The Hidden Daughter

By S0langel04eva

10.6K 222 13

Niklaus Mikaelson has his daughter before breaking his curse, so hides her away from the world. And she is mo... More

Season 1


2.5K 71 11
By S0langel04eva

Drying her hair as she left the bathroom, Scott McCall sat down on her single bed, and reached for something underneath. Retracting her hand, she pulled out a shoe box with the initials 'HM' on it, the 'H' standing for her middle name, which her father always called her by, and the 'M' standing for both her parents' last names. Glancing at the gold lettering that showed it was hers, Scott removed the lid, revealing the silver ballet shoes within. Pulling the delicate foot wear from the box, she remembered when she was given them from her dad, someone who, before this life, she had only believed to be a character from a TV show.

A blonde haired man, with eyes as blue as his daughters knelt before his only child, the only one to show him unconditional love. His cyan orbs softened as he spoke, "Here. With these you'll be the world's greatest ballerina."

Stretching his arms behind his back, the unknown man brought a box out from behind his back, and presented it to his daughter. The young four year old looked at it in confusion, but still accepted, taking the gift from her fathers hands. Removing the lid, the child's face lit up in a smile that could bring anyone to their knees, as she admired the ballet shoes that rested within the box. The young tribrid's face twisted in confusion as she noticed a detail that even if she hadn't been a teenager in a child's body did not escape her, "Daddy, why are they silver? I thought they had to be gold or red?"

The older males eyes held a spark of amusement, as he replied, "That's because, like you, they're special. The silver represents the moon, my littlest wolf."

The father leaned forward and pressed his lips to her forehead, causing the daughter's face to lit up and a delighted giggle to pass her lips.

Snapping back to the present, Scott bent down and pulled the shoes onto her feet, before moving the lacrosse stick on her bed over to her school bag on her desk, so she doesn't forget it tomorrow. Turns out lacrosse was a lot more fun than she originally thought when she had first seen the Netflix series 'Teen Wolf'. Moving over to the window, she opened it and stepped out onto the ledge, grabbed the edge of the roof, using it to pull herself up onto the roof, standing on the chimney. Scott straightened herself to balance on her toes, and placed one foot forward before spinning and dancing across the roof, careful not to slip.

She had barely started dancing, something she'd brought with her from her last life, before she heard a noise from the front porch, the young McCall rolled her eyes, annoyances clear in her cyan orbs, knowing the cause of the disturbance. Deciding to see what her best friend and non-blood brother was up to this time, especially the night before school starts, Scott backed to the edge of the roof and jumped, spinning in the air, then landed on the concrete driveway, perfectly fine. A yelp sounded from behind her, informing the witch of where her best friend was. Turning her head as she swivelled her body, Scott came face-to-face with the figure of her friend hanging from her porch roof, upside down, causing her to let out an annoyed huff, "Stiles! What the hell are you doing?!"

The Stilinski boy flailed his arms around, which is the reason he fell onto the floor, letting out a pained groan as he replied, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You weren't answering your phone."

Not even giving his best friend a chance to respond, Stiles continued, "Anyway, you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even State Police."

Scott furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what he was getting at, her brain not noticing the timeline, "For what?"

Her best friend gave a wicked grin, looking freakishly similar to the Cheshire Cat, and it was a tad unnerving, "Two joggers found a body in the woods."

Stiles bounced back and forth on his heels, his ADHD clearly kicking in, "You mean like murdered? Do you think it was Laura?"

The McCall girl looked concerned, and rightfully so, the last reported death was the Hale's in the Hale fire six years prior. Of which she was well informed given that she had watched the show in her past life and had volunteered at the nursing home to look after Peter Hale after the fire. That and her work with Deaton at the vets because she wanted to be a vet just like OG Scott McCall. Stiles immediately noticed and tried to reassure her, well as best as someone like Stiles could do to reassure someone, knowing she felt guilty for not being able to save the Hales six years ago, "Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her 20s." He paused for a moment, then continued hesitantly, "From what you told me about your past life, it probably is Laura."

Scott closed her eyes in grief, before feeling them snap open letting her confusion show as she asked, "Wait, if they found Laura, then what are you doing here?"

Stiles grinned, "Because you and I are going to find the other half of her body!"


Parking Stiles' Jeep outside the woods, the two friends excitedly entered the woods, speculating what would happen on the first day back at school, tomorrow. Scott was the first to start the conversation, "I was trying to get a good few hours in with ballet before I went to sleep. I wanted to be prepared for practice tomorrow."

Stiles gave his friend and sister a look mixed between confusion and slight amusement, speaking in a tone of teasing and a little mockery, "Right, 'cause sitting on the bench as a seat warmer is such a gruelling effort."

Looking annoyed at her friend's lack of faith in her abilities, the witch spoke in a tone of strong reassurance, "No, because I'm going to be playing this year. In fact, I'm going to make the first line."

Before Stiles could speak up, Scott continued, "Hey, just out of curiosity, what are we going to do if your dad finds us out here?"

The Stilinski boy paused momentarily, apparently not having thought of that fact, which was proven right when he opened his mouth, "Huh! I didn't even think about that. How about running the other way?"

The McCall girl rolled her eyes, looking exasperated at the little detail her brother had forgotten to check before coming to get her, "That should work but it's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail. That is to say--very little."

Ignoring his friend's snarky comment, Stiles tops the ridge of the hill they had been climbing, and took off running towards the officers they could see searching the area ahead. Scott, having thought she heard something in the woods and had the feeling of being watched, lagged behind as she didn't realise Stiles had already run off. While Scott herself was trying to avoid the polices' flashlights, so as not to be seen, Stiles ran right into the searcher's line of sight. Going against what he'd suggested not five minutes ago. The deputy to spot him called out to the other police officers and Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles' dad, moved forward after seeing it was his delinquent son, "Hang on, hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me."

Stiles, seeing the look on his dad's face, quickly tried to pull the innocent card, "Dad, how are you doing?"

The Sheriff, not wanting to play games, cut straight to the chase, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at his only child, "So, do you, listen in to all of my phone calls? And where's your usual partner in crime?"

The younger Stilinski didn't lose his look of innocence as he answered his father, "1. Not the boring ones, and 2. Scott's home. She said she wanted to get some last minute ballet practise before the first day back at school tomorrow. It's just me. In the woods. Alone."

The look on Noah Stilinski's face showed that he didn't believe his son for a second, and proved that by speaking up, looking towards those trees, scanning for the boy's best friend, "Scott, you out there? Scott?"

Not getting an answer the older male returned his attention to his son, "Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car. And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy."

Scott, seeing her friend leaving the scene, turned around to try and find her way back home in the dark, hoping she didn't get lost. As she walked, Scott heard something in the distance which caused her to stop and pull out her phone, turning on the flashlight hoping to see what it was. But, before she had time to register what was happening, a herd of panicked deer came charging out of the undergrowth. Reacting quickly, the young witch fell to the floor, covering her head, not wanting to sustain any kind of head injury that her mother would most likely notice.

Once the herd had run back into the darkness of the woods, Scott realised that she had dropped her phone in the midst of her panic. That led to her frantically starting moving the dead leaves on the ground, hoping she would be able to dig up her mobile. Her hand brushed over something soft, and she leaned closer, trying to get a look at it even though she could barely see in the dark; only to come face-to-face with the naked upper half of a woman's body, staring straight into eyes glazed with the milky whites of death. Laura.

A small scream left her lips, as she scrambled to get away from the dead body, slipping on a wet rock, which made her tumble down into a shallow ravine. Scott grabbed a low hanging branch, using it to pull herself up to her feet, but paused, going stock still, when she heard a low growl from behind her. Slowly turning around, the McCall girl met the red glowing eyes of what the show had shown as an unknown beast, but was really just an overly large wolf, kind of like the wolves in Twilight, standing several feet away from her. Not giving Scott a chance to run, the dark coloured wolf launched itself at her, clamping its iron jaws around her side and bit down hard.

She let out a scream of pain as she rolled a few feet to the right, and moved onto her side, putting her hands in front of herself and cried out one of the first spells her father told her about, "Motus."

The wolf was sent flying away, giving Scott enough time to stand and register just who she had thrown through the air. She let out a gasp and scrambled to get to the, now standing, werewolf, falling to her knees beside it as her side flared with pain. The moon-bound creature, seeing this, gently used its front paws to pin Scott to the ground, before ducking its head to lick at the wound it had inflicted, the saliva healing it in no time. When it pulled back, Peter Hale's wolf form nudged her in the direction of the road, indicating to go home and that they'd talk about what had happened after school tomorrow when she came to visit him at the nursing home.

Nodding her head, the McCall girl took off running through the woods, eventually breaking through the treeline and ending up stumbling into the middle of the road. Hearing the sound of a car horn, the witch spun on her heels and raced back to the trees, just in time to avoid the SUV that had swerved and skidded, just missing her.

Scott was left panting from both fear of nearly dying and exhaustion from all the running. It began to rain as Scott heard the distant sound of a wolf howling, causing a forbidding feeling to appear in her gut, knowing that this was just the start of what was to come.


The next morning, Scott closed the front door and made her way down to Stiles' Jeep, opening the passenger door, climbing in. She turned to her friend as he opened his mouth, curiosity lacing his tone, "Okay, let's see this thing. And it better be as cool as you said it would."

Rolling her eyes at her best friend's lack of tact, Scott answered with exasperation, "I also told you Peter healed it after so there isn't a bite mark there anymore."

The spastic teen pouted, eyes shining with annoyance at the Hale for not letting him see a cool bite mark. But the irritation was quickly forgotten when he realized something, "Have you told your mum yet? That you're-you know-turning into an evolved werewolf. And what about your dad? Have you called him?"

The now hybrid let out a sigh, "No. I haven't told either of them. How am I supposed to tell mum that she doesn't have to worry about me killing someone to become a werewolf 'cause now I already am one? And how do I tell dad? I haven't talked to him since he left to look for another doppelganger to break his curse. And the main reason he's doing that now is because he wants to be there for my first full moon and know what I'm going through. He wants us to run together in our wolf forms. Now the full moon is Friday and he isn't here!"

Seeing his sister getting so hysterical over what was going to happen Friday, Stiles took one hand off the steering wheel to reach over and hold hers tightly, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "Hey. It'll be okay, alright? You'll still have me and Peter and possibly Derek there Friday. And if you don't kill anyone anytime soon, your dad will be there to do all those things on your first full moon as a traditional werewolf."

Scott sighed, "Yeah. You're probably right."

Her non-blood brother gave a cheeky grin, "Aren't I always?"

That earned him a smack round the back of the head.

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