𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗈 | 𝖬𝗂𝖼𝗁�...

By rainylana

137K 3.5K 3.9K

a lonely girl, a curious boy. you can figure out the rest. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
The Final Chapter
The Piano
End Notes

Chapter Ten

482 21 19
By rainylana

mature scenes ahead.

It was the sharp sound of clicking heels that haltered everyone's movements, their mouths hanging open as their heads craned upward toward the sound. They hadn't seen the couple in so long, everyone had almost forgotten about their existence. Well, everyone except Mallory. The grey still worried immensely over her friend, or old friend. She didn't trust Michael for anything, and practically felt nauseated every time she laid eyes on him.

At first, everyone had been extremely tense around the outpost when Michael had arrived, but it was clear he didn't care about anyone besides Ana. They hadn't seen, though they all most certainly heard them, in almost over a week, so it was surprising to see them locked in arms atop of the staircase.

She had a shit-eating grin on her face, while Michael's held a stoic smirk as they both whispered amongst themselves. "Oh, shit." Gallant muttered to himself, noticing the mischievous glint in the girl's eye. "What are they doing outside of their room?" Coco whispered over to him, annoyance and tight curiosity seeping through her voice. Despite the fact that Ana was several feet away from them, a majority of the group could sense the strong change of energy that orbited around their once shy friend.

"I think I'm a bad influence on you, sweetheart." Michael whispered into her ear, grasping her arm as they descended down the stairs. She gave a light scoff, that was most definitely an understatement. "I was bored," She smirked, knowing how much he grew annoyed at those words, "And besides, I want to play with our new toys." She chuckled, glancing down at everyone like toys in a toy-chest.

It felt like a century to everyone, waiting and watching as the two finally came to a halt. Most of them found it rather unsettling, the glare that was coming off of Ana's face. "Miss me?" She gave a cocky smile, pulling on her new, husbands arm and to the dining table. Her eyes gave a quick sweep for Venable, who appeared not to be present, and pushed Michael into the wooden chair by his shoulders. "Please," He looked up, gaining surprised flinches from those around him. "Continue as you were, don't let my dear Anastasia and I stop you." He gave a wave of his hands, a smirk on his lips as Ana plopped down on his lap, throwing her arms around his neck and giving him a sloppy kiss.

Coco gave a noise of disgust, but she tried to keep it mostly amongst herself. She may have been completely spoiled, having no sense of self worth or respect, but she wasn't completely stupid. Her body told her to fear Michael, and as much as she hated it, Anastasia, also. She simply rolled her eyes, glancing over at Dinah with an annoyed stare. Still, the woman could not cure her curiosity. "So," She chirped, causing the two's movements to stop. "You two have been...busy. Care to explain to everyone where it is that you've been?" She folded here arms, causing everyone's eyes to travel to the couple.

Ana's eyes cut in to her deeply, and she turned her body to lean against Michael's. "It's our beloved, Anastasia's birthday today." Michael cut in, placing his palm on her thigh. "And that most certainly calls for a celebration, don't you all agree?" He leaned back into his seat, amused by the multiple perplexed faces that decorated the table.

"Beloved?" The blonde snapped in irritation, scoffing slightly. While it was heavily aware amongst all of them the relationship that had been brewing between the couple, not a single one of them could hardly process it, or understand it. "You've known her for what? A week? And now you two act like you own the goddamn place!"

"That's because we do own the goddamn place." Ana glared at her, silencing the woman with her sharp stare.

"Well, surely you two had to have known each other before the bombs dropped." Evie chimed in. "Not even I was that loud during my night with Ryan Reynolds and Brad Pitt." She chuckled, gaining no such responses from everyone else.

Michael watched the events with an amused eye, a smile on his lips as he thought over the woman's words. Oh, how right she was. "If I may?" He cut back in, raising his hand as he sat up. He gave Ana a side smirk, flicking his wrist as he granted the residents a feast fit for loyalty in front of them. "Please, let's not act like animals on this joyous occasion. Eat, enjoy yourselves."

He didn't have to tell them twice, and soon enough the only noises that were heard was the loud chomping and scrapes of silverware as they ate. "God, they're pathetic." Ana sneered, relaxing into Michael. She was already regretting coming out of their sanctuary that was his suite, and she turned away so she couldn't be witness to their pigging out. "I still don't understand why you chose these people to survive the blast. Real stupid on your behalf, Michael."

He turned his face to see her grumbling one, and he chuckled as he held her hip. "Like I said before, darling, I had no control over that, only those old, coke-head friends of yours."

He kissed her lips with a small peck, smiling widely as he sat them both up. "Excuse me, everyone, if I could have your attention." He spoke loudly, causing the scrapes of forks to stop as everyone's mouths hung open.

"I think I just came from this baked potato." Gallant all but moaned, nearly collapsing into his plate.

"I'd like to apologize for my absence that I have displayed," Michael began, causing Ana to roll her eyes. One thing about him was certain, and that was that he absolutely loved to put on a show, and was one hell of an actor. "And for keeping you all in the dark. But you will be happy to know that I am now an open book, and any questions you have to ask, feel free."

Michael eventually wanted to get Ana back to the sanctuary, the place he had spent so long trying to accomplish while she slept. And even though he knew that she didn't mind waiting, he could barely wait anymore himself. Toying around with everyone may have been a bit dramatic, but they had to engage with them somehow, especially if they were going to move forward and leave the old school. And Ana knew that also, though she wasn't exactly thrilled to be q and a'd by her old roommates.

"But, without being said, we do have things that need to be discussed." He half smiled, making Ana smirk as she played with his rings.

"Is this about our interviews?" Mallory cut in, anxiety present in her voice. Ana immediately grew annoyed, sinking back into her lover's chest. "Have you decided who will be going to the sanctuary?" Her words brought mostly everyone back into the conversation, food staining their hands and mouths hanging open.

"Indeed, it is." He hummed, caressing Ana's thigh. "You see, you have all been correct. Ana and I did know each other before the nuclear war had been released." He nodded. Ana narrowed her eyes, looking up to him as she listened. "I know my behavior would describe those words in quite the opposite manner, but Anastasia's safety was the most important thing to me, and will still always continue to be." He didn't look at her, but his ring-clad hands held her tighter.

However, he also had to keep from vomiting. While they all watched Michael speak with intense interest, their smacking sounds from their food was of high volume.

"In fact, I was in charge of making sure she arrived here safely, rather than deteriorate outside like the rest of civilization." He continued, holding no regards of sympathy in his voice.

"Enough with the games, Langdon." Dinah cut in, gaining everyone's sharp attention. "You're trailing all of us along like puppets, and I'm tired of not knowing what will happen next. So, if you don't mind, will you please tell us who you plan to abandon here?"

Ana wasn't aware of the past interactions that Michael and Dinah had several years ago, but it was only because Michael didn't find it necessary for her to know. He wasn't exactly thrilled to have a voodoo queen living under the same roof as Ana, but Dinah still had his respect. If it wasn't for her, he wasn't sure how long it would have taken him to find Ana at The Robichaux Academy, so he would always be grateful for the woman's actions.

The girl on his lap rolled her eyes, plucking a grape from the silver platter in front of her. "Oh, on the contrary," Michael began, "I don't plan to abandon anyone here, those were never my intentions in the slightest." At his words, Ana paused mid-chew of her food. Pardon me, what? Surely to God he wasn't going to make her spend eternity with the outpost gang.

"I'd like to give you all a chance to redeem yourself." He smiled. "While most of you bought your way into this outpost, a few of you hold some rather...interesting qualities that I think would be irresponsible to let go to waste. The sanctuary where my beloved and I's home can surely be yours' also, you just have to say the words." He spilled the words from his mouth like a sweet, inviting poison, making Ana narrow her eyes.


She went to interrupted, but the hard squeeze he gave her thigh kept her quiet. "Be patient." He burned into her mind, making her grow more confused. "Or you won't get your birthday present."

"So what does that mean?" Mallory intervened, a sick feeling in her stomach. "You want to recruit us for some little army?"

Michael gave the girl an emotionless glare, glancing at the other members of the table with the same look. "No." He deadpanned, no longer following the lines of his script. "It's either that or you're blown to bits like little shards of glass, it's simply your choice. Perhaps I was wrong for keeping everything for you all, but you're no longer in the dark now. The point of the matter is that Ana and I are the ones in charge, not some cooperative that's huddled out in the middle of nowhere. You can all come to terms that almost every ounce of information I have given you has been nothing but meaningless lies." He was relaxed into his seat, shining fingers waving as he ranted his speech to the shocked faces around him. Ana's lips were etched into a devilish smile, eyes glowing with mischief as her stomach boiled with desire. "So, without being said, it's Anastasia's birthday today, and either you-" He grabbed Ana's waist, turning in his seat to lock eyes with Coco. "get down on you're knees and beg for her to spare you, or you can listen as your own blood boils in your eardrums."

He spoke the words with ease, and the girl on top of him leaned her elbow against the table, smirking at Coco. The rich blonde had a look of disbelief and shock, and not a single sound in the room could be heard besides the crackling of the fire. "Oh, shit." Gallant mumbled, clearing his throat.

"You have to be shitting me!" The woman barked, slamming her fists against the table. "Are you saying that you are the one in charge of this entire operation? And for what, her? Absolutely not! I don't beg to anyone!" She went off on her tangent, holding her breath as she grew anxious under their stares.

"Fine." Michael shrugged. "Best to say your goodbyes then."

Her eyes grew wide, scooting back into her seat. "What? You're kidding! You're seriously going to kill me if I don't beg her for forgiveness? I didn't even do anything!"

They all jumped as Ana snatched a large knife into her hands, reaching across the table as she held it under her chin. "Get on your knees, bitch. Or I'll slit your goddamn throat."

It didn't take long for her to fall down on the floor, tears of fear bad embarrassment in her eyes as she held up her hands. "Okay, I'm sorry!" She made no eye contact as she spoke, avoiding the gazes from everyone.

Michael watched it all with a proud gleam, almost wishing he had a camera to capture the moment. He glanced around at the other guests, smirking as his plan began to take action.

"Do better." Ana tsked, pressing the tip of the knife against her throat. "Apologize for all the shit you put me through here, for how miserable you made me!" Michael could detect that part of her voice that held a protective tone, and he knew this was extremely personal for her. He didn't intervene, but he squeezed the back of her neck comfortingly.

Hearing about the time of their separation was something that still caused him unbelievable guilt, and would always continue to do so.

Coco nodded, a tear falling down her cheek. "I'm sorr- sorry, Anastasia. I'm sorry for how awful I was to you." She gulped, hoping to sound sincere. She'd never say it, but Coco was, and always had been, extremely jealous of Ana. She was beautiful, had someone by her side who loved her unconditionally, and apparently- ended the world for her. Who wouldn't be jealous of that?

"I feel sick." Mallory mumbled, glancing at Gallant as she held her stomach, spitting out her food.

"I never once did anything to you," Ana continued. "From day one you were nothing but a bully to me. Why?"

Coco was dying from humiliation, and her stomach grew sick as she blinked. "I- I don't know. But I'm sorry! Really, I'll do better!" Her words were cut off from the loud sound of hacking from across the table.

"Do you mind?" Ana seethed. "I'm trying to get my revenge."

"Hush, darling." Michael patted her thigh, locking eyes with Mallory as he smirked. "This is the continuation of your birthday present."

Their faces were red, holding their stomachs as they all looked to Michael with betrayal. "What did you do?" Dinah gasped, chugging down her water.

Yes, what did he do- Ana thought.

Soon enough, vomit was being spewed out onto the floor, choking sounds coming from all directions, including Coco's. "Like I said," Michael smirked, pressing a kiss against Ana's- in awe- expression. "mostly everything I've told you all is complete and utter bullshit, this dinner just happened to be one of those things."

Ana's heart was racing as everyone choked in their own vomit, her eyes glancing over everyone as the collapsed to the floor. The knife dropped from her hand, locking eyes with Coco as her face grew serious. Michael simply leaned back and observed, proudly sipping on red wine. "Happy birthday, darling." He whispered, enjoying the tortured sounds.

The sound of heavy bodies ignited against the floor, the strong smell of vomit and blood filling their nostrils in a welcoming way. It was quiet now, only the sound of Ana's heavy breathing being heard. She had most definitely not expected that, and she turned to look at Michael with a gleam he couldn't read.

For a moment, he thought he might of fucked up. "Are you alright?" He grew worried.

She nodded instantly. "Yeah." She all but panted. "Just really horny now."

She grabbed his collar, pulling him into her mouth with desperation. While it was a shocking, violent surprise, she had loved it all the same. And in some weird, touching way, it made her feel overwhelmed. These were people she had despised and hated for years, some worse than others. She had hated herself around them, and even though she held no feelings or regards to anyone but Michael, those people were constant reminders of the dark time in her life. It was the same for Michael, also, and they both breathed into each other's mouths with relief at the silence.

Her back hit the table as he tossed her on top of it, and he parted her legs as he moved between them. "Do I-"

"Yes, yes, it's always yes." Ana rushed, wrapping her legs around his waist as she pushed down her panties.

Their tongues explored each other's mouths, clanking of teeth and mixture of saliva as they both shared a gasping sound as he first thrusted into her. Most of the time, there would always be foreplay, but sometimes, like this one, they couldn't wait. Times were he felt like his love for her wouldn't allow him to wait, and she felt the same. Her hand felt oily against the blood on the table, and she arched her back as he had his way with her.

"Oh, I love you." She breathed, body jolting up and down against the table. "I love you so much, Michael."

He groaned above her, squeezing her hip as he nodded. "Always. I love you, always."

They payed no mind to the dead bodies around them, no mind to the blood and vomit. Love was too strong, too blinding for that. They continued their passionate, quick love making, a feeling of intense happiness that burned their lungs like poison ivy.

But, time was catching up to them, and things were, once again, about to change. Her birthday celebration would not be interrupted, but a hurricane would soon be destroying their peaceful little shore.


shit it's been awhile, and i'm SO SORRY. i didn't forget about this book at all, but damn i had like no time to write whatsoever. plus, i was super drained and needed the break.

first off, i got covid, which really kicked my ass. i had a horrible panic attack that sent me to the hospital, and i'm still trying to heal from. and i've been insanely stressed out due to some of my homophobic family members🤪🤩😃

so, without being said, IM BACK. i'm still in my michael phase, so don't worry about lack of inspiration. i've also been really planning out my second story, which is another michael langdon book of course.

i think i'm gonna call it ataraxia, and it's gonna be so much different compared to this one. it'll be a while before it's published, but be on the lookout;)

regarding this story, we don't have very many chapters left!! i've got most of it planned out, and i know i plan to end it. it's gonna be epic!!

i missed you all, and i'm so happy to see all the new readers, votes, and comments this story has gotten. it makes my day SO much, you have no idea.

i love you with all my heart, and i hope you enjoyed this chapter. it was rushed, i know, but i wanted to see you all again.

have you all been watching double feature?? i loved it, minus that trash ass finale. stan doris and karen‼️‼️‼️

thank you all for being patient and kind, know that i love you.

keep at peace, maddy<3

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