Concealment - Tiger's Eye Boo...

By ShellMarie35

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In a world where history is nonexistent, Lily Carter goes on a quest to learn the truth. She asks dangerous q... More

Chapter 1 - Nightly Nightmares
Chapter 2 - Daily Dream Goes On
Chapter 3 - Blocked Address
Chapter 4 - Pair of Carters
Chapter 5 - Dream Goes On
Chapter 6 - Death Strikes One
Chapter 7 - The Dream, He's Living It. He's a Soul Mate
Chapter 8 - Loveable Joke
Chapter 9 - Human-Like
Chapter 10 - Partying
Chapter 11 - New World Bound
Chapter 12 - Family of Tigmas
Chapter 13 - The Human World
Chapter 14 - Who Is Rolla Carter?
Chapter 15 - Hundreds Of Worlds Like This
Cheat Guides to the Tiger's Eye Series
Chapter 16 - Getting Them Off Our Scent
Chapter 17 - Two Sets of Samoultes
Chapter 18 - Group of Secrets
Chapter 19 - First Tigma Spell
Chapter 20 - Murera History: Lesson 1
Chapter 21 - Moving In
Chapter 22 - In Memory of Seth
Chapter 23 - Time to Practice Some Magic
Chapter 24 - Friendship Fading
Chapter 25 - House Warming Catastrophe
Chapter 26 - Double Lives Begin
Chapter 27 - The History of The Tigmas
Chapter 28 - Sheriff's Journals
Chapter 29: The Secret Is Out
Chapter 30 - Topanga and Sam Return
Chapter 31 - We Are Your Family
Chapter 32 - Freedom Unites with Different Races
Chapter 33 - Training Session Number One
Chapter 34 - Samoulte Circle
Chapter 35 - Kalinda Appears
Chapter 36 - Understanding the Black Tiger
Chapter 37 - Other Races Appear
Chapter 38 - Merged Training Sessions Number One
Chapter 39 - The War is Here
Chapter 41 - We Deserve to Live Freely
Chapter 42 - New Bond
Chapter 43 - Humans in Murera
Chapter 44 - Graduation Has Come
Chapter 45 - Rebels
Chapter 46 - Funeral Arrangements
Chapter 47 - Wedding Approaching
Chapter 48 - Wedding of the Ages
Chapter 49 - You Are My Family
Chapter 50 - Epilogue

Chapter 40 - Engagement Announcement

18 4 0
By ShellMarie35

            After staying in my room gushing over my new ring we did eventually go back out to the main living where everybody else sat around talking. Rolla and Pilote made it back there before Carter and I did.

“What were you two doing so long?” Sam asked.

“I need to see my mom first,” I changed the subject, “Where is she?”

“In her room,” Rolla answered.

“Okay,” I smiled kissing Carter quickly, “Ready?”

He nodded, “Let’s go.”

“What are you doing?” Rolla asked.

“I’ll tell you when we get back,” I said, “I just have to tell my mom first.”

            We went to mom’s room and I knocked on the door a few times before walking in. Mom sat in one of the chairs watching TV.

“Why aren’t you joining the excitement?” I asked.

“That’s not really my thing. I’ll let you handle all that.”

“You can at least come out and talk.”

“I’m okay,” she smiled, “How are you?”

“Good,” I grinned, “Carter and I have news for you. We wanted you to be the first to know.”

“Okay, what is it?”

I showed her the ring.

“He proposed?!”

I nodded.

She hugged me, “I’m so happy for you. Congratulations!”

“Thank you.”

She hugged Carter next, “I’m so proud to call you a son.”

“Thank you,” he smiled at her.

“When did this happen?”

“Not too long ago actually,” I said. “We haven’t told anybody else yet.”

“Well I can’t wait for the wedding. I’ll help plan it.”

“Good,” I smiled, “I want you to.”

“I’m so happy for both of you. It warms my heart to see you so happy. You’ve truly grown in the last couple years.”

I nodded, “I have.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too mom.”

“I won’t hold you up you should go spread the news.”

I laughed, “Okay I’ll talk to you later though.”

“Be safe, okay? Please be safe.”

“I will,” I nodded, “No matter what happens I love you.”

“I love you too sweetie, you’re the greatest daughter anybody could ask for. No matter how many times we used to fight, I was always proud.”

“Thank you.”

            We walked back to the living room where surprisingly Felicity and Dennis sat talking to them too.

“What are you doing here?” Carter asked hugging both of them.

“I made them stay,” Rolla said, “Because you two are being very suspicious and weren’t thinking about this news you have. I checked.”

Carter and I both laughed.

“You’re right actually,” I said, “We do have news.”

“And we were about ready to go get Aunt Felicity and Uncle Dennis so I’m glad you stopped them.”

“What is this news?” Felicity asked.

I held up my left hand as Carter said, “I proposed.”

“Oh my God,” Felicity stood up and hugged me.

“Yay! We have a wedding to plan!” Rolla and Topanga exclaimed.

They took turns hugging me while the boys took turns hugging Carter. The weird part about Tigmas getting engaged is that everybody sees it coming. Soul mates are soul mates no matter what, but they still celebrate engagement like they’re a huge surprise. I hugged Carter once we finished hugging everybody else and we took our seats on one of the couches.

“I’ve been waiting for this,” Rolla said, “and now that you proposed we can plan a huge wedding. We can have it in the quad. We can decorate everything and have the reception in the palace ballroom.”

“Not so fast,” I laughed, “Let’s deal with one thing at a time.”

“We have to celebrate now,” she said, “to get our minds off of what’s going to happen.”

“I’m so happy you’re finally engaged,” Felicity admitted, “you have no idea how happy Dennis and I are that Lily came into Carter’s life.”

“Not this again,” Carter groaned making me laugh.

“I want to hear,” Rolla said, “Tell me all about them.”

“Carter was quite the trouble maker. He felt alone and isolated from the rest of the world because of his abilities. He became involved with the wrong people and got into trouble all the time. We went quite a while without talking to him but one day he started talking to us again. We were confused at first, but when he mentioned Lily we figured out why the change happened. Lily changed Carter for the better because he wasn’t alone anymore. She made him feel like he belonged somewhere.”

Carter pulled me onto his lap and hugged me to him with his chin on my shoulder, “Yes please keep talking like I’m not in the room.”

Felicity rolled her eyes, “You can deal with it. Be nice to your aunt. We’re happy you found someone. Lily’s amazing.”

“Yes she is,” He agreed and kissed my cheek.

“I have to say they do make a pretty perfect couple,” Rolla added, “they remind me of Pilote and I. We acted a lot like them before we were married.”

“So did Sam and I,” Topanga said, “I think most of us did.”

            They continued talking about Carter and I and soul mates in general. I zoned out and started playing with my stone heart necklace. I looked down at it smiling as I read my name and Carter’s name right next to each other. I wish life could always stay like this. I wish all those bad moments didn’t exist and I could stay here wrapped in Carter’s arms forever. This moment is too perfect. Mom came out after a while too and joined in on the conversation. This is actually my family. Carter’s family and my family get along so well we might as well be one family already. We talked and laughed together and we didn’t even have any arguments. For those few hours we forgot about the war and we forgot about the outside world all together. The only thing that mattered to us for those few hours was family. We loved each other and it was the most peaceful moment I had felt in a long time.

            Of course that was interrupted by the security guys running into the room. Rolla sat up straighter, “What happened?”

“They’re coming,” one of the guys said, “And there’s lots of them.”

“And the witch?” she asked.

“She’s in the lead, ahead of everybody.”

“Let’s go,” Rolla told us, “Stay up at security and let us know if anything changes.”

He nodded and went back up to the security room.

“Is everybody ready?” Rolla asked before turning her eyes to me, “Are you ready for this?”

I looked up at Carter and he smiled at me.

I nodded, “I’m ready.”

“Then it’s time to fight.”

“For Caprika and Odyss,” Topanga said, “And for our people.”

“For Caprika and Odyss and for our people!” We all chanted.

            I could sense the humans coming and my black tiger side was ready to pounce at any moment. I held back though as we gathered in a group and made our way to the quad as the city alarm sounded and the army sprung to action and ran out of their houses. Rolla, Pilote, Topanga, Sam, Carter, and I were in front and they lined up behind us. I glanced over at the palace where Kalinda safely hid herself until it was time to be shown. This is it. My time is here.

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