Clasp {Book Two of the Deathl...

By MadameBitch01

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After I left the Quad behind in NightShade years ago, I thought my heart was broken beyond repair. Shattered... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
*Author's Note*

Chapter 5

244 19 0
By MadameBitch01

I stared at myself in the mirror, blinking slowly as my brain sluggishly processed the image I was seeing.

Greasy, waist-length black hair tied up in a haphazard bun on top of my head. Hollow, bloodshot crimson eyes that held no sparkle. Pale skin looking on the verge of sickly, and a starved frame encased in an over-sized t-shirt that had long ago lost Lucian's scent, and ratty jogging pants. All in all, I was a fucking wreck and if Luna were still here she would be shrieking her head off like a banshee.

Since I was alone, I allowed myself to react at the thought of Luna. Wincing and rubbing my chest right above where my heart used to be. At the motion, my engagement ring slid dangerously on my bony finger. I paused, examining the glittering diamond band that had once been a promise of commitment to the man I had thought I would spend the rest of my life with. It was beautiful; a flat sterling silver band with an infinity symbol design that was formed by diamonds. A perfect choice that had relayed our feelings seamlessly. Lucian has chosen well.

I took a deep breath around the tight band that squeezed my chest. Dropping my hand limply to my side so that I wouldn't have to keep looking at the fucking ring.

I didn't come in here to keep reminiscing about the past or what I've lost. I came in here to pee and possibly take a fucking shower. That. Was. Fucking. It.
As Yasmina kept oh-so-helpfully reminding me behind the closed and locked door of my bedroom, today was the day I would have to put on my big girl panties and rejoin society.

It has been a little over a month since I lost Luna and Lucien. After we returned to the Guild I had immediately holed up in my room, and haven't bothered to come out ever since. To some, it may seem cowardly since I was now the Master of the only official Necromancers Guild on the planet, but I was surrounded by people who were intimately acquainted with the nuances of grief. Until last week, no one had dared to impose on my depression-filled solitude. According to Yasmina, for the first two weeks Members couldn't walk through my wing of the mansion without being bombarded with my emotional pain. Apparently I was making their lives suck, which was why I had to take a shower today and finish the fucking transportation spell that I never thought about until now. Despite my many curse-filled rantings about returning to NightShade, my vote was no longer solid enough to keep my people here.

I sighed, already weary as I stripped down and turned on the shower. I waited until the water was near scalding, fogging up the mirror, before I hopped in. An unconscious groan left my mouth as the hot water hit my skin, involuntarily relaxing my tensed muscles. I was a noddle in minutes, tilting my head back to feel the pressurized flow of pure bliss hit my face. Call me dramatic but this was the first shower I had had in a month. The last one had been to wash off Lucian's blood, and I sure as hell did not enjoy it.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally tackled the tangled monstrosity called my hair. It took about an eon to soothe and detangle the beast. By the time I was done, the water was beginning to cool and I was growling out expletives over the fact that I had to get out. Life fucking sucks.

Climbing out with the grace of a zombie, I snarled loudly when a knock at my bedroom door signaled that I was no longer alone. Wrapping myself in my favorite black silk robe, I took my motherfucking sweet time as my unwanted visitor kept knocking away. I was brushing out my hair at my vanity when my sensitive hearing picked up an annoyed sigh from behind the door.

"Master Kage. I would like to have a word with you before today's transportation spell." Yasmina's raspy voice formally asked.

"Not exactly in the best of moods, Yasmina." I replied. Understatement of the fucking year. I heard another sigh.

"Considering how you are never in a good mood nowadays child, I am going to respectfully ignore that answer." Yasmina stated stubbornly.

I scowled darkly into my vanity mirror. Fucking old bat. Can't she just take the hint and leave me ya fuck alone!? I already told her I would do the transportation spell that would teleport the Guild from here to NightShade. What more did she want from me?

I practically chucked my hairbrush aside, storming to my bedroom door to yank it open since Yasmina was obviously not going to leave me in peace. Yasmina startled at my abruptness, her hand still raised to knock while I scowled at her. Though she can't exactly see it which is annoying as fuck right now. It was hard to convey how pissed off I was with the blind woman without saying some things I would ultimately regret. Another godsdamn annoyance.

"What is it?" I asked rudely. My tone snappy and harsh.

Yasmina didn't acknowledge my rudeness, lowering her arm slowly while her expression remained calm. I regarded her appearance briefly. In the month I hadn't seen her face to face she still appeared in good health. Her dark wrinkled skin glowed with vitality. Her long grey dreads were tied back with a violet scarf while her hunched frame was encased in a multitude of colored scarves, beads, and charms. Seriously, the old Seer looked like a fucking gypsy voodoo rainbow threw up on her. If that was even a thing...

"You have a visitor." Yasmina answered bluntly. I blinked once in surprise.

"The kind I should appear to give a fuck about or the kind who is stupid enough to want to visit me right now?"

"Language," She chided. "And it's a representative of the West Coven."

I blinked again. "The fuck? What the hell does the Clans want by sending a witch here? Did they miss the display I made of their Leader?" I grumbled coldly.

Yasmina frowned at my filthy language but didn't comment on it. She shrugged unhelpfully, offering me no insight on what the Clans could possibly be cooking up. Gee, thanks old bat. So much for being an all-important Seer.

I blew out a short breath, rubbing my now aching temple.

"Tell them I'm taking no visitors. Especially ones from the West Coven." I said, turning away from her to hole back up in my room to get dressed.

"Well now it's a bit too late for that, child. I've already taken the liberty of inviting them in and assured them that I could grant them a private audience with you." Yasmina informed me.

I whirled back around, rage flaring.

"You did what!?!" I shouted. I could not believe this woman! On what fucking authority-

"You have been gone a long time and in respect for you and what you've lost, I took the reigns to keep this place alive. But the Members are getting anxious, and I am too old to be a Master of a Clan. We will always stand beside you, but the people are fearful of war after we've already sacrificed so much. This is a perfect opportunity to soothe those fears." Yasmina told me wisely.

I gritted my teeth, my sluggish brain unable to come up with an argument to properly pound her into the floor for her actions. I didn't want to fucking admit it but she was right. The last thing this Guild needs was a war, and as the Master it was my job to prevent such an outcome. Even if it involved making nice with mortal enemies. I would rather sallow down a bucket of rusty nails than serve some tea to a fucking Coven witch. But politics and duty calls.

"I will be down in twenty minutes." I hissed out under my breath, not even trying to hide my anger at Yasmina in this moment.

Yasmina nodded coolly, her cane thumping on the hardwood as she left. Like an errant child who wasn't getting her way, I slammed my bedroom door shut. My chest heaving as I tried to breathe through the fiery fury in my body. A West Coven member had dared to come here? Into my home! My sanctuary! To rub salt into the still fresh wounds on my soul. How one of Taika's sycophants could have the balls to do this was beyond me, but I was fucking furious about it.

I ripped through my closet, not giving a flying fuck about appearing formal even though this occasion called for it. I let my robe fall to the floor as I shimmied on some of my old work leathers and a black tank top. I remained barefoot since this was still my fucking house, and I exited my closet to rifle through my weapons stash on my vanity. Even though there had been no word on the treaty with the Clans being abolished, I was still the Master of a Necromancers Guild. A Clan all the fucking Clans actually agree on to hate.

I was teeming with weapons when I was finally satisfied, sheathing my katana over my shoulder when Yasmina knocked on my door to signal my time was up. I stepped out of my room with my head held high and my blank mask firmly in place. Yasmina raised a questioning brow as she heard my numerous weapons softly clang as they hit my body with every step I took, but didn't comment on it as she followed me through the mansion. I already knew which parlor she would take them to. The central parlor was always reserved for guests and outsiders since it was directly to the right of the entryway, and would reveal nothing about the inner layout of my home. I had specifically designed it to be that way. Any who dared to wander from that parlor would be immediately caught in my web of wards I had placed. Forever lost within a maze of my own making. Convenient as fuck for me and my Guild. Bad news bears for anyone stupid enough to try and leave without my permission.

Members gaped and whispered as I passed them through the halls, quickly scurrying out of my path when they recognized the look on my face. I didn't bother to slow for Yasmina. I was still royally pissed off at her, and I had no Luna to try and calm my ire towards the old woman. That's why I didn't wait for her when I strode into the parlor, garnering my first look at my uninvited guest. I paused, faltering when I recognized the orange curls and silver eyes behind delicate framed glasses. What in the ever loving fuck was Sunniva doing here?

Unlike Yasmina, this past month seemed to not have gone well on Sunniva. She appeared as haggard and tired as I was. Her silver eyes dull with exhaustion and her fiery hair tied back in a messy ponytail, stray hairs poking out to fall around her stress-lined face. Even in her neatly pressed dark green blouse and tan slacks with black flats, Sunniva finally appeared her age despite her youthful features and body type.

"You look like shit." I told her abruptly, announcing my presence once I was done my perusal.

Sunniva jumped, her eyes widening as she scrambled to her feet from the armchair she had been sitting in. I glanced at the deep bags underneath her eyes while she gave me a wary small smile.

"T-Thana. Hi. How are you?" She greeted.

At the cold look I gave her in response, her smile faltered. A nervous chirp of laughter left her lips.

"Yeah. Dumb question, I know. How would you be fine?"

As I continued to remain silent, Sunniva kept laughing awkwardly and continued babbling.

"I mean, it was the first time any of us had seen you in years. You killed Uriel's mom, and you watched I assume your lover die-"

"My fiancé." I cut her off tonelessly.

Sunniva stuttered, her skin paling to the color of curdled milk as I knocked her speechless.

"Oh." She replied weakly.

I tilted my head, assessing her with deadened eyes and a coldness to my demeanor that could form icicles if I chose to show it through my magic. She was still a Clan witch, therefore completely loyal to the West Coven. My mortal enemies since childhood. Despite her former efforts to maintain contact with me and her past kindness, she was still a threat against me and my people in my eyes. Everyone was.

"Why are you here Sunniva?" I questioned. "Why now?"

Sunniva's expression flickered with nervousness, wringing her hands. However, her gaze remained directly on me and her spine was straight with that hidden steel I had saw in her when we first met. A smidge of respect bloomed within me. Not many would be able to look me in the eye after recently killing their Clan Leader.

"Well since you're moving back to NightShade, the Leader wanted to reach out to you in order to maintain the peace between our Clans." She said. I wasn't convinced.

"Uriel really put you up to making a treaty with me. Huh..." I drawled, making my disbelief highly noticeable while I stared Sunniva down.

Sunniva flinched slightly. "O-Of course. Now that Taika is gone there's no need for any more bloodshed between our Clans."

I raised a sardonic brow, my mask cracking a bit to reveal my annoyance at the veiled lie behind her statement.

"Don't fucking bullshit me Sunniva. Uriel wants my head for what I did."

Sunniva grimaced, squeezing her hands together tightly and pressing them up against her chest. A defensive gesture.

"Ever since you left, Uriel became more aware about how much of a monster Taika truly was. I made sure of it." Sunniva revealed. "It was hard. Uriel too stubborn and Taika too cunning to get past the blinders she put on him at birth. But two years ago, I was able to make him see."

A brief flicker of curiosity was the only reason I didn't interrupt Sunniva's word vomit. Two years ago had been when she stopped giving me updates on the Quad. I had never gotten an answer as to why, and now it appeared that I was about to get it. Even if it could be considered fraternizing with the enemy. A thought that left a sour taste in my mouth.

Sunniva paused, sucking in a shaky breath while tears shimmered in her eyes. I frowned slightly at the sight of them. I had a feeling I would not fucking like what I was about to hear.

"Two years ago, a child with dark magic was born into the Coven. A baby girl with dark hair just like you." Sunniva said in a hushed voice hoarse with grief.

I stiffened, my blood going ice cold. Dread filled my veins and a deep-seated rage that had been held at bay by the numbness in my soul began to boil in my gut. My hands automatically curled into fists as an outward gesture of that rage's appearance. Setting Sunniva on edge as her eyes glanced nervously towards my hands.

"Elaborate." I growled. The demand in my tone undeniable.

"When the girl's parents came forth for the baby's blessing, Taika went mad at amount of power she held. The resemblance towards you was just icing on the cake. She was ranting about how you reincarnated. Reborn to once again wreck havoc on the living realm. So, in front of the entire Coven and Uriel, she snatched the baby from the mother's arms and slit her throat. It was..." Sunniva's throat became too choked up to continue, tears streaming freely down her cheeks as her expression became distant because of the horrifying memory.

I was at a loss for words. To enraged to speak. I should've fucking killed Taika slower, more brutally. That soulless cunt would've deserved every torturous, anguish-filled, raw agony I would've inflicted on her if I had had the time to do so. In the midst of my murderous thoughts, Sunniva was still crying and talking about the horrific event and it's aftermath.

"After that, Uriel was no longer able to put on those rose-colored glasses he had regarding his mother. To him, she was as much of a monster as she was to the rest of us. That drove Taika up the bloody wall. Gone was the perfect son who gave his upmost loyalty and obedience. Uriel rebelled against her in every way possible. Drinking, doing drugs, practicing unsanctioned magic, dropping out of college. You name it, he did it. Anything that would bring shame upon the West Coven. The only form of revenge he could manage at the time for Taika's betrayal."

"Sounds like Mommy's boy finally grew up." I said with a sarcastic bite.

Sunniva sniffed, but her tears were gone as she gave me a sullen look. Her gaze darkened from memories.

"Perhaps. But that kind of was destroying him. Uriel has always been a mischievous, rebellious hothead. But he is also one of the most loyal and kind-hearted men I've met in my entire life. Going against the Coven and his mother was a hard blow against who he was, and with you leaving for a second time...well, for a time, Uriel didn't know who he was anymore."

"But now he does?" I questioned softly, not missing her subtle but implied hint that he was no longer the broken man she was talking about.

Sunniva sighed, erasing the shadows from her face to square her shoulders with a resolute glimmer to her eye. I lifted a brow as the woman I had once known years ago finally made an appearance past all this timidness in her demeanor. The Sunniva I had briefly known was anything but timid. She couldn't have a mousy bone in her body to be considered a big sister figure for the Quad.

"He will most likely never forgive you or I for our hands in the death of his mother. But I'm going to be honest here, you killing that heartless bitch was the best thing you could of ever done for him."

My face slackened in surprise at her bold admission. Sunniva continued, picking up steam as her confidence rose.

"Now that he is no longer influenced by Taika, the Coven has been thriving underneath his leadership. Despite all of her darkness, that cow did a bang up job on raising a competent Leader. But I whole-heartedly believe it was Uriel himself who perfected himself for the role. He was literally born for it, and it shows. He's kind, compassionate, but also wise and he doesn't let the soft parts of him stand in the way of what needs to be done for the Coven. In the past month of him being Leader, he has done more loyalty from the Coven than Taika managed to do in a decade." Sunniva said proudly.

I however, as cold-hearted as it may sound, remained unimpressed. Just because I killed the leech that had been depraving Uriel of all his potential, didn't mean that sealed up all the cracks that Sunniva revealed. From personal experience, I had a feeling that Uriel was just as broken Sunniva said he was behind closed doors. Because of Sunniva's actions at the Assembly, I believed she was no longer privy to being behind those closed doors.

I didn't voice my thoughts, not wanting to rain on Sunniva's naive, hope-filled parade she was throwing herself. I didn't have a doubt that she secretly knew she was no longer trusted by Uriel, and that he was still twisted inside. But the pain of that appeared to be too much for Sunniva at the moment, so she was throwing herself an inner mental party to convince herself everything was as right as rain and she will be forgiven. Too bad none of us will be forgiven once I was through with my vengeance.

"And so?" I cut her off callously. "What does any of that have to do with you being here?"

Sunniva stuttered for a second, going silent as she stared at me in surprise. Like I was a fucking telepath and I should've read her mind at this point to be privy to her true plans. I was powerful but I wasn't a godsdamn mind reader.

"For starters, maybe I wanted to check on you and see how you were holding up," she said.

I held up a hand to stop her right there.

"Again, save the fucking bullshit." I growled.

Sunniva straightened her spine, her hands ceasing their endless wringing motions to land on her hips. Her silver eyes burned with indignation.

"I saved your life and secretly spied on the boys for you for five years! And I still did it despite not receiving a word from you for those. Five. Years. How could I show that I don't care!?" Sunniva exclaimed.

"We barely even know each other. Only bits and pieces of each other's fucked up childhood. We were never friends Sunniva. Only mutual acquaintances with a common enemy." I replied coldly.

Sunniva flinched, her silver eyes flashing with hurt. I scowled, irritated by the fact that I felt a flicker of remorse for my harsh wording. Sunniva has done nothing but be kind to me since I've met her. She also hasn't caused anything that would evoke this level of rudeness from me. However, in my current state of mind, I was being a cold-hearted, self-centered bitch to cover up all my pain. Sunniva just has shitty timing.

"Be that as it may...I still don't want to see two people I care about go to war over the past." Sunniva said. "We've all been through too much already, and the source of all that turmoil is dead."

"Not quite." I replied cryptically and Sunniva stiffened.

"No," she whispered. "She can't be..."

A sinister smirk stretched my lips, making Sunniva blanch. My smirk widened into a grin when Taika appeared beside Sunniva, glaring daggers at her though the younger witch remained unaware. Then that glare switched to me and the amount of hatred I saw there ramped up a notch.

"Lets just say she's not resting peacefully." I said lightly, not bothering to cover the smug satisfaction I felt at seeing Taika suffering on this plane.

Not every spirit was like Luna. There's only so much a detached soul deprived of all the necessary protections life gives to stave off the darkness can take. Luna had been one of those special, rare souls I had taken under my wing to protect from the eventual madness that would set in the longer her soul dwelled in the living realm. Taika on the other hand, I am going to enjoy watching as her soul and mind is torn to shreds by the very nature of the world. Call it fucking karmic justice.

"H-how?" Sunniva stuttered. Her previous confidence wiped away in the face of my lack of mercy.

"I locked the Gates." I answered simply, spurring Taika into finally speaking.

"How dare you do such a thing! You are not the God of Death! You have no right to deny me from the natural order!" She shrieked.

Sunniva shook her head in denial. Her expression doing nothing to hide the abject terror she felt at the hint of how much power I truly held. There was no one in this world-save the gods-that held more power over Life and Death than me. I could lock out anyone I wanted from the afterlife if I so pleased. Taika being one of my prime examples, and it was time the world knew that fact. Fuck with me and the people I loved and get royally fucked in return. An eye for an eye as that old saying goes.

"You can't do that Thana. It's not right!" Sunniva exclaimed.

"Exactly!" Taika yelled, flapping her hand wildly towards Sunniva in agreement.

If she was still alive her scent would be reeking with desperation. Something that pleased me immensely. I tilted my head at Sunniva, my gaze portraying just how dead I was inside. Sunniva flinched, recoiling slightly from me as I sneered at her.

"How is it not right? She killed your father and my entire family in cold-blood over an idiotic fear of what could be." I pointed out bluntly.

Taika huffed in indignation. Eyeballing me with intense loathing as her upper lip curled in disdain.

"I did what had to be done in order to maintain the peace. My biggest regret will always be that I didn't kill you when I had the chance." She hissed.

I paid her no mind, focusing on Sunniva as she warred between her morality and the truth of my words. I had no morals left so I didn't blame her for the disgust she felt at my cruel actions. But for some reason, I wanted her to at least be able to understand why I did what I did. There will be no changing my mind on opening the Gates for Taika, but that didn't mean I wanted people think it was out of simple pettiness.

"She has made so many people suffer. Why should she get the easy way out? To be honest, her death was too fucking quick for me and not nearly enough to appease me either." I continued. Sunniva's eyes widened into the size of saucers, struck speechless by my callous words.

"But that's still no reason to intervene on the Mother's natural order!" Sunniva spluttered and Taika nodded her head quickly. I gritted my teeth at the smug glint of victory in her eye for a moment, making me react to squash that light immediately.

"As long as Taika holds no power within the living realm, Mother Nature couldn't give a flying rat's ass about her." I revealed.

Sunniva and Taika's mouths dropped open in unison.


I shrugged nonchalantly, my blank mask settling back into place. I fucked up revealing that much about the inner workings of the realms and the roles of the gods. No one can know-alive or dead-about how involved I was with it all. Those secrets will go with me until I was burned to ash.

"How can you possibly know that?" Sunniva questioned warily.

I narrowed my eyes. "No more questions. Talk to me about the fucking treaty or get the fuck out."

Taika whirled on Sunniva.

"You're negotiating a treaty!? You're supposed to be avenging me!" She screeched in dismay.

I wanted to smile with happiness at her hurt and despair, but I remained impassive as Sunniva struggled to compose herself. Poor witch probably has whiplash from all the sudden turns in this conversation. A conversation I wanted to end quickly, like, now.

"Upon your return to NightShade, the Leader of the West Coven would like to formally announce an alliance between our two Clans to promote peace between all the Clans. No one wants a war when you return home Thana, only peace." Sunniva whispered the last part to me, but I was unmoved.

I raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "If you really believe that shit then you are looking more like a fool to me every second you are still on my land."

Sunniva paled but held her ground, waiting patiently for my response like the good little messenger she was. Meanwhile, Taika was a cauldron of rage as she seethed beside her. It was actually pretty hilarious to watch her attempt to strangle Sunniva numerous times. Despite all the negativity Taika held within her soul and the immense magic she once had in life, all that power she would be getting was cut off from her. Perks of being a Necromancer. Souls don't have shit unless I say so.

I let Sunniva sweat for a couple minutes, staring her down while not even giving her an inkling of what was going through my head. I heard it is a very disconcerting experience, and she was the color of milk by the time I opened my mouth.

"Tell the Leader I appreciate the offer, but I wish for my Clan to remain neutral. No ass-kicking or ass-kissing. Just left alone. I have no care for Clan politics, and no time to watch out for snakes in the grass while I mow my lawn." I answered resolutely.

Sunniva gasped and even Taika casted me an incredulous look.

In our world it was practically unheard of for a Clan to claim neutrality. Due to how bloodthirsty the Clans true natures were, every Clan had at least one alliance with another for protection. Back in the day, my parents had had alliances with all the Clans in their area. Lot of fucking good that did them. Due to the knowledge of my past, I no longer held any faith in the honor of the Clans. Despite of who may be leading them.

"That's like you're practically begging for a war!" Sunniva shouted.

"How the fuck does neutral and hostile get mixed up? I said I fucking wouldn't ass-kiss or kick ass." I growled, irritated with Sunniva's dramatics as she continued losing her shit.

"But the Clans won't see it that way! They'll just think that you're biding your time before you turn on them!" Sunniva said, her voice still at a shout as she threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Well no fucking shit. I am." I told her, finally making her shut up.

"They'll kill you before you even get the chance." Taika hissed out venomously. At last I looked at her, making sure that all could she see was the smug victory she previously taunted me with.

"Like you did?"

Taika released a banshee scream of rage, making my sensitive ears ring before she disappeared to who the fuck knows where. Sunniva's silver eyes flickered with confusion at my words before she launched into giving me the fifth degree.

"What's the point in doing such a reckless thing now? The boys are already in control of their Clans. Why waste your life on revenge when you know it will never bring your loved ones back?" She said.

A bitter laugh left my throat before I could stop it. Sunniva cringed at the sound, shutting her flapping lips.

"Just because Mommy and Daddy transferred the titles and the crowns doesn't mean they've handed over the reins." I told her, more of that terrible laughter seeping out.

Sunniva shook her head immediately, but I didn't miss the trembling of her fingers as she laced them together.

"Taika is dead and is unable to communicate with Uriel from beyond the grave. Pandora has been traveling around Europe ever since she gave up her mantle to Echo, she only returned for the Assembly, and the twins-"

"Didn't even bother to shift to control their parents. Yeah, their authority over the Pack is amaaaazing." I finished for her sarcastically.

Sunniva's facial features tightened. A nervousness coming over her demeanor as she pressed her entwined hands against her belly.

"There are rumors of a power struggle between the former Alpha pair and their Alpha son, yes..." Sunniva admitted in a hushed voice.

I contained my smug smirk.

"But Rafe and Raul are still the Alpha and Beta of the Pack. They're the ones who get to make the calls, not Ulfa and Rodolf." Sunniva pointed out with a taint of desperation.

I rolled my eyes, beyond done with all of this.

"Look. I've given you my answer about the bullshit treaty. Now it's time for you to fucking leave." I told her in a harsh tone, brokering no room for argument.

"They still love you!" Sunniva blurted and I stiffened.

A tense silence descended within the parlor, suffocating me as a feeling I had forgotten existed bloomed faintly within my chest. Feelings that I had buried deep within me when I shut the door on the Quad seven years ago. Feelings that had held me back from Lucian for so long. Rage swelled within me immediately, followed by such pain at Sunniva's lie that I was about a hair's breadth away from slitting her throat. How dare she fucking throw some of my most painful memories in my face just to salvage something that was never going to fucking happen? Stupid fucking Healer bitch.

"I think I've heard enough of your bullshit to last me a lifetime. Get the fuck out of my house before I ship you back to your Coven in a body bag." I threatened in a whisper filled with malice.

The woman was a bloody fucking idiot. Instead of racing out the door, she lunged towards me and had my hands within hers faster than I could blink. I did blink in fact with utter shock as Sunniva's scent stank with desperateness and sorrow, her silver eyes wide with unshed tears as her lips trembled. I couldn't believe she was brave enough to touch me uninvited right now, considering how my fangs and claws have made an appearance during my storm of emotions.

"It's not bullshit," she insisted. "Even though they don't talk about you they still do love you. Why else would Echo always have your earring hanging from his belt loop? Or the twins having a picture of you in their bedrooms? Or Uriel renting out your old apartment? How else can you explain that besides them still holding a torch for you? I know for a fact, despite how low he sunk, Uriel has never laid a hand on another woman. Rafe and Raul have been declining mating offers for years, and Echo has secluded himself so much from the world that he's practically become an urban legend to the supernatural community...Ever since you left, the boys have been mere shadows of themselves. It's like you took a piece of them with you when you disappeared."

I shook my head like a wet dog, wrenching my hands out of Sunniva's grip. Overloaded by the amount of info she was giving me, I paced away from Sunniva as I struggled to process it. Sunniva watched me with caution, her hands pressed together as if in prayer. She might wanna started sending up the Hail Marys now because I was centimeters away from losing my shit.

Aside from losing Lucien, Luna and my parents, walking away from the Quad was one of the most painful moments of my life. At one point, I had loved them with every fiber of my being. Innocently believing that we would all somehow end up mated together one day. It was a dream that I had secretly carried with me up until the moment I made the decision to leave my second life in NightShade behind. I nursed my broken heart for years before I moved on with Lucien. I thought I had sown up all the wounds related to the Quad ages ago, now here Sunniva was. Ripping all those scars wide open again.

I couldn't handle it. Not now. Luna and Lucien's deaths were still too fresh in my mind, and I didn't want to return to NightShade with the heavy weight of what-could've-been with the Quad. The time for all of that was long past, and I'm in too much mental anguish to reminisce about it. A fact I need to pound into Sunniva's skull before I toss her on her ass out my front door. No fucking way can she bombard me with this again when I come to NightShade.

"I'm going to say this for the last time before I start shredding you with my claws. Get. The. Fuck. Out. And don't ever bring up the Quad to me again." I snarled, baring my teeth at her.

Sunniva paled, visibly shuddering at my threat. She appeared to have no doubts that I would follow through the longer she kept standing here.

"I just thought you should know." She whispered. My mask wavered underneath the force of the scowl I was holding at bay.

"Yeah well I never fucking said I did want to know. Thanks for telling me that I'm the reason the magnificent foursome has fallen apart. Really, thank you." I seethed.

Sunniva ducked her head. The scent of shame coming off her in droves as she barreled past me. I let her go, ignoring the small pang in my chest at the sight of her tears as she fled. I really did like Sunniva, truly. But she was still one of Uriel's closest confidantes and a member of the Coven he now leads. No matter what she will always be on his side, which makes her a threat to me if Uriel ever decides to retaliate for the death of his mother.

I sighed, flopping onto an armchair as I tried to ignore the migraine building in my skull.

Everything was just so fucking twisted now. War against my archenemies on the horizon. Returning to NightShade for yet a third time. Losing Lucien and Luna. Utterly disconnected from the Quad, my closest and dearest friends. It was an epic fucking shitstorm in the making and I can't help but feel as if I was now in the eye of the storm, waiting to be thrown back into the fray once I finish this fucking transportation spell.

I groaned audibly, hating my fucking life when Yasmina entered the parlor. The thumps of her cane timed with the pounding in my brain so I couldn't help but toss her the stink eye as she approached. Like that phased her considering she's fucking blind. Fuck me.

"Well...that went well." She said oh-so-helpfully.

I snorted in disgust, massaging my temples as she perched herself on one of the lounges. Her milky white gaze was filled with sympathy, something I really didn't fucking appreciate in my current foul mood.

"That child truly does care for you."

"She cares about saving her own hide with Uriel, and somehow she thinks I can help her do that." I said disdainfully, shaking my head at the absurdity of it.

Yasmina arched an eyebrow, folding her hands blindly over the top of her cane. I scowled. Oh hell no. I did not want some kind of therapy session to nitpick over everything that was just said between Sunniva and I.

I shot to my feet, striding for the parlor entrance. I didn't pause for Yasmina, only grumbling over my shoulder for her to hurry her old ass up so that I could get on with the spell. I ignored the loud sigh I heard the old bird release, merely lengthening my stride. It was her who wanted this shit done sooner rather than later so I was getting it fucking done.

I strode out to the front lawn of my home with my head held high, gritting my teeth at the sight of the entire Guild strewn about the area. I haven't addressed my Guild since Lucien's funeral, and I couldn't help but feel as if I disappointed them in some way with my absence. Mothers held their young children close, apprehension lining their faces while the kids eyes sparkled with curiosity. The men were tense, protectively guarding their loved ones while the old were calmer. Watchful, patient, waiting for my call. I had a sneaking suspicion that Yasmina was the reason for the older generation's acceptance of me, but no fucking way was I going to call her out on it. I was going to need all the support I could get once we were in NightShade.

"Members," my voice rang across the lawn, confident and clear. "Even though it is blatantly obvious why I called you here today, for anyone who hasn't gotten the full gist of things, I'm going to break it down for you once again."

Everyone shuffled nervously, their anxiety tangible and making my nose twitch. I maintained composure, determined to be the woman Lucien believed I was. He wanted me to strive for greatness. To be a good and strong leader for our people, and by the gods, I was going to be. For him. For Luna. And for my parents.

"Today I am going to do a transportation spell on the entire compound. Our home will no longer be on the sidelines, straddling the border of our true home and the outside. Our destination is NightShade, right on the land of the former Necromancers Guild."

Whispers sprung to life at my announcement, the anxiety of the Members ramping up a notch at the reminder of the destroyed Guild. I could understand their doubts. I was taking them into the center of where all of our sufferings started. Surrounding them with the Clans who despised us just for existing. It was an insane-sounding plan, but to me it was the proper course of action though my disintegrated heart screamed against it. Being around the Clans would allow me to be able to monitor their actions more closely, instead of being snuck up on from afar. Plus, bringing the Guild back to NightShade seems to be a proper fuck you to them in my opinion. No matter what they want, they will never be able to snuff us out. That, I will make fucking sure of.

"What if we're attacked the moment we arrive?" A young woman questioned, her panic obvious.

I looked at her calmly, hiding my own anxieties behind my facade. To be honest, I had no idea how the Clans will handle our arrival. But I had to have faith that they would uphold the word they've given at the Assembly. Even if it's only at first.

"I have already adjusted the wards. If there is any hostile action taken against us, we will have enough time to get ready." I told her.

It seemed to give her little comfort as she clutched her newborn baby closer to her chest. More questions sprang up, and I did my best to answer them all as truthfully as possible before my impatience hit its limit. I held up a hand when a old man opened his mouth to bombard me with another question, and I offered him a strained smile of apology before addressing the crowd once more.

"I understand that most of you are fearful and doubtful of the success in this plan. But I need you to have faith that this will work and that I am only doing this for your sakes. Believe me, I don't want to move there even if it's the last hospitable place left on Earth. But we are going, because it's the only place that can offer us some kind of peace without hiding in the shadows. It will be hard work. The people there will fear us, loathe us, and wish to cast us out. But we won't let them, because we are stronger than they are. We have gone through so much together and much worse things than they can even imagine. But despite it all we banded together and came out on top. We will not go quietly and we will make them see that even though our powers may be dark, we are still full of Light."

I blinked as numerous cheers rang out from the crowd. Hesitant smiles and hope brightening their gazes as they looked at me for guidance. It was overwhelming an mildly suffocating, and I panicked slightly enough to glance at Yasmina for some help. Her wrinkled face was turned towards me, her grin wide with pride. Oh come on, I didn't think my inelegant speech was that good! I just wanted to convince them to not panic when I activated the transportation spell for goddessake!

Since I appeared to be getting no epic spouts of wisdom from the hag, I shook my arms out as I summoned my dark magic. Over the years, I've delegated most of my time to perfecting the small amount of control I had over the basic elements of magic. Including transportation of inanimate objects. Though I've never transported the size of something this fucking large, I still knew the compound would fit perfectly on the land I still owned in NightShade. Now if I didn't fuck this up, everything would be just peachy.

I groaned as I channeled the dark magic into a lighter type, shifting its natural purpose from death to something neutral and foreign. Then I began to weave the intricate web of the transportation spell. Glowing crimson runes appeared on the property lines of my land, becoming brighter as I funneled more of my magic into them. I focused completely on the web, closing my eyes so that I could see it as if it was physically in front of me. Tediously, I tethered every single rune with a strand of my magic. Tying them all together so that when I imagined the location I had in mind, the strands will drag everything with me. To me, it took fucking forever, but to the outside world it probably only took a couple of minutes.

A multitude of gasps greeted me when I reopened my eyes, but I was entirely focused on getting all of us transported in one piece to worry about what they may be seeing. I turned to Yasmina, her go-ahead somehow important to me. Yasmina nodded in support, her expression still beaming with pride.

"We are ready, child."

I nodded silently back at her even though she couldn't see it, closing my eyes again as I pictured the Guild lands in NightShade.

Home sweet home here I come. Gods I hope this fucking works.

Then, with a sharp breath, I activated the transportation spell.

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