Our baby boy

By Louandhaz27

182K 3.8K 417

Harry ,Edward and marcel have been together since they where teenagers They live in a world where it's norma... More

Characters and warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

6.7K 136 11
By Louandhaz27

(Edwards POV)

Harry lifted Louis off me into a towel carrying him out the room I stood up marcel handing me a towel I took my boxers off and tied the towel around my waist

We left the bathroom finding Harry blowing raspberries on to Louis' stomach and Louis giggling like crazy

I got the nappies and the wipes and went over to Louis

"I missed you today" I told him getting him dried up Harry had went to get clothes and marcel was changing his bed

"Miss 'ou to dwaddy" he told me sweetly and I swear the biggest smile ever was on my face he then kicked me gently on the leg I raised my eye brow at him

"It coldy" he whined

"Okay baby but we do not hit understand ?" I told him sternly picking up the nappy

"Swrry dwaddy" he whispered looking away from me

"It's okay darling" I lifted his legs up with one hand slipping the nappy under him

Once the nappy was on Harry came out the walk in wardrobe wearing a pair of my basketball shorts low on his waist

"Here's some clothes for him and for you" he handed me my clothes

I got ready whilst Harry got Louis ready I wore a pair on grey joggers and a white top

Marcel came back in and went and got changed as well he wore a grey hoodie and shorts

Louis had on Harry's top and my socks he is the cutest thing ever

"Okay I'll make dinner one of you can watch this little rascal and the other can get his stuff set up is that okay?" Harry suggested then started playing keek a boo with Louis

"That's fine" marcel said picking Louis up placing him on his hip making sure his ribs weren't bothering him to much

" marce do you want me to get the stuff in or watch Lou?" I asked as we walked down stairs

"Don't mind do you want me get the stuff in you've been at work all day" I shook my head

"I'm okay with getting the stuff in but I'm also okay with looking after this little one so it's to you" I said ruffling Louis' hair

"Do you mind getting the stuff in but if anything is heavy shout on me I don't want you hurting your back again" I nod and kiss his lips gently then kiss Louis' head going into the kitchen

"I'll be outside babe if you need me" I tell Harry and kiss him gently

I really do have to be carful with my back it's never been broken or anything it just gets really sore a lot and I need to get one of my boys to massage it or I can't walk

After i carried all the boxes and Bags into the hall my back was aching and I still had to get the stuff upstairs

First I'll put the stuff that has to stay downstairs where it's meant to go

I picked up the bag with bottles and dummy's in it carrying it to the kitchen where Harry was cooking something that smelled amazing

"Hey babe" he walked over to me "want some help" he asked I shook my head

"I'm good just now but later after dinner can you help me build the crib" I asked cleaning all the bottles and dummy's

"That's fine is your back okay?" he asked stirring some type of sauce

"Yeah it fine" I lied then walked into the hall getting the high chair I took it out the box and but it up in the dining room

I took a pack of nappies and wipes into the living room Louis and marcel were laying on the couch watching some cartoon thing Louis sucking on his thumb

"Hi babes" I placed the wipes and nappies in the cupboard Louis waved at me and marcel gave me a small 'hi' back

I went and got a dummy that I just put away Harry chuckled lightly as I was walking out the kitchen I then went got a random teddy out one of the bags walking into the the living room

I sat down at Louis' side taking his thumb out his mouth making him whine and whimper

"Hey hey it's okay look what I've got" I put the dummy in his mouth he smiles around it I hand him the teddy and he squeals jumping on to me then whimpers loud

"Owie" he whimpers into my neck marcel rubbing his back

"You need to be careful angel"he tells him


"It's okay let's lie back down so daddy E can go get the rest of your stuff ready hmm" I lay him down on marcels chest kissing marcel lightly then leaving the room

I carried the rest of the bags upstairs then i had to carry the boxes with the crib in it and the changing table in it

I took the changing table into Louis' room then lay on the bed my back was aching but I had to get the crib upstairs then I could sit down

I slowly got up off the bed groaning I slowly walked downstairs after I got the crib up I felt tears well up in my eyes I don't deal well with pain

I need one of my boys to do something I can't move I'm just leaning against a wall nearly crying

"MARCEL" I shout "H-HARRY" I stuttered and my voice cracked I heard someone talking then someone running upstairs

Marcel turned the corner when he saw me he rushed over to me

"Hey hey your okay" he told me wiping a tear away

"I'm sorry I should have asked you to h-help" I cried lightly

"Don't be sorry let's go to our room love" he puts his arm around my torso and my arm over his shoulder just then it hits me

"Louis who has Louis" I asked frantically

"Harry babe shh" he led me to the room me whimpering and groaning

He sat me on the bed then took my top off then gently lay me on my stomach

He straddled my thighs and massaged my lower back I moaned a few times to what he just chuckled at

After ten minutes I put my shirt back on and kissed his lips

"Thank you baby" I thanked him

"Your welcome let's go downstairs Harry said dinner was ready ages ago" he told me

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