A Hogwarts Journey - The Phil...

By CaitlynHeddle

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Chloe Carter had just been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she was just 11 years... More

Introduction & Characters
Chapter 1 - Getting her Hogwarts Letter
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 5 - A Day at Hogwarts
Chapter 6 - The Third Floor Corridor & Charms Class
Chapter 7 - The Troll & Quidditch Game
Chapter 8 - Hanging out with Draco & Fight with Harry
Chapter 9 - Making up with Harry & Home for the Christmas Break
Chapter 10 - Christmas Day at the Carters
Chapter 11 - Visiting Hermione & Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 12 - Hagrid's Hut and Getting caught by Professor McGonagall
Chapter 13 - Detention with Hagrid & Fight with Draco
Chapter 14 - Talk with Hagrid & The Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 15 - Journey to the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 16 - Harry's defeat of Quirrell/Voldemort
Chapter 17 - Reuniting with Harry & The House Cup Feast
Chapter 18 - Going Back Home
Author's Note

Chapter 4 - Great Hall, the Sorting Hat & the Common Rooms

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By CaitlynHeddle

Chloe has now arrived at Hogwarts with her new friend, Hermione and she is starting to get to know Neville, Harry and Ron 🥰

Are you ready to see what Chloe's first year at Hogwarts will look like? 💛

The huge oak door swung open at once after Hagrid had knocked on it with his fist. A tall, dark-haired witch that had her hair tied up in a bun and was dressed in emerald green robes stood there with a very stern face on her. 

"The firs-years, Professor McGonagall." Hagrid said and smiled at Professor McGonagall who smiled back at him. 

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here." Professor McGonagall said and pulled the huge oak door wider. 

Hagrid then walked away from the new group of first-year students and went to sit down in the Great Hall with the other professors of Hogwarts. 

The Entrance Hall was massive and the stone walls were lit with flaming torches on either side of them. Professor McGonagall led the group of new first-year students up a beautiful marble staircase to the upper floors of Hogwarts. 

Chloe, Hermione, Harry, Ron and the rest of the first-year students all followed behind Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor. 

The new group of first-year students then heard hundreds of voices coming from a doorway to the right and this meant that the rest of the Hogwarts students were already there. 

Professor McGonagall continued to lead the new group of first-year students to a small empty chamber off the hall as they started to crowd around one another and looked at each other nervously. 

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall began to say to the group of new first-year students around her. 

"The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. Before you can take your seats though, you will be sorted into your houses and they will be like your family while here at Hogwarts as you will have classes with the rest of your houses, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your own House Common Room." Professor McGonagall then said and looked around the new first-year students that were standing in front of her. 

"The four houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Your triumphs will earn you house points, any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of each year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup which is a great honour to have." Professor McGonagall spoke to the new first year students who all nodded their heads at her. 

Neville Longbottom was a scared and nervous boy had spotted his lost toad sitting by Professor McGonagall. Neville jumped forward from his spot amongst the crowd of first-year students to get his toad. 

"Trevor!" Neville said and picked up his toad. 

Professor McGonagall started at Neville who then looked back up at the stern professor standing in front of him. 

"Sorry." Neville muttered quietly and returned back to his spot behind Chloe and Hermione with his toad in his hands. 

Professor McGonagall looked back at the crowd of new first-year students standing in front of her nervously.

"The Sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." Professor McGonagall said and walked out of the room leaving the new first-year students looking around at each other. 

A slicked back blonde haired boy started to speak up which made Chloe to turn around to look for the boy. Chloe then saw the blonde-haired boy walking towards where Harry and Ron were standing. 

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." the blonde-haired boy began to say. 

The group of new first-year students around began whispering Harry's name to each other, shocked that Harry is at Hogwarts.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle." the blonde-haired boy said and nodded to the two beefy looking guys behind him. 

"And I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." Draco said as Ron snickered quietly at his name which made Draco look over at Ron. 

"Think my name's funny, don't you? No need to ask yours then. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco said and then looked back at Harry. 

"Well, soon you will find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco said and extended his hand out to Harry for him to shake. 

Harry looked down at Draco's hand and then looked up back at Draco who was waiting for him to say something. 

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Harry said and saw Draco glaring at him. 

Chloe had overheard the whole conversation between Harry and Draco because they were in front of her. Chloe immediately disliked Draco because of the way he spoke about Ron and his family in front of Harry and Ron. 

Chloe smiled to herself because she was happy that Harry stood up for himself and Ron against Draco. 

Draco glared at Harry for a few minutes as Professor McGonagall came back into the room and smacked Draco on the shoulder with a piece of paper. Draco then retreated back to where he was originally standing with Crabbe and Goyle with one last glare directed at Harry. 

"We're ready for you now." Professor McGonagall and smiled at the group of new first-year students. 

Professor McGonagall led the group of new first-year students through two large doors and into the Great Hall. Chloe was amazed at the sight in front of her because the Great Hall was lit with thousands and thousands of floating candles in mid-air. 

In the Great Hall, there were also four long tables which was filled with returning students and the tables were laid with sparking golden plates and goblets.

Chloe looked up at the ceiling and gasped in surprise as she then tapped Hermione on the shoulder. Hermione then looked up at the ceiling where Chloe was pointing towards and also gasped in surprise. 

"It's actually not real, the ceiling." Hermione whispered quietly to Chloe who had a look of confusion written across her face. 

"Wait, really?" Chloe whispered back to Hermione quietly who looked back at her. 

"I thought your parents would have told you this because they attended Hogwarts years ago." Hermione began to say. 

Hermione looked at Chloe beside her as they continued to walk through the Great Hall together with the rest of the group of new first year students.  

"The ceiling is just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Hermione said and saw Chloe shaking her head back at her. 

"I did not know about that, thanks for telling me. I did read Hogwarts: A History but only half of it, so I will have to read up on the rest of it." Chloe said and smiled at Hermione who smiled back at her. 

Chloe saw an another long table at the top of the Great Hall where all of the professors that were teaching at Hogwarts were sitting. Professor McGonagall led the new group of first-year students towards the top and stopped in front of the professors' table. 

The new group of first-year students started to crowd around each other and were still looking around the Great Hall in amazement. 

Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the group of first-year students and placed a dark brown wizard's hat on top of the stool. 

Professor McGonagall looked at the group of first-year students, "All right, will you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin sorting you guys into your houses, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." 

Professor McGonagall looked at Professor Dumbledore as the group of first-year students all looked towards the long table in front of them. 

Professor Dumbledore stood up from his chair at the professors' table and looked at all of the new and returning students in the Great Hall with a beaming smile on his face. 

"I have a few start of term notices that I wish to announce. The first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students." Professor Dumbledore said as he then signalled to a ragged old man holding a cat in his arms. 

"Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a painful death. Thank you." Professor Dumbledore said and went to sit down in his seat once again. 

The group of first-year students all looked at each other nervously. Chloe shrugged her shoulders at Harry and Ron who looked at her confused at what Professor Dumbledore had said to them. 

Professor McGonagall opened up the parchment roll which had a list of the new first-year students written on it. She then looked at the new first-year students and had a little smile on her face. 

"Now, when I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." Professor McGonagall spoke and picked up the Sorting Hat from the stool. 

The new first-year students were looking at each other once again being nervous about being sorted into their new houses. Professor McGonagall looked back at the parchment roll that she had in her hand to see what student was going to be called up first to the Sorting Hat. 

Chloe took a look around her fellow first-year students and saw Hermione, Harry and Ron looking just as nervous as she did. She leaned in to closer towards Hermione who was standing next to her, while Harry and Ron were standing behind them. 

"You okay?" Chloe whispered to Hermione quietly.

"Yes, I will be once I'm sorted into my house." Hermione whispered back at Chloe and smiled at her. 

Chloe and Hermione both heard Professor McGonagall's voice over the chattering crowd of students in the Great Hall who went silent once again. 

"Hermione Granger." Professor McGonagall spoke as she looked up from the parchment roll that she had in her hand and waited for Hermione to come up to the stool. 

When Hermione heard her name get called first by Professor McGonagall, she looked away and looked at Chloe who was still standing beside her. 

"You can do this. Just think in a few seconds, you will be in your house." Chloe whispered to Hermione who shook her head at her. 

Chloe and Hermione smiled at each other. Hermione started to walk towards the stool to find out where the Sorting Hat will place her in for her years at Hogwarts to come. 

"Okay, relax." Hermione muttered quietly to herself. 

"Mental, that one. I'm telling you." Ron said quietly to Harry, thinking that no one would hear what he had said about Hermione. 

Chloe overheard what Ron said about Hermione and turned her head to stare at Ron who had gulped when he saw her stare on him.

Hermione sat down on the stool as Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on Hermione's head and stepped away. 

"Ah, right then. Mmm...right. Okay, Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat said as the Gryffindor table stood up and cheered out loudly for Hermione. 

Hermione smiled to herself as Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off Hermione's head. Hermione then smiled towards Chloe who had given her the thumbs up, smiled at her and clapped for Hermione. 

Hermione walked over to the Gryffindor table and joined the older students as Ron and Harry looked at Hermione. Professor McGonagall then looked back at the parchment roll that she had in her hand once again. 

"Draco Malfoy." Professor McGonagall said and looked up from the parchment roll towards the first-year students. 

Chloe looked around the group and then saw a young blonde-haired boy with blue eyes walking up towards the stool nervously. '

'Wasn't that the guy that taunted Harry and Ron just before we walked into the Great Hall?' Chloe thought to herself as she watched the young boy about to sit down on the stool. 

Draco sat down on the stool as Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat onto his head. As soon as the Sorting Hat hit Draco's head, it spoke immediately, not even taking any time on his decision on where to place Draco. 

"Slytherin." the Sorting Hat spoke loudly as the Slytherin table cheered out for Draco. 

Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off Draco's head as Draco smirked to himself. Draco then left the crowd of the remaining new first-year students and sat down at the Slytherin table. 

Chloe felt a hand tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Ron leaning in closer towards her and Harry. 

"There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Ron whispered quietly towards Harry and Chloe who were looking at him. 

"I already knew that, but it's still not fun seeing people get sorted into Slytherin which is apparently a bad house according to what my parents had said to me before." Chloe whispered quietly back at Ron and Harry. 

Chloe, Harry and Ron all looked back at Professor McGonagall who was continuing to list more first-year students names from the roll of parchment that she had in her other hand. 

The next two first-year students called up by Professor McGonagall to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses were Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot. Susan and Hannah were both sorted into Hufflepuff as Professor McGonagall looked back at her parchment roll. 

"Ronald Weasley." Professor McGonagall said and looked back at the few remaining first year students standing in front of her. 

Ron gulped to himself and looked at Harry nervously. Ron then started to make his way towards the stool in front of the teachers' table. 

Ron sat down on the stool as Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat onto Ron's head and stepped away for the Sorting Hat to make a decision on where to place Ron in. 

"Ha! Another Weasley. I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat spoke loudly as the Gryffindor table cheered once again and the loudest cheers came from Ron's older brothers that were already in Gryffindor. 

Ron sighed in relief as Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off Ron's head and he walked over to the Gryffindor table to join his brothers and Hermione. Ron then saw both Harry and Chloe clapping for him and smiled at the two of them. 

Professor McGonagall looked back at the parchment roll with the list of the first-year students names to see who was next to be called up to the Sorting Hat. 

"Chloe Carter." Professor McGonagall said and looked at the small group of first-year students that are left to be sorted into their houses.

Chloe closed her eyes and took a deep breath to herself. Chloe then opened her eyes and saw Harry looking at her with a small smile on his face and she smiled back at him. 

Chloe proceeded to walk forward and went to sit down on the stool which was facing the entire Great Hall. Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat onto Chloe's head and stepped away for the Sorting Hat to make a decision on what house to place Chloe in. 

Chloe had secretly hoped that the Sorting Hat would place her in Gryffindor so that she would be able to join Hermione and Ron who were already sitting at the Gryffindor table. 

"Right then. I see that there is plenty of loyalty and patience within you and are also very hard-working. So, there's only one house for you and it's Hufflepuff!" the Sorting Hat spoke loudly as Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off Chloe's head. 

Chloe smiled to herself and walked over to the Hufflepuff table. She then stood on her tiptoes to see Hermione smiling and waving at her. 

"I wish you were here with me at the Gryffindor table." Hermione mouthed to Chloe who smiled at her. 

"Me too, talk after the feast?" Chloe mouthed back at Hermione who nodded her head and smiled back at her. 

Chloe and Hermione then heard Harry's name being called out by Professor McGonagall as they both looked back towards the top of the Great Hall. 

"Harry Potter." Professor McGonagall spoke and looked into the crowd to spot Harry as a young 11-year old boy. 

Professor McGonagall last saw Harry as a baby because he was being dropped off at the Dursleys along with Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid.

The Great Hall went completely silent and the first-year students around Harry were muttering his name amongst themselves. Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid leaned forward onto the teachers' table to see what Hogwarts House Harry was going to be sorted into. 

Harry slowly walked up to the stool, nervously to see many faces around him and he began to feel more relaxed when he saw Ron, Hermione and Chloe smiling reassuringly at him. 

Professor McGonagall then put the Sorting Hat onto Harry's head and stepped away from the stool. The Sorting Hat took a little while to decide which Hogwarts house to place Harry in during his education at Hogwarts. 

"Hmmm...difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But, where to put you?" the Sorting Hat began to say out loud. 

Harry then closed his eyes and whispered to himself quietly but the Sorting Hat heard what Harry had said. 

"Not Slytherin, not Slytherin." Harry whispered to himself repeatedly with his eyes closed. 

"Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No? Well, if you're sure, better be Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat said as Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off Harry's head.

Harry smiled to himself as he started to walk towards the Gryffindor table to join Ron and Hermione who was clapping for Harry. 

Chloe clapped for Harry and looked down onto her table because she was upset that she didn't get sorted into Gryffindor with Hermione, Ron and Harry. Chloe knew that she would hanging out with Hermione in their classes together and also in their free time despite them being in different houses. 

Chloe looked up and saw Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore clapping for Harry as she looked over at the Gryffindor table. Chloe then saw Harry patting Ron's back as he shook Percy, Fred and George's hands who were three of Ron's older brothers attending Hogwarts. 

Harry looked back at Professor Dumbledore who was smiling straight at him and took a sip from his golden goblet. Harry gave a smile back at Dumbledore and then he looked over at Chloe who was sitting at the Hufflepuff table. 

"You okay?" Harry mouthed to Chloe and gave her small smile. 

"Yeah, I am. Well done for being sorted into Gryffindor." Chloe mouthed back at Harry and gave him a smile in return. 

Harry sat down next to Ron and was sitting opposite Hermione at the Gryffindor table. Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron all watched the remaining first-year students get sorted into their Hogwarts houses. 

The next two first-year students called up by Professor McGonagall to be sorted into their Hogwarts house were Terry Boot and Ava Jackson. Terry was sorted into Ravenclaw while Ava was sorted into Hufflepuff. 

Ava sat down next to Chloe at the Hufflepuff table with a smile on her face as they both continued to watch the last few first-year students to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses. 

Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan were the next three students to be called up to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses. Neville, Dean and Seamus were all sorted into Gryffindor with Hermione, Ron and Harry. 

Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were also called up by Professor McGonagall to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses. Vincent and Gregory were both sorted into Slytherin with Draco Malfoy. 

There were only a few more first-year students to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses as Chloe watched the rest of her fellow first-year students being sorted into their own houses. 

Chloe then saw Professor McGonagall roll up her parchment roll and smiled at the new first-year students sitting at their respective houses for their next seven years at Hogwarts. 

All of the new and returning students were sitting at their respective house tables and were chatting with each other to get to know one another. 

Chloe was chatting to her fellow Hufflepuff students that was in the same year as her while Hermione, Ron and Harry were chatting to their own students at the Gryffindor table. 

Professor McGonagall then dinged her golden goblet with a fork which had gotten all of the students' attention in the Great Hall. The students all looked towards the long table and saw Professor McGonagall smiling at them. 

"Your attention, please." Professor McGonagall said and looked at Professor Dumbledore who was sitting next to her. 

Professor Dumbledore raised his arms up, "Let the fest...begin!" he shouted out to the students sitting down in the Great Hall. 

The feast magically appeared on all of the four house tables and the Great Hall is immediately filled with awe and chatter. 

Chloe's jaw fell wide open as she saw the food magically appear on her table and the many dishes that were set on the table. She saw roast beef, roast chicken, pork and lamb chops, bacon and steak, boiled and roast potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup and some mint humbugs. 

Chloe was shocked because she had never seen this much food before in her life and started to dig into the food. 

"What's your name?" Ava asked Chloe who turned to look back at her with a smile on her face.

"I'm Chloe Carter. What's yours?" Chloe replied as she asked Ava the same question while finishing eating her chicken and chips.  

"Hi, Chloe! Nice to meet you, I'm Ava Jackson." Ava spoke and began getting more food onto her plate. 

"So, what's your blood status? If you don't mind me asking." Ava said and saw Chloe turning her head back at her. 

"No. I don't mind. I'm a pure-blood by heart. My mum and dad met while they attended Hogwarts together. My mum was a Ravenclaw while my dad was a Gryffindor and they got together near the end of their 5th year at Hogwarts." Chloe began to say while smiling at Ava. 

"My mum and dad had me and then had my two little sisters, Hannah and Madison who will be attending Hogwarts in a few years. What about you? What's your blood status?" Chloe said and took a sip of her juice. 

"That's awesome. I am a half-blood, so my mother attended Hogwarts and then met my dad at her job after she finished her education. My mother was a Hufflepuff and I'm so happy that I got sorted into Hufflepuff just like her." Ava said and smiled back at Chloe. 

Chloe was still eating her chicken and chips and grabbed some more food to put on her plate because she hasn't had anything to eat since this morning. 

"Do you have any siblings?" Chloe asked Ava as she then took a sip from her golden goblet. 

"I do! I have one older sister, Kayla who had just finished her last year of Hogwarts and she was also a Hufflepuff." Ava said as she and Chloe went back to eating their food. 

"Have you made any friends yet?" Ava asked and saw Chloe looking at her. 

"I have made a new friend and she's in Gryffindor. I spoke to her on the train coming here and we became friends quite quickly. Her name is Hermione Granger and we have both spoken to a few other people on the train too." Chloe said and saw Ava smiling at her. 

Chloe and Ava continued to get to know each other throughout the remainder of the feast and they were slowly becoming friends. 

After the students have finished eating their feast, the desserts then magically appeared on each of the four houses tables straight after. Chloe and Ava then looked at each other shocked before diving into the desserts while chatting with each other. 

Chloe put her head up to look over at the Gryffindor table to see Hermione, Harry and Ron enjoying their own feast too. Chloe smiled to herself and looked back at Ava to continue her conversation with her. 

The desserts soon disappeared after a while and Chloe felt so full with the amount of food she had just eaten at the feast in the Great Hall. 

"I'll be right back. I just need to talk to Hermione who's sitting at the Gryffindor table." Chloe whispered quietly to Ava who nodded her head. 

Chloe got up from her spot at the Hufflepuff table and began walking over to the Gryffindor table to go and speak with Hermione. 

Hermione then looked over to see Chloe walking over to join her at the Gryffindor table from the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall. 

"Hey, Hermione. How was your feast?" Chloe asked Hermione with a small smile on her face. 

"The feast was amazing! I never had that much food in my life." Hermione said and smiled at Chloe who went to sit down in an empty spot next to her. 

"I agree with you. I was shocked at how much food had appeared on our tables after Professor Dumbledore's speech. I had looked over here during the feast and saw you, Harry and Ron enjoying the food especially Ron." Chloe said and laughed with Hermione. 

Harry and Ron had heard Chloe and Hermione's laughter and turned to look opposite them from where they were speaking with Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan. 

Harry and Ron looked at each other and then back at Chloe and Hermione who was chatting to each other quietly. 

"Hi, Chloe." Harry said, interrupting Chloe's conversation with Hermione. 

"Hi, Harry. Hi Ron." Chloe said and smiled at Harry and Ron who smiled back at her. 

"How was your feast? Are you okay being in Hufflepuff?" Ron asked Chloe who nodded her head back at him. 

"Like I said to Hermione, the feast was amazing! I am okay being in Hufflepuff, even though I wanted to join you two and Hermione in Gryffindor. I did make a new friend that's in the same year as us at the Hufflepuff table so I'm happy about that." Chloe replied, as she, Ron, Harry and Hermione continued to chat with each other for a few minutes. 

"Chloe, do you remember me speaking about my three older brothers that are still at Hogwarts on the train coming here?" Ron began and saw Chloe nodding her head at him. 

"Can I introduce them to you?" Ron said as he smiled at Chloe who smiled back at him.

"Of course you can! I want to meet your brothers." Chloe spoke and saw Ron turning back around to speak to his three brothers. 

Chloe then saw three older boys with similar hair colour to Ron's all turning to look in her direction. 

"Chloe, this is Percy. He is the Gryffindor prefect and is in his fifth year at Hogwarts." Ron spoke and introduced his oldest brother to Chloe. 

Chloe smiled at Percy and went to shake his head, "Hello, Percy, nice to meet you. I'm Chloe."

Chloe saw Percy smile back at her as he pulled his hand away from the handshake that he had with her. 

"Hi, Chloe, nice to meet you too. I hope your first year at Hogwarts goes well." Percy said and beamed a smile at Chloe as he then continued to chat to his friend beside him. 

"Hello, Chloe. I'm Fred Weasley." Fred said and looked to his twin brother next to him. 

"And I'm George Weasley, and we are in our third year at Hogwarts." George spoke and smiled at Chloe. 

Fred and George ran from their seats at the Gryffindor table to go and hug Chloe in a group hug. Chloe was shocked at how welcome Fred and George was being to her as they pulled away from the hug. 

"It's nice to meet the two of you. I hope we can get to know each other more over the next few years." Chloe said and gave a smile to Fred and George who then walked back over to their friend, Lee Jordan. 

Chloe looked back at Ron, with a smile on her face, "Your brothers seem nice and I can't wait to get to know them more over the years." 

"Yeah, they are. Fred and George are the mischievous ones in our family and they always get into trouble with their mischief in Hogwarts." Ron spoke and went on to talk about Fred and George has done in Hogwarts to Chloe, Harry and Hermione. 

Chloe and Hermione were now in a conversation of their own after listening to Ron talk about Fred and George. Chloe and Hermione were chatting to each other about their new classes that they had on their new timetable and how they were so excited to start their first year at Hogwarts. 

Chloe and Hermione continued to chat with each other for a while longer still sitting at the Gryffindor table. 

Chloe then heard her name being called out from near her as she turned around to see Neville waving and smiling at her. 

Chloe waved and smiled back at Neville who was sitting next to Harry, "Hi, Neville! You okay?"

"Yeah, I am. I want to introduce you to a new friend of mines." Neville said and tapped the boy sitting next to him with short brown hair with blue eyes on the shoulder.

"Chloe, this is Seamus Finnigan." Neville said and looked back at Seamus with a small smile on his face. 

"Seamus, this is Chloe Carter. I met her and Hermione on the train coming here this afternoon." Neville said as he saw Chloe and Seamus shaking hands with one another. 

"Hi, Seamus, nice to meet you." Chloe said and smiled at Seamus who smiled back at her. 

"Nice to meet you too, Chloe." Seamus spoke as they both pulled their hands away and Chloe went back to speaking with Hermione. 

"I haven't been here at Hogwarts for that long and I have already met Ava, who is my new Hufflepuff friend. I've also made friends in Percy, Fred, George, Seamus, you, Neville, Harry and Ron." Chloe said and laughed with Hermione. 

"I hope you will get to know the rest of them a lot better over the course of our first year and build up friendships with them." Hermione said and continued chatting with Chloe for a while. 

Ava started to walk up to Chloe who was sitting at the Gryffindor table chatting with Hermione. She then tapped Chloe on her shoulder and saw her turning around to face her. 

"We have to leave the Great Hall just now because our prefect is going to take us to the Hufflepuff Common Room." Ava said and smiled at Chloe who smiled back at her. 

Chloe turned around to look back at Hermione, Harry and Ron to talk to them before heading to her Hufflepuff Common Room. 

"What classes do you guys have tomorrow?" Chloe asked Hermione, Harry and Ron who all looked at each other and then back at Chloe. 

"I think we have Charms with Professor Flitwick, Flying lessons with Madam Hooch and History of Magic with Professor Binns." Hermione said as she smiled at Chloe who smiled back at her. 

"Blimey, Hermione. Do you know our whole timetable for the year?" Ron asked Hermione who then nodded her head back at him. 

"Such a know-it-all, she's so annoying sometimes." Ron muttered to himself under his breath, thinking that no one would hear him, but Chloe and Harry heard what he said about Hermione. 

Chloe got upset about what Ron said about Hermione and didn't show it on her face. She then decided to shook Ron's words about Hermione and smiled again at Ron, Harry and Hermione.

"I think I'm in the same Charms and History of Magic classes with you guys and most of my fellow first year Hufflepuffs. I don't have Flying lessons until Friday with the rest of the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws." Chloe said and saw Harry smiling back at her. 

"We will see you tomorrow in Charms and History of Magic then." Harry began and looked over Chloe, "Are you in our classes tomorrow?" he asked Ava who smiled at him. 

"Yes I am. I'm in every class with Chloe this year. I'm Ava Jackson, nice to meet you." Ava said and saw Harry smiling at her. 

"Nice to meet you, Ava. I'm Harry Potter." Harry began to say and pointed at Ron sitting next to him, "This is Ron Weasley." he said and saw Ron smiling and waving at Ava. 

"And this is Hermione Granger." Harry said and went to introduce Hermione to Ava. 

Hermione also smiled and waved at Ava, "Nice to meet you, Ava. I'm guessing you are a new Hufflepuff?" she said and saw Ava nodding her head. 

"Yes, I am a new Hufflepuff first-year along with Chloe. It's very nice to meet you and Ron." Ava said and smiled at Chloe, Harry, Ron and Hermione. 

"We also have to go and find our prefect so that we can go to our Gryffindor Common Room." Harry said and smiled at both Chloe and Ava.

"See you two tomorrow in Charms." Ron said and also smiled at both Chloe and Ava who had smiled back at him and Harry. 

"See you three tomorrow." Chloe said and waved goodbye to Hermione, Ron and Harry. 

Chloe started to walk back to the Hufflepuff table to join the rest of her first-year classmates with Ava to go to their Hufflepuff Common Room. 

Chloe started to walk away from the Gryffindor table with Ava and then turned back around to see Hermione holding onto her arm. 

"Go back to our table and I'll join you guys in a few minutes. I just need to talk to Hermione for a minute." Chloe spoke to Ava and smiled at her.

Ava nodded her head at Chloe and started to walk back to the Hufflepuff table to join the new first-years. Chloe looked back at Hermione with a little smile on her face. 

"Is everything okay?" Chloe asked Hermione with concern in her voice and then saw Hermione nodding her head. 

"Yeah! I just wanted to ask you something." Hermione began to say, "Even if we aren't in the same house together, can we still hang out together outside of classes?" she then asked Chloe with a smile on her face. 

Chloe nodded her head at Hermione, "Of course we can still hang out together outside of classes because I want to get to know you more as a person and to continue our friendship with each other even if we aren't in the same house." she then said to Hermione before smiling at her. 

Chloe and Hermione went into a hug with each other for a few minutes as they then pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other. Chloe then looked over Hermione's shoulder and waved at Harry and Ron who had waved back at her. 

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron all began to walk out of the Great Hall together to go to their own house Common Rooms. 

Percy Weasley, who was not only the Gryffindor prefect, but one of Ron's older brothers had led Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the new first-year Gryffindor students towards the moving staircases of Hogwarts to their own Gryffindor Common Room. 

While Hermione was on the moving staircases with the rest of her Gryffindor first-years, she looked around and soon spotted Chloe on one of the other staircases. Chloe looked around her surroundings and noticed Hermione waving at her with a smile on her face. 

Chloe grinned back at Hermione and waved back at her because she was heading downstairs to her Hufflepuff Common Room. 

"Gryffindors, follow me, please. Keep up. Thank you." Percy shouted out to the new Gryffindors first-years who was following him to their Gryffindor Common Room. 

"Ravenclaws, follow me this way." A Ravenclaw prefect shouted out for the new Ravenclaws first-years to follow him to their Ravenclaw Common Room. 

"Hufflepuffs, follow me this way. Thank you." A Hufflepuff prefect had shouted out for the new Hufflepuffs first-years to follow her to their Hufflepuff Common Room. 

Chloe and her new friend, Ava followed their Hufflepuff prefect down towards the dungeons of Hogwarts using the vast mount of moving staircases to reach their Common Room. 

Chloe, Ava and the rest of the new first-year Hufflepuffs students all reached a portrait when they saw their prefect stopping for a few seconds.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zoey and this is going to be your Common Room while you are here at Hogwarts." Zoey began to address the new first-year Hufflepuff students, "Now you don't need a password to enter your Common Room like the other houses do, but it does require knowledge and precision. I will show you now what to do, so everyone come a bit closer and pay attention to what I'm doing." she then said and smiled at the first-year students who had all crowded around her to watch how they enter their own Common Room. 

Chloe and Ava watched Zoey do a puzzle to enter the common room and then saw the entrance opening up widely after she had done the puzzle. They both stepped back to see Zoey turning back around to the students and smiled at them once again.

"Got that, everyone?" Zoey said and saw everyone nod their heads and continued on, "If you are ever stuck trying to get into the common room, just go and find me or any of the older students in Hufflepuff to come and help you." she stopped to see everyone nodding their heads once again, "Follow me inside." she said and walked into the Hufflepuff Common room with Chloe, Ava and the rest of the students following her inside.

Once they reached inside, Chloe and Ava was completely in awe and in love at the sight of their new common room which was decorated so beautifully.

"Take a look around, students for a few minutes. This will be your home for the next year and for the rest of the time at Hogwarts." Zoey said and watched all of the students walking around their new common room.

Chloe and Ava were walking around the common room and pointing out things to each other and they were still in awe and love that they were actually standing in their own common room.

The Hufflepuff Common room was decorated in the cheerful colours of yellow and black which was the Hufflepuff's colours with highly polished honey-coloured wood for the tables and the round doors which led to the boys' and the girls' dormitories which was all furnished with comfortable wooden bedsteads and the beds were covered in patchwork quilts.

There was also a large portrait over the huge wooden mantelpiece which was carved all over with decorative dancing badgers and the portrait showed Helga Hufflepuff who was one of the four founding members of Hogwarts, toasting her students with a tiny two handled golden cup. The windows of the common room were just level with the ground at the foot of the castle and it showed a pleasant view of rippling grass and dandelions.

"You know, I can get used to this. I can't believe this will be our home while we are at Hogwarts." Ava said which made Chloe look at her with a smile on her face.

"Me too. I'm so happy to be able to spend a lot of our free time in the common room. I mean, how beautiful is it?" Chloe said and looked around the common room once again.

"It's so beautiful." Ava said as both her and Chloe were now looking out of their windows for a few minutes until they heard Zoey's voice over the students in the common room and they both turned around to see Zoey smiling at them and the rest of the students.

Zoey smiled at the students standing around her, "Now that you've had the chance to look around your common room and I do hope that it's a nice cosy place for you guys to spend your free time in. I wanted to say that if you go through these round doors behind me," Zoey said and pointed behind her and continued on, "On your left is the boys' dormitories and on your right is the girls' dormitories. In each of the dormitory is four beds and you can decide between you all who will share a dorm room. One last thing is that I do hope that you students have an enjoyable year at Hogwarts and don't forget to ask me if you have any questions at all. Goodnight!" she said and waved to all of the students who all waved back at Zoey as she left the common room leaving all of the students alone in the common room.

Chloe looked at Ava and smiled at her and saw Ava looking back at Chloe also smiling at her.

"Want to share a dorm room with me?" Chloe asked Ava, with a small smile on her face.

"Of course! Let's go to our dorm room." Ava replied as they both headed upstairs and into their new dorm room which was also decorated in their house colours, yellow and black.

Chloe immediately saw Bella in her cage and her trunk sitting on her bed which was located right next to the window and she ran over and took Bella out of her cage and stroked and kissed her as Bella purred quietly in Chloe's arms.

"Have you seen our new robes?" Ava asked Chloe as she picked up one of her robes and turned around to face Chloe and saw her nodding her head.

"No, I haven't." Chloe said and put down Bella on her bed and then picked up her new robes laying on her bed and inspected it closely and then turned back around to face Ava who's bed was next to her bed, "Oh my god, the robes has got yellow and black on them and I'm guessing this is part of our uniform that we have to wear every day for classes." Chloe said and saw Ava nodding her head.

Chloe and Ava then sat down on their beds and spoke to one another for a while and Bella was laying in Chloe's lap as she was stroking her. Chloe and Ava then heard footsteps approaching their dorm room in the middle of their conversation and they both turned their heads to see two more girls enter their room. Chloe and Ava then stood up from their beds, looked at each other and walked over to introduce themselves to the two girls standing in their room.

"Hello girls! My name is Chloe Carter." Chloe said and smiled at the two girls and extended her hand out for the two girls to shake to which they did.

"Hi! My name is Ava Jackson." Ava said and also smiled at the two girls and shook their hands as well.

"Nice to meet you two! I'm Sophia Taylor." Sophia said and smiled at Chloe and Ava as she then turned to look at the girl standing beside her.

"And I'm Hayley McKenzie." Hayley said as she also smiled at both Chloe and Ava and went to her own bed which was opposite Chloe and Ava's beds.

Chloe, Ava, Sophia and Hayley all proceeded to stay up for a bit longer and they got to know each other a bit better as they all spoke about family life, Hogwarts, lessons and more. Chloe couldn't wait to have great friendships with Ava, Sophia and Hayley over the course of their first year at Hogwarts and that they weren't alone because they all had each other and promised each other that they would be there for each other if needed. Ava, Sophia and Hayley decided to go to sleep to get ready for their first big day at Hogwarts tomorrow.

Chloe started to write a letter to her family explaining everything from how she thinks of Hogwarts so far, the Sorting Ceremony, the train going to Hogwarts where she met Hermione, Neville, Harry and Ron and then finally explained about her dorm room and the three girls that she is sharing with - Ava, Sophia and Hayley.

The letter that Chloe wrote to her parents and her two sisters read:

To: Mum, Dad, Hannah and Madison

I have just arrived at Hogwarts and have already been sorted into my house, and had my first feast in the Great Hall which was so delicious by the way. I am now in my dorm room in the common room which is decorated so beautifully.

The Sorting Hat decided to put me in Hufflepuff because of my loyalty, patience and how I am extremely hardworking and I don't mind being in Hufflepuff now.

On the Hogwarts Express train coming here, I shared a compartment with a young girl called Hermione Granger and we're now friends and she's so nice. During the train journey with Hermione, we have met three boys who are also nice and they are called Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and they have all been sorted into Gryffindor. So, I'm looking forward to getting to know Neville, Harry and Ron more throughout our first year together.

In my dorm room, I share with three other girls and they are some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life along with Hermione, Neville, Harry and Ron. The three girls that I share my room with are called Ava, Sophia and Hayley, so we got to know each other a bit better earlier and I can't wait to get to know them better as the year goes on.

How are you all? I miss you all :(

Look forward to receiving your letter!

Love from,

Chloe x

Chloe then put down her quill on her little beside table and put her letter in the envelope and written her home address on the front of the envelope. Chloe then gave the letter to Snowy who was sitting at the window of Chloe's dorm room and Chloe stroked Snowy as she hooted back and flew out of the window and headed to London to give her family Chloe's letter.

Chloe then stared out of the window and looked at the night sky outside and had Bella in her lap stroking her. Chloe then wondered how Hermione, Harry and Ron got on with seeing their new Gryffindor common room as she then headed to her bed and put Bella near her feet and went to sleep quite quickly to get ready for her first full day at Hogwarts.

Chloe is now at Hogwarts and is about to start her year with her new friends Hermione, Ava, Sophia and Hayley. Chloe is still getting to know Neville, Harry and Ron a bit better but slowly creating a friendship with the three of them 🖤

The next chapter will be set a week later when Chloe is settling in her new home at Hogwarts! 🥰

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