Our Little Prince

By theanonnyauthor

286 27 5

As long as Tommy has known them, brothers Jimmy and Zee has always been fighting with each other. However, wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

63 7 3
By theanonnyauthor

Today was the day before Tommy's birthday. In order words, it was the night they went to the club. In Jimmy and Zee's words, it was hell's D-day.

The two brothers stood in front of Tommy's house, sulking slightly between themselves as they waited for their friend.

"Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting!" Tommy called out as he exited his house.

The two brothers turned to Tommy and froze. Tommy's club attire ended up just being a simple long sleeve checkered button up shirt with skinny jeans. Tommy had chosen to unbutton one extra button more than usual much to the brothers dismay. The two brothers however, simply looked towards each other and nod. During the days leading up to this day, the brothers had undergone a secret training of their own. Using the picture of Sexy Tommy that Jimmy had, they underwent a gruesome training involving countless blood loss from their noses. At this point of time, the brothers can proudly say that they had gained a certain level of immunity to Tommy's sexiness.

However, they weren't fully immune. Zee wordlessly walked up to Tommy and buttoned up his shirt. Tommy blushed slightly at Zee's actions as Zee helped to tidy his clothes as well. However, he also noticed the brother's sulking mood.

"Look at you two." Tommy frowned at the two brothers, "It's my pre-birthday celebration, can't you guys be happier?"

"How can we be happy when we are going to let our Tommy enter such a horrendous place?" Jimmy wailed.

"Come on, I have you two with me right? I'm sure everything will be fine." Tommy assured as he reached up to ruffle the brother's heads, a sure tactic to raise their moods.

Unfortunately, the raised moods of the brothers didn't last long after they entered their car. In the car, Tommy excitedly sat at the back on his own. The two brothers were seated at the front, not one able to be next to their beloved Tommy. The reason? The first stop that they were making.

"Hey there guys!" Toy greeted cheerfully as he entered the back of the car

The two brothers frowned at the newcomer from the rear-view mirror, eyes narrowing in annoyance. Toy felt the animosity emitting from the front of the car and cleverly decided to simply focus on talking to Tommy.

"Tommy, excited for the time of your life?" Toy asked.

"Yes! I can't wait to dance without a care like you have always mentioned!" Tommy smiled excitedly back.

The two brothers at the front let out a huff as Zee resumed driving. They had once considered removing Toy from Tommy's friend list. However, they both knew that they should not control who Tommy befriends. They would of course still filter and keep a close eye on Tommy's friend candidates. But they knew Tommy would appreciate having friends outside of the brothers. And the brothers will definitely not do anything that would make Tommy sad. And, it also helps that Toy provide 'updates' on Tommy...

The club that the group was heading to was a well-known club in their neighbourhood. It was frequented by many young people like themselves and boast having the largest dance floor in their area. It was also thankfully only a short drive away.

"Here we are!" Toy exclaimed as he got out of the car.

Tommy gazed in amazement at the bright flashing neon lights that lit up the entrance of the club. Large crowds of people were gathered at the front, all queueing to get in or waiting for their friends. Tommy couldn't help but feel slightly nervous now that he was standing in front of the club.

"You okay Tommy? If you feel like pulling out it's okay." Jimmy asked, sensing Tommy's nervousness.

"No. It's alright. I want this." Tommy shook his head in determination.

Jimmy and Zee shared a worried look.

"Okay but we have some rules Tommy." Zee said, "At any point of time, either Jimmy or myself must be with you ok?"

"Alright alright, stop worrying so much about me. I can take care of myself just fine." Tommy huffed, "Now come on! Let's go in!"

Tommy quickly grabbed onto Jimmy and Zee's arms and pulled them to enter the club with Toy trailing after.


Tommy wasn't happy. And he wasn't just unhappy. He was furious. The reason for his mood was the two guys he now regrets bringing with him. Jimmy and Zee has been keeping Tommy in a tight lease ever since they entered the club. They refuse to allow him a single sip of alcohol, refuse to allow anyone to approach him, heck they even refuse to let him enter the main dance floor as there were too many people. So now he was simply seated at a table, with Jimmy and Zee squeezing him in the middle and glaring at whoever even breathes near them. Toy had meanwhile already went out onto the dance floor and was enjoying himself Tommy was certain.

Tommy let out a huffed as he glared at the brothers, who were currently oblivious to his displeasure as they kept a lookout. Tommy was not going to let his experience in the club end up like this. Therefore, he devised a plan.

"Zee, can you get me another drink please?" Tommy asked.

"Another? But no alcohol okay?" Zee warned.

"Of course no problem!" Tommy nod his head.

With that, Zee was off to get Tommy and drink. The first one gone was the easy step. But now with Zee gone, Jimmy will be even more focused on keeping Tommy where he is. However, Tommy chose Zee to be sent away for a reason.

"Ah! Oh no, I dropped my phone!" Tommy exclaimed as he 'dropped' his phone under the table.

"What? How could you be so careless Tommy..." Jimmy frowned as he tried bending down to take a look.

"No worries, I'll just slide down and pick it up." Tommy said before looking innocently at Jimmy, "Make sure to look out while I'm down below okay?"

"No problem! I'll keep you safe!" Jimmy puffed his chest, now fully focused on keeping the area around Tommy safe.

Tommy hid his smirk as he slid down under the table. Picking up his phone, he instead crawled out the other side of the table, and quickly scuttled out into the crowd. He heard a cry from Jimmy behind him but quickly squeezed himself into the crowd and started to make his way to the dance floor. Among the crowd, his short height made him impossible to find. On the other hand, Jimmy's height worked against him now as he stuck out, allow Tommy to easy avoid Jimmy's detection.

Soon, Tommy was out on the dance floor where he caught sight of Toy dancing.

"Toy!" Tommy called out.

Toy turned around in surprise when he heard Tommy.

'Tommy! What are you doing here? Oh...I see you got away from your two bodyguards eh.." Toy smirked as he noticed how Tommy was alone.

"That's great! Come on, let's party here!" Toy grabbed Tommy as he starting dancing with him.

Tommy smiled as he started to jump and dance along with the heavy beat. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be immersed in the loud music and bright flashing lights.

Except he couldn't.

The crowds of people that he thought would make him lose his shame felt too close, too sweaty. The loud music that he thought would cause his blood to thrum hurt his ears. The bright lights that he thought would dance across his eyes seems to make him go blind instead. Tommy suddenly felt as though his sense were being overloaded. It was so unlike the brightness of his nightlight. So unlike the music that he would blast in his room. And it was so unlike the comfort of Jimmy and Zee that were always by his side.

Tommy felt sick and uncomfortable. He wanted to get out. He let go of Toy's hands and started to push his way out of the crowd again. Unlike before, manoeuvring through the crowd this time suddenly felt incredibly suffocating to Tommy. When he finally pushed his way out of the crowd with a gasp, he could feel himself sweating and panting. He leaned himself against the wall slightly to catch his breath.

I should find Jimmy and Zee and get out of here. Tommy thought immediately. He had to apologise to them too.

However, just as he was about to straighten himself and find the brothers, he suddenly found himself cornered.

"Hey there cutie~ Alone tonight?" A deep voice suddenly called out behind him.

Tommy turned around in shocked, pressing his back to the wall as the guy suddenly advanced and pinned him to the wall. The guy stank of alcohol, and it was clear he didn't have any control over his actions. This was the type of people that Jimmy and Zee had warned him about.

"If you are feeling lonely..." the guy leaned into his ear, "I could keep you company..."

Tommy flinched and froze up in terror. His mind told him to scream and push the guy off yet his body simply trembled and stood still. Never before had he been approached so brazenly by anyone before. Jimmy and Zee were always there by his side. Where was Jimmy now? Where was Zee? They had always been there to protect him.

But you ran away from them. Now you are stuck in your own mess. Tommy scolded himself.

The guy's hands suddenly reached down Tommy's thighs, tracing up slowly. Tommy tensed up as he started to tear.

No..stop I don't want this. I hate this. Why can't I do anything?

The guy then grabbed onto Tommy's butt and Tommy let out a whimper as he closed his eyes and started to cry.

Help me....Jimmy..Zee!


Jimmy was in a frantic mess. How could he have let Tommy run off like that? Now Tommy was somewhere in the huge crowd, all vulnerable and on his own. Zee had returned with the drink and was also joining him in his search to comb the area.

Pushing into the main dance floor, Jimmy caught sight of a dancing Toy.

"Toy! Toy!" Jimmy called out.

"Wha- oh hey Jimmy!" Toy waved as he saw him, "Looking for Tommy eh? The little prince is dancing with me over he-eh?"

Toy looked at his hands that held onto a random stranger.

Jimmy groaned as he gave up on Toy. At the very least, he knew Tommy had came to find Toy. So where was Tommy now? Sighing, Jimmy swept his gaze over the crowd.

And then he spotted him.

Tommy was leaning against the wall at the corner of the club. Jimmy immediately started to holler for Tommy as he made his way over. Yet his voice could not reach past the loud music.

Then, horror filled Jimmy's heart. He watched as a random drunkard approached his Tommy, pinning him to the wall. He saw Tommy flinch and his eyes tear. Jimmy's heart started to race as he started to push his way past to Tommy faster. His shouting became more desperate, unheard by no one amid the loud music. His Tommy was in danger, and he wasn't going to let any harm come upon him. Jimmy then caught sight of Zee, located closer to Tommy than he was. The brothers locked eyes and a small signal was all was need for Zee to start rushing through the crowd.

Zee reached Tommy just in time. With a solid punch, the drunkard was knocked off Tommy. Jimmy burst out of the crowd after, immediately reaching out for a shaking Tommy who was now sinking to the floor.

"It's ok Tommy, its ok. It's me, Jimmy. Zee and I are here now." Jimmy immediately embraced Tommy within his arms as he tried to calm Tommy down.

Tommy was shaking and crying uncontrollably as he held onto Jimmy tightly, instinctively recognising the familiar presence.

"Come on, let's get Tommy out of here." Zee said from the side, having successfully gotten rid of the drunkard.

Jimmy nodded before turning to Tommy and coaxing softly, "Come Tommy, hold onto me tightly ok? We will get you out of here."

Tommy simply nodded and grasped onto Jimmy tighter, but shakily got up to his feet. With Zee clearing the path and Jimmy holding Tommy securely within his arms, the trio made their way out of the club into their car.


In the car, Zee immediately started up the car and drove off. Jimmy sat in the backseat with Tommy, still holding him tightly. Tommy, now out of the club, started to calm down, only sobbing softly as he clung onto Jimmy.

"I'm sorry..." Tommy suddenly choked out.

"What? What's there to be sorry about my Tommy?" Jimmy asked softly.

"You guys were right." Tommy pulled himself away from Jimmy, "I shouldn't have gone there. I didn't enjoy it at all. Why did I even think I could be some fun person like Toy? I couldn't even last a minute in there and I even had to cause trouble for you two to save me from a drunkard."

Tommy wiped away his tears and snot as he continued sobbing. Jimmy looked up to exchange glances with Zee over the rear-view mirror. Both Jimmy and Zee knew why Tommy really wanted to go to the club. Tommy had always wish he was more sociable and fun-loving. Being two prominent social figures in their school, Jimmy and Zee had their own groups of friends that wanted to hang out with them. However, Jimmy and Zee had always forgone their group of friends to spend time with Tommy. Tommy probably felt that he was holding them back and denying them of the fun they could have been experiencing. Hearing Toy's stories probably didn't help at all.

"It's not your fault Tommy." Jimmy said, "Zee and I should have been there for you as well. If we were there, nothing bad would have happened."

"No its not your fault! I ran away from you two!"

"Yes you did. But that's because we were preventing you from having fun. We should have allowed you to dance and be there with you. That way, we could have taken you out when you weren't comfortable." A shared look with Zee showed that Zee fully agreed with Jimmy's words.

"But...you were following my request to bring me here.."

"Yes. But we allowed it at the end. So end point, it's both our faults and therefore no one's fault, ok?" Jimmy ended the conversation.

Tommy sniffed slightly as he nod his head before going back to hugging Jimmy.

"I'm sorry....I ruined my own birthday celebration.." Tommy apologised in the end.

Jimmy sighed as he lightly stroke the back of Tommy's head.

"Well....it's not your birthday yet.." Zee suddenly spoke up from the front.

Jimmy looked up in confusion before coming to an understanding with his brother.

"Hey Tommy..." Jimmy whispered into Tommy's ear, "How about we make up for our faults now?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Tommy pulled away to look up at Jimmy in confusion.

"You'll see..." Jimmy smiled as he pulled Tommy back into his embrace and Zee turned down a path away from their homes.


"Alright Tommy, here we are!" Zee said as he lifted his hands that were covering Tommy's eyes.

"We are...at the park?" Tommy said in confusion as he looked at where Zee and him stood in the middle of an empty field of their neighbourhood park.

"That's right!" Zee said.

The park was quiet and deserted as the day approached midnight. The area was dimly lit by some lamps, allowing some stars to be seen in the night sky. Otherwise, there was nothing special in particular.

"Why did you bring me to the park?" Tommy asked.

Right after Tommy asked, a slow waltz suddenly filled the air. Tommy looked around in confusion before he noticed Jimmy set a speaker down on a bench nearby. Tommy opened his mouth to ask again, but was whisked around by Zee.

Grabbing onto Tommy's waist, Zee held Tommy close to him and started to sway with the music.

"wha-?" Tommy was flustered by Zee's sudden actions.

"Come on Tommy, let's dance!" Zee smiled as he grabbed Tommy's hands and placed them around his neck.

Tommy blushed as he hung his arms around Zee's neck and lowered his head into Zee's chest in embarrassment.

"You brought me here to dance?" Tommy asked.

"That's right, you wanted to dance tonight did you not?" Zee asked.

"Is what we are doing now dancing?" Tommy giggled but gasped as another pair of hands grabbed onto him, right above Zee's.

"Unfortunately, it's the only way we know to let the three of us dance like this." Jimmy's voice rumbled behind Tommy as Jimmy rest his chin on Tommy's head.

"You know Tommy," Zee said, "It doesn't matter to us whether you are a 'fun-loving' person like Toy. No matter whether you are 'fun-loving' or downright boring, Jimmy and I will always choose to be with you instead."

'That's right." Jimmy continued, "To us, every moment with you is the most fun moment of our life. We could be doing absolutely nothing and lay around and we would still find it fun."

"We already do that sometimes..." Tommy muttered.

"That's right! And we think that is so fun! It's a type of fun that we can't experience with others." Zee said.

"So Tommy, don't worry about being fun and outgoing. Zee and I like you just the way you are. We have never chosen to be with you out of obligation. We are always happy to be with you. Why won't we be willing to be with you then?" Jimmy said.

Tommy smiled as he listened to the brother's words. He leaned back into the comfort of Jimmy and pulled Zee closer to connect their foreheads.

"Thank you. Both of you." Tommy said, "I'm so happy to have you two in my life."

Jimmy and Zee smiled at Tommy's words. And just like that, with Tommy safe within the arms of his two favourite people, the three of them swayed together slowly to the end of the music.

"Happy birthday Tommy." Jimmy and Zee said as the music came to an end.

"Thank you." Tommy smiled, "You both managed to turn this to the best birthday of my life!"

The three of them stood still as they smiled happily at each other under the starry sky.









Until suddenly, a bright cheery pop music started playing in the background and a girl's voice was heard to start singing.

Tommy felt Jimmy flinch slightly behind him while Zee smirked at his brother.

"Oops..." Jimmy smiled sheepishly, "I forgot it was on auto play..."

"Awww don't be embarrass bro, Tommy and I know all about your music taste." Zee teased.

Jimmy blushed slightly as he stepped away from Tommy, "I'll...go turn it off..."

"Hey wait no." Tommy suddenly grabbed onto Jimmy and smiled cheekily, "We are dancing now no?"

Jimmy widened his eyes at Tommy's statement, "No way...here?"

"Come on there's no one is there..." Tommy smirked, "Besides...it's my birthday...shouldn't you do what I want?"

Behind Tommy, Zee snickered, "That's right Jimmy, I know you want to."

Jimmy looked exasperatedly at Tommy's pleading looking before letting out a sigh. Suddenly, Jimmy was bright and springy as he started to exaggeratedly dance along with the song. This prompted Tommy and Zee into laughter as they watched Jimmy make a fool of himself.

"Haha! You look ridiculous!" Zee laughed.

However, Zee looked at Tommy who was now looking at him with a suspicious glint in his eyes.

"Oh no why are you looking at me like tha-"

Tommy grabbed Zee and started to pull him along.

"Come on! Let's all dance together!" Tommy exclaimed, forcing Zee to dance along.

With bright laughter and joyous smiles signalling the start of Tommy's birthday, the three of them...dance the night away.


A/N: du du dun du du dun dun. Can you guess the inspiration for this chapter lmao.

Anyways I hope I was able to bring forth what Tommy actually was thinking. But basically, Tommy is an introvert. He is friends with Toy, an extrovert. Jimmy and Zee are popular kids in the school and hang out with many extroverted friends and therefore have to act 'extroverted'. Tommy is unaware of his 'introvertedness', and thinks he is just not 'fun'. Listening to Toy's stories, he thinks he is able to handle the club and be 'fun' because he draws parallels between how he is when he is alone. However, as we all know, being alone and in a crowd are two different things as Tommy learns. Jimmy and Zee have been to the club before with their 'friends' and hated it and knew Tommy won't be able to stand it which is why they don't want to bring him there. So yah, this is me trying to create a story to say that introverts do not have to feel pressured to 'have fun' the same way extroverts do. Of course, it's not the extroverts fault nor the introverts fault. People enjoy things to different degrees. Introvert and extrovert is also a spectrum and ambiverts are also a thing. So most importantly is for us to feel comfortable with what we are doing and have our own fun, whether alone, with a bunch of others, or a small group of close friends:). Thanks for reading this far. Hope to see you again.



A boy stands alone in front of an empty parking lot. He lets out a sigh as he realised he has been abandoned by his friends.

"I guess it's kinda my fault a bit..." Toy mutters, "I'll apologise to Tommy when I see him next time."

With a soft sigh, Toy begun his lonely trek back home. 

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