Princess Diaries: The Royal E...

Od Flickagir

531 9 0

What if Mia married Andrew? Více



306 5 0
Od Flickagir

Andrew and me were on the Palace steps. 

"Andrew, I'm so so sorry. I j... Andrew, please wait. I promise you nothing happened." 

"Yes, but, Mia, you still went, didn't you? You went. I don't think you understand. I'm an extremely eligible bachelor in England. I really am. I've got plenty of friends, lots of lovely women friends, and... I still think this Marriage is a good idea." 


I watched from a window with Charlotte. 



Andrew kissed me on the lips. 

My posture was stiff and resistant. 

A cow bleated. 


"The Queen would not approve of spying." 


Andrew pulled away. 

I put on a brave smile. 

"So? Anything?" 

"I really want to say yes, but no. There's just... There's no... Spark." 

"Me too." 


"Really. I mean, it was pleasurable." 


"Very. But no fireworks." 


I turned around. 

"Ohh. What are we gonna do? We will... We will figure something out." 


Andrew watched me sadly hang my head. 


I turned to Andrew, who moved beside me near the stone balastray. 

"You chose me..." 

Two uniformed guards passed us on the Palace steps. 

Andrew nodded politely. 

"No privacy." 



Charlotte and me left the window. 


"You chose me, and I accepted, and a gentleman never backs out on his word. We are going to... We're going to stand up in Church and say, "I do," and tomorrow, we'll be man and Wife. And you are going to make an amazing Queen of Genovia." 

I gazed gratefully into his eyes. 

I kissed him on the cheek. 

"Thank you." 

We hugged and Andrew gently rubbed my back. 

Next Morning

I woke up alone in my double bed. 

I rolled over and stretched 

My eyes sprang open. 

"I'm getting married today." 


I was walking Maurice. 

"She's getting married today, Maurice." 

Maurice barked. 


I watched Clarisse from a stone terrace. 


There was a knock on my Bathroom door. 

I opened the door. 

It was Brigitte. 

"Your Highness, we're running very late." 

"Grandma says the Queen is never late." 

I walked out of my Bathroom. 

"Everyone else is simply early." 

"Your Highness, a strange woman came in and said that she wanted to hide in your closet, so I let her." Brigitta told me. 

"Well, dear, that probably wasn't the wisest decision in the..." 

"Now, this is what I call a closet." It was Mom. 


"Oh, my darling." 

We hugged. 

"Oh, careful. We're squashing Trevor." 

"Hi, Trevor." 

I took him from her. 

"He's sleeping. Shh." 

I held Trevor in my arms. 

"Oh. He is the most beautiful baby brother." 

"We were joking. We knew it was your mother." Brigitte told me. 

"Your stepfather's here too." Brigitta informed. 

We walked out of my closet. 

"Now, I'm your mother, it's your Wedding day, I have to say something. Being married is about being yourself, only with someone else." 

"Thanks, Mom." 

There was a knock on my door. 

"How are you feeling? You look beautiful." 

"Paolo is back to turn a caterpillar into a butterfly." 

It was Paolo with Helga and Gretchen. 


"There she go, butterfly." 

I handed Trevor back to Mom. 


"Coat off. I say "butterfly," the coat comes off." 

Helga and Gretchen pulled his coat off. 

"Principessa." He greeted, taking my hands in his. 


He kissed both of my hands. 

"You remember my mother, Helen." 

"Yes, yes. And the new baby. All Italian men love a baby except Paolo. You gotta get out now because we have to go to work." 

Mom walked out. 

Paolo did something with my hair. 

"Five years ago, Paolo take you from that to that. Today, he give you this." 

"A Wedding look for the Bride." Helga and Gretchen announced. 

I checked my hair in the mirror at my vanity. 

It's been pleated and gathered into sticky up-knots. 

"I look like a moose." 

"Yes, but a very cute moose. Make all the boy moose go, "Whaah!" Ha-ha-ha-ha." 

"I have antlers." 

"Whaah. Ha-ha-ha-ha." 

He did a different hairstyle. 


Paolo had put my hair up into tight curls. 


"I look like a poodle." 

"That's just the way I feel. Here we go again." 

He was behind me. 

"Good. Sit up." 

I sat up. 

"She kinda does look like a poodle." Helga gave Paolo her opinion. 

He sprayed Water in her face. 

"I like it." Gretchen gave Paolo her opinion. 

He kissed her on the cheek. 

"This time I'm so sure, I use my own pictures. So, un, deux, trois." 

My hair was in a Bun on the back of my head. 


"Gretchen, I can't find my gloves." Uncle complained. 

"You go on. I think it would be better if I didn't go to the Wedding." 

"My boy." 

He sat down on the Coffee table. 

"Don't give up so easily. Come to Church. Sweep her off her feet. In a week or two, she'll be yours." 

"The game is over, Uncle. She's going to marry Andrew." 

"Ah, you're so right." 

He stood up. 

"Ah, well, this is a disaster in the making. Wouldn't miss a moment of it." 

Gretchen handed Uncle his gloves. 

He walked out. 

"I'll try to catch the garter. Ha-ha!" 


"The Royal carriage approaches!" Kip announced. 

"What did he say, Artie?" 

"The Princess is coming." 

"Show time." 

The reporter was on the Genovian's cathedral steps. 

"Suki Sanchez herę from the USA. A long way from home, but happily following a story that started in the streets of San Francisco and is about to have a happy ending here in the small beautiful land of Genovia." 

"Prepare for the arrival of Princess Mia!" He ordered. 


I was resting on the couch at Uncle Mabrey's. 

Gretchen polished nearby. 

"Psst. Sir..." 

I sat up. 

"I don't mean to talk out of school, but there's something you must know." 

I stood up and faced Gretchen. 

"Your Uncle called Elsie and set you up with that video." 

"Why doesn't that surprise me? I should have known." 

"He's up to something. He was much too delighted that you aren't going to that Wedding." 

"I must get to that church." 

"Yes, yes, but how? Everything on four wheels is already rented for the Wedding." 

I pulled my black tux jacket on. 

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'll run." 

"No. No, it's too far. No. You'll take the bike." 

"The bike? Gretchen, what bike? We don't have a bike." 

"Your Grandfather's bike." 

It was an old-fashioned bike. 

I rode it along a Country road. 


The Prime Minster and me greeted guests on their way into the Cathedral. 

"Buenas tardes, Tanya." 

"Buenas tardes, Su Majestad. Aqu le presento mi tío que noviecita de Rosario." 

"Oh, how do you do, seor?" 

"Oh, I do better if you and I get married. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" 

"I'm sorry. My Uncle learned his English watching the old Three Stooges movies. Sorry." 



A Genovian Shepard on a horse talks on the phone. 

"Yes, well... What...? You're not going to believe this. Lord Devereaux is riding up the road on a bicycle." 

I got off the bicycle. 

"Sir! Sir, may I borrow your horse?" 

"Oh, he needs my horse." 

"My bike is yours." 

He got off the horse. 

"How am I supposed to herd sheep with a bike?" 

I got up on his horse. 

I galloped at full pace through the Country side. 


The Cathedral pews are packed with guests including members of the Genovian Parliament. 

People turned around as ushers and Bridesmaids walk in pairs down the aisle. 


"Outspoken American activist, Lilly Moscovitz, the Maid of Honor, glides forward as a vision in pink." It was Elsie. 

"I'm a girl who loves black and is wearing pink." 


Shades walked down the aisle holding a baby. 



"And Duke Andrew's little nephew, Viscount Ludlow, affectionately known as James of the cherub cheeks, comes down the aisle as the Royal ring bearer." 


I opened the Cathedral door a crack. 

"Hey, Joe." I whispered. 


"I just wanted to say before I do this, I'm sorry you're retiring." 

"Who told you that?" 

"The Maids know everything." 

"Mm. Well, the heart does things for reasons that reason cannot understand." 

"You're preaching to the choir." 

I shut the door. 

Joe knocked on the door. 



"Then you should know that Nicholas did not set you up at the Lake." 

I stared at Joe as he had his back to me. 

"You're sure?" 

"The Maids know everything." 

Charlotte approached Joe. 

"We're ready when she is." 

Baby James pulled the sunglasses off Shades who struggled to get them back. 

The female conductor led the choir at the front. 

Footmen scattered rose petals in the aisle. 

I knew all of them raised to their feet and faced the back doors of the Cathedral. 

Guards opened the door and I stepped through, wearing a fairytale white Wedding dress with a full skirt and long train carried by two page boys. 

The dress has lace sleeves, a high neckline, and a lace veil flows down my back from the sparkling tiara. 

Andrew smiled confidently at his mother. 

At first, I nodded and smiled. 

I started to slow down. 

I finally came to a halt. 

My smile faded. 

Grandma looked anxiously down the aisle as the conductor brought her choir to an undignified halt. 

"Is this part of the plan?" Mom asked Grandma. 



I laughed nervously. 

I cleared my throat. 

"I'm going to need a minute or two." 

I handed my bouquet to a male guest. 

"Thank you, Your Highness." 

I ran for the doors. 

The crowd murmured. 

"Now the Bride is moving swiftly back up the aisle and out the door..." 

"Let me." Grandma told Mom. 

"Not the traditional route." 

I screamed when I saw all of the press. 

"Princess Mia! Princess Mia!" 

"Mia! Mia!" 

I ran off to a private garden terrace besides the Cathedral. 

"Princess Mia! Princess Mia!" 

"Mia, come here!" 


Trevor was crying. 


"Honey, I'll be right back. I gotta change Trevor's diaper." 

"Please be seated. There'll just be a momentary interlude. Thank you." I announced. 

"Do we rush after her?" Charlotte questioned. 

"No. We never rush. We hasten. You'll take care of them." 

"Yes, yes. Yes. Just- Just one moment." 

"Out of my way!" I ordered. 

I hastened out of the Cathedral. 

"Long live the Queen!" 

A group of people cheered for me. 

I found Mia crouched on the terrace, trying to gather herself. 


"Ohh! Okay." 

"Oh, my dear. Mia." It was Grandma. 

"No, Grandma, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I- I- I just need a minute." 


"I can do this." 


"I can't do this." 

"I know." 

"Darling, listen to me." Grandma told me, putting her hands on my shoulders. 

"I made my choice... Duty to my Country over love. It's what I've always done, it seems. It was drummed into me my whole life. Now I've lost the only man I ever really loved." 

I looked over at Joe on the Cathedral steps. 

"Anyone got a 20 on Joseph?" It was Lionel. 

"I'm with the eagle and sparrow." 

"Mia, I want you to make your choices as a woman. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Make your own mistakes. There'll be plenty of them, believe me. Now, you can go back into that Church and get married, or you can walk away. Whatever choice you make, let it come from your heart." 

I chewed my lip in confusion. 

I sobbed, hugging Grandma tightly. 

I returned to the Cathedral. 

"Excuse me. She's back." 

The choir prepared. 

I took my bouquet from Charlotte. 

I marched down the aisle. 

"The Princess is re-entering the Church. She's walking down the aisle. More like cantering down the aisle." 

Grandma hurried in and watched me join Andrew near the altar. 

Andrew offered me his arm. 

I accepted it. 

We walked onto the altar. 

I knew I could grow to love him. 

I handed my bouquet to Lilly. 

We looked towards the congregation. 

We joined hands. 

The guests sit. 

Rings are taken from a cushion. 

"Do you, Duke Jacoby, take the beautiful Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi to be your Bride?" 

"I do." 

He slid my Wedding band on my right ring finger. 

"Do you, Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, take Duke Andrew Jacoby to be your husband?" 

"I do." 

I slid his Wedding band on his left ring finger. 

"Duke Jacoby, you may kiss your Bride, Queen Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi of Genovia." 

We kissed. 

The congregation raised and clapped for us. 

I broke the kiss.

I looked around myself. 


I beckoned to him. 


"Your Majesty..." 


"The Princess would like a word." 

Charlotte held out her radio earpiece. 

"Oh. Um..." 

Mia talked into Lionel's mic. 

"Grandma... Just because I didn't get my fairy-tale ending." 

I yanked the earpiece. 

"Doesn't mean you shouldn't." 

"Oh, uh, did you hear that?" 

"Not if you didn't want me to." 

"Oh, Charlotte. Uh... Oh... Ahem... Well..." 

I straightened my silk green slick jacket. 

I stepped closer to Joe with a coy look. 


"Your Majesty." 

He bowed. 

"Dear Joseph... Am I too late to ask you to accept my hand in Marriage?" 

"Ahem. Well, I thought you'd never ask." 

Lilly caught Mia's bouquet that she threw to her as she appeared at the beginning of the aisle. 

"Shades, you're in charge now." 

He handed over his hat and earpiece. 

"Good luck with Lionel." 

Shades stepped aside. 

"I'm going to a Wedding." 

Mia and Andrew stepped to the side. 

Lilly handed me Mia's bouquet. 

I walked down the aisle with Joe. 

"I know it was short notice, but you were all dressed." 

The guests murmured. 

Charlotte watched happily as I handed Mia the bouquet at the altar. 

"My Lord Archbishop, I would like to take this man as my husband, if you please." 


Mia was amused by the Bishop. 

"We have come together for another Wedding." 

Another set of Wedding bands appeared. 


"What did I miss?" 

"She got married." Patrick told me. 

"She got married?" 



"With this ring, I thee... Finally wed." Joe stated. 

He slid the Wedding band on my right ring finger. 


"Now the Queen's getting married." 

"The Queen's getting married?" 

"Yeah. To Joe." 


"I pronounce you man and Wife. You may kiss the Bride." 

Joseph and me shared a heartfelt kiss. 

Everybody clapped. 

Mia celebrated. 

"Whoo-hoo! Ha-ha-ha-ha." 

Mia and Andrew walked up the aisle. 

"Get out of my way, Berry man." 

Joe and me laughed as did Andrew. 


"Get out of my way, Berry man." 

Joseph and Queen Clarisse laughed as did Andrew. 


I stared at Mia. 

"Hmm? What is it?" 


"You're married. How the hell did you get married before me?" Lilly questioned Mia, joining us. 

"The complicated world of Royalty." 

"Time to get you in your reception dress." 

"Bye. See you later." 

"Will you watch it? My grandmother will kill me if you scratch these heels." 



I slid on the white sleeveless jewel a-line satin lace ivory short dress. 

I slid on white pointed toe stiletto heels. 

We walked to the Ballroom. 


Mia looked absolutely gorgeous as she walked in with Lilly. 

Mabrey was trying to talk to her about giving up the crown. 

"Get out of my way, berry man." 

Everybody except Mabrey thought it was funny. 

"Mia made this decision based on her heart." Queen Clarisse told me. 

Mia and Mabrey were in an argument. 

"It's Mabrey, not "Berry Man!" 

"Whatever you say... Berry Man!" 

All of us were surprised when Mabrey slapped Mia across the face. 

"Well, that wasn't very nice." 

Lilly slapped him back across the face. 

"Come on, Mia." 

Mia and Lilly were laughing. 

Captain Kip Kelly was amused by Lilly. 

"It is time for the Royal couple's first dance." 

Mia put her left hand on my shoulder and her right hand in mine. 

I had my left arm around her waist. 

We were waltzing. 

"Every time our eyes meet

This feeling inside me

Is almost more than I can take

Baby, when you touch me

I can feel how much you love me

And it just blows me away

I've never been this close to anyone or anything

I can hear your thoughts

I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin

The taste of your kiss

The way you whisper in the dark

Your hair all around me

Baby, you surround me

You touch every place in my heart

Oh, it feels like the first time every time

I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Baby, I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Oh, yeah every little thing that you do

Baby, I'm amazed by you." 

"Now, we can eat. I am starving." 

"Getting ready for the Wedding took up her morning." 

"Needed a quiet place to gather my thoughts." 

"Certainly not getting that here." 

"That's why I try to avoid big parties." 

We both laughed. 

Mia and Clarisse hugged. 

"I think you made the right decision." 

"Me too." 

Mia and me ate. 


At night

At a pre-Coronation ceremony in front of the Palace, a footman lit my arrow tip. 

"The ceremonial shooting of the flaming arrow through the Coronation ring." 

I was wearing an elaborate suit and a glittering tiara.

I drew my bow like Nicholas taught me. 

I fired the arrow at the hooped ring which is on a plinth. 

Lilly chewed her lip.

The ring bursted into flames. 

I was thrilled and so was Lilly. 

She banged the Majordomo's staff on the ground. 

I smiled at my audience. 

I turned away. 

My smile faded and I gazed wistfully at my bow. 

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