The White Case - A COTE Fanfi...

By LJTanaguchi

12.7K 639 407

A murder has been reported within the walls of AHNS, the government-funded school known for its total privacy... More

Case 1.1
Case 1.2
Case 1.3
Case 1.4
Case 1.5
Case 1.6
Case 1.S
Case 2.1

Case 1.7

890 51 71
By LJTanaguchi

April 8th, 2016


*tick tock tick tock*

The sound of the clock ticking was all that was heard currently in Kiyo's room.

"So we have finally figured out what really happened, right senpai?"

Amidst the long silence the two had, Ichika started talking, asking the all-knowing question.

"Yes. We now know what truly happened on the night of March 18. Both of the cases are now solved."

Ayanokouji calmly replied, while bringing some tea for Ichika.

"I am still confused. Why? Why did everything lead to this? It seems so wrong..."

Ichika continued speaking as she was repeatedly playing the same video camera footage at the PC Ayanokouji currently has in his room.

"After looking at the evidence and testimonies we have, it is the one conclusion we all got to."

He said as he flipped over the small notepad he had, which had all the testimonies of the people he talked to, including his current interaction with Hiyori.

After flipping through his notes, he took his phone from his pocket and started calling someone.

"Eh, senpai? Who are you calling?" Ichika asked him.

"I am calling Arisu." Ayanokouji replied, "I want to tell her about this and also a possible favor from her."

"A favor... you don't mean..."

"Yes. It is the only missing part of this whole picture. The reason."

As Ayanokouji finished that statement, the phone picked up and a voice was heard from the other side of the call.

"Ara? Kiyotaka? I never expected you to ever call me before."

"Hey, Arisu. I called you for a reason."

*sighs* "And here I thought you called me because you just wanted to chat with me."

"Don't worry, this will be one of the few times I will call you like this."

"Oh, that is mean, Kiyotaka~"

"As I said before, stop with that kind of voice already! Anyway, the reason why I called."

"Mhm, what is it that you need?"

"We figured out what really happened that night."

"Oh, that is great. Should I call my father now for this?"

"Not now. I want you to do me a small favor. It is essential if I want to prove my conclusion is correct."

"I see. Now, what will that favor be?"

Ayanokouji started to explain his plan to her, much to both Arisu's and Ichika's surprise.

"Are those demands possible?" He started last.

"The first demand is not possible. We are risking student privacy if we do such a thing. However, I know an alternative that you two can use."

"I see."

"The second demand can be made. Although I expect Ichika-san to be there on time, to avoid confusion."

"That is no problem, Arisu-senpai!" Ichika exclaimed, assuring that she wouldn't be late.

"Lastly, the final demand. Usually, we don't allow such a thing in here but I can trust that you will handle the situation properly, Kiyotaka."

"I know."

"Fufu, that's good then."

A ping was heard at the PC. Ichika immediately went to see the messages and saw the document with the information that Arisu said as the alternative.

"I got it, senpai. This is sufficient enough."

"Ok." Ayanokouji replied to Ichika, "Thank you, Arisu."

"Anytime. Anyway, I am looking forward to what will happen, Kiyotaka."


This case will soon be over."

April 9th, 2016


Today is a special day for the group.

Currently, at 9:00 AM, Ayanokouji is waiting in the mall for his three friends to arrive there. While waiting, he is currently reading something on his phone.


"Oh, you are quite early, Kiyotaka."

The first one who arrived and greeted him was Yukimura. He waved at him.

"Keisei, good morning." Ayanokouji greeted him back, "Yeah, I was pretty early. I had nothing to do earlier in the dorm."

"I see. Well, I was doing my last few bits of studying earlier."

"Being an honor student as usual."

Ayanokouji commented, which gained a blunt look from Yukimura. But that didn't last for too long when they saw two more of their friends.

"Wow, you two are quite early." Haruka said in a surprised voice.

"I just arrived here." Yukimura told her.

"Good morning Kiyotaka." Akito greeted him.

"Hey good morning as well." Ayanokouji greeted him back, "You seem pretty excited huh."

"Of course I am. This is our first hangout with you after all."

"And the first one after that day as well. It's been a while for us since we all hung out."

Haruka said in a somewhat melancholy way, which Ayankouji immediately recognized. But that all disappeared as Haruka started walking.

"What are you guys waiting for?!" Haruka exclaimed, "We have the whole day to enjoy ourselves to the fullest! Come on!"

Much to the three boy's dismay, they started walking as well, trying to keep up with the very energetic Haruka.

The day started very strongly with the three thoughts.

Anyway despite that thought, they still tried to enjoy their day as they all went around the mall, looking at the different shops.

"This school still never fails to amaze me."

Ayanokouji and his assistant Ichika have been to many places, even to different countries due to his profession. He had seen pretty much almost everything the world can offer over his four years.

"All of them were amazing and fascinating, even though most of the time we have to deal with a case along the way. And some were just plain unforgettable."

He began to reminisce on a certain visit to London he and his assistant back one year ago.

"Jack the Killer. The so-called modern incarnation of Jack the Ripper. It was said that the victims involved have their hearts missing. It was one of those cases."

While they weren't called there to solve it, they went there just out of pure curiosity about the case. However, it didn't last long.

"A falling mecha and a falling beast (?) from a clock tower... that night as well the following days have been... an experience per se."

Ayanokouji shook off those memories from his head and focused on what is happening right now. He noticed that everyone stopped at a clothing store.

"Say, we should definitely shop for clothes today!" Haruka said to them.


Without them even realizing it, the three boys found themselves inside the clothing store, looking at Haruka carrying so many clothes to a dressing room.

"You guys enjoy yourselves, ok?"

Haruka said as she closed the dressing room.

Yukimura sighed, "Classic Haruka."

"Yeah, I guess she was super excited for this day." Akito commented.

"I suppose so. I guess we should enjoy ourselves as well."

Out of reluctance, they all started going around the store to find some clothes to try on.

"Haha, I still remember that we went here most of the time with Sakura." Akito started talking.

"Oh? You guys went here last time you guys hung out?" Ayanokouji asked.

"We didn't. We all just window-shopped. After what happened last special exam, we decided it is best if we try saving up points." Yukimura explained.

"Yeah but other times we always go there. It is Sakura's and Haruka's favorite place to go." Akito added.

"I could guess that Haruka has been avoiding this place for the past few days." Ayanokouji commented.

"I think so as well. Maybe that is why Haruka seems happier to go here today." Akito replied, "Now then, why don't we buy something for you Kiyotaka here?"

"Eh? Buy something for me?"

"Take it as a welcome gift from me and Keisei."

"Wait, when did I get involved in this?" Yukimura immediately asked Akito.

"Come on, be a bro for him today. This is his first time hanging out with us. What do you say?"

"I suppose you are right. Alright then, let's go."

Yukimura went ahead in front of the two, leaving Akito shocked.

"Akito, are you okay?" Ayanokouji asked him.

"Yeah, I am okay. It's just that Keisei didn't hesitate for the second time unlike usual. Could it be that he is finally becoming a real bro?!"

"He wasn't before?"

"Come on Kiyotaka, let's find what you want."

"Wait, answer my question!"

As if he didn't hear his question, Akito as well went ahead of him. Sighing, he just let it be and went along with them.

One hour later, they finally saw Haruka finished checking out her clothes.

"Wow, there were so many new in-season clothes. Too bad my budget is limited today." Haruka said with a small basket in her hand.

"Took you long enough. We just finished picking out Kiyotaka's gift." Yukimura said.

"And we also learned one important thing, Kiyotaka has a terrible fashion sense." Akito added.

"You don't have to rub on my face. It has always been Ichika who is buying my clothes. She never allowed me to buy what I wanted. Troublesome."

"Ahahaha! Anyway, I am going to the cashier. You guys should go with me to buy those." Haruka said as she went ahead to the counter.

"Okay then, let's g-- eh?"

Akito was about to walk with her when he started patting his jean pockets frantically. He did the same with all his other pockets.

"Ah! I forgot my phone!" Akito exclaimed, "Now how am I supposed to buy Kiyotaka's clothes now?"

"You know I could just buy them mys--"

"No good, you can't just buy your own gift. That is just wrong and depressing!" Akito interrupted him, "Keisei, could you please pay them for the two of us?"

"Huh?! You were the one who suggested this idea though."

"I know but just this one for me. I promise I will pay you back."

After much persuasion from Akito, Yukimura sighed and simply nodded.

"Okay fine. You owe me, ok?"

"You really are a bro! Thanks a lot!"

"Yeah yeah. Come on, Kiyotaka, let's pay for that gift of yours."

Kiyotaka simply nodded and went with him. After Haruka finished, the two went in front of the cashier to pay.


"Hm? Kiyotaka, what's the matter?"

"Eh? Oh, nothing. I am just surprised by how expensive these are. Are you sure you are okay paying for these on your own?"

"It is no problem. Akito will pay half of the price anyway in the future."

"I see."

After receiving the clothes on the paper bag, they went outside the store to Haruka and Akito.

"Mhm, nice." Haruka said, "Come on, we have a movie to catch up on! We still have 15 minutes before it starts."

All of them nodded and started walking to where the cinema is at. They arrived there and bought the tickets for a trending film.

"Oh, this movie is going to be good!" Akito exclaimed.

"I heard a lot of good things about it through reviews. Looking forward to it as well." Ayanokouji replied.

After buying some delicious popcorn and soda--

"Also after an argument about whether salted or caramelized popcorn is better with Haruka and Keisei"

Ok... after that, they went inside the theater and proceeded to watch the movie.

April 9th, 2016


"The movie was amazing!" Haruka exclaimed.

"Yeah, no wonder that was 3 hours 2 minutes long. It is so action-packed. Though I feel this film should have been released three years from now." Yukimura commented.

"Anyway, too bad you missed an important part during the movie, Kiyotaka." Akito said.

"I drank too much cola. That is probably a bad idea for a movie that long."

Halfway through the movie, Ayanokouji went to the bathroom.


"Say, everyone. What about we go to the Pallet Cafe for some drinks?" Ayanokouji asked them.

"We still have more places to go though." Haruka said.

"We can just get drinks to go. What do you guys say? It's my treat, of course."

"Well, I don't see any problem with that, right?" Akito told the other two.

"Me either. It is no problem for me." Yukimura added.

"Okay then, let's go to Pallet Cafe then."

Agreeing with what Ayanokouji suggested, they went to the Pallet Cafe.

"Good afternoon, dear customers~ What can I get you four for today~?"

The lovely girl in the cashier asked the four. After ordering what they wanted, the cashier happily inputted them and showed them the total.

"You guys can wait outside the cafe. I will get the drinks by myself." Ayanokouji told them.

"If you say so." Haruka said as she led the other two outside the cafe.


"Are they gone?" The cashier asked.

"Yeah. Do it now."

Upon nodding, she brought a w̴̡̢̛͍͉̥̝͇̱͎̻͍̼̯̅͒͛̂͗͆́̐͌̔̂͜͠ę̸̥͖͈̹̱̦̈́̎͗̏̈́̑̑̌̈́͛͂͑̔͂̾̂̐̓͗̋̈́́ĩ̴̧̳̟͖̼̳͚͎̮̞̙̞̖̺̥͍̙̺̹̜͎̻̱̘͕̳̭̈͂͂̄r̴̨̪͓̜̊̎̾ď̴͙̗̭̩̝̩̒͂̓̀̾͂ ̸͉̬͇̮̔w̸̢̡̡͔̭̻̫̫̝̠͚̮̆̒̊̈́̄͆̿̽̈́̄͊̈́̅͒͆͌͠ͅḩ̴̧͚̝̜̾̑͐̀̈́̊͂͘̚ì̶̡̡̡̧͎̙̹̤̯̣̹̖̩͎̾̊̆̍̐̋́̃̔̊̈́̉͛̓̿͑͐͜ṫ̷̢̢̧̢͎͙̹̳̳̘̬͓̫̦̗̜̙͙͔̝͕̞̥͔̋̂͜è̴̟̮̟̦̙̣̖̫̙͉͕̥̊̏̆͊͐̓̽̅͐͠ͅ ̷̖̱̣͍̽̋̂̀̔͆͛̃̆͑͒̅̌̓̿͑͒̄̀̌͒̆͛̃̕̚͝͠t̴̡̨̛̘̼̥̼̪̱̋̿̑͊̔̆̀̏̈̂͆͂̓͒́́̀͑̒͒̓̊́̂̚͠͠͝ę̸̧̡̛̻̤̜̙͕̭̜̻̞͇̗̼͙̺̻̥̱̟̄̋̓̌͑̒̈̇͊̚͜͜͠͠s̴̟̞̙͔̙̾́̿́̀́̓̀̈́̇̈́̈̇̄͊̇̊̌̉̽̈́̽̋̋̏͘t̸̢̨̛̖̭̥̗̞̹̫̲̺̝̩̼̗̺͖͙̩͙̩͓̪̒̉͛͛̐͆̿̔͋̃̕̚͠ͅ ̴̢̡̨̢̛̰̲̺͖͕̳̰͙͕̖͍̮͉̍͆̃̎͑́̓͊͆͛͠͝ţ̶̨̛̰̳̲̗͍̻͇͓̭̥͍͍̟̰̘͔͍̮̩͈̻̱̹̰̪̌̓̈͌̆͒̾̾̆̊̀̀̓̿͌̍̀͘͜͝͠͝ͅu̵̮̎̊͛̔͌͗̏̉̅͋́̑͗̇̅͛̿̚͝b̸͔̼̥̆͑̅͗͒e̸̛͉̥̅̂̅̍͒̑̆̄̾̌͒͂̃͋̎̀̈́͆̋͊͆͗̿̽̀̚̕͜ out of her apron pocket and poured it on three of the drinks.

After that, she put them in a carton-made container with a handle.

"Here you go~! Please enjoy your drinks~!"

"Yes, we will."

After saying that to the cashier, he went outside of Pallet Cafe to see the three. He went there but...

"What happened?"

The atmosphere around the three is deep and somehow depressing. Ayanokouji could feel it miles away. But shaking it off, he went there.

"Hey, guys, what is up?"

"Is it true?"

Akito immediately spoke up to him. At first, Ayanokouji was confused about what he was talking about but after looking at Haruka, he understood what was going on.

"I never expected for you to tell them at a time like this."

"Sorry, Kiyopon. I just... need to tell them."

"No need for apologies. I should have told you two something about myself as well."

"So it is true that you are a detective."

Yukimura immediately said that as soon as Ayanokouji finished his last statement.

"Yeah." He answered without holding back, "I was sent here by the school to solve Sakura's murder case."


Akito muttered. Ayanokouji from the very beginning was ready to be shouted at or get angry at for not telling them the truth. He prepared himself.

"... so cool!!!!!"


"Don't you know how much I love detective stories?! You are a detective, that is so cool!"

"Eh?! That is not what I expected!"

"We could have understood why you are here if you explained to us the truth earlier," Yukimura said to him.

"See? I told you." Haruka smugly commented to me.

Ayanokouji still had a shocked face on him, but he sighed in relief after listening to what the three said.

"Good grief."

"Also Kiyopon."

He immediately looked at Haruka who just mentioned his name.

"I told them the truth because of what you said earlier to me at the call."


Akito and Yukimura immediately looked at the two with confused faces. The two don't know what the others are talking about.

Ayanokouji's face turned serious.

"We need a place to talk about this where nobody can hear about this. Come on."

Ayanokouji immediately started walking, which surprised the three. Nonetheless, they followed him.

They continued walking for the next few minutes until they arrived at the boulevard, where there were little to no students around them. He then started giving out their drinks to the three.

"Before you guys start drinking, it is best if you listen to me first."

Ayanokouji started speaking before Akito and Haruka started drinking.

"I have discovered what really happened to Sakura."

"Oh, that is amazing!" Akito immediately complimented him, "So what really happened that day?"


"Are you sure your heart is ready for what I will about to reveal to you?"

Akito and Yukimura were confused by what he said but nodded. While Haruka remained silent, biting her lower lips.

"I see. Very well. What truly happened to Sakura Airi's death on the night of March 18? The answer is..."

The two anticipated the answer.




"She committed suicide."


The two immediately shouted at him.

"That is not true! There is no way that is true! Airi committing suicide? That is not possible!"

Akito started shouting while shaking Ayanokouji's shoulders, who remained silent.

"She... killed herself?"

Yukimura remained completely shocked by what was revealed to him.

"Why would Airi kill herself?! I thought she was happy that day! She was smiling! She was laughing with us! Right, Haruka?!"

Akito immediately looked at Haruka. But he was taken back when he saw her crying.

"Why... Airi..."

After muttering her dead friend's name, she started crying even louder. Luckily there were no students around to see her.


She continued crying, leaving Akito and the others completely shocked.


"Please you three, let me explain more."

Ayanokouji finally had the courage to speak up despite the very sad atmosphere. He showed them a picture on his phone.

"This is the butterknife discovered beside her body. According to how the hole in her heart was formed, it seems she had stabbed herself multiple times with it."


"Why... why did you conclude that she really did kill herself?" Akito asked.

"Haruka explained to me about the story Sakura told her. After that, I went to further research. It seems after her death, she was brought to different psychologists. The reason for her visit is all the same: to cope up with the death of her mother."


"It seems one of the psychologists recommended for her to do something that she would enjoy doing, thus her career as a gravure idol started. But like what Haruka said, this is not something she enjoys, but rather something to the sadness and depression she experienced."


"Her father's main reason for Sakura attending AHNS is so that Sakura could find something in her school life that could help cope with her depression. And that worked, through you guys."

"And the support of our mysterious student."

"The reason for her shy and very reserved nature is due to the depression. But throughout the time she spent with you guys, that nature of her started to change for the better."

"But then why!"

The one who started shouting was Haruka.

"Why did she suicide?! If she was happy being with us, being in this group, then why did she have to kill herself?!"

"Sakura's reason why she is always late for break is that she always goes to the school's doctor."

This is a surprise for the three.

"Every day she goes there to assess her mental state, upon the request of her father to the school. I went through the school records, it seems she went very well but in the middle of the last semester of last year, her mental state seems to decrease. The reason for it is...

... are you guys."


"While you helped her through the friendship you four built, it seems it also had a negative effect. She started to worry that you give her so much time, concern, and care that she doesn't deserve, at least for her."


"Why do they have to care for me when they can care for themselves instead? Why are they with me when they can hang out with other people? Why did they become friends with me instead of other people? Those are the questions she has always been asking herself."


"The conclusion is that she is reminded of her mother through you guys. From the beginning, she thought the reason for her mother's death was because of her. She thought that if you become close with her, you guys will disappear as well from her life."


"Haruka, your talk with Sakura must have been the final push for this to happen. She killed herself because she wanted to. She killed herself because she cared more for her friends than herself."

Ayanokouji went to Haruka's side and put his hand on her shoulder.

"She treated you guys as if she had her mother with her this entire time. If I can speak for her even though I can't speak for the dead at all, she must be saying that you three were the greatest friends she had."

*sob sob* "WAHHHHHHHH!"

Haruka immediately hugged Ayanokouji as she cried even louder than before.


Even though he was surprised by the sudden hug, he calmed himself down and patted her back. He looked around to see Akito crying while Yukimura silently watched.


"I am so sorry for your loss. That is what I want to say."


"Sakura. You left behind such great friends..."

He let the three continue to cry, remorse, and reflect for the next few minutes.

"Guys, your drinks will get cold, you know?"

Ayanokouji said when he saw that everyone calmed down and their tears were no longer streaming down their faces.

"Eh? Y-you are right. Eh? Eh!"

Haruka immediately let go of Ayanokouji, blushing because of what she just did.

"I am so sorry, Kiyopon! I hugged you out of nowhere."

"No need to say sorry. It is the least I can do for that news."

He got his drink whom he left behind near Yukimura.

"I know her death will scar you three for the rest of your lives. But please continue to live and hope for the future."


"I am not saying that you guys forget this incident or even forget Sakura herself. I am trying to say that I hope this won't hold you down for what you guys do in the future. Live. Live for your sake. Live for Sakura's sake."

For how many times now, they are all surprised by what he said.

He had solved cases from small to big and it all had one similarity: the difficulty of overcoming it. He has seen people deal with loss in different ways. Some hopeful and ready to accept while others... well you know what that means.

He raised his cup to the air and exclaimed.

"For Sakura and the future!"

Even though the three are still sad, melancholic, or even depressed, upon seeing Ayanokouji's gesture, they raised their cups and shouted.


After that, they put them down and are about to drink. Ayanokouji grinned as they drank their drinks but...

*smack smack*

"Don't drink them, Haruka, Akito!"

Yukimura immediately shouted at the two after he smacked their drinks to the ground.

"Keisei, what's that for?!" Haruka shouted at him.

"Yeah, why did you just do that?!" Akito shouted at him as well.

"He put something in there with that cashier! While you were talking to us, I saw them in the window earlier!"

"W-what do you mean? What did Kiyopon add?"

"He added---"

"An artificial substance that is designed and programmed to attack and chew the heart and the skin above it for the next four hours, to make the illusion that the victim was stabbed by someone, correct?"


Yukimura was shocked when the plan Ayanokouji supposedly kept a secret on purpose revealed it so easily.

"Sakura Airi..."

Ayanokouji put his hand behind his back.

"... you left such great friends behind..."

He then picked up the weapon he had.

"... but it is not because you want to..."

He then pointed it at Yukimura, who is now shocked.

"...but rather one of them betrayed you."




"Yukimura Teruhiko, you are under arrest. For the murder of Sakura Airi."

Author Notes

The truth has now been revealed.

The next chapter will be the answer arc of Case 1.

Due to school, it may be released very late so I apologize in advance for it. School is really giving me a hard time and we are just starting the school year. 

For the mean time, please comment down your theories or even plot holes you found in the comments below. I can admit that there are might be some things unclear for you so I am happy to answer them, as well as see some of the theories you make.

Also did you see the new cover of the fic? Huge thank to a special friend of mine, Taro-chan for making this for me. I really owe you one.

One more thing is that the discord server for COTE fanfic community authors and readers is now available. The link to the invite link is in an announcement on my profile so check it out.

That's all and thank you so much for the support. See you guys later!

Note: i realized i put attempted murder when he was actually the one who murdered her so i changed it :)

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