
By writing__stories

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A GIF Animated Netflix Original concept that illustrates the life of Adam, a young teenager, happily living w... More

𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 1: 𝐼𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜
𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 շ: 𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝑀𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 ..
𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊3: 𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇
𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊4: 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝒷𝒶𝓉
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𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 8: 𝓐𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓮 𝓐𝓽 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵
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𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 10: 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽
𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 11: 𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓅

𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖉𝖊 6: 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒

55 23 7
By writing__stories

Adam's exams approached. As long as he had to review during the last few weeks, he also had to rehearse for the graduation performance which will take place after the announcement of the results. For now, Adam's focus will be his studies. Only two weeks were left until his finals so he had to be prepared.

During the night, He usually went out for a walk or the park to distract himself from the review stress. That evening, Adam agreed with his friends to go to the park, get some ice cream and have some fun. He returned home around 9 P.M. Adam went to his mother's room to check on his dad and what he found was obviously shocking. The door was a little bit open. He could spot his dad sleeping with a woman, who he already brought home, and had some intimate moments with him.

 Adam saw this woman checking her phone, she basically got a text message from an unknown number saying "Get rid of him". This woman tricked Adam's dad a few hours ago when he was drunk at a restaurant and seduced him. The woman slowly waking up from bed, opened her purse to grab the gun. 

He was observing this scene carefully, but couldn't move or anything. He had to do something to save his dad, or he could die and him and his brother too. Luckily, he remembered that there was a small desk outside the door where emergency things were kept. Adam slowly grabs the gun, getting ready to shoot that woman before she murders his dad. As soon as she grabbed it, and within seconds, Adam enters furiously and shoots her, but she turned her gun to him and she shot him in the stomach, but alas, his dad is saved. He got a little bit injured, but nothing to worry about.

" ADAM AKE UP? WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD, Are you okay? What happened? Why are you holding a gun .. and what... What did you do to this woman... Did you kill her?" 

"She tried to kill and instead of thanking me for saving your life, this is how you pay me back? By sleeping with a stranger within a month after mom's death? You're not setting up a great example at this rate"

" Enough talking, let me call Chloe she'll bring the cops here for interrogation. While X takes you to the hospital! Hurry! Put this and pressure it to not lose much blood. I need to make sure she did nothing to your brother. GO!!"

John, the personal driver, rushed to the hospital because Adam was losing blood. The nurse applied an antibiotic cream to reduce the risk of infection and cover it with a sterile bandage while he was getting interrogated by the police about the incident. He told them exactly what happened. After few minutes of conversation with the cops, Adam pleaded innocent as it was labeled as a self-defense crime, thanks to the security footage of Andrea's room, so no charges were pressed and he went back home safe and sound. 

The next day, Adam received a phone call from the hospital while his 10 A.M school break.

 "Hello Mr. Adam, can you please come right away? There are some extra papers you need to sign. The hospital wants also to talk to you." 

Adams decided to skip the next class , and rushes to the hospital, to do what he was asked to.

" Adam, please sit down! We've consulted the camera footage of your mom's room the day of her death and we noticed that she didn't die voluntarily. It appears that she was choked by some random people, and I called you to ask you to help us identify who these people are." 

"Wait what-? Chocked? Who could do such a thing? "

"That's what I'm asking... Can you think of anyone who would want your mom dead? So he could benefit from anything ?" 

Adam started to remember how evil his uncle was with him on that day he went to his grandfather's house.

"The only one I could suspect is probably my uncle. The reason is related to inheritance probably. But I highly doubt if he's a murderer."

" Please follow me to the security room, help us identify who those two people are"

Adam followed the man, while his heartbeat was racing and his mind was full of questions about who could this suspicious killer be. He sat down, watched the scene perfectly, and when the security expert zoomed on people's faces, he recognized them... It was his uncle and his wife ... They were suffocating his mother, without mercy, until her last breath. Adam's mouth was wide open, he couldn't believe what he just witnessed. His heartbeat increased, he wasn't able to move even, it was something like an explosion of energy within and what could he do just to witness this shocking moment. It was completely new, unaware and moreover, it was strange and powerful. Later he came to know the reason for that moment and again he was shocked, it was the restored energy that traveled upwards.

 It was like one of the most professional crimes, perfectly done, just like in series." 

"Adam, Adam? Can you hear me? "

" I'm sorry what did you say?"

"Should we inform your dad and the police?"

" No! DON'T! This will stay between us, you heard me well? BETWEEN US! Thank you for informing me"

Adam went back home carrying the chock of his life in his heart. While he was on his way back home, he saw on a flyer next to the school, about one of his enemies, who was going to host a party before the exams, tonight. Adam was very disappointed, he was still in grief and his classmates had the audacity to participate. His phone couldn't stop vibrating with them talking non-stop about it.

Following that announcement, he started to seek revenge, he wanted to prevent this party from happening, in any way. So he asked the driver to stop by as if he was willing to buy some medicine for his younger. But in fact, he was going to buy something else, something that would cause lots of drama.

He slowly entered the drugstore, picked up a sleeping medicine. The salesman asked

"Hey, Adam how's your dad? Guess you're having trouble sleeping?"

" He's fine thank, you Jake. Well I guess, I've been having lots of nightmares lately, following my mother passing away. I can't seem to process it so I really need to sleep during the night before my upcoming exams."

" I'm really sorry for your loss. Honestly, I've just heard from you. May she rest in peace. When did she pass away? And how? "

Adam couldn't avoid the question, so he quoted his answer with one of the most common diseases.

" Breast Cancer. Please Jake check the total for me because I'm in a hurry"

"Alright mate, that would be 2.70$"

"Here you go, have a nice day"

"You too"

Adam went back to his home, he went to wake up his baby brother to feed him lunch. They sat together with their dad. The table was missing Andrea. Her seat was still empty. Once he got up to clean the table, his dad turns to him and gives him a warm hug.

" Hey, come here... I couldn't say this to you earlier. But I'm proud of you and I'm grateful you saved my life. I don't know if you're available this afternoon. But I'm gifting you something. You'll be replacing me at my job. Meaning you'll be the leader, giving everyone the orders. X will take you right away. Go prepare yourself. "

" Would love to honestly. Actually, I'm so excited. For the first time, I'm going to give orders. It's like I'm ruling an empire"

"Well this is not an empire, it's a huge responsibility, including everybody's safety. Death is always upon us. We have to be careful. Good luck we meet later tonight "

Adam knew exactly what he had to do tonight. Taking revenge on the murderers of his mother and the non-sense party organized by one of his worst enemies. He already set up his plan. He's going to start with the most important thing. Take revenge. But how? Adam got there, everyone was already aware that he's the leader for that day. It was his chance, having such a huge army to execute his orders was in his favor.

" Hey I'm William, you must be Mr. David's son, nice to meet you"

" Oh hey nice to meet you"

Mazikeen and Emily spotted Adam from distance and rushed to hug him because they really like him as their younger brother.

"Emily, Mazikeen, I need you in my dad's office. Follow me"

Adam opened the door, his dad's desk was extremely big, unlike he first saw it last time, with some additional changes.

"It appears that my mother has been murdered, unlike the medical report that stated that she died hyperventilating. She was actually choked to death. I found who were the murderers. I want you guys to get rid of them tonight. It's my uncle and his annoying manipulative wife. We won't rush. We will be waiting until 10 P.M, to make sure everyone is asleep. His house is usually surrounded by armed men, so we have to be careful. You're required to not only kill them but also get some jewelry back, they're basically my mom's belongings. There's also a skull ring, it was supposed to be mine but my uncle got it for me. I hope the plan is clear. It's now 7 P.M. Get ready, we start moving at 10 P.M. I don't want a single soul to know about this, nor my dad. Is that clear? "

When the right time came, the girls successfully got rid of the armed men. Maze slowly opened the door. It was dark, they were searching in rooms, looking for the couple. Only the wife was there, sleeping. Their kids were also sleeping in their rooms. But there's not a single trace of Adam's uncle. It was easy enough to kill her, with the same method they killed Adam's mother: Pillow choking. She suffocated until death while Emily got the jewelry.

Now all that's left is the skull ring, which was hidden in his uncle's secret room. Accessing it wasn't that easy, they had to unlock the password. They could think of the most common password: four digits of zero. It opened, they quickly rush to find the ring on his desk. But suddenly, they're hearing that someone just came inside. They had to flee from the window, without being seen, or they'll be killed. They got everything and jumped right away.

Adam's younger cousin Kevin, who was 16, just came by the home to find his mom dead. He tried to wake her up to ask her about dinner but she didn't respond. He grabbed the phone, while his hands were shaking to inform his dad.

[In the show, there should be a parallel of the uncle being in his own office looking at the window, then switching to Adam also looking at the window, in his dad's office waiting for the girls to come]

" Did you get it right? Nobody saw you?"

"We didn't find your uncle, but we found his wife. It was really hard to enter, the guards outnumbered us, but we got rid of them. Here are the jewelry, and the ring. Nobody saw us. You can wear the ring if you want."

"Excellent! Poor thing, she thought she was strong and her husband would support her. She didn't know where to stop."

Adam felt a huge winning after taking revenge on his uncle. Not only he broke his heart but also both families ' loss is now equal.

Adam's work wasn't done yet. He had to get to the party that was hosted near his home. 

All of his classmates were there, everybody was looking at him because he wasn't invited but still showed up. He didn't wave or talk to everyone. He started to look for the drinks and the food that were deserved so he could execute his plan. 

"What are you doing here? How did the guards even let you here?"

"I bet their balls are still hurting by now because I kicked them since they prevented me to enter"

"DUDE WHAT? What are you gonna say to my dad? You're gonna fix this I don't care or I'll call the boys to beat you up."

"Dude, calm down, I'm joking lmao. "

Adam gave some looks around, trying to find the buffet until he could finally spot it. Madison, Adam's classmate, was with her boyfriend, preparing the juice. He had to find a reason to let them leave the kitchen or he couldn't do what he planned to.

"Hey Madison, I think Josh is calling you both and he's waiting outside for you."

"Alright, thanks for telling us"

Adam grabs quickly the sleeping medicine, which consisted of yellow liquid, not too intense, that you can't even smell. He poured it and mingled the mix very well.

"Adam, Josh didn't call us. Why would you lie to us?"

"I think that was somebody who was looking just like him. I didn't focus on his face honestly because I was busy on my phone talking. I'm really sorry. Anyways enjoy the party"

Adam sits on the sofa, waiting for the drinks to be served. Suddenly a girl fainted, everybody gathered to see what happened to her, but she suddenly started snoring.  Everybody gasped in laughter and continued dancing to one of the biggest hits, that was remixed by the DJ.

In the moments that followed, the medicine took effect and everybody suddenly started to faint, one by one. Adam stood up from the couch, walking between them, while they were falling on the floor, looking around, seeing that the plan perfectly worked. Michael looked at Adam and said:

"What .. did you do? I can-"

Michael couldn't finish his sentence and passed out.

Adam turned off all the lights; closed the door and walked away on foot back home.

David was still cleaning the kitchen.

"Hey Buddy, why are you so late?"

"Sorry I went out with my friends. Very tired dad, I'll talk to you tomorrow, nighty! "

"Sure buddy! Tomorrow I'm going to introduce you to your aunts if you want! "

"Would love to!! See you"



𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 !

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