RUN {1}

Bởi Ziehmer28

1K 54 9

Luna Haralson has been running from her past and her ex with her Aunt Kathy. She finds her way into a town ca... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

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Bởi Ziehmer28

Chapter 7

Yesterday was rough, and the night wasn't much better. After learning about Scott and me, we returned to our homes in hopes of finding some sort of comfort there. I didn't.

All night I tossed and turned, my mind flooding with questions, fears, and concerns. It was like I was scared of falling asleep, like the next day would come to fast and I'd have to face Scott again.

The thing I hated the most was that I missed him. I was scared to face him, yet when we left last night I didn't want him to go. My arms seemed to reach for him on the bed only to find it empty. My body wished for his touch, not sexually, but just a touch to assure myself that he was still here with me.

I felt crazy. I wanted to punch myself for acting like this. This wasn't me. I was strong and independent, now I felt scared and weak.

Deaton and my Aunt had said this would make us stronger, both mentally but also as werewolves. Yet, I felt weaker now than I ever had before.

When my alarm clock rang next to my ear, a groan left my lips and I pulled the covers over my head. I did not want to go to school today.

The sound of my alarm continuously going off must have grabbed my Aunt's attention because she eventually came in, switching the thing off.

"Come on, you should get ready for school," My Aunt said, her voice soft and sympathetic.

A sigh left my lips and I poked my head out, eyeing my Aunt, "Do I have too? Can't I just take a sick day or something?"

The look on my Aunt's eyes told me she was contemplating it. She knew the big blow she gave to Scott and I yesterday and there was no way we could just jump back into our lives like nothing happened.

"Okay, but just for today. I'll let the school know you're not feeling well."

I was beyond grateful for my Aunt's decision, and couldn't help but reach my hand out and take her's. "Thank you," I said.

My aunt nodded, "Try to get some sleep, you look like crap."

Geez, thanks.

Watching my aunt leave, I couldn't help but listen to the unearthly silence. I debated on opening my window or turning on my TV just to have something else, but my body didn't move.

Eventually, the urge to go to the bathroom and eat something overtook me enough that I finally got out of bed. I raced out of my door and into the bathroom before looking at myself in the mirror.

Man, I really did look like crap.

I brushed my hair and teeth before splashing some cold water on my face in hopes that would help. It didn't.

My feet carried me out the bathroom door and down the hall to the kitchen. My Aunt was rushing around, grabbing stuff in a hurry. She noticed me and explained, "I got a call from the hospital. They need me to come in for a couple of hours, are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Good luck."

"Thanks," My Aunt said, picking up the car keys. "Get some rest, love you."

"Love you too," I said tiredly as she closed the door behind her.

I made my way over to the cupboard and picked out some cereal before filling up my bowl tall with it and milk. I took a seat at the table and started to shove the food into my mouth as my eyes look around the house. They picked up on the clock that hung on the wall, seeing it read 11:23.

No wonder I was hungry.

As I finished my bowl, I sat it in the sink and decided I should try and get some sleep. Though I figured it would be a hopeless case.

Before I could reach halfway to my room, there was a knock on the door, making my hairs stand on edge.

I turned to the door, stretching my body to try and get a look at the person on the other side. No one should be here.

"Luna?" A voice said behind the door, the voice being a relief to me that it wasn't some stranger or an unknown creature. But I still was nervous to answer it.

"Luna? Can we talk, please?"

A sigh left my lips and I found myself walking over to the door and opening it. There Scott stood, one of his hands holding onto his backpack strap that sat on his back. His eyes looked tired, like he got little to no sleep last night as well. I watched his chest fall with relief at the sight of me.

"Hey," He said, almost nervous.


"I didn't see you at school," He said, still nervous, like he was going to say something wrong and I'd slam the door in his face. I don't think I could even if I wanted too.

My body, starting to feel slightly tired, leaned on the doorframe. "Yeah, I called in sick. Couldn't sleep last night."

"Yeah, me either," Scott breathed out as his eyes looked to the ground.

I stared at him for a moment, my mind in a silent debate before I moved aside. "Do you want to come in?"

Scott quickly looked up, "Yeah, I'd like that," He said, excited. I couldn't help but smile slightly at his tone.

Walking in, Scott sat his backpack on one of the chairs before walking into the livingroom and sitting on the couch. He rubbed his hands on his jeans, nervously until I eventually sat down next to him.

An uncomfortable silence filled us for a moment before I broke it with an annoyed sigh. "I hate this."

Looking at me, Scott asked, almost afraid of the answer, "Do you hate me?"

The fact that, that even crossed his mind made my heart break. "No, not at all. I just... I hate what this thing has done to me, to us. Part of me wishes I would hit my head and forget about the whole thing."

Scott paused for a moment before saying quietly, "We could."

"I don't think it's that easy," I said, looking into his eyes this time. His eyes made mine tired and I wondered if I'd soon fall asleep just by starring at them.

Nodding in agreement, Scott looked away, "I know. But... But maybe it doesn't have to be so..."

"Awkward?" I finished.

"Yeah, I mean, so we're mates. If anything it just gives us a reason for why we feel the way we feel. I... I don't want this to end, I don't want to lose you. I don't think my body would be able to survive very long on the lack of sleep."

A small chuckle left both of our lips as we nodded in agreement. I had pulled all-nighters before, but this was different.

"I don't want to lose you either," I said, looking at Scott again.

"Then, let's just take it day by day. Whatever happens, whatever we feel, we just deal with it then instead of now."

God, I was too lucky to be mated to someone like this, to be mated to Scott McCall.

Smiling, I nodded in agreement before looking down, "That'll work. Right now I don't think I could deal with anything anyways. I'm so tired I may pass out right here."

"Glad to know I'm not the only one," Scott said and we both chuckled softly.

Leaning into this feeling, I turned and grabbed the blanket that sat on the back of the couch. Scott kicked off his shoes and laid on the couch, letting me throw the blanket over us as I laid down. My back laid against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of it as he breathed.

Out of instinct, Scott wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him if that was even possible. The feeling of warmth overtook me and the sound of his heartbeat filled my ears, shutting my eyes and putting me into a deep sleep.

My mind relaxed and I was filled with a dreamless sleep, seeming to recharge everything in me.

When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see the sun was just starting to set, giving the living room a fire like glow. My senses started to kick in next and I could feel Scott's arm still around me. His hand sat on my stomach, making me realize how warm I felt under his unmoved touch.

The faint sound of a light breathing filled my ears and I couldn't help but smile at the sound. That was a sound I could get used too.

I laid there for a little longer before my body realized how warm it was and how badly I needed food. I hated to wake Scott but I needed to move.

Quietly and slowly, I tried to move my way out from Scott's arm, grateful he hadn't closed me in tighter.

Finally I was free and the coolness of the house hit my skin, making me suck in a large breath. I could smell Scott's scent on my clothes and hair, my own sent almost unnoticeable in the moment.

I needed a cold shower and food.

Looking over my shoulder I noticed Scott still hadn't moved and took that chance to head back to my room. I tried to be quiet as I grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. I came to terms with the fact Scott would probably wake up at the sound of water and turned on the shower.

The cold water hit my body and I couldn't help but let out a small hum as it hit me. It wasn't long after though that my body had calmed of its heat and a chill went up my body. I switched the water to warm and finished my shower before climbing out.

As I grabbed my clothes I realized I had forgotten a very important item of clothing. Pants.

Of course. I was so worried about waking up Scott I didn't even bother to grab a pair. I threw on my shirt and underwear before opening the door to leave the bathroom. My room was right across from the bathroom, meaning I could easily get there without being seen.

But I wasn't that lucky.

My body collided with Scott's chest, causing me to step back and look at him. I watched him suck in a breath as his eyes looked searched over me. He must have realized what he was doing and quickly opened his mouth to speak, turning around.

"I'm sorry, I was just coming to use the bathroom. I thought you were in your room."

Both doors were closed and the shower had been off for a while now so it wasn't an unreasonable thought.

A blush appeared on my face at Scott's reaction and I couldn't help but chuckle. "It's okay. I forgot my pants. The bathrooms free if you want to take a shower or anything."

"Uh, thanks," Scott said, his body still turned away from me.

As crazy as it sounded, I almost wanted him to look at me. I wasn't ashamed of my body, in fact I was proud of it. And I liked the way Scott's eyes looked over me.

Coming back to reality, I walked passed Scott and into my room. I walked over and threw on a pair of black sweatpants before I heard the sound of water running in the bathroom.

I checked my phone as I headed into the kitchen, finding a text from my Aunt saying she was grabbing dinner with Scott's mom Melissa and would be home later.

Figuring Scott was probable hungry as well, I decided on making food. I made spaghetti, a quick and easy meal that we easily could have left overs of.

"It smells delicious," Scott said, making me look over my shoulder to see Scott had walked out of the bathroom and was just slipping his shirt on. My eyes, like his did before, ran over Scott's upper body before turning away as his shirt knocked me back into reality.

"I made spaghetti, it should be ready in a minute."

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that though."

I shrugged as I mixed the noodles, meat, and sauce together. "I don't mind, we both are hungry and your mom and my aunt got dinner."

Splitting up the food between the two of us, I sat it down on the table while Scott got some drinks. We both sat in a comfortable silence as we ate.

Once we finished eating, I washed the dishes before Scott dried them and I put them away. His hand would brush against mine and I swear the tension in the air was building up so much I wondered when I'd gasp for fresh air.

"Can you put this plate on the top shelf please," I said, handing him a large dinner plate.

"Sure," Scott said. He walked over to the cupboard next to me, standing on his toes to put it on the top shelf. His body brushed against mine and I felt my breath hitch until he lowered himself and closed the cupboard. "I think that's everything."

I nodded, looking at him as his eyes met mine. We both starred at each other for a good minute before he broke it with a whisper.

"Now what?"

That was the true question. Now what?

Before I could think of an answer, Scott's lips were on mine and I found myself kissing him back. His hands went to my waist and mine wrapped around his neck as our kiss deepened.

He suddenly pulled away, trying to catch his breath and looking at me as if his eyes were asking me if I was sure I wanted to do this.

"Yes," I said, causing him to smile and me to smile in return before he wrapped me in his arms again, picking me up, and carrying me to my bedroom.

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