A Bright Star To Calm The Sto...

By Stellarstar15

2.3K 56 6

So this is a story I came up with on my own and at the same time not really. It's kinda like the Skypiea arc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

53 0 0
By Stellarstar15

Previously on One Piece..

"Eneru, please just listen to me, it doesn't have to be this way!"

"Knock over the beanstalk?!"

"Luffy, I cannot stop you from one of our new friends who wants to live free."

"Shooting star."


"Miracle on Skypiea and Mae's New Chapter! The Love Song Heard in the Clouds!"

Nami and Luffy continued riding up the falling Giant Jack, lightning striking nearly every corner of the two. "Eneru is trying to stop you from getting near him again!" Luffy keeping his eye on the Ark spoke "TOO BAD! Eneru is finished!" Down below Usopp began freaking out again "T-This bastard is trying to destroy the cloud covering us!" Robin stood in disbelief watching the ruins be destroyed..Wyper slowly got up again. "No matter how much you destroy, this city will never fall." He'd close his eyes and a sudden..BOOM! Aisa began to cry out and tried to go after Wyper, but Robin held Aisa back. "It's too dangerous." Aisa struggled with Robin. "NO! LET ME GO, WYPER!"

Eneru laughed. "I can still hear their cries from down below." He'd lift up his hand only to be greeted with a large hit in the back. "HEY YOU DA-" He'd turn to see Mae with her hands aimed right at him. "You..YOU LITTLE-" She'd remove her necklace holding it over the edge. "ENERU. IF YOU WON'T STOP THEN YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO THE GIFT OF OUR LOVE." Eneru smiled and laughed. "Do you forget that I can control gold with the touch of my hand because my devil fruit can melt it?" Mae slowly glared down, slowly putting the necklace back on. Eneru lifted his hand again letting a huge blast of lightning to strike Upper Yard. "UPPER YARD WILL STAND ENERU, WHAT YOU CALL VEARTH WAS A PIECE OF MY LIFE DOWN IN THE BLUE SEA." Eneru chuckled. "You'll forget about the Blue Sea when we go to the Endless Vearth."

Ganfall was shocked.. "The Vearth..isn't destroyed..how can we've been so blind to the speciality of this Vearth? Countless lives lost..so much blood spilled..blind for 400 years!" The Giant Jack continued to fall, Aisa was reaching out for Wyper still and Usopp was ready to run. "UMM..GUYS! We have to go now! It's about to collapse!" Wyper looked up and yelled to the sky. "GO STRAW HAT!" Luffy and Nami continued riding up Luffy shouted out "HERE I COME ENERU! IM NOT GIVING UP ON MY NEW FRIEND! GIVE BACK THE GOLDEN BELL RIGHT NOW."

Mae would step on the edge of the railing on the Ark..she'd smile and fall back. "Eneru, I love you..but I'm sorry, if you're destroying Skypiea..then you're making me disappear.." Eneru snarled, he had enough of these foolish games..a single tear would streak down his face.

"Mae, disappear along with this land."

"RAIGO!" The giant ball of lightning began to slowly fall...all of Skypiea was falling into silence for Mae..


"Eneru, can you tell me what Mantra is." Mae asked curiously, Eneru chuckled..

"Well little lavender, Mantra is an ability I use to be God. I can hear many voices of the divine warriors, my priests, and the people down on that 'Lovely Street' the Skypieans call it. I can even hear yours..and know what you're thinking~"

"Well? What am I thinking?" Mae questioned, shying away her face. Her face was then pulled back to look at him.

"Well I would tell you..but it's God's secret~" Mae pouted and gently pushed Eneru's face away in a teasing way. He'd laugh, a few people at the shrine took a notice of that, Yama, the divine warrior lead general, was quite surprised to his lord have a happy expression on his face, maybe this could have Eneru be stronger towards his goal..

For the Endless Vearth.

End of Flashback One!

The waver continued to press on, it was now or never and his new friend is going to die by falling to the once beautiful land she called her home. "Thanks..for your help." Nami turned confused at Luffy's words "It won't be..FOR NOTHING!" Luffy jumped from the waver using his foot to kick it down, Nami began to go back down and landed on a cloud. "LUFFY WAIT! THE AIR CURRENT AND THE POWER FROM THAT CLOUD CAN KILL YOU!" Eneru cackled "And just what do you think you're going to accomplish against this!" Luffy charged up inside the cloud, Eneru laughed at this..does the straw hat even think?! Giant Jack finally falls down fully. Nami simply just watched the cloud hoping Luffy will make it out alive..

"GOMU..GOMU NO..FIREEEEEEEWORKSSSS." Luffy began to wave the golden ball all around the Raigo cloud. His screams would echo within the cloud..Eneru kept the Raigo going and Luffy kept punching "YOU! ME AND MY CREW CAME ALL THE WAY TO THE SKY ISLANDS AND YOU HAD TO GO AND RUIN THE WEATHER! YOU ELECTRICAL FREAK!" Luffy thought a bit.. 'Mae, I' will set you free..I WANT YOU ON MY JOURNEY TO BECOME KING OF THE PIRATES!'

Eneru stared in surprise..he completely forgot about- "Of course..that golden ball that's attached to his arm..IT'S A CONDUCTOR!"

"No matter, I just have to drop the Raigo before you can discharge it..AND LET EVERYTHING BE DESTROYED!" The Raigo began falling faster..Conis's eyes filled with tears..the Captain of the White Berets began to pray..Mae continued to fall..

"Praying is all we can do.." The captain spoke.

"Are we..really doomed?" Conis spoke in distraught.

"The song of the island..when we hear it again..the war will end."

2nd Flashback..

A young lady of two purple shades of hair after being blasted into the sky, she began to hum. Another was an old man taking care of a small garden on his land. Once he was god ruling over Skypiea, but the war and being overthrown by Eneru caused him to flee and isolate from the Skypiean people.

Mae noticed the old man and spoke up "E-Excuse me sir, do you know where I am?"

The old man turned and tilted his head "How interesting, you're not from Skypiea, you are from the Blue sea, blue sea dweller."

Mae spoke confused "Wait..sir..Blue..Sea dweller? Is that what you call us humans?"

Ganfall smiled a bit "Call me Ganfall. And the answer to your question, it's a term we use for those who live beneath the clouds. But I'm a bit curious, How did you get up here? I don't see a ship of any kind."

Mae spoke in worry.. "G-Ganfall..I was blasted up here! My crew is down there! I have to get them!"
Ganfall placed a hand on Mae's shoulder "Young miss, please do not get riled up. Cloud End is past beyond the Upper Yard, whatever you do...Do not get near Upper Yard, for there is much dangers that would lie ahead if you went in there." Mae nodded, and began walking off.

"Thank you Ganfall."

End of 2nd flashback...

"If..I had the courage to stand up to Eneru..my friends would have been spared all of this.." Conis continued to cry.. "God..if you do exist..please keep us safe." Luffy shouted as he finalized his devil fruit attack on the Raigo.


The Raigo ball..discharged.

Nami, Mae and Eneru all stared up at the discharged Raigo, Mae shouted out.. "LUFFFFFFFYYYYYYYY!"

The massive thundercloud was finally gone..but where is Luffy?! Mae noticed a sudden arm wrapped around her waist..Luffy! "L-Luffy! You're ok!" Luffy looked at Mae with a smile "Glad I caught you just in time!" The people below celebrated..Eneru was not happy about this. "YOU INSOLENT BLUE SEA APE! YOU DESTROYED MY RAIGO!" Luffy stretched and twisted his arm with the gold ball attached "Welcome to the crew Mae!" Eneru was taken aback.. "YOU..INCOMPETENT FOOL." Eneru began to transform..for his maximum form!



Mae was surprised..she has never seen Eneru in this form. "What the hell is that?!" Luffy exclaimed at Mae..Eneru spoke. "Ring the bell you say? You are just one of those fools who believe in that legend for the end of the war! AND I WILL KEEP MAE BY MY SIDE UNTIL DEATH DO US PART, BECAUSE

I. AM. GOD!"

Luffy quickly threw Mae to the side as she caught herself with a star as Eneru blasted another El Thor. "I DON'T CARE HOW STRONG YOU ARE! YOU AND MAE ARE STILL PARAMECIA TYPE! YOU CAN NEVER MATCH THE LOGIA TYPE NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY!" Luffy began to climb up Eneru's arm heading for the face "That won't work on me! QUIT CALLING YOURSELF GOD! WHAT KIND OF GOD DESTROYS EVERYTHING AND SAVES NOBODY?! YOU FAKE!" He'd use the gold ball to punch Eneru across the face as he was suddenly stabbed with the trident..it began to burn. "GRAAGHHH! HOT!" Luffy screamed. "No matter how hard you get closer you'll only just deepen the wound from my trident. And don't worry, Mae will be fine at the Endless Vearth with me." He'd throw Luffy off the blood soaked edges of the trident. Luffy would stretch his arm on a floating cloud where Nami was "NAMI, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Nami got out of the way as Luffy launched himself back up..


"Are you trying that stupid old trick again?" He'd lift both of the tridents into an X shape to protect him.


Mae looked at Eneru..with a bit of a small smile? Wait..why was she smiling? Eneru would let down his trident a little looking at Mae..

'Mae..please..don't leave me! The Endless Vearth has everything you can desire! You don't have to join them!'

"GOLDEN..RIFLE!" Luffy lunged his arm forward at Eneru sending the golden ball straight into the center where he was controlling his giant form..straight into the bell..

Bonus! Flashback..

Mae was in the middle of making something..with Eneru keeping her company..

"Eneru, where can you imagine the Endless Vearth?"

"Well, that I don't know..But during my childhood I was inspired to find it because it was talked about for so long. Where can you imagine it?"

"Imagine if I can be able to go to..the moon! I can make many more stars! Maybe the Endless Vearth is on the moon!"

"I would love to see plenty of stars when we get ther- huh?" He noticed there was something on his head. "What is this strange thing you put on my head?"

"A lavender flower clown, silly! You 'gods' must not really understand how to do these sorts of small things..but I can teach you how to make one!"

".." He'd smile.

"I'd love to learn, my little lavender."

"Yay! Just follow my steps."

After a bit of struggling, Eneru finally got the hang of it, he'd place the flower crown on Mae's head.

"Hey Eneru, do you think..that when we reach the Endless Vearth, do you think it will be how you imagined it?"

"Of course it will, just have faith."

End of 3rd flashback..

The chief elder of the Shandorians looked up at the clear sky.. "The war in the sky began 400 years ago..I'd never thought I'd see the day come." The people down below jumped for joy. Mae smiled..Luffy would scream once more..



A few of the Straw Hats below began to wake up. Mae would let the star disappear as she began crying tears of joy and slowly falling hearing the sound..

Of the Love Song that is heard in the clouds.


On the next One Piece..

"So it wasn't a lie..the City of Gold really is in the sky!"

"Mae, so you're really staying?"



"Welcome to the Crew Mae! The Battle Ends and Proud Fantasia Echoes Far!"

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