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By eldri_sv

1.1K 54 11

Y/N's parents have been murdered for knowing too much. Now, many years later, Y/N wants to get her hands on t... More



41 3 0
By eldri_sv

Y/N woke up early the next morning after a restless night. She was worried about Levi - the way he had told her not to go home last night had unsettled her. She was sure that he was planning something, but she didn't know what it was and while she knew that Levi knew how to handle himself, she couldn't help but worry.

What worried her even more was that he had been so adamant about her not going home that night. She really hoped that he hadn't tried anything stupid. She knew how much he hated her uncle and he was right to. But Y/N knew well enough that her uncle could get dangerous and she didn't like the thought of Levi getting hurt in any way by him. It was bad enough that she got hurt.

All of this kept coming up in her mind all the time and no matter how much she tried to push those thoughts aside, and it kept her up throughout almost the entire night. And when she wasn't kept awake by being worried, she started having nightmares about whatever might happen.

Needless to say when the morning rolled around, Y/N wasn't too well-rested. She felt tired, but was still too nervous to sleep. Levi wasn't back yet and she wasn't sure whether she should go and look for him. Technically last night was over and it should be fine for her to get back to her own home and make sure that he was okay. Whatever she decided to do, she definitely needed some food first.

She went into the kitchen, where Isabel and Farlan were sitting over a cup of coffee. Well, Isabel wasn't really sitting, she was more or less all over the place, while Farlan just watched her in silent amusement. When she entered the kitchen, both of them looked at her with a questioning look in their eyes.

"Morning, Y/N. You look exhausted." Farlan noted. Y/N nodded and pointed at the pot of coffee.

"Is there still enough in there for me?" she wanted to know. Farlan leaned over the pot and glanced inside, before leaning back against the wall.

"If you're happy with a small cup, then yes. No tea for you today?" he asked. Y/N shook her head. She liked tea, but she was dead afraid of using anything tea-related that belonged to Levi. He would more likely than not kill her if she messed anything up. Plus, he was never happy with her level of cleaning up after herself. Y/N wasn't going to risk it over a cup of nice tea.

"Nah. Levi will slaughter me if I mess with his stuff." she muttered and grabbed a cup out of one of the cupboards.

"That's fair." Farlan just said and started pouring the rest of the coffee into Y/N's cup, as she sat down. It seemed like they knew something or were at least not surprised that Levi was missing.

"Do you have any idea where he is?" Y/N asked, after she took a sip of coffee. It tasted harsh and bitter and Y/N wasn't sure why anyone would ever enjoy this. At least it would wake her up a little more. She looked up just in time to see Farlan and Isabel exchanging worried looks.

"Well, he said that he'd be gone for the night and not to let you leave in the middle of the night. I thought you knew what he was up to." Isabel replied. Y/N gulped. Damn it. So Levi had gone and done something stupid, hadn't he? She took another large gulp of her coffee. What the hell was she supposed to do now?

"I have no idea. He just told me not to go home and stay here for the night. No idea what he was planning. Fuck." she answered.

"Seriously? That's weird. I don't know what he might be up to, to be honest... Maybe you should go and check. I doubt he's in any trouble, but better to check on him." Isabel suggested. Y/N nodded. She really should be going back to see what the hell was going on there.

"Yeah, he said to keep you here for the night, but that's definitely over by now. Go there and if we don't hear from you in a while we'll go and check as well. Okay?" Farlan said. Y/N finished up her coffee and got up, quickly putting on her shoes. Not that they were any good with all the holes they had in them.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. I'll head over there right now. Do you think...?"

Y/N didn't even want to say it. The thought that anything might have happened to Levi felt unbearable. It felt like it was stopping her from breathing. She was almost afraid to go and see what was going on, because if something had happened to him she figured she would rather not see it.

"I don't think something happened to him, but... still. Better safe than sorry, right?" Farlan said. Y/N nodded.

"You're right. Thanks. I'll be off then!" Y/N replied, quickly heading out of the door and basically running down the stairs into the street. There were a few people out on the streets, half of them drunk from the night before, the other half up early to go about whatever business they might have. They were giving her suspicious looks, but Y/N couldn't care less right now.

She ran down the main streets, along a few narrow side streets. She knew the way between her home and Levi's house by heart. She could have walked this way blindfolded or in her sleep. Every time she was getting scared about something, every time her uncle would try to hurt her... if she managed to run away, she'd always go to Levi's house. They were around the same age, but somehow Levi had a way of making her feel safe. And that's why he was always her go-to person.

If something was to happen to him she didn't know how she would cope. She had no idea. No plan on how to go on. Sure, there were Farlan and Isabel, but without Levi they wouldn't have a plan either. It was hopeless. Life would be completely hopeless if Levi was gone, so Y/N prayed every step of the way that he would be okay.

She only slowed down when she finally got to her own home. It had definitely seen better days, but it looked pretty luxurious for being a house underground. If there was something her uncle was good at it was money grabbing, for sure. He didn't care about knowledge, he cared about how much he could get from it. Y/N was the opposite. The money was a good side bonus when it came to stealing books, but she really wanted to know everything there was to know.

She probably wouldn't do too well on her own, because she wasn't very concerned with making money. Still, Y/N prided herself in being at least somewhat ethical about this aspect of the work of selling information. Although there was some scary aspect to it - she often wondered whether there was some sort of knowledge that was just too much for people to know. Too much for her to know. But that was something she could worry about any other time. Not now.

She tried to listen for any noise when she arrived in front of the door, but it was eerily silent. Y/N wasn't sure whether that was a good sign or a bad sign, but she was sure she'd soon find out. She took a deep breath before opening the door, just to be greeted by the house looking fairly normal. There wasn't really anything out of place. Her uncle wasn't there and neither was Levi.

She did, however, hear some rustling coming from one of the other rooms. Not sure who was making that noise, Y/N grabbed the crowbar that was beside the door and quietly made her way over to one of the other rooms. While she was crossing the room she noticed that there was a broken vase on the floor, which was odd... Unless her uncle was very drunk he would never leave something like that just lying around. And if he had been very drunk, he would have passed out on the couch or the floor in this very room and he was nowhere to be seen...

Y/N continued on her way to the next door, listening at the door for any noise. It seemed like she was hearing footsteps coming from in there, some huffing. It was hard to figure out what the hell those noises were. She readied the crowbar, so she could fight if she needed to and then slowly opened the door, hiding behind it in the process. The noise stopped immediately and she heard steps coming closer and closer... someone was coming to see who had just opened the door. She'd get a chance to take them out if she needed to once they stepped out of the cover of the door...

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