in the hills • zayn malik

By roulade

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in the hills • zayn malik
one- bewilderment
two- escape
three- astonishment
four- thoughtful
five- fascinating
six- panic
seven- warmth
eight- beginning
nine- morning
ten- explore
eleven- family
twelve- blithe
thirteen- soothe
fourteen- lambent
fifteen- mellifluous
sixteen- eventide
seventeen- swan-song
eighteen- home
nineteen- re-establish
twenty- ache
twenty one- wounds
twenty two- iris
twenty three- bedlam
twenty four- solutions
twenty five- wonderland
twenty seven- faith

twenty six- tranquil

10.3K 663 216
By roulade

twenty six- tranquil 

song for this chapter: “just like heaven” by The Cure


Zayn and Iris sat down on the steps to the porch, Zayn cherishing the feeling of Iris’ fingers intertwined with his. A fool’s grin adorned his face, and he could barely keep his eyes off of Iris, finally able to just look at her, memorise every single part of her.

Iris was looking at their hands, a small smile on her face, looking content. Zayn was stunned by her, but he remembered how he got here, and who was waiting at the car. He face palmed, making Iris look at him worriedly.

“Is there a reason why you are hitting yourself in the face?” She asked, raising her eyebrows at him.

Zayn laughed. “Well I kinda forget someone in the car.”

Her head tilted to the side in such a gorgeous manner that Zayn nearly kissed her, something he resolved to do later. “Who?”

He looked out towards where Liam was waiting, probably not wanting to walk in on an intimate moment, which he figured he would handle very awkwardly. “Do you remember when I told you about my band mates?”

“I remember.” Iris said, and a little spark of excitement could be seen in her green eyes. “Who?”

Zayn stood up and gently pulled up Iris up with him, a wide smile on his face. “Liam.”

Zayn lead Iris back down the path, as if he were the one who had a more profound knowledge of how to get to the road. He didn’t know why he was so excited to have Iris and Liam meet, it just seemed fitting that two of the most important people in his life met. 

Liam was leaning against the car, glancing at the watch on his wrist, probably wondering how long he would take, making Zayn grin. He looked up and his eyes widened as he saw Iris for the first time, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

“Liam,” Zayn said softly, squeezing Iris’ hand. “This is Iris.”

Iris stepped forward, Zayn noting the tears in her eyes. She held her hand out, and Liam took it. “I am very glad to meet you.” Iris said. “Zayn has told me much about you.”

Liam smiled warmly, and before Zayn knew what was happening, he had wrapped Iris in a hug, much to her surprise. “I am so happy I got to meet you, thank you for keeping Zayn safe.”

He looked at Zayn over Iris’ shoulder, looking happier than he had ever been. Already the air of the hills was changing Liam, leeching out all of the bad that had been settled in him for far too long. With all that had happened, Zayn figured he deserved this moment of happiness.

The two stepped apart, and Iris turned back to Zayn, her lips trembling with happiness as she smiled widely. “We should show Liam the house, Zayn.” She said, almost breathlessly.

“That’s a wonderful idea.” Zayn replied, and three of them set off to the house, Iris in the middle of the two boys, nudging Zayn’s hand with hers, making him shoot her coy smiles and unable to get rid of the warmth that had come back like a tsunami wave, encompassing his whole body.

The tour of the house was quick, and Zayn could see the wonder and awe in Liam’s eyes as he looked around the beautiful house, and he instantly fell in love with the library, complimenting Iris on her good taste in literature. Zayn couldn’t help but chuckle at the way she blushed after receiving that compliment.

Iris then lead the two of them outside, and she gracefully half skipped towards Lilac, who had come up to the gate. Liam nudged Zayn in the shoulder, a grin on his face. “She’s wonderful.” He said, and Zayn chuckled.

“I know.” Zayn knocked Liam playfully back on the shoulder. “I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you, otherwise you might fall in love with her.”

Zayn said it teasingly, but the overprotective side of him wondered. Liam rolled his eyes, scoffing a little. “Mate, Iris is great, but she’s all yours, and if I was meant to be with her, then it would’ve been me that drove out of the city and broke down here.”

And Zayn thought that Liam was right, that somehow he was supposed to have his heart broken and find solace in the loneliness of the countryside, only to find Iris, to find a new look on his life, to find a happiness which had been subdued.

“Come on you two!” Iris yelled, now nearly at the orchid.

“What are you gonna do when we have to go back home?” Liam said quietly.

Zayn swallowed and looked at Iris, who was smiling at them, rolling her eyes at how slow they were. “I don’t know.” Zayn replied honestly. “I would take her back if I could, but it’s too hectic, she would barely be able to cope.”

“We’ll figure something out with the boys, it’ll be ok.” Liam patted Zayn on the back, before jogging towards Iris, who started chatting to him amicably, not showing any signs that she had been living alone for so many years. His heart warmed.

He managed to catch up with the pair, finding them in the middle of the orchard. Liam was looking up at the now bare trees, running his fingers over the still young wood. He looked so wondrously serene.

Iris was looking on at Liam fondly, and as Zayn went to stand beside her she turned to him. “I think he was in need of this, don’t you?” She murmured.

Zayn brushed his hand against hers, making her duck her head, cheeks reddening. “It’s what we both need.”

“Iris, I must say you have a sweet piece of land.” Liam said appreciatively, attempting to climb up an apple tree.

“Why thank you.” Iris said, Zayn laughing at how dorky Liam was being.

“I bet you ten pounds you can’t get to the top of the tree.” Zayn said, sitting down and Iris sitting with him. 

Liam stuck his head out of the leaves, a grin on his face. “You’re on, be prepared to lose ten pounds, my friend.”

“Doubt it.” Zayn said in a sing song voice, earning a rather loud scoff from Liam from behind the leaves. Iris giggled and snuggled into his side.

“I wish this day would last forever.” Iris sighed. 

“Trust me, I wish it would too.” Zayn kissed the top of her head gingerly. He had been thinking of kissing her every second they were together, but he waited, nervous himself. He loved her too much to mess things up, especially in their precarious situation.

But he tried not to think about that.

“Hey, Zayn?”

Zayn grinned, rolling his eyes. “Yes Liam?”

“We might have a... problem here.”

Iris was smiling, and Zayn kissed her cheek before getting up, so overcome by love and happiness. “And what might that problem be, exactly?”

Only half way up the tree, Liam pushes the branches aside sitting on a thick branch, one arm slung around the trunk of the tree. Liam sighed. “I think I owe you ten pounds.”

Zayn laughed, shaking his head. “God, you are such a fool sometimes.”

After managing to get Liam down from the tree, with a lot of laughter from born Iris and Zayn, and many swear words on Liam’s part, the trio relaxed in the orchard, talking about everything and basically mourning at all. Zayn revelled in their happiness, feeling his heart expanding in his chest. He wondered if it could get any better than this.

The day passed quickly, and they moved inside for dinner. Iris made some sandwiches, and they watched the sun go down from the back of the house. Zayn, not wanting Liam to feel like a third wheel, only held Iris’ hand between them, where Liam couldn’t see.

“I would love to be able to see this view every day.” Liam sighed.

“Same.” Zayn said, watching sky fill with more orange and pink, the sun looking golden, magical.

“You’re always welcome back here, whenever you want.” Iris said, smiling warmly at Liam.

“I might have to take you up on that offer.” Liam said sadly, looking down at his lap. “It’s going to be very hard to leave here.”

Zayn bit his lip. “We’ll come back once a week, Li. This will be our get away.”

Liam shook his head. “We’ll never truly be away. Not while we’re a band. And it sounds horrible and cowardly, but I don’t want this anymore. I want to do what I want, not what some old men want.” Liam said strongly, looking Zayn in the eye. “Isn’t that what you want?”

Zayn didn’t know what to say. Of course it was what he wanted, but he didn’t want to give up music. “I want...” Zayn let a long breath. “I have no idea. Singing is my life, I can’t imagine what we’d do.”

Liam nodded, averting Zayn’s gaze. “Yeah, fair enough.”

“I know I may not know much about the music industry, and about what the situation is with your band,” Iris said timidly, Zayn squeezing her hand reassuringly. “But if all five of you aren’t happy, aren’t completely happy, then it might be better to seek an alternative. You can still continue with music, but maybe in a different form, on your terms.”

They all stared at the setting sun, now nearly dipping below the horizon. The conversation weighed heavily on Zayn’s shoulders, and it would be something that he would have to talk about with Liam when they got back to London.

“What’s the time?” Liam asked, after a long period of silence.

“Around seven thirty, perhaps.” Iris murmured.

“Wait, I have my phone on me!” Liam said excitedly, pulling out his phone and staring at the screen. “Good guess Iris, it’s seven forty two.”

Zayn looked at Liam’s phone over his shoulder, and gasped as he saw that there was still some reception on his phone. “How do you still have reception out here?”

Liam shrugged, and then his eyes widened. “I have an idea!”

Zayn smiled at his randomness. “Do tell us, Liam.”

Liam tapped at his phone and then handed it to Iris. She stares at the phone blankly, then looked to Zayn with confusion. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

Zayn chuckled. “Here babe, I’ll show you how to call me.”

But she really didn’t need much help, and she managed to get to Liam’s contacts quite easily. As Iris scrolled down the list, Zayn’s heart clenched when he saw that he still had Sophia in his contact list. 

“I found you!” Iris said triumphantly, slowly pressing on his name. She frowned down at the screen, humming. 

“Press this one, next to the phone number.” Zayn said, trying to hide the smile on his face, grateful to Liam for being so kind in lending her his phone.

She held the phone gingerly to ear as it dialled, and a couple seconds later Zayn’s phone began to ring. He answered it, and with grin said, “Hello, the world’s most beautiful man speaking?”

Iris gasped, staring at the phone. “I can hear your voice from here.” She said, her eyes wide. “How intriguing!”

Zayn hung up, and Iris smiled at him, cradling the phone in her hands. “Thank you Liam, thank you very much.” Iris said.

“No worries, it’ll be our link to you.” Liam said, smiling widely. “God knows that Zayn will need it.”

Zayn blushed, and Iris laid her hand on his knee. When the sun finally went down, they went back inside, Liam asking Iris if there was a place for him to sleep. She gave him the room that Zayn slept in, and he could see just how tired he looked.

“I’ll see you two tomorrow morning.” Liam said, barely stifling a yawn.

“Night mate.” Zayn said fondly, his arm wrapped around Iris’ waist.

“Goodnight Liam.” Iris murmured, smiling.

Liam gave Zayn a wink before closing the door. He turned to Iris, grabbing both of her hands. “I need to tell you something.”

Iris raised an eyebrow. “And what might that be?”

“Let’s go out front.” Zayn whispered, gesturing to Liam’s closed door. Iris nodded in understanding, and the pair made their way to the front of the house, sitting on the porch with their backs leaning against the walls of the house.

Iris laid her head on his shoulder. “What did you have to tell me?” She asked quietly.

Zayn had been trying to figure out an appropriate time to tell Iris that her father was alive, and he figured the best would be when they were alone, so she’d be able to process it in her own time. He cleared his throat, tangling his fingers with hers. “Just brace yourself, it might be a bit of a shock.”

He felt her take in a deep breath. “I am ready.”

“Your father, Liam, he’s alive. I saw him.”

Iris jolted, sitting up and turning to face him with wide eyes. “Are you telling me the truth? You are not joking with me?”

Zayn shook his head. “I’m being serious. I saw him, I tried to talk to him, but there were... complications.”

He saw the tears in her eyes, her hands gripping his. “Oh Zayn, I can’t believe it.” She said chokingly. “All this time... I thought he wasn’t alive.”

He immediately took her into his arms, letting her cry into his shirt. “I’ll bring him back to you, I promise.” Zayn murmured, kissing her hair.

They stayed on the porch for what seemed like most of the night, not wanting to be apart, knowing that tomorrow’s goodbye would be just as painful as the first.


I am so sorry guys, I really don't mean to keep you waiting this long gah sorry

I'm in my final year of high school so things are hella hectic, and to get into the course I want, I need to do really well in basically all of my subjects, so they are my main priority.

I have no idea when the next update will be, I really need to plan out how the rest of this story will go, so I'm praying that it won't be a two month wait (whoops)

Lots and lots of love (and omg thirteen days until I see Ed live I am sosososo excited)

Sara xx

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