A Tale of Twisted Love ✔️

Por Zoya30

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[Featured on Classic Authors] "Oh, darling. You can't fix yourself by breaking someone else." Every young wom... Más



156 13 2
Por Zoya30

Ankara – 10th November 2015

A FAINT POLICE SIREN wailed in the distance grabbing the duo's attention. It followed by loud honks and cars' tires screeching. By each ticking of the second the warning turned to earsplitting.

"They are coming for us," Malika uttered, clutching the collar of her dress.

"Get in the car."

At the entrance of the hotel, concierge and security guards signaled other people present in the parking lot to stop the white Ferrari from leaving. They rushed outside creating a commotion.

Zaeem slammed the door, started the engine and drove in reverse to prevent head on collision with a determined crowd. Not wasting time, he exited the compound.

With quivering hands, Malika wore her seat belt before she is sent crashing against the dashboard or the window from the sudden rash driving. People informing the police about the car description and number plate raced her pulse in terror. Hopelessness gnawed at her insides, choking the life out of her.

Noticing her troubled face, Zaeem did something unexpected.

He pressed play on the weird looking music system. The Beverly Hills Cop instrumental theme started up. Defeaning to her sensitive eardrums yet it helped Zaeem to maneuver through the streets with much ease like the beat is pumping the speed.

"You got to be kidding me." She laughed in the life and death scenario.

"This is what I always do whenever I feel the need for speed." He winked.

"Cops are behind us and you are playing the most amazing cop music in history. Who are you?"

"Don't you like surprises, Malika? It doesn't have to be serious. We can add romance and comedy to it."

"Is this how you intend to spend the last moments with your wife?"

"This is not the last. We have a long way to go together."

"Irony is winning today."

Malika's eyes danced between the windshield and the side view mirror.

Hands fixed on the steering wheel, Zaeem drove in sync with the blaring track. Clear as a blue sky that he is not breaking the road rules and regulations for the first time. Though beads of sweat appearing on his forehead despite the steady air conditioning inside proved police car chase is a first.

In the broad daylight, without realizing many strangers were caught up in the pursuit. They gave way to the men of law while Zaeem accelerated and sometimes hid between tractor trailer and tank trucks. The highway yawned wide in front with a reasonable traffic. A shudder went down his spine by the very notion of a foot chase if they were stuck in the usual heavy ones.

They were hot on their heels. The sirens never ceased to take a break, gaining all the attention.

"Pull over your vehicle, NOW."

Stop means the end of the road for them. Zaeem weaved, overtook and punched the gas pedal whenever necessary. The location of their safe haven is still concealed. Nonetheless they can't bring themselves to a halt.

Stomach tied in knots, she requested, "They are closing in behind us. Do something Zaeem."

"Hold on," he yelled.

The tires squealed on the grey road. Their cars skidded when Zaeem made a sharp turn and drifted at a roundabout. Malika clutched the roof grab handle with both sweaty hands, shutting her eyes until the driving resumed to normal if a hundred mph could be considered normal in a car chase.

One of the police car's tires burst, stopping abrupt in the middle of the road, causing other cars to collide into its side. She displayed a sympathetic smile for the innocents who have been caught in her mess until the earsplitting sirens of the other two police cars made her root for Zaeem to drive faster. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, unstoppable.


"Oh shut up," Malika shouted, slumping in the passenger seat.

Smooth as velvet, the white Ferrari 488 spider with a precise engineering sat low to the ground. The wheels were practically glued to the dry asphalted road when he pressed the accelerator. Power of the Italian luxury encased her.

Like star crossed lovers ambushed in a dramatic action movie, they must not give up at any cost. A little smile broke out and at the very same time, the music ended making his ringtone the Darth Vader's theme audible to her ears.

"Take it," Zaeem said.

Malika fished the phone out from his front jeans pocket with the tips of her fingers.

"It's a private number."

"Just take it."

She slid her finger across the screen on the green call icon and clicked on speaker thus they could both hear the stranger's voice.

"Zaeem Khan, can you hear me," he asked.

All of the sudden silence reigned. Like the whole world has gone still, no police, no crime no fear of getting caught; pulled into oblivion, a lone tear fell from her eye. The voice she yearned to hear for the last ten months rested a phone call away.

Then he said Zaeem's name, not hers.

"Yes, I can. Who are you?" Zaeem asked, not realizing that his wife has fallen into a trance.

"Kabir Syed Rizvi, I'm Malika's elder brother."

The couple shared a quick glance before he turned his eyes back on the road.

"Can she hear me?" Kabir's voice almost broke.

Malika held the phone tighter in her hand, tears rolled down her pale cheeks. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment she has been waiting.

"Kabir..." she said, sniffing.

Every grief she had to go through because of him rushed back except blood relationship does not shatter like fragile glass. In spite of all the terrible things happened, what mattered dearest to her heart is that her brother is one phone call away. That's it.

"Don't worry. I'll get you out of this mess," he stated.

They both listened to his instructions in awe of the authority he possessed. It sounded unbelievable and impossible to execute. Yet a resolved Kabir confirmed this is the way.

The call ended as Zaeem coursed through a narrower lane, finding a reverse route back to the hotel.

"Can't his call arrive like ten minutes ago? It would have saved us from this situation."

"Don't be mean Zaeem. He is helping us."

"Not us, you. He doesn't give a crap about me. I'm supposed to stay out of all this yet in full conscious I can't. Just don't forget that he is a kidnapper, Malika."

The car sailed through the tight, busy road with a destination to stop.

This is what Malika has feared since the beginning. The fact that Kabir is her own blood can't make her hate him like others. Even though he is a culprit, she'll try to find the good part that can be saved in him.

Zaeem will not understand until one of his siblings commits a crime and held accountable for it.

Without the need of a locator, Zaeem tore through the shortcut, dodging dumpsters and avoided killing locals. He then swerved a hard left on a familiar road; the one that they took to arrive at the five star hotel. Going around it where minimum cars rolled by and where it seemed that the policemen have lost them, Zaeem made it to the nearby ordered location.

The military base

As said, the restricted gate opened for them. Zaeem accelerated the Ferrari on the runway towards the white plane with two long blue stripes that stood out among the dark grey/green army planes.

When Malika said, Kabir hanged out with the wrong crowd, she meant alcoholics, petty drug dealers, bar owners, flirty waitresses or small-time thieves. She had no idea that the small town boy had connections with the neighboring country's military.

"This is it," he said, stopping by the air stairs and opening the door on her side. "Go, your brother is waiting."

She shook her head. "Not without you."

"Don't be stupid Malika. You have waited long enough for this moment."

"None of this would have happened if you did not climb a certain tower last Friday. We are boarding this plane right now or I'll let the police deport me back to my country where Mrs. Malika Khan will be locked and all the prizes that her kidnapper had given to her will be snatched. She'll spend the rest of her life alone and in darkness."

"I can't."

"Because it's illegal or the fact that my brother is dealing with some powerful people who have a connection to the military of your country or you are choosing your family while forgetting I'm a Khan too?"

He said nothing and avoided her gaze.

"What would you prefer? I escape with my criminal brother while having a limit to freedom or getting locked in Aryan Sheikh's tower, having all my freedom snatched against my will?"

This time he faced her and attempted to pull her into his arms instead trapping by his own seat belt. Chuckling, he unbuckled it and hugged Malika.

"I can never see you trapped again. I've seen the pain in your eyes and I've also seen the light; the one that bring you immense joy, the simplest that can put a smile on your face. You are my new dream Malika."

Her voice trembled as she said, "And you are mine."

She can no longer stay away from this man who she once misjudged because he is her savior and companion for eternity.

The engine was warming up when they stepped in the plane. An air hostess told them to keep seated anywhere in the economy class as they would be flying soon. Malika did not bother asking about her brother and attached the seat belt when the plane moved forward.

"Oh no," exclaimed Zaeem.

The police cars drove into the military base through the same gate. Sirens blaring, lights flashing they surged towards them at full throttle. The plane had already begun its course to take off, shaking its passengers as it left the ground.

"I never imagine my life will become a Hollywood movie one day, this is crazy," she said, laughing and unbuckled the belt when the sign turned off.

"Please follow me," said the air hostess directing them towards the upper floor.

Here, the rows of seats of the same dull colour were replaced by elegant couches, coffee tables, magazines, plasma screen and fragile bottles of expensive drinks. Malika strolled taking in everything she would have read in a book about rich people where a vivid fusion of precious wood, citrus and fruity accent danced in the enclosure.

She looked around until she spotted her brother coming out of a room. He is as handsome as she had seen him last. The same pushed back glossy dark hair, the light beard and the smile that revealed his dimples.

Without conveying a word, she rushed into his arms, hugging the life out of him. His chin rested on top of her head as his arms went around her body. The stinging tears dropped and wet the chest area of his clean white shirt.

"I missed you too," he whispered, caressing her back.

"Don't ever leave me again. Never do that."

"Never," he promised, wiping her cheeks and then the corner of his eyes.

Zaeem stepped besides her, facing the brother eye to eye for they were of the same height. No one would even guess they are siblings because unlike his gorgeous blonde wife, he has dark brown hair and a serious face.

A deep loathe overtook his mind when Kabir smiled at him. Developing a fraternal relationship is the least of interest.

"Where is Aryan's wife?" Zaeem asked.

Instead of an answer from Kabir, they were greeted by a young woman stepping from behind.

"Welcome aboard, Zaeem Khan."

Malika gaped at the gorgeous brunette with enchanting blue eyes.

Zaeem's blood ran cold. The devil who had pushed his little brother into the jaws of death smirked. Arrogant, she looked in her bodycon black dress and stilettos as she walked to take a seat placing one leg over the other.

"Sit you two, we have a long way," she ordered.

"Guys this is-"

"Niyah Azar," Zaeem stated, interrupting Kabir from an absurd introduction.

Resentment or confusion, not sure, he somehow sat opposite of this girl with an urge of wiping that smug off her face with a slap or a punch. Malika sat beside her husband and Kabir next to Niyah.

"Okay, I'm a little lost here. Your surname says you are related to Sonya who hates my guts and here you are helping my brother out."

"I'll explain everything Malika, would you guys like a drink first? I'm aware of the quite exhausting journey you have been through to reach here." Niyah offered.

"No," Zaeem responded.

"I'm very thirsty," Malika whispered to him and smiled at Niyah. "Yes please, any cold drink would be nice."

"Smart girl," she deliberately said to piss Zaeem off.

Kabir has postponed the main topic for later and focused on getting his sister out of the illegal immigrant mess Aryan had put her into. Malika stared in awe by his intellect and drastic change in attitude. Zaeem on the other hand knew that Kabir was only a puppet whose strings were being pulled by the devil herself.

She handled the glass with grace, the manicured fingers matching the color of the drink and brought it to her lips. The striking ocean eyes however never left his. She is flaunting her wealth, saying without a word that I am more powerful than you Zaeem Khan and you are at my mercy.

Her father kicked her out. Her influential relatives took her in.

It's the sole logical conclusion of sitting in this luxurious plane right now.

Few calls and emails later, Kabir announced that Grandpa Clint will deal with Malika's passport while one of Niyah's contacts will help her receive a Turkish nationality through her marriage with Zaeem. The process will take at least two or three weeks.

Till then, they should lay low in a neighboring country. All thanks to the Azar hold over the business and political world

"Now it's all been sort out, spill the beans brother-in-law."

"You are not a very patient man, Zaeem."

It's because of Malika; he has not strangled the truth out of his mouth and kept his anger at bay.

"Start from the beginning," Zaeem ordered and Malika interrupted. "No, start from Aryan and Yasmin's wedding day; explain why you did what you did."

Kabir took a deep breath.

"One sided love suck. Like most girls Yasmin too fell for the guy who is rich instead of the one who has loved her for a long time breaking my heart."

"Just to clarify," Malika spoke, "Yasmin is not a gold digger. Aryan did not pick her randomly on the night of the ball. Don't be mean because she rejected you for being a punk."

"Malika, can I ask you something?" Niyah smiled when the blonde girl nodded. "What do you mean by did not picked randomly?"

The sudden question piqued Zaeem's interest.

"Well Aryan had personally invited her to the ball and he added the mask till midnight rule because of her. I think he used the ball as a public means to make Yasmin his bride. I mean it's a royal family; you cannot just marry anyone."

"How did Aryan know her then?"

"That I'm not aware," Malika lied, shrugging her shoulders. For a stranger or for specifically being related to Sonya Azar she is way more interested in Yasmin. Fishy

"Continue Kabir," said Zaeem, placing one leg over the other. Eyes on Niyah and ears on Kabir

"I roamed in the woods near Wessam Castle with beer in my hand. I spotted Yasmin walking towards the wedding car. I decided to follow them. Maybe I'll have a chance to confess that I love and care for her."

"So you're a stalker as well?" Zaeem said, a wicked smile playing at his lips.

"You have not experience love the way I did, don't judge me," he replied. "Boulders blocked the road leaving a shortcut as an option. Sort of suspicious if you asked me because the road is normally accessible so who would do that? Then Aryan's car collided with a lorry, confirming my suspicion. I drove in the forest to hide from the driver."

"Did you see his face?" Malika asked. She would have never guessed that he has witnessed the accident that made headlines for weeks.

"No, I could not. I waited for a few minutes and rushed where their car had turned upside down. I took Yasmin out, checking her pulse. She's a tough one. Then I saw it as an opportunity to get Yasmin far away. I abandoned him and drove with my love."

"You ass, it's because of this stunt Aryan had kept me locked..."

"What" Kabir halted his sister, lifting a hand in the air. "What do you mean keep you locked?"

Even Niyah sat proper and placed her empty glass on the tray. "Malika," she called out.

Hot tears filled up her eyes again. Biting her lower lip she looked down where falling hair blocked her face. She fooled no one though.

Zaeem placed a hand on her shoulder.

"He... Aryan, because he –"

Kabir dropped on his knees, cupping his sister's face with firm hands. He demanded, "What did he do to you?"

Tears streamed down her cheeks breaking the hearts of the two men who loved her most.

"He showed me footage of Yasmin and you on the bike. He concluded that mom, you and I planned this accident because he had not selected me to be his bride. His men kidnapped and locked me up in the tallest tower of the castle for seven months."

"I'm so sorry."

Kabir wrapped her in his arms. The space filled with her wrecking sobs and the pain she has undergone. Her whole body shook. Clutching the shoulder of her brother, she screamed for the price she had to pay despite being innocent.

Zaeem could not hear her cry for another second. "Tell us where is she, Kabir?"

Malika pulled back hoping her brother has a good answer.

"Yasmin is not with me," he replied.

"Kabir stop beating around the bush and tell us everything that happened," Malika commanded, wiping more tears.

"I brought Yasmin to a crooked doctor to avoid suspicion. Lucky for me the place was empty due to the stormy night and New Year. He checked on Yasmin and said we have to wait until she gain conscious. When I went to check on her later, she disappeared."

"What? You mean she escaped," asked Malika, a seed of hope embedding in her heart.

"It's not possible because the concussion had weakened her body. Someone took her away."

"You are saying that she was never with you?"

Kabir shook his head. "Since I'm the last person to be seen with her, I'm the branded culprit. Aryan could have tortured me to death if Niyah did not save me that night."

"You were in Athador the night of Aryan and Yasmin wedding?" Malika asked as Kabir regained his seat.

"Yes, Aryan's mother had invited me."

"It explains nothing. If you were a guest, how did you save Kabir or even meet him?" Zaeem asked, crossing his arms beneath his chest.

As expected, her eyes spoke. "I loved Aryan just like Kabir loves Yasmin."

"So you are one of the Prince's thousand admirers?"

"No Zaeem, we were good friends since university days. Like Kabir it's one sided love and I hoped to speak to Aryan one last time. I am not familiar with the roads in Wessam and I ended up somewhere remote where I spotted Yasmin and Kabir on the bike. Her white wedding gown gained attention to be precise. Let's say both Kabir and I could deduce that it's a planned accident."

"Why did you help Kabir then?"

Zaeem wanted to know if the coldhearted woman had even an ounce of humanity in her. After all there's a reason she is nicknamed Ice queen.

"I could predict that Aryan will stop at nothing to search for his wife and Kabir will be in his list of suspects sooner or later. We were both heartbroken thus I helped him flee the country, move around the world to escape from Aryan."

Malika could not thank her enough for her generosity and if maturity had taught Zaeem a thing is that they were both hiding something.

"Why don't we hear your side Zaeem? You were engaged to my cousin Sonya. I'm neither angry nor will I tell her that I helped you escape from the police. You have to tell us though how come you are married to Malika?"

"Allow me to recount, Zaeem decided to escape the forced marriage during his bachelor trip because he did not love Sonya. He climbed the tower to hide from the police. Coincidence or accident, we fell in love and our marriage resolved our problems. That's it."

"Thank you man for helping my sister"

"Of course"

Niyah clasped her hands. "Well the air hostess will show you a room where you could shower and relax until we land. See you later."

"Thank you once again Niyah."

Malika gave her a little hug and followed the elegant air hostess who guided them earlier. Zaeem on the other hand waited his wife to leave before confronting Niyah.

"I don't know what games you are playing but I will not forgive you for what you have done to my little brother."

"He lives so move on."

"I have moved on Niyah but my brother received no justice. Private plane, allies with the military of my country, your life skyrocketed while my brother no matter what kind of person he is, still scared to even stand next to a closed window on a mere second floor. You scarred him for life."

She huffed, rolling her eyes. "I have no regrets. Your brother is a douchebag and if Malika finds out what kind of person you are, she'll leave you because a good girl like her does not deserve a bad boy like you. I hold some secrets too Zaeem."

"I am not that person anymore. I'm changed for the best."

"Then it would be wise for you to mind your own business. The moment Malika's problem is solved; I will no longer protect you. Now shoo, mustn't keep a lady waiting"

Thunder roared in and out.

Kabir entered the same room he had exited earlier followed by Niyah who did not delay to lock it up with a passcode. On the bed, Yasmin lied unconscious.

"Two best friends, so close yet so far," Kabir said.

"How many sleeping pills you slipped in her drink?"

"Three just to be on the safe side, what happens now?"

Niyah smiled. "We'll keep her hidden from them. If Aryan is a bastard who has locked your sister so are we for doing the same to his wife except in a less cruel version. A third person should not be informed that we have Yasmin."

"Agreed and the things you were talking about Zaeem, has my little sister commit a mistake by marrying him?"

"Well he is a renowned playboy. Let's hope he is telling the truth and indeed he has changed."

"I hope."

"We lay low for a few weeks until Zaeem and Malika returns to Turkey. Yasmin will have to go west where she'll be trained and worked with Azar Corporation allies. You will go east and do the same while I will return to Paris, resuming my normal life. We will meet when I will decide."

"Yes and what will Aryan do now that he has no control over Malika to blackmail me?"

Niyah laughed, lying down next to Yasmin on the vast bed.

"Poor Aryan, his only ignorant mistake is that he is a future King and a King needs a wife and heir to keep his kingdom going."

"Not to be offensive but he will not select you Niyah."

"I don't care and I'm not saying he is going to marry again. His family is enough to drive him crazy. He'll search his wife; they'll pester him for another one, he search again, they force him to marry again, it will go on and on. He'll cry, fight or become a workaholic. Prince Amir Bin Muhammed Aryan Sheikh is doomed."

Controlling, manipulative, powerful and clever were a deadly combination. In short they call it wicked and Niyah Azar is the perfect example.

Pouring champagne in two glasses, she lifted hers and clinked with Kabir's.

"Cheers to better days and the downfall of our common foes, cheers to Yasmin whose life we are protecting from whoever planned to kill her on her wedding night except we'll never tell Aryan and cheers to Zaeem's pride crushing under my Louboutin."

The dreamy blue eyes held a mischievous glint. First the Sheikh for choosing a commoner like Yasmin and now the Khan for celebrating her downfall on her twenty-first birthday.

Better late than never, Niyah Azar triumphed.

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