Love of the Herd {Centaur Mpr...

By freerunnerz36

62K 2.7K 198

Alair and Cassius had been friends for most of their foalhood, but when a new face appears in Cassius' life... More

not dead, just thinking


1.8K 96 10
By freerunnerz36

{Alairs POV}

"And the reason you didn't intervene was because you wanted to see if we could work things out? What are you, Cupid?"
I sighed, summarising what Ginger had layed out for me in regards to that night.
"I'm not, but I grew up hearing about the sweet romance between the prince and the kitchen maids son. As stupid as it sounds, I wanted to see where the story would go... Hence my personal interests took over from my rational thinking."
The taur huffed.

I wanted to laugh at what the taur was telling me, but part of me simply couldn't...
"I know what you're thinking. You wouldn't be in the mess you're in right now if it wasn't for me. I could've stopped all this."
The red head continued, his words triggering a thought in my mind.

"You're right... but If you took Cass off me at that door, we would've gone our separate ways and probably wouldn't have spoken for another decade. I would've hated that outcome, but I don't hate this one...not anymore. As kids he'd left something in me that caused me to think of him all that time we were apart. Then when I came of age my instincts took over and I just wanted him, only him. So while this situation isn't ideal, I probably would've lived a miserable life if I'd stayed away..."
I rambled, catching my own thoughts before more fell from my mouth.
"Basically I'm glad you left us to it. I just wish Cass could remember what happened himself."

"He woke up that morning without so much as the memory of getting in bed the night before. According to his mother, he doesn't drink at all, so it's no surprise that he's a lightweight."
Ginger mumbled, looking a bit frustrated himself.
"I... I hope this whole situation doesn't taint your relationship with your child. Truly. You seem like a good person, and Cass is wonderful... That foal will be the kindest of souls, regardless of how they came to exist in this world."
He added.
For some reason his words made me feel awkward. The kind of awkward that left my stomach feeling light and fluttery. Realising why, I smiled.
"You're one of the only taurs to speak so positively of them... Even my own father seems to hate the idea of this foal existing."
I tilted my head so that I could look at my rounded body, the feelings within it putting me at ease.
With my words, the conversation seemed to turn rather personal. Ginger began asking me about what it was like to carry another life, telling me that his body was like mine, but the thought of having a child terrified him... We sat talking for a long while, the conversation ran deep which felt refreshing for me. Being able to speak openly about something I'd felt the need to hide for months, it gave me a sense of pride that chipped away at the shame I felt all those months prior.


{Cass' POV}

It'd been three days since the incident with Ginger and in the days that followed, my father had done nothing but keep us all away from him. As soon as he'd lost control of what was happening, he did everything possible to snatch it back. He'd decided to start the wedding plans out of nowhere, leaving Merra and I tied into strict daily schedules.
While we both struggled to get along, we seemed to find mutual hatred for our unwanted wedding, which, was somewhat comforting considering the fact that we were spending most days together.
And Klein had been ordered to chaperone my mother everywhere, something that even she felt was unnecessary. The clear intention my father had to keep us away from my aid was unnerving, I became paranoid and wary of everyone, worried that my father would order the staff to do something awful. For that reason, and with Gingers permission, I had the doors to the East Wing locked, the only ones holding keys being myself and Klein.
However doing this meant that, despite our lack of free time, Klein and I were juggling Gingers care between ourselves which very quickly became stressful.
Between the uncertainty around my friends health, the pressure from my father over the wedding, and other things that my mind had a habit of bringing up in stressful times, I was quickly becoming exhausted.
Like a cycle, this began to happen consistently. I would pick myself up, things would remain somewhat normal, then something stressful would happen. I'd stop eating, then talking, and eventually stop sleeping. Maybe I was simply weak minded.

I'd managed to escape my schedule for a short while, giving me chance to check on Ginger. Only, I hadn't gotten away on my own. Merra had been told to stay with me by the staff taking care of her, I assumed it was their way of trying to get us to be closer. I unlocked the East Wing doors and made my way to Gingers room, the slim mare following behind me at a distance.
"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?"
Merra mumbled, her fingers picking at the lower half of her dress' bodice.

I sighed.
"It's fine, I highly doubt you're conspiring with my father, so I don't mind you coming up here."
I put the key in the lock, only to find that there appeared to be a key in the other side of the door. Assuming that Klein had managed to escape his duties, I invited myself in. Though the face I saw by Gingers bedside wasn't the one I expected.
A light coated taur stood by his bed holding a tray, the blonde hair on his head sat tied back loosely, the tail end thrown over one shoulder. I'd recognise that hair anywhere.

I spoke, shocked.
The taur turned to me for a moment before shying away.
"Your mother asked if I could come and watch over Ginger... She said you'd been wary of others recently but everyone you trusted was too busy to keep an eye on him. So she asked my mother, who asked me. I'm assuming you weren't told..."
He rambled while shuffling the tray that balanced on his forearms.

"I wasn't told, then again I'm not told much these days."
My words came out with an awkward laugh. I felt like I'd been thrown into a lake without knowing how to swim. The last time I stood fully in front of this taur was when my heart was broken, which the organ seemed to remember as a dull ache pulsed from my chest right into my arms. Before I could say another word, Alair walked over, standing in front of me, though, at a distance.
"May I?"
He asked, gesturing for me to move out of the entry way. I smiled and moved awkwardly, my heart sinking when I saw Alairs reaction to seeing the taur behind me. He didn't even make a comment, he just darted past her and hurried off...
Merra just looked on, watching him run off with a conflicted expression on her face.
"If I'd known he was here I wouldn't have come with you..."
Merra spoke, sounding remorseful.

I let out a heavy breath and wandered over to the plush lounge area by the bed. My body dropped into the pillows and blankets, my legs tucking under me while my hands gravitated to my head. I'd not long straightened my head out after being told to move on once and for all by Alair, having him in front of me so soon after the fact would be painful, I knew that. And yet part of me was simply relieved. Relieved that I'd be able to see him regularly again. Maybe not in the way I would've liked, but it was better than nothing...
"Um, isn't the hallway door locked?"
Merra mumbled. I glanced at her, seeing her pointing at the keys that hung from the lock in the door...

{Alairs POV}

Shit... Shit shit shit...
My mind raced just as fast as my body did as I rushed through the castle halls, attempting to get away from that room as fast as possible. Seeing that mare still filled me with such heavy anxiety to the point of it knocking me sick. Remembering the confusion, the stress, embarrassment, and heartache... All of which was caused because of her appearance... It made my head spin... I reached the door leading out of the hallway, only to realise it was locked. I'd left the key that Klein left with me in the bedroom door. The embarrassment of having to go back after leaving so awkwardly flushed over me before I even turned around. Only once I did, another emotion swept over me.

"I think you might need this."
An awkward, raven haired taur smiled while he fumbled down the hall, clearly anxious as he approached me with the key in his hand.

"It'd help."
I mumbled back while my head sank into my shoulders. Watching Cass walk towards me so slowly made my heart race, he was huge and while I knew he was a softie, his striking looks and large frame made him quite overbearing. Though my mind was thinking of that in a different way...
The shires face seemed to flush pink when he handed me the keys, tingles spreading from my hand to my chest when his fingertips grazed my palm. I turned around and unlocked the door before tucking them in the pouch on my belt.

"I'll um... I'll be back, I'm just going to fetch Gingers meal."
I spoke hastily, wanting to get away from the stallion as quickly as I could. Even though I was foaling and unable to experience a heat, being around Cass for such a short period of time had triggered my hormones to kick in. Without reason my body seemed to start pining for him, something that I did not want to deal with while near him... I ran off without saying bye, I just wanted to get out of there.

I'd managed to get to the kitchen and in the process, calm myself down, though my chest was aching rather aggressively. I knew I'd have to get used to being around him if I was to continue lending a hand here, though I knew that would be difficult. My mother flapped a bit when she brought over gingers food since she noticed my flushed skin. After assuring her that I was fine, she loaded more food onto the tray, enough to feed me also, before I made my way back to the East wing. As I wandered through the halls I quickly realised I couldn't catch a break. My father came strolling in the opposite direction and the second he looked up from his paperwork, his eyes were locked on me and his brow furrowed.
"What on earth are you doing here?"
He grumbled in his angry dad tone, stopping me in my tracks.
"Ada I have food that needs to be delivered I really can't s-"
I replied quickly in an attempt to get away.

"I don't care! Do you have a death wish!?"

"I don't, I just want to take some stress off of the shoulders of someone I care about."
I whispered.

"Cassius is not your responsibility Alair. He's already left you with the burden in your body, don't take on his issues too"
He snapped back aggressively while managing to keep his voice down.
My heart stopped at the sound of my own father referring to my foal as a burden. My face scrunched up like a discarded piece of parchment and I glared at the taur, not even wasting my breath to respond. I just stormed off, not because I was angry, but because I was deeply hurt.

I reached the East wing door, realising that the tray I was carrying was too full to balance on one arm, meaning I couldn't get the key from my side. I wanted to cry at this point out of sheer frustration. But as if by some divine chance, the door opened and that chance quickly turned into a joke. Cass grabbed the tray from my hands and carried it through the door, placing it down on a small side table in the hall before grabbing me. He pulled me into the hallway and shut the door, pulling me into a gentle hug after the fact.
"I felt something might be off so I was going to come looking for you. Clearly I was right... Your face looked like you were dying for a hug."
Cass' mellow voice wandered through my ears as he held me in his loose grasp, my emotions unable to stay locked up thanks to his warmth. I began to cry, my sobs muffled in his chest.

"What's up?"
He asked, completely unaware of what I was feeling, yet clearly interested to know.
"I... I don't want to go home."
I winced. While being around Cass was a pain both physically and mentally, the thought of going home to my parents after what my father had said was too much to think about...


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