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By Katsu18-20Chan

21.8K 720 1.7K

โ๐—ช๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—›๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐——๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ฝ๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐—ฟ? ๐—ข๐—ฟ ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ง๐—ฟ๐˜‚๐˜๐—ต ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—ฎ ๐—Ÿ๐—ถ๐—ฒ? ๐—œ๐˜€... More

๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 0 : ๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ด๐—ฒ
๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 0.5: ๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—ด๐—ฒ
๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 1
๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 1 [ยน]
๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 1 [ยฒ]
๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 1 [ยณ]

๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ 1 [โด]

1.4K 65 131
By Katsu18-20Chan

⚠ Warnings ⚠

-Blood mentioned
-Slight Spoilers on Sdr2 Chapter 1
-short chapter(4728 words)


"The Hope and the Lie,
Whatever you choose in between.
One shall and must die,
Which are you keen?"



❝The Start of Investigations and Class trial.❞


「third's persons POV」

Humming, Kokichi saw Nagito was just waiting for him outside the dining hall. A mischievous smile creep onto Kokichi's face, "Koma-chan~!" he called out.

Upon hearing the nickname Kokichi gave to Nagito being called, the latter looked at him, also smiling. But unlike Kokichi's smile, Nagito's smile more looks like dreadful yet hopeful.

Kokichi aproached the tall male, he placed a hand on his own hip sassily and looks at Ibuki who was also at the entrance of the dining hall, "Can I request to go alone with Koma-chan ~" he asked, he may had said it politely, but the tone of his voice indicates that its a statement, an order.

He quickly turned to Nagito, smirking "To investigate of course!" he immediately added to avoid miscommunication.

Ibuki rose a brow skeptically, but then smiled, "Yeah, sure!" she replied enthusiastically. Kokichi nods as a reply and grabs Nagito's wrist as he lead him to the storage room. When Kokichi turned to the corner, he smirked. Nagito follows behind the short male while being lead, he smiled.

Kokichi opens the door of the storage room with his unoccupied hand. The two antagonist were met with the smell of dreadful and dirty lingering smell of dust and rust metal that almost smelled like blood. Kokichi groaned, "It smells like someone took a shit here." he grumbles and looks at Nagito.

Nagito rose a brow when Kokichi looked at him, "Kokichi, do you meant me? I am aware that I'm stinky and dirty but—" Nagito said to Kokichi while crossing his arms at Kokichi's claim. The latter rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, you self-pity low-esteem loser. I get it. And to clarify, no, it's not directed at you." Kokichi growls, seemly annoyed.

He turned around as his back faced Nagito, "Also can you stop yapping about how dreadful you are? It's getting on my nerves... How about you help me investigate here than just standing there like an idiot ..." he grumbles and began investigating the room. It did annoy him.

Why would someone hopeful like Nagito, a person who is in the borderline of Luck and Misfortune, be so...selfless?

Kokichi's eyes narrowed.

He shook that thoughts off, 'No, that's wrong. He's no where near selfless nor near being selfish, he's not good nor bad either. He's at the center of it all. A neutral.' He gave Nagito a side-glance, 'Now that I think about it, if he were to choose not being a neutral anymore and choose a side, Chaos will ensue. If he will decide to do good, it would be reversed. Same goes if he were to do bad.' he frowned.

He looked away from the Ultimate Lucky student, reverting his eyes to observe his surroundings than annalizing the other.

I really still cannot figure out Nagito's character. I can't decide if he's a Pawn or a Knight to my pieces. He can be unpredictable and predictable at the same time.

Nagito smiled at Kokichi's earlier comment but said nothing, he helped him investigate. As they were observing and investigating if theres and unordinary thing in the room, in which it definitely did have, Nagito remembered something. He turned to Kokichi, "Hey Kokichi. Earlier, you said that you want to meet with me during investigations. I would assume the you want to ask or talk about something. If so, what is it?" He asked, remembering the earlier events after Monokuma's announcement about The first Murderer.

Kokichi stopped observing the cart when crouching, he pursed his lips, as his cold back faced Nagito. He stood up and turns around, giving Nagito a blank and empty stare, Kokichi smirked, "That's very Clever of you, Koma-chan." He sarcastically mused. Komaeda didn't respond.

Kokichi sighed in disappointment when he received no response from the other Ultimate. He assumes he'll just get to the point. "There's a third party in the plan that you didn't told me about, right?" Kokichi phrased it as a statement, not a question.

Nagito smiled, the light in his eyes is gone, "I do not know what you are talking about, Kokichi. Everything what you are thinking must be just by coincidence. I'm pretty sure that you know how my luck works, right? I am saddened that you doubt me." He replied, hiding both of his hands in his pockets.

Kokichi shook his head and rolled his eyes, he points his thumb at the cart behind him that has a bloody tablecloth inside and while even in a barely lit room, he could still see, "Mind explaining that then?" he said.

Nagito tilted his head, "Explain what exactly?" he asked, smiling at him.

Kokichi deadpans, "Don't act dumb on me Koma-chan. You exactly know what I mean." he accusingly pointed his finger at Nagito, "The third party is Hanamura-chan, Isn't it?" he said.

Nagito still smiled, "Oh? How can you tell? Care to share how'd you know?" he asked, not afraid of revealing the so-called secret third party. He already know that Kokichi is intelligent. He's also observant and analytic. He's a Ultimate Supreme Leader after all. Supreme Leaders are meant to be high and supreme. If not, how could they lead a group or an organisation if their brain is filled with rotten potato?

Kokichi crossed his arms, his eyes looking through Nagito, trying to see if Nagito is mocking him or was being sarcastic with his question. He wasn't.

Kokichi cleared his throat, "Glad you asked, dear Ally of mine!" he chimed while smiling. But it did not last. His smile suddenly drop as he controls the tense atmosphere. In which Nagito feels like he lacks the air to breathe, he feels like its going to suffocate him, and he feels like its drowning him. However, Nagito showed no weakness through the suffocation, which dissatisfied Kokichi that he didn't got the reaction he wanted.

The short Ultimate scoffed, "How'd I know, you ask? That shortstack made it obvious at the very beginning. After I brought the floor carpet like you requested, I've noticed Hanamura-chan was in the dining room with you. Secondly—" he held up his index finger and middle finger, indicating number two, "—he was sweating prefusely while keeping his distance away from you. He was also giving you nervous side glances."

Kokichi's gaze hardened, "That would indicate he discovered something. And that said something is your plan."

Nagito went silent for a while, then he opens his mouth to speak, "How can you be so sure? For all we know, he could be just nervous or terrified because of the Killing Game Monokuma put us through." he reasoned out.

Kokichi rolled his eyes, "Although that is true, there are signs that indicates when it started and what caused it." he starts.

"Before Togami planned this party, Hanamura-chan was not that nervous nor terrified like you said. Previously, he didn't believe anything Monokuma had been saying. He would often lie to himself that he's just in a dream or he's just hallucinating. Next is, like I said earlier, when I arrived from buying the Carpet, Hanamura-chan was there with you. Sweating and looking nervous. However, even before that time, before I bought the carpet, I passed by Hanamura-chan who was about to enter the Rundown building, composed and sightly joyful." Kokichi continues to explain his observations. Nagito listens intently. "That would indicate when Hanamura-chan started to feel nervous and wary around you, It was between during and after I left the building. And what most likely cause his nervousness?" Kokichi mused.

Kokichi points at Nagito, "It was because he found something he shouldn't have. Your plan."

The scenario Kokichi visualise seemed to be correct due to how the explanation left Nagito speechless. Nagito's reaction made Kokichi smirk in pride at his intellect.

Nagito cleared his throat, trying to look composed, "So you knew this all along?" He asked. Kokichi scoffs smugly, "Obviously! Did you really not expect me to? Well, Mr. Luck, your out of Luck! Your Allied with the most reliable Leader of all Ultimates! You can't hide Lies from me!" he states proudly.

Nagito rolled his eyes and looked at the 3 irons on the ironing board, he went to inspect it with an intent to ignore Kokichi.

The latter narrowed his eyes, noticing Nagito's sudden silence. Just as about he were to speak and break the silence, Nagito spoke up. "You know, I'm just glad you're my ally." he said, locking his gaze at Kokichi. Kokichi rose a brow, confused by the sudden confession, slightly feeling troubled to understand what is the meaning behind Nagito's words.

Noticing this, Nagito closed his eyes and shook his head, dissmising his previous thought, "Ah, nevermind. I don't make any sense." Kokichi hums, looking at him sceptically. 'His behaviour is definitely suspicious', but he shrugs it off, thinking he should ask another time.

Someone knocked on the storage room door and to see its Hajime. Kokichi's eyes lit up, "Hina-chan, good timing~!" he says.

Hajime gives him a soft yet strained smile upon seeing h̶i̶s̶ l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ b̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ f̶i̶g̶u̶r̶e̶  Kokichi so cheerfully as if he didn't just see Byakuya's corpse earlier. Still holding up that innocence and naivety.

N̶o̶, t̶h̶a̶t̶'s̶ w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶. H̶e̶'s̶ n̶o̶t̶ i̶n̶n̶o̶c̶e̶n̶t̶ n̶o̶r̶ N̶a̶i̶v̶e̶. N̶o̶t̶ a̶n̶y̶m̶o̶r̶e̶. H̶e̶'s̶ l̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶o̶ y̶o̶u̶.

A voice told him. Warned him. Yet he ignores.

He gave a small ruffle onto Kokichi's hair, messing up the curls of his hair.
"How's the investigation going?" he asked , sounding tired and drained. Kokichi couldn't blame him. They just found someone dead, killed by one of them. Of course, he and the others are tired. They refuse to believe someone would kill just because they lack their past memories.

All except Kokichi.

When the motive was presented, the latter had his suspicions that the killings were bound to happen soon... Too soon. He, himself was also tempted by the offer, wanting to accept the challenge. He was curious about his lost memories.

Which part of his memory were actually stolen from him?
Is it a memory he held dear?
Is it a memory before he met this Ultimate's?
He knows It was important, but How important was it to Monokuma to consider it as a threat?

A lot of questions run through his head but he decided to mute them for a bit, not wanting to appear distracted. He saw Nagito is talking to Hajime about their findings in the storage room. The first thing they went to investigate is Nagito's findings, the three suspicious irons on the ironing board.

While the two are talking, Kokichi still looked around. He feels like he is missing something. His intuition told him so.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw that the floor of the nearby stack of boxes, is a bit dusty but there's something odd about it. He went closer to inspect it.

His eyes widen and smirked.

"This is—"

"Seriously, it is a a blood stain!" he heard Hajime yell.

He turned around and saw the two talking about the tablecloth he found earlier in the suspicious cart.

"Storage room Tablecloth" has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.

Hajime glanced at Kokichi's direction, more like what's from behind him. The stack of boxes. Kokichi smiled, "Hey Hinajime-chan, take a look at this!" he said.

Hajime looks at him in confusion, 'Hinajime-chan? A mixture of Hinata and Hajime? A new nickname? Where the hell does the nicknames even come from?' he questioned himself.

The latter approached the short teen who was crouching down, "What is it Kokichi? Did you find something?" he asked.

Kokichi replies, "Yep! You do know we didn't clean The storage room, right?" Hajime nods, "so it's expected to be dusty and not clean, right?" he continued as Hajime nods in confusion, not getting where Kokichi is going with this.

Seeing this, Kokichi pointed at the floor near the boxes, "And yet, take a look at this. This side is dusty while the other is a bit smudged. As if something was moved. Don't you think its quite strange?" he stated.

But before could Hajime inspect it Nagito saw this and interrupted them, he smiled, "We don't have time to go through each and every one of them..." he said to Hajime.

➪"Kokichi's Account" has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.

Kokichi found an odd smudged dust in the storage room as if an item was moved.

Kokichi smirked when he sensed Nagito's slight annoyance.

Hajime nods, "... I guess I should leave it alone... " he responded and gave an apologetic look at Kokichi. Kokichi shrugs.

Nagito looks at him a bit relieved, "Okay, wise decision." he said.

Kokichi's smirk and expression turns into blank. He observes Hajime's and Nagito's interaction at the sides, not wanting to interrupt them. Judging from Nagito's sound of relief, He thinks that Nagito wants to delay the discovery of what Kokichi think is under the boxes. Given by the bloodstained tablecloth nearby, he assumes that there must be something underneath the boxes... An escape? Perhaps an entrance?

But why? Why would Nagito hide it from Hajime?

Doesn't he want to help them? give them Hope? or whatever the hell's Nagito's obsession was— Isn't what Nagito's doing is the opposite? What exactly is his motive and what will he gain if he continues this?

'We are allies, and yet, I still don't know what is going on in his thick and unstable brain. He dragged me into this because he said he'll help me to get one step closer to my hope, my memories. Jeez, Talk about being ambitious.' Kokichi thought to himself and sighed.

"Hey Hajime... How much longer are you going to stay in this dark place? You're wasting your time..." Nagito suddenly said, as if shooing Hajime out. "Let's move on and investigate other places already." he continues, not wanting to sound rude, just eager to leave to storage room.

Hajime looks at Kokichi, "What about you, Kokichi?" he can't help but ask the short teen concernly.

Kokichi shrugged, "I'll stay. I'll tell you about my findings later if I find anything suspicious!" he responded cheerfully, trying to ease Hajime's worries. In which it did. Hajime nods, "Okay then, see you later..." he bid and turned to leave with Nagito following close behind.

Before the two left, Nagito glanced back at Kokichi with a knowing look.

The latter smirked.




Saihara laid his back on his bed inside the dorms, thinking and theorising. Today is odd and dreadful. With Iruma gone and Ouma being unconscious, He felt like there's something going on here that he doesn't know yet.

A mystery that he must uncover.

'Why is it that Ouma-kun is the only one's conscious sent away? Sent away to another killing game? What is the sole purpose of it? Ouma-kun isn't really much a threat to this killing game. As far as I know, he sort of follows Monokuma's rules and game. Why send him to another one if that was the case? A virtual one.' The ultimate detective thought to himself.

Saihara sat up from his bed. 'What if Ouma-kun wasn't actually sent in another killing game because he's a threat? But instead, he was sent in another one because Monokuma is aiming something to gain?'. Saihara's eyes narrowed and shook his head. 'No, that's wrong. Monokuma seemed surprised when we revealed that Ouma-kun consciousness is trapped. So it can't be Monokuma who sent him there.'

He cupped a hand in front of his mouth, 'What if... Ouma-kun sabotaged himself? Intentionally trapping himself inside the glitched Neo world? its impossible and seems too complicated to be even done by one person.'  his brows narrowed down. 

Saihara thinks up of other possibilities. 'It could also be Iruma-san who glitched Ouma-kun out before she died, but how exactly?'

At this point, more and more possibilities are being speculated.

What if Ouma-kun wasn't in a Killing game in the New Neo World?

What if he isn't even in a New Neo World in the first place?

Just seriously unconscious?



Slowly dying?

Saihara felt his breath hitched at the last thought.

What if so?

Saihara feels conflicted.

Which is the truth and the deceit?

Saihara sighed, 'this is no time for asking "What if's". I can't prove those theories without any solid evidences!' he told himself.

He looks at the surveillance camera, 'Monokuma might not be the one that sent Ouma-kun to the glitched Neo World, but they sure know something that we Ultimates don't.'

'The Mystery Game had just begun.'


Someone groaned from deep underground.

It sounded to be a male voice. Tired and drained. His dull eyes looked around the dim lit room he created for himself to infiltrate.

He's a hidden mole you could say.

The Unknown figure's dull yellow eyes looks at the digital watch on his wrist, "Is it about time?" he sighed in relief and sat on the ground while leaning his back on the rough surface of the wall. He hugs his knees, "I hope this will work out and end what the Ultimate Despair started. They better keep their promise..."

"And even that bear ever thought of ruining my plans, I came prepared for that. I'll just ruin his." The Unknown male chuckled darkly. He looks at his hands. It looks digitally made but it is real.

He sighed softly.

"Good luck my other half." he murmured to himself.

(✨ e h e —✨)

After Hajime and Nagito left, Kokichi waited for a while then exited the storage room. He entered the dining hall, searching for someone. Upon entering, he saw the person he was looking for is standing near the wall, assumingly waiting for someone nervously.

"Tsumiki-chan!" he called out.

Mikan flinched, startled by the sudden call of the Ultimate Supreme Leader. She sighed in relief and nods at him, acknowledging his presence as Kokichi approached her. "Is the autopsy done? If so, can you tell me whats the result?" Kokichi asked softly at the meek nurse. Hey, just because he's a loud and being an annoyance that doesn't mean he can't be gentle and soft like a gentleman!



The word tasted bitter-sweet at the tip of Kokichi's tongue. Why? Gentleman is just a common word, but why does he feel nostalgic and regret?

Mikan softly giggles and nods. She told him the results of the autopsy and other stuff that is needed to be added.

Kokichi listened as he internally shook of his thoughts and nods at Mikan, "I see, Good work, Tsumiki-chan!" he flattered the other, as he smirks. Mikan blushed at the showcase of appreciation, smiling slightly to herself. A sign of glee bloomed inside her fragile heart.

Kokichi saw this, 'There it is. A bloom of a gulible and valuable pawn....' he chuckled darkly but immediately hid it.

"Can I ask to relay this message To Hinajime-chan as well?" Kokichi asked the other with slightly pleading eyes. "H-Hinajime?" Mikan stutters. Kokichi placed both of his hand behind his head, "Its Hinata-chan" he replied as Mikan shyly looks away and nods, not questioning why.

After discussing of what they are wondering is going to happen after the investigations are done, Kokichi turns away from Mikan to leave and bids goodbye to search for more suspicious stuff.

Mikan smiles and bid him good luck for his findings as she looks behind his fleeting back. Her smile turned into a fond one.

'Kokichi sure is childish, but he is also reliable, fit to have the role of a leader. He won't betray us,



[Hajime's POV]

We have received from Monokuma that we all should meet up in front of the Monokuma rock. But why in front a Rock? Monokuma rock? Does that mean we should go to a huge Monokuma that looks like a Rock or is it a rock that looks like Monokuma? Why are we even meeting there anyway?

I sighed, getting tired and unsettled about our situation.

Just why are they going through this traumatic "game" controlled by a robot? For entertainment? just for fun? What do they find fun of killing people? Why is Monokuma making us do this?

I walked towards to where I saw a gigantic mountain of rock. I assume that the rock is called Monokuma Rock because Monokuma claimed it, but I was proved wrong. Right in front of me, the rock is renovated and rebuilt with Monokuma faces on the Rocks like a parody version of Mount Rushmore from the west or something.

I stared at it for minutes.

How unoriginal, Monokuma...

I heard a shriek near me. I turn to look at them and it's just Kazuichi screaming. I didn't noticed him there before to be honest.

"Huh!? Hey, what the heck is that mountain!? W-when did that get there!?"

Never mind that... How did they even make a mountain shaped like a Monokuma...?

"Duh! It's a rocky mountain craved into a Monokuma head! As for when, I don't know, not my problem! But anyway! Did you lose your braincells, Souda-chan~?" I heard Kokichi said to Kazuichi mockingly nearby. "Ahhhh! Shut up, Kokichi!" Kazuichi yelled back.

I turn to look at them and see that Kokichi had his creepy face, antagonizing Kazuichi
Kokichi giggles in 'ni-shi-shi', "Ne, Souda-chan~ I have heard that royalty's hates dumb people, do you think you still and will have a chance with Hime-chan~? It seems like Tanaka-chan already has peirced through her heart though~ it's Hopeless!"

I heard a small gasp from elsewhere.

What Kokichi said seems to irk Kazuichi, but he's still crying? "Gwah! I said shut up Kokichi!" Kazuichi groaned, making Ouma laugh at his misery.

I just looked at Kazuichi in pity.

Though, it got me wondering... Kokichi doesn't seem to be nervous about this "Trail" thing. Is it because he wants to be composed in front of us so we won't feel...bothered?

I smiled fondly at the thought.

Kokichi, you're a bit selfless... even with your memories stolen and not a student of Hope's Peak, you want to help us through this.

[Third Persons Perspective...]

Kokichi caught Hajime smiling fondly at him. Kokichi just stares back, blankly. He caught on what is Hajime is thinking. Its all over his fond expression, but Kokichi doesn't really care what the other thinks of him. Ouma faked a smile and waved to Hajime, who nods in return. Hajime then averts his gaze to the other Ultimates.

Kokichi's gaze turned blank again.

While the other ultimates are talking about what is going, the short violet haired Ultimate felt anger ignites inside him. He glares at the others secretly as morbid thoughts filled his mind. 'So much naivety most of you hold, look at where it lead to. Togami-chan died due to your naivety. You all didn't even notice someone amongst you are plotting a murder, thinking no one would do take the bait.' he thought to himself and gazed at Nagito.

It irritates him how trustful these people are. Back home, most people are cautious on who to trust than naively believe a person's lie.

Kokichi paused at the thought.

Kokichi suddenly heard a giggle, snapping him out of his thoughts, "Why so Gloom grape boy~? I Didn't know you where a scared cat~" a certain female with a crescent like pigtails, mocked the other.

Kokichi returned his gaze to Hiyoko, he gave her a smirk, "Scaredy cat? Really? That's the only insult you know synonymous to a coward~?" he teased. Hiyoko pouts and looks away from embarrassment. Kokichi chuckled, "Embarrassed now are we, Banana-chan~?" he mused. Hiyoko rolled her eyes and punched Kokichi's sides, making him yelp in surprise. He glares at her. Hiyoko playfully stuck her tongue out in reply.

In a sudden moment, the ground shook and the floor vibrated.

"Wh-What the—!? Something's...shaking!?" Hajime managed to stutter out, slightly keeping his own balance.

"Th-this is dangerous! Everyone, please get down!" Monomi yelled out to everyone. Some complied, some didn't, and while some just backed away, keeping their distance away from what they suspected the source of the shaking came from.

Kokichi is one of those people who backed away. The purpled haired Ultimate stared at the Monokuma Monument in awe as he watched the mouth of the Stone Monokuma opens up to reveal an escalator.

Mikan screams in surprise, "S-something came out!?". Peko raised her guard in alarm, "Could it be... Is he telling us to enter it?" she questions. "S-such a suspicious aura...! Even the Crimson Steel Elephant Maga-Z is trembling in fear...!" Gundham States. "Uwaaah! That's so totally suspicious!" Hiyoko states as Kokichi smirked after her statement, "And that's what makes it interesting!" he adds.

While the others are panicking or wondering about the suspicious escalator, Kokichi went in front of the escalator unnoticed except a couple few. A hand reached out to his shoulders. The Ultimate Supreme Leader hums and turned around to see Nagito. The Ultimate Supreme Leader looked at the albino in confusion, "What?" he questions.

Nagito smiles at Kokichi and looked at the others, implying to wait for the others before going in or else Monokuma will get mad and kill them all. Kokichi smiled blankly at what Nagito is implication. The light in his eyes turned dull. Looking like a puppeteer who is always hidden in their own creation, with him pulling the strings while still in the play in the stage.

Kokichi shakes his head at him and took Nagito's hands off of him. The short male leaned to Nagito's ear while standing on the tip of his toe, whispering to Nagito, "Let them debate. It's not like Monokuma is going to kill us after entering the monument."

Nagito looked at him in confusion, silently asking how Kokichi can be so sure.

Kokichi just smiles.

'It doesn't matter how. If someone did die, Its their fault when they put all their trust on someone they barely even know.'

Kokichi stares at Nagito, 'That would include to you too, dear ally of mine...' he smirked.

'...Ever heard of Backstabbers?'




Sorry for not uploading for idk— 6 months now? Half a year—? Jeez— I was suffering from Authors block and unmotivation.

I already have things drafted and are uncomplete, but life has been catching to me real quickly and often get distracted to even write a sentence!
So I formally apologise for that! I really am guilty and feel like I let people down.

However, I do hope you guys enjoyed reading this one, although it is short(unlike the other chapters)! I tried my best to not make it confusing and make it Conon like!

(Yonakame_ Thank you for chatting me every now and then and for being patient— like jeez— boi— kalm— 🗿

FandomLover8360 Haha— my Friend— :'D thanks for also chatting with me— Oh my gawd— like— kwnxoejgoehd—

Can you both be my Writing therapy—? Like— idk give me motivation—? /j)


SDR2 people Status with Kokichi rn:

Monokuma: Eh.
-If Kokichi cause Chaos, let it be.
-If Kokichi ruin plans, Let him suffer.

Hajime: although Kokichi and Hajime just met within a week, Hajime already felt a sense of brotherly affection towards Kokichi due to how the latter acts like a child.
-(headcanon: He has a soft spots for mischievous or misfit children.)

Nagito: this one is a bit confusing. There's a Yes-and-No relationship between the two for now.
-Sees Kokichi as an Outcast due to him not being a Student of "Hope's Peak", however he does see a "Hopeful potential" within Kokichi.
-an ally of Kokichi. (his reason of being ally to Kokichi was because, "Kokichi looks hopeful to figure out what was in his stolen memories")

Hiyoko: Besties
That's it—

Mikan: sees Kokichi as a soft boy underneath the mischievous façade.
-She feels like Kokichi just acted mischievous and be a liar to protect himself. She has already seen people who also does it too. (Those who has faced hardships to trust someone again)

Byakuya(dead): Just a "leader partnership" like in a job—

Others: Meh— or just eh— or just wary of Kokichi—


See you all soon again! Imma just go write the class trail one again and suffer! Lol— I'll probably regret this later—



*YeEts ThYsElF—*

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