a hello back from the snake and pulls his hand out, closing the tank and heading out of his room to go look for his dad.

"Dad?" He calls out again.

"In here!" He hears from his dad's office and quickly makes his way to the room. He leans against the doorframe, watching as his dad goes through papers and pictures. Damien glances over at his son then goes back to looking at what's in front of him.

"D'you have a good day at school?"

"Mhm," Loki hums in response, walking over to look at what his dad is looking at. "Whatcha workin' on?" Looking over the papers and pictures, he notices photos of half of a dead body and grimaces.

"I got the information about the body so I was just going over it," Damien explains. His dad had an inside with someone at the police station, Loki wasn't sure who, but they would give his dad any information he wanted at the drop of a hat.

"Nice," Loki nods, leaning his hip against the desk. "Find anything?"

"They're still waiting on a fiber analysis for fur found on the body but other than that nothing. It'd be a lot easier if I could go out there and see the body but..." He trails off, knowing that Loki understands what he means.

"Yeah. Well, I didn't hear anything today but I'll still keep an ear out." Damien nods, getting up and placing a hand on Loki's shoulder.

"Thanks. Now, what do you want for dinner?"


The next day had gone by practically the same as the last. Loki kept an eye out for anything weird or odd that could be related to the body found but came up empty.

By the end of the day, lacrosse practice was about to start and Jackson told Loki to come with him while he talked to Scott. Loki agreed, not thinking much of it. They walked up to the boy who was alone in the hall at his locker. As soon as they were close enough, Jackson slammed Scott's locker shut.

"Alright, little man," Jackson says. Loki leans against the lockers slightly behind Jackson, snorting at Jackson's word choice. "How 'bout you tell me where you're getting your juice."


"Where are you getting your juice?" Jackson repeats, emphasizing every word. Scott stares at him confused.

"My mom does all the grocery shopping." Loki laughs loudly, causing both boys to look over at him. Jackson rolls his eyes, turning back to Scott.

"Now, listen, McCall. You're gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you're buying it from because there's no way in hell you're out there kicking ass in the field like that without some sort of chemical boost." Loki watches as a look of realization crosses Scott's face.

"Oh, you mean steroids." Loki laughs softly at Scott's exclamation. Scott looks confused again for a second, "Are you on steroids?"

Jackson slams him up against the lockers harshly, "What the hell is going on with you, McCall?" He says sternly, holding Scott by the collar of his gear.

"What's going on with me?" Scott says back, just as harsh. Loki keeps his small distance, watching everything play out. "You really wanna know?" Jackson lets go of him as Scott continues angrily, " Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear, and smell! I do things that should be impossible, I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my freaking mind!" Scott yells. Loki squints as he stares at Scott. Heightened sight, hearing, and smell, doing things that should be impossible.

Loki'd just found his weird thing happening at school. He sniffed slightly at the air.

Dog. Yep, Scott McCall was definitely a werewolf.

Scott let out a loud sigh.

"Nice to get everything off your chest?" Loki asks jokingly, not able to say anything since Jackson was there.

Jackson's eyes stay on Scott as he chuckles. "You think you're funny... don't you, McCall? I know you're hiding something. I'm gonna find out what it is. I don't care how long it takes." Jackson bangs his fist on the space of the locker next to Scott's head before walking off angrily. Loki stays put, watching Scott sigh.

"Do you really have no clue what's happening or do you just not wanna let Jackson know?" Loki asks once Jackson's out of earshot. He didn't want to outright say something about him being a werewolf cause the boy really did seem confused and upset about the situation.

Scott stared at him in confusion, "What? I'm not lying about not being on steroids if that's what you're asking."

Loki laughs softly, "I believe you, Scott, and I'm sorry about Jackson. He can be a real asshole sometimes. Don't let him push you around." He says with a nod before taking his weight off the locker and turning to follow after Jackson. He pauses, turning back to face Scott again, "Oh, and when you figure out what's happening, come talk to me." Loki gives a joking salute, turning on his heels and walking out of the school and to the lacrosse field.

Loki sat down next to Lydia once he got to the stands, letting out a huff of air.

"You okay?" Lydia turned to him and asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Lyds, just ready to go home." He nods, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey, guys," Allison says as she sits next to Loki.

"Hey, Allison," Lydia says with a smile, Loki offering one as well. They all looked out to the field, Loki's eyes falling on Scott. Knowing he was a werewolf made everything make a lot more sense but he was still slightly worried about the whole situation. If Scott was turned, why didn't he know he was a werewolf? Derek wouldn't have turned him so who turned him in the first place? Shit, tonight's the full moon. What's the chance Scott already has everything under control?

The sound of the whistleblowing pulled Loki out of his thoughts, making him focus on the actual game instead of his questions. He watched as the boys on the field passed the ball around and followed who it was with. He saw Scott catch it and watched as he tried to run with it before getting knocked down by Jackson. Loki cringed, worried that if Jackson kept on pushing Scott he would hurt someone.

Scott and Jackson placed their racquets on the ground, preparing to push the ball in their own direction. The whistle was blown and Loki watched as Scott shot off with it, dodging around people as he ran. Loki sucked in a breath of anticipation as Scott came up on three guys, ready to watch Scott be knocked down again but was surprised by what he saw. Scott jumped, flipping cleanly over the three guys and shooting the ball at the goal, making it in easily.

"Oh, holy shit..." Loki mumbled to himself as the crowd started to cheer. Allison shot to her feet, clapping and cheering loudly for Scott.

Coach called Scott over, seeming like he was mad at Scott before loudly announcing that Scott would be on the starting line. The crowd erupted into cheers again, louder than any before. Loki stayed seated, silently picking at the skin of his lip as he thought about everything he knew about werewolves.

He needed to tell his dad about this as soon as possible.


As Loki pulled into the driveway, he sighed loudly, balling his hand up into a fist and hitting his steering wheel. His dad wasn't home. He quickly grabbed his phone out of his backpack, finding his dad's contact.

When will you be home? Something weird happened, it could be related to the body

He sent the text, picking anxiously as the skin of his thumb. No text was sent back and Loki groaned in frustration. Just give it time, he'll respond, he told himself as he got out of his car, heading into the house.

He did his normal routine, setting his bag down, saying hi to Felix, and went to sit in the living room. He needed to head out to go to the party soon, Lydia would kill him if he missed it.

Still no text back. Loki threw his phone down on the couch.

"Damn it..." He mumbled. His dad was probably in a meeting and would be for a while. His dad's job was extremely time-consuming and if he was at work you could practically never get ahold of him. He was the head of some boring company that Loki couldn't be bothered to learn more about, one with a building about an hour away.

He sighed softly, picking up his phone again and sending Lydia a text.

Would you absolutely hate me if I missed out on the party tonight?

Now get your ass over here

He dragged a hand over his face, writing out another text to his dad.

I'm going to that party I told you about with Lydia and Jackson. Text me when you get home

He sent the text before getting up and changing into a plain black shirt with black skinny jeans. He threw on a denim jacket and head out the door, driving to the party.

By the time Loki got to the party, it was already packed. He parked out front on the street, walking through the already open door to find Lydia. People were already drunk out of their minds, bumping into each other and dancing wildly. Loki rolled his eyes. Maybe if he were also drunk it wouldn't have been so bad but even if he wanted to drink, his body didn't allow him to get drunk and he'd just wake up tomorrow with a killer headache. He made his way out back, spotting Allison and Scott dancing together by the pool. He looked around a bit more and saw Lydia and Jackson further from people making out.

Loki scoffed, walking closer to them. Lydia noticed him, pushing Jackson slightly off of herself.

"You said you'd hate me if I didn't show up but you're just gonna make out with Jackson the whole time, yeah?" Loki sighed. Normally he wouldn't care that she didn't hang out with him at parties but he was just annoyed in general tonight. He wanted to be at home so he could explain everything going on with Scott to his dad.

"Go find some girl to flirt with and make out with her," Jackson says, grabbing ahold of Lydia's waist. Loki rolled his eyes again. Sure, he liked to flirt with people, girls included but he never went further than surface-level flirting with girls, and he liked it that way. He wasn't interested in girls and he didn't bother trying to be.

"I'm gonna go out front so if either of you wants to stop sucking face and want to hang out--" He cut himself off, gesturing towards the front of the house before walking back out to the porch where there were still people but significantly less. As he stepped down to sit on the stairs he spotted Derek Hale standing out front.

Loki considered just ignoring him and sitting down but thought better of it and walked over.

"Derek!" He called over the loud, drunk people, getting the olders attention. "Hey, you didn't happen to turn a teenage boy did you?" He asks, somewhat joking but still looking for answers.

"No, I didn't. Are you talking about Scott?" Derek says, turning to face Loki.

"Yeah. I didn't think you did but it doesn't hurt to ask," He shrugs, "Do you know who did turn him? 'Cause he sure as hell doesn't, he doesn't even know what he is."

"All I know is that it's an alpha. I don't know who or what they want but they're still looking for Scott." Derek sighs, "He thinks I'm the one how turned him."

Loki hums softly, "What about the body? Was that done by the same alpha?"

"The body is Laura."

"Oh," Loki says softly. He didn't know any of the other Hale's personally besides Derek because of the fire. His dad hadn't wanted him fully involved in the world of the supernatural when he was a kid so even though Damien was close with the Hale's, Loki never met any of them.

Loki's phone buzzed in his pocket and he took it out quickly, seeing a text from his dad saying he was home. He glanced at the door, trying to decide if it was better to stay or leave.

"Don't worry about Scott. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt anyone." Derek says as he watches Loki.

Loki nods quickly, "Okay, cool. I'll see you later... and I'm sorry about Laura." He says before walking off to his car. He sends Lydia a quick text to say he's gone home, making up something about feeling sick, and drives home.

As soon as he makes it through the door, Loki's telling his dad everything he knows about everything.

"So this boy at school, Scott McCall got turned by an alpha. Derek says he doesn't know who the alpha is but he's looking after Scott right now to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone. When I talked to Scott earlier today he didn't know he was a werewolf. The alpha that turned him is looking for him, probably to make him a permanent part of their pack but Derek said he doesn't know what the alpha wants. Also the body in the woods in Laura Hale." Loki rambles off, feeling better once he has it all out. He falls onto the couch next to his dead, sighing deeply.

His dad stays silent for a while. He sits staring off at the wall.

"Have you had any precognitions?" His dad finally says.

"No, nothing."

"Me neither." Damien sighs, "Looks like what I said about more creatures coming to Beacon Hills is happening now."


When Loki walked down the school hallway the following Monday, Scott stopped him by his locker.

"How'd you know? Are you one too?" Scott questioned, speaking quietly.

"So you've figured it out, or did someone tell you?" Loki raises his eyebrows, leaning against the lockers.

"Both." He said simply. Loki assumed he didn't want to give up Derek's name just in case Loki didn't already know about it.

"So Derek finally just told you. Did he give you his little speech? Go all 'The bites a gift." Loki laughs, imitating Derek.

"How can you laugh about all of this? And you didn't answer my question, are you one?" Scott said, clearly annoyed.

"Because it's funny, Scott. I know for a fact anyone in this town that knows anything about your little problem won't let you hurt anyone so where's the harm in laughing about it. And no, I'm not one and I wouldn't ever want to be. I'm not a dog person." Loki grins at his joke.

"Wait, anyone in this town... How many people are there that know? And if you're not then what are you? How'd you know about me?" Scott asks.

"God, do you always ask this many questions?" Loki rolls his eyes, tired of answering them already. "There are more people than Derek Hale that know but it's not my place to say. If they want to live quiet lives where they pretend to be normal then it's none of my business. I knew what you are because you smell like a wet dog from a mile away. That and you kinda outed yourself by screaming to me and Jackson about your heightened sense of sight, hearing, and smell. I'm not a werewolf, that's the best you'll get out of me." Loki finished, leaving Scott to think over his answers and going to class.

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