Monstered Away

Від Trash7680

103 14 6

In a realm of, what people call, "monsters", one becomes punished and loses his positioning of power. However... Більше

Lost and Found
New Face
Moving Forward
The Start to an End


3 1 0
Від Trash7680

Everything was black to Tenn. he couldn't see anything, but could feel a hard ground. He just stared into empty space. He looked at his hands, which were smaller than usual. He seemed to be younger.

"That's strange..." He thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard a loud gunshot. His eyes widened, looking forward to find where the piercing sound came from. As he looked around, a drop of a body dropped in front of him. It wasn't a human's, thankfully, but it was a dog's.

"Eat." A sound said. Tenn looked up to see a black figure. He could barely make it out compared to his surroundings. He looked down at the dog. For some reason, this was all familiar. Something he should be doing. He reached to grab the dead animal and—

"NO!" He shouted, jerking himself up from his sleep. He looked forward to see Ace being held up against a wall by Azrael.

"W-What is going on!?" Tenn asked. Azrael stared at Tenn as Ace struggled to break free.

"What do you think happened?" Azrael asked.

"Well you're holding Ace against a wall... did she do something?" Tenn asked.

"I don't know. Did you do something Ace?" Azrael asked, turning to her. She stopped trying to break free.

"What happened?" Tenn asked. Ace sighed.

"I may or may not... have put a knife to your neck." She said.

"Excuse me, WHAT?" Tenn asked, getting up.

"Told you we should left her." Azrael said, letting go of her. Ace took a sigh of relief, thinking that Azrael would've finished her there.

"Nope. Not happening. I refuse to let her leave and get herself killed." Tenn said, getting up from his chair. As he did, he wobbled a bit from getting up too fast.

"What a morning." Tenn sighed, walking over to put on some different clothes. Ace didn't say anything for a second.

"So... you're not mad?" She asked. Tenn sighed, placing a shoe on.

"I can't be. I get you think we're monsters... well, he is, but I'm not. I'm actually human... with exceptions. I have the same goal as you. It'd be a shame if you just died without a fight." Tenn explained. Ace stared at him for a moment. She went and sat down.

"Thanks." She said. Tenn left the building with Azrael as Ace stayed. She didn't exactly know what the place was like or what was happening. She kinda looked around for a bit, messed with Azrael's immobile body, then began thinking to herself.

"Are they really monsters? They have to be... but..." She thought. She remembered back to Tenn explaining why he wasn't mad. He did have humanity in him. Meanwhile, Azrael... er...

"That other guy is dangerous... at least to me. I should get on his good side for now." She thought. She sighed, looking up at the always black sky.

"I need to get back fast. I want to see him again..." She said to herself. She laid down, trying to nap before Tenn and Azrael got back. However, her stomach growled quite a bit. She looked down at her stomach, then looked around.

"Assuming they went to get food, where would they come from?" She asked herself, looking out of a hole in the wall. Nothing but a few Monsters walking through. There weren't many because of the abandoned and destroyed street. Ace groaned to herself.

"Urg. Whatever. Just think about the future. How will I be able to see him again... how did I get here... I... wait..." She thought for a moment, like she remembered something.

"Am I a monster?" Tenn asked. Azrael looked up at him strangely.

"What makes you think that?" He asked. Tenn thought for a moment.

"Well, for one my arm. Two, I've been down here so long I forgot how to act like a decent human... probably. Ace called us Monsters, didn't she?" He asked. Azrael sighed.

"You're letting her get too much into your head. For now, just don't think about her. Just focus at the problem at hand." Azrael said. Tenn nodded.

"Find a way back." He said. He then listened to what Azrael said. As the two went and bought a nice breakfast, Tenn didn't think of Ace at all. Well, until they got back.

"Great, we can get to— oh." He said. Ace was laying on the couch bored out of her mind.

"Thank god. I was getting hungry." She said. Tenn began to sweat.

"H-Hungry? Oh... well... uh..." He said, looking into his bag. There were only two breakfast sandwiches in there. Azrael sighed.

"I'll skip." He said. The two ate food as Azrael just watched.

"So what do you do here for fun?" Ace asked. Tenn swallowed some food.

"Hm... well I'm either looking for a home, getting chased by Hunters or Hounds, killing Hunters or Hounds, or either roaming the city for shopping or intel." Tenn explained. Ace stared at him.

"That sounds... not fun..." She said. Tenn nodded.

"It isn't. Oh! That reminds me!" He said. He stood up and held his hand out in front of Azrael. Azrael sighed as a part of him came out as a sword. Tenn took it and held it towards Ace.

"You need practice!" He said. Ace backed up a bit.

"M-Maybe later." She said. The two finished up breakfast as Azrael was reunited with himself.

"Let's go for a walk. I'll show you around." Tenn said. He then turned to Azrael.

"Azrael?" He asked.

"Nah, count me out." He said, turning away from them, Ace specifically.

"Alright, suit yourself." He said. He and Ace got shoes on and made their way to the main part of their area.

"What exactly are you showing me?" Ace asked.

"Well, look around. You'll be seeing this place slot until we go back." Tenn explained. He showed her a cafe, a grocery store, a few food stands, more stores, all the usual.

"To be honest, it all seems like it's just like normal back at the normal place." Tenn said. Ace nodded. After that, there was a small silence. Tenn cleared his throat.

"I... I have something to ask you..." He said. Ace turned to him and tilted her head.

"You don't have to answer... but... how did you get here?" He asked. Ace's eyes widened.

"I don't remember about me, since I was really young when it happened, but you came here yesterday, so I was wondering if you'd remember." Tenn explained. Ace didn't say anything.

"Ace? Did I trigger something?" Tenn asked.

"N-No... I just... I don't really remember myself actually! I just know things that I was trying to do. That's all." She explained. Tenn nodded.

"What would that be?" He asked. Ace had her breath stop.

"Well... it's... a friend of mine. I was trying to see him..." She explained. Tenn tilted his head in confusion to her weird answers.

"Are you sure you're okay with answering this? You seem pretty uncomfortable." He asked. Ace nodded.

"Of course I am!" She replied. She sighed.

"It's just... I was doing something for a friend to see him again. He didn't know about it... and now I'm here..." She said, complete. She still left out what she was doing.

"Oh... do you recall how or where exactly you got here?" Tenn asked. Ace thought for a moment.

"I was doing something... maybe hunting? I was also in the forest. I left from this... h-house..." She was saying. As she explained, her throat got dry, like she didn't want to talk about it. Specifically the house.

"Forest? Hm... let me think about it." Tenn replied. The two then went to have some lunch at the cafe. They got in and ordered some kind of lunch food.

"I have another question." Tenn said.

"Full of questions? I guess I can't blame you." She said. Tenn nodded.

"Why exactly do you see me as a monster?" He asked. Ace sighed.

"I did at first when I was panicked. I didn't know where I was or why I was here, but it really didn't make sense with your arm." She explained. Tenn nodded.

"To be honest, if you want to know why I think you're still human, you have that humanity. You know, the thing that makes you care for people. As long as you have it, you're human... unlike someone I know..." Ace said. Tenn nodded. He put deep thought into it.

"I'll hold onto it then. I need to stay human and find a way out." He said. Ace didn't respond with anything. She just looked out the window...

Later that Night...

"A... Forest?" Tenn asked himself. He looked around, then spotted a house.

"This is... what Ace said. Is this my dream... why can I freely move and think then?" He asked himself. He went and approached the house before falling to his knees after getting close.

"Ow. Why did I fall...?" He asked himself. He looked down at his hands again. He was a lot younger. As he looked, he then heard that piercing spun sound again. The flashing of a gun told Tenn the location of it. As he looked, a tall figure came from around the corner of a fence. He was holding something.

"Don't tell me..." He began. The figure dropped the thing he was holding. The dead animal.

"Eat." It said. Tenn began to panic.

"Why? Who are you?" He asked. His voice was not heard.

"Eat it." The figure said again. Tenn felt a moment of familiarity. Like he should be doing it. He reached down for the dead animal. As his hands touched it, he was jerked awake.

"What in the—" He was saying.

"We don't have time. Looks like your stroll brought trouble." Azrael said. The two turned and looked a few buildings over. A Hound and a few Hunters made their way toward them...

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