Splicing of Changes (Editing)

Galing kay Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 54

30 3 0
Galing kay Growling_moon

Sometimes, small things play a huge role. And often times we forget about them. Or worse we ignore them thinking they are nothing. Even though it did halt you in your way. At the back of your mind, you know it was something, yet we do not acknowledge its existence. Not always are they this huge though. But some of the small things if we do not ignore might turn out to be huge. For example, I always overlooked the fact that Aaron, my ex-boyfriend was friends with my bullies, yet he never bullied me. I thought that did not mean anything. Well, now I know otherwise. Another one, I thought my parents cared about me, knew me even though I used to believe Tori left me, I thought that hurt them. At least my mom but now I do not believe that anymore. As most evidence points otherwise.

Evidence. Such an interesting word, isn't it? You wouldn't think much when you first hear it. Or maybe that's just me. Anyway, why I am being like this. Let's see after the whole fiasco that happened when I was asked to be a character witness for Aaron. Well, the single piece of rectangular slip changed the course of my life for the past month. Why? It's simple. As I said earlier no way in hell was, I going to be a character witness for Aaron. But I had to be there while he was sentences to prison. As Tori suggested why not I come forward with what happened to me. After she learned about the two other girls who are both 15 by the way. That's just shocking to me and vile. I mean how could he? Then again how can I not believe it to be true? After all it was him who did that to me and then continued our relationship as if nothing happened. It's the same person. Although I do not want to refer to him as a person anymore. More so after learning more things about him. Anyways I am getting ahead of myself.

So, after Tori suggested that which was basically after she learned about the other stuff, got angry, cried and then. After the whole episode Tori and Liz called a lawyer and asked her to come talk to me. They thought of something else, and the lawyer suggested something different. Well, at first when the lawyer, Simone Hart, came to our house. She was not sure how to approach the situation. As it is a very complicated one. It took her time to get all the facts from me and Zach. Then she suggested that I do go to the stand as Aaron's character witness. After all who better than another victim of his to be the better judge of his character. Fun fact Aaron does not know I know it was him. So, Simone suggested we use that to our advantage. And in the meantime, she prepared me for anything coming our way when I take the stand.

For most of the past month, most of my free time went in that. Preparing for a case that might go awry with my testimony. Because Simone is certain that Aaron's lawyer will question if I slip up. And she is suggesting I slip up while Aaron's lawyer question me. Because I am going there as if I am on Aaron's side. So, I should be prepared to make a mistake. If that makes any sense. I mean I used to think mistakes are made accidentally not knowingly. Or maybe I have been wrong all along.

My time hanging out with my friends have been cut short for the past few weeks. I was exhausted. Mentally and emotionally more so than physically. Because discussing the events was taking a toll on me. Lee saw that and hence she made me skip school one day and just relax. That was the only day I had sort of fun. I ate lunch at the diner, then we just laid at the hangout, watched movie from her laptop and talked, and laughed. Laughing, just a simple gesture yet I cannot say I had the luxury to partake in such a simple gesture over the last month almost. I mean how can you laugh when all you discuss are events that made you not want to live anymore. Because according to Simone, we had to be prepared for anything. And since Zach is who he is, she needed to ask me about the accident. My injury as much as I know. My pain meds addiction. And how Zach helped me with them. Everything. Mattie was called as well. Since he is another survivor of the accident, and he knew about my incident in full except my name from Zach.

This revelation also revealed to Tori and Liz and well my friends who have been very supporting about my pain meds addiction. And about how at one point I wanted to give up. Weirdly it was Zach who helped me. I mean normally you would think why a drug dealer would help you. Well, that is the difference. Zach is not a drug dealer. He is somewhat of a seller of sorts. He can get you drugs, alcohol and even grocery when you need it. He just gives what you need and in exchange takes money. That is why he is very popular among teenagers as he gets them alcohol when they cannot buy. Although with him you get advice on not to drink and drive, and never to drink too much. But most times people ignore him. But Zach will not sell you if you are the only person driving the car or if you are younger than 15. Why 15? Because according to him that's the age all teenagers give into peer pressure. And that's why Zach becomes friends with many people and is loved by so many who will never betray him.

Anyways, I got sidetracked. So, my sisters learned a little bit more about my past, a little more than they bargained for. As they never knew I liked pain medications a little too much. Nor did they know about the time I was ready to give up. Weirdly it came before the incident and of course it continued afterwards. In a more deep and sad way. As Zach puts it. Yet, my parents never asked me, about the change in my behavior, my demeanor. I guess they never really cared. I mean I hate them; I say that. But I don't think I can ever really hate them. Nor can I get used to the fact that they never really gave a damn about me, their daughter. If they did, they would have asked me at least once. And as far as I remember they did not. How ironic it is that my dealer cared more about me than my parents who were indirectly paying for my addiction?

So, today is the first day of the court case. And it happens to be during my senior year Spring Break. A little ironic cause the incident occurred during my sophomore year Spring Break. I am glad that its Spring Break now as I will not miss school for this because I am not going to let him waste anymore of my time. Yes, I am angry now. I have stopped fainting and I have certainly stopped being numb about all of it. Especially since I learned about the two other girls. Yeah, his lie about his age didn't help either. I just try to remember if Mr. Monroe knew about him, about us or not? And for the life of me I cannot recall that single piece of information. It's not really important but it is to me. As then I would be able to remember how he behaved every time he saw Aaron. I mean surely, he met Aaron, and saw him during one of his parties. It's not possible they never met but then again, I cannot remember it so maybe they didn't.

I do not know the names of the lawyers, but the names of girls are etched in my brain currently. They are Sara and Hanna. And they are friends. Both of them are freshmen. He did it to them on consecutive Saturday. Wow! I have no words after learning that. And the reason one of the girls did not blackout is because she takes some medication, so she drank like quarter of the glass to show him and then she kept the glass. But it reacted and thus making her unable to do anything except cry and shout. Unfortunately, her cries were drowned out by the music. That being said, the more I am learning about what happened unfortunately for me the more I am finding similarities with my incident.

I am shocked and appalled that he even got a lawyer to prove... what actually? Why am I his character witness? Does he plan to show they are lying? Or that he is innocent? Or I am not sure what this 'or' could be but maybe he is trying to show he made one mistake? I mean this is Aaron anything is possible with him. I am not taking the stand today. It's just the opening day with the case being laid out for Judge and Jury and only the girls are going to be called in the second half. Yeah, I don't think I can stay here then and remain calm while I have to listen to Aaron's lawyer contest those girls.

Liz stayed at the Court with Lee for the second half. Yeah, Lee came with us if I forgot to mention it before. Tori and I came back to our hotel, because no way in hell would I be able to stay calm hearing his lawyer cross question the girls. I mean why? What is the point Aaron is trying to prove? If it is only a matter of getting a short sentence, then...yeah, I guess that would make sense. Although I do not want him to walk out of jail anytime soon. He needs to suffer. I was pacing the rest of the afternoon while Tori watched me, and we both waited patiently for Liz and Lee to return.

Soon, it was evening. It was not soon enough though. But they returned. Both Lee and Liz seemed to be fuming when they entered the hotel room. Tori went to hug Liz, but she didn't even register her wife's hug. If you are thinking where the kids are they are with the Millers. Because this is not an ideal situation hence none of us wanted to bring them. Plus, Alex's school opened when my Spring Break started. Lee had a look that suggests she wanted to break stuff. I gave both of them water which they drowned in one gulp. That shocked me and also made me question what is going on. I did not have to wait long as Liz almost announced what got them fuming in the first place.

Turns out Aaron is trying to prove that he is innocent in all this. He did not do anything, and both the girls are lying. And why would they think that anyone would believe it? Aaron was also called to the stand, and he said since the girls are friends, they planned to make him look bad as he is a senior and he rejected them. Both of them apparently asked him out and he said no. According to Lee the jury did not buy his fake ass answer. I mean how could they because as much as I heard there is evidence against him. Although Zach told me something regarding this, but again I cannot recall what he said. Everyone else knows and Simone as well. So, I do not have to worry about forgetting it. Now that I think about it, I might have forgotten this on account of me being mad. I mean I get angry, but I never get this much angry. Turns out, I am not the only one who is this angry. Lee, Liz and even Tori joined me after learning Aaron's testimony on the situation. I guess now it makes sense why I am being called as a character witness.

Next day arrived faster than I wanted it to. I am not dreading it. Yet, I am not too happy being in that room with him near me. I should be thinking about the fact that I am taking the stand today but no I cannot think of anything other than he will be in the room barely 20 feet from me when I will carefully let the slip up happen. Yes, I know what to say. Yes, I have sort of practiced my so-called slip up. Because after all what I am doing is purposefully making a mistake, not an honest and genuine one. Even though what I will be saying will be the truth. I know that. Maybe that is why I was asked to practice making the mistake. Because not only Simone knew I would be angry, but she also knew I will not lie. Not once. Not in this situation. I know I should not lie but some people do it like Aaron did yesterday.

"You are Kristina Monroe, Aaron Reuter's girlfriend, correct?" Aaron's lawyer questioned me as I take the stand. As much as I was stunned to hear it, I kept my face stoic. Not that hard for me considering I am used to portraying a constant poker face.

"I am Kristina Monroe, but I am not his girlfriend. We broke up over a year ago."

"Okay. So, you guys broke up. You may have gotten back together. It happens. But that is not what we are here to discuss. We..."

"I am sorry to interrupt you, but we did not get back together. And we have not even talked in over a year after I dumped his ass. Sorry your honor. He seems to have forgotten to mention that little detail." His lawyer looked at me with wide eyes for a second before glaring at me followed by smiling. I am not sure what those expressions were meant to do. But it did not do anything to me except make me realize Aaron lied to his lawyer. And now its crystal clear to me why I was summoned.

"Okay. Now that we cleared that up. We can discuss what we are here to prove to everyone, that Aaron is a nice guy. And the girls lied questioning his character. So, in your opinion Aaron is a good guy, correct?"

"Objection your honor." The other lawyer questioned, the one representing the girls.

"Objection sustained." Judge declares. As little I understand law, this one I understood, and I smiled, internally of course. After all this question is so...anyways this is my time to throw in the 'mistake'.

"Of course, your honor. So, Kristina Monroe in your opinion how would you define Aaron's character."

"That is a very wide question. But I would have to say I am not sure. Because as you saw we have not talked in the past year and as I also said I broke up with him. Since this is our teenage years, we grow a lot, we learn from our past experiences. And well to be honest I did learn from some of those mistakes and out of those mistakes, the biggest one being my decision to be with Aaron. As for his character, I am not sure what to say. He did not bully me per se but then again no one is saint. And he definitely was not then so after a year I...really have no idea your honor. I am so sorry. You see he disrespected me and moved aside my concerns for several matters which ultimately led to our breakup. After which I dated someone else in my current town and school which is nowhere near here by the way." His lawyer gave me a tight-lipped smile and walked away. I saw Aaron fuming. He already realized what I did.

The other lawyer then approaches me with a smile. But her smile was something that held a secret. I mean of course it's just a smile hence nobody can be certain. But I am sure that she knows something which is yet to be disclosed to everyone present here. And for some unknown reason I feel like I am one of the secrets she is currently hiding behind her smile. Who knows maybe that is the truth? As I prepared myself for her questions, by that I mean I took several deep breaths. Not that I am scared of her possible questions. But I am indeed angry to be so near that filthy shit who is glaring at me since the moment I told his lawyer that we are not together. How was he able to lie about that? More importantly why did he lie about that?

"Kristina Monroe. Can I call you Kristina?"

"Call me Kris please. Thank you." I replied politely. She smiled yet again.

"So, as you were saying you broke up with Aaron Reuter. Am I correct?"

"Yes. I did."

"Okay. May I ask when?"

"Yes. I am not exactly certain of the date as I tend to forget dates. But I do remember it was almost right after I went to live with my sister, Victoria Beaumont. So, around September the year before last year."

"Wow so it was about one and a half year ago. Correct?"


"May I ask the reason for your breakup?"

"I would have to say there were several reasons. One of them being him constantly putting aside whatever I said. Be it some important date, some event or just a person. And as I said earlier, I went to live with my sister. The reason for that being my parents died that year earlier in August and hence I had to move to live with my sister. Aaron knew that and when I brought up my move with him, he dismissed my concern. My mental condition that time was not well because of the tragic news I got and then him dismissing me did not sit well with me. But I was not in a state to fight. So, I just ignored it for then, and packed my life to move in with my sister who lives in Florida. Then after I went there, we talked rarely, and I never asked him to talk more. Because by that time I realized our relationship was not going to stay. Then one day when I said I will not be available for a video call. He dismissed whatever I had planned for the next day and said we had to talk. I just said I could not, and he did not like that. That's when I have had enough and broke up with him."

"Okay. So, what I understand is, he disrespected your problems and your concerns constantly. Correct?"

"Yes. He disrespected me in general."

"Okay. I am sorry for your loss by the way. Were you with your parents when they died? How did they die if you do not mind me asking?"

"They had an accident. And no, I was not with them. I was at a party with Aaron getting high."

"How old were you then?" I looked at the lawyer with my face scrunched up a bit. Not sure why, and from the corner of my eye I could see a face getting redder and redder with each passing second.

"Objection your Honor." Aaron's lawyer exclaimed.

"Objection Overruled."

"I had just turned 16 then."

"Okay. That's all I wanted to know." She replied then looked at Aaron's lawyer for some reason. Before turning to me with the same smile she had before. The one which implies she is holding secrets.

For some reason I know I need to brace myself for what is to come next. Because not only is her smile dangerous. It is making me squirm a little in this seat with all these eyes watching me. But most importantly those beady eyes with the red face, sitting across from me about twenty-five feet away from me. I do not think I can contain my anger and disgust any longer. But from the smile I feel it will not be long before everything comes undone. Only question for now is what will that include?

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