Dear diary. I mean journal! (...

By queen_pepe_bitch

14.6K 617 211

Draco felt embarrassed that he has to write in a stupid book about his emotions even more so that he was alwa... More

Here we go again
Its not a diary!
A smokers dream
Dont skip classes kids!
Harry is jelly
A nice night
Grass is green
Should we date?
I swear it doesn't hurt
Malfoys fiancé
Blood is thicker than water
He is okay
Luna Love
Maybe break ups
Cigar burns
Not actually dating
Daddys home
Dear journal
A life to remember


327 17 11
By queen_pepe_bitch

Harry jumped at Dracos words sprinting to Astoria's wand

"I was not forced to do a damn thing!" Harry yelled out to the crowd who held on to every word Harry said

"I willingly helped Draco when daphne struck him in an attempt to severely wound me in the name of her sister! Draco helped me! He gave me kindness and all I did was return the favor" Harry yelled in anger

"Don't any of you think for a damn second that Draco has done anything to hurt me!" Harry stared at the crowd that stood awkwardly and stiffly at the sight of Harry's anger

"Shut the hell up Potter!" Daphne yelled as a spell erupted from her wand and made its way directly to Harry

"No, Harry!" Draco yelled pushing Astoria away and sprinting towards Harry his eyes were wide and everything around him felt like it was glint in slow motion until the spell was hit with a different one and Draco stopped in his tracks

There his father stood one of the guards wands in his hand still pointed at Daphne who gasped at the sight of the older Malfoy

"What" Astoria sputtered as Harry breathed a sigh of relief

"Hey thanks there Mr. Malfoy" Harry smiled

"Not a problem Potter I've actually come to speak some business with you and my son" lucias smiled he watched as Draco stood in front of Harry in a defensive manner facing the two green grass sisters

Astorias eyes grew wide at the sight of lucias and she smiled at an idea

"Help! A death eater has escaped!" She wailed however no one dared to move an inch all staring at lucias and the two guards behind him

"Miss greengrass what a shame it really is" lucias began as he strolled closer to the girl and helped her off the ground and waved at Daphne to come closer which she did only out of respect

Lucias held astorias hand in his and smiled

"It's come to my understanding that you're family has stopped supporting me in my trial" lucias sighed astoria stood up straight and held eye contact with the older man

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience but the contract between our family's was broken we had no obligation to continue on with supporting your trial" Astoria said almost as if she had rehearsed it in front of the mirror for hours

"Pity" lucias sighed dropping her hand and reaching into his pocket Astoria took a step back in fear of lucias pulling out a wand but instead he pulled out a piece of parchment and turned his back to her showing the rest of the school the parchment he cleared his throat and spoke

"This contract is signed by Astoria green grass, Draco Malfoy, Mr. greenGrass, and Mr. Malfoy  by signing this contract miss Astoria greengrass shall be wed to Draco Malfoy." Lucias paused and stared at the crowd that began to whisper to one another

"However" he continued

"If Mr. Grenngrass and/Or Mr. Malfoy deem the other partner to be unfit this contract will be voided but a new must must be forged in its place so that the two may never be under contract to marry again" lucias finished by tearing up the scroll making it void of any power

"W-Wait" Astoria stuttered

"Draco has no one else he wasn't actually dating anyone it was all a fake!" Astoria laughed loudly she had hands deep in her hair pulling it down her eyes were darting around the room and she panted in a desperate attempt to make her plan work

She wanted to ruin Dracos life

He deserved it

She hated him

Draco ruined everything

Harry ruined everything

She was meant to inherit every drop of Draco fortune so she could live a comfortable life and not waste away into nothing

"Actually" Draco said after a few moments everyone turned to look at him as he snatched Harry's hand in his and faced him

"Harry you don't have to say yes in fact I won't be surprised if you say no because it's entirely your decision." Draco began staring into Harry's eyes lovingly

"Harry I've been in love with you since the day you saved my life for the first time and after that you jsut continued to do it so I'm asking you here not for my sake but instead just to be happy for once will you be my boyfriend?" Draco smiled softly his heart was beating in his chest at a million times her second as Harry's eyes watered

Draco felt awkward seeing Harry tear up he stepped back

"Sorry for the pressure it's no I get it don't worry about it" Draco said turning to his father and began to walk towards him and Astoria held a big grin on her face but before she could say anything Harry spoke

"Wait." Draco turned around jsut as Harry sprinted to him and tackled him to the floor their lips crashing into each other's they fell. Draco winced in pain but smiled with joy

"I've been in love with you for the longest time I hope you understand that" Harry said after they landed with Harry on top of Draco and they both laughed

"Well there it is" lucias smiled Harry and Draco will forge a new contract and Astoria will no longer be wed to Draco Malfoy" lucias smiled and stared at the girl who drew her wand and pointed it at Draco and Harry her hands shaking

"Avada-" before Astoria could finish her words the guards took her wand and pinned her down

"Astoria green grass you will be taken under custody by the ministry of magic for attempting to use the killing spell one of the forbidden spells and spiking your professors food to knock them out whilst you preformed with undignified performance. Also your eyeliner is shitty" one of the guards said with a smile and the room laughed at his words as professors began to wake

"What the" mcgonagall sputtered looking around the hall to see Astoria apprehended Draco and Harry making out and lucias Malfoy laughing his ass off with a ministry guard at Astorias terrible eyeliner

"Ah mcgonagall nice to see you awake actually have this entire ordeal on tape if you wanna go through that later" Hermione whispered handing mcgonagall a tape recorder. She smiled at Hermione and nodded as she watched one of her students who she didn't like very much be dragged out of the room

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