Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
What Comes After
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life


315 5 8
By TMWolf


Shalour City

The city wasn't as large as expected, although it spanned a long way along the coastline, the calm, swaying waves lumbering onto the shoreline in a rhythmic motion. A cobbled path ran from the exit of the Reflection Cave, stretching east and west, and then north towards a massive construct that resembled a castle, but with a tower rising high above that looked as though it were missing its top half on one side. The gray stones resembled that of buildings nearby, but the roof and tower tiles were a burnt orange in color, making it stand out even further from the rest. It was far off, extending into the water with only a sandbar to connect it, but even from the Cave exit it was massive. Truly, it was the epicenter of the city, although homes stretched all along the limits and plenty of denizens walked about their day.

The two were glad for those denizens, too; as it made their search for the Evolution Guru that much easier. A helpful couple were all too happy to point out the tall tower they'd seen right away. The Tower of Mastery, it was called, and the man they sought resided there according to their words. It made sense in a way--what, with the building looking rather important and so unique. Whatever the case, Cassandra and Leon made their way to the Pokécenter to refresh their teams and then made their way along the cobbled path towards the sandbar, descending down to the sandy beach. Even through her shoes the redhead could feel the warmth while trudging through the softer sand to the firmer walking path in the middle. It had traces of man-made help and was decidedly worn--no doubt by the various tourists that were loitering about and taking pictures.

Her boyfriend being one such person.

"Cas, c'mon! We gotta show it off to everyone!" he laughed, gesturing for her to hurry over. She sighed, rolling her eyes a bit playfully. She supposed it wouldn't hurt to indulge him--it was a photogenic location, so she strolled over and slipped under his arm, which he wrapped around her shoulders. She let her head lean on him while he held his Rotom phone up high to catch their faces and the Tower of Mastery in it. Leon laughed with delight, "It looks so good! Time to make the others jealous!"

"You're so bad--but send it to me! I wanna show Mom and Dad, too," she replied, looking at it with him.

"Duh! Wait--not Silver? You don't wanna make your brother jealous?"

"Pffft. He never gets jealous about this kind of thing. Yes, yes, it's infuriating. But then all I have to do is beat him in a battle and he get riled up," she snickered, a playful smirk on her face.

Leon laughed again, "And you think I'm bad?"

"Look he set the standard when we were kids and I will never let him live it down," she winked, and, the picture now sent, she made sure to share it with her folks. She flipped over to Dittor to check the messages and snickered, "Nessa's jealous of the beaches! Aww, Hop and Gloria wish they could be there, too! I bet she'd love to take on the Challenge if she could."

"Oh, for sure--pfft, they're trying to plan a vacation now," Leon snickered. "Oh, Arceus, Raihan's at it again."

"Hmm? Oh. Oh!" Cassandra replied and then cackled. "Of course he'd post a picture of himself in his--oh Arceus is that a speedo?! He's so bad!"

"Why do you think he's my best friend? We're a trouble duo in the end!"

"Oh, I knew from the moment we stayed at his place for the first time. Let's see what he did he say again--oh, right, and I quote: 'Right from when I met his stupid smug face at the Opening Ceremony we were trouble together'."

The purple-haired man paused, nose scrunching, "You remember that oddly well."

"It was funny at the time."

"Well, he's not exactly wrong. I mean, it wasn't all trouble, though--or easy. We actually had a fall out when I was about sixteen or so, if I remember right," he mused, putting his phone away and taking her hand as they walked along the sandbar.

Cassandra raised a brow, "Wait--you guys weren't friends at some point?"

"Aaah... yeah, it was---well, really it was my fault, and the other Leaders can attest to it, too, 'cause I was downright insufferable for a while," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was always trying to be nice and supportive and positive... but I forgot that when you keep losing that positivity starts to... grind on you. And Raihan's my biggest rival--you know how hard he trains and works... and he can't ever beat me, and, well... I tried to cheer him up, but sometimes telling someone 'you'll get it next time' when you've lost for the ump-teenth time... well, it just hurts, and boy did he let me know!

He laughed, but there was pain there, "I deserved it. He didn't punch me or anything, though I wouldn't have blamed him--I was basically patronizing him without realizing it so he laid into me. I needed it, though. I was able to see how my word were hurting people and I finally got around to apologizing proper. Most of them just thanked me and let me know they did like my positivity and didn't want me to hold back, so it was nice."

"Just... most?"

He chuckled, "Well, some didn't really care either way. Opal was pretty indifferent and told me to enjoy my youth. Melony said the same and told me she's used to that kind of attitude from her son, so she thought nothing of it and that I was just a sweet kid for apologizing. I think she gave me candy?? Or something."

"Well, she is a mom."

"True!" he laughed, shaking his head. "I think Piers told me to 'fuck off'. He never liked me much on account I was Rose's golden boy, and, well, he despises Rose even now. I think we've both reached an okay place, but he definitely never wanted anything to do with me and I don't blame him after seeing how Rose kept screwing over Spikemuth--I can't wait to fix that, too. I've been having to push hard on the sponsors. They're so damn stubborn!"

"Don't worry; you're even more stubborn and you'll do right by Piers and Marnie. Were those three the only ones?"

"Nope! I apologized to Pendragon, and he was just... he kinda laughed and said I was a good kid, too--oh! Right, I forgot to tell you. Before Raihan became Leader, Pendragon was the 8th Gym Leader. He was Raihan's mentor. He retired to Johto years ago, though. To, uh, oh! To Blackthorn."

Cassandra almost tripped as she stopped, "Wait--what??? No one retires there unless they come from the clan--."

"I think he was? Is? I'd have to ask Raihan, but, yeah, so he--what are you doing?"

"Texting Raihan--I have got to get the deets on this, oh my Arceus! But go on, go on! I'm listening I promise!" the redhead snickered, typing away on her phone.

Leon snickered back, "Uh-huh. Okay, well, besides Pendragon there was the leader before Bea and Allister, and then last was Kabu, and oh boy. He wanted nothing to do with my apology! Words were meaningless for him, and he was in a bad spot being back in the Minor Leagues. Hurt his pride a lot, y'know? He'd been a big shot in the Majors, but after his wife died... it was like he'd lost his fire, man... and I dunno, I guess me coming to apologize and bowing like they do in Hoenn for respect just... Well, to put it short: he challenged me to a match. To not hold anything back, so I didn't... and man--I swore he was going to beat me that day! I don't know what happened. He was kinda going how he had been for a while, but then just---something changed in him, and he came alive. He looked like the Kabu I grew up watching, and it was just... epic. He went on to reclaim his Major League title and he's been going strong since. I don't think he plans to retire until he's older than Opal!"

"That's... wow," the redhead breathed, delighted by the glow in her boyfriend's eyes. He looked like he did when on TV--not unlike how he spoke about Kabu just now. It was invigorating. "You really have made an impact on so many people."

Leon paused, eyes widening, and then blushed, which he quickly hid behind his hat.

"I-I dunno about that. I was just trying to do the right thing."

Cassandra laughed as she lifted his cap, so their eyes met, "That's the point. You just always try to be a good person and help others. That means a lot. And you shouldn't sell yourself short. I mean, you did manage to get Raihan to be your friend again after you apologized, yeah?"

"Oh, well," he chuckled, scratching his cheek, "To be honest... we didn't talk for like a year except during battle because we had to. He was... um... going through a lot then. It's not my place to say what, but he had a lot of rough times that really beat him down, and I just happened to show up at the right moment to help pull him back to his feet and then he did the rest."

"That's still a lot--and makes sense how you two are so close. I'm glad you two have each other to rely on," she smiled gently, squeezing his hand.

He smiled back, "Me, too. He's one of the best friends I could ask for--and rival. And... well, don't tell him I said this, but--he's always inspired me to be better, too. He never gives up."

"Don't worry--secret is safe with me, and I know what you mean. I watched some of his interviews when I was figuring out my strategy for him. He's... relentless--but in the best way. He never lets his losses drag him down and turns that burn of defeat into a drive to improve himself. Not many can do that. Even if he never does beat you, I don't doubt he's a trainer that'll go down in history for even just his tenacity alone."

"Damn straight. He's philanthropic, too, though."

"Hmm so he's handsome, tenacious, rich, charitable, and a good personality to boot?" the redhead mused, counting with her fingers. "Damn, is he single?"

"Hey!" Leon laughed, pouncing on her to plant a sloppy kiss. "I'm all that and more!"

"Oh?" she giggled, snaking her arms around his neck while his arms wrapped around her waist.

"I'm a hero, remember? And a Champion."


"About to be renewed once we conquer Kalos," he winked and stole a deeper, more passionate kiss. "You're bad, y'know, riling me up like that."

"It's fun. But I thought you weren't the jealous type?"

"I'm not," he winked back. "But I still can't let Raihan show me up even with Mrs. Leon."

"Arceus, please, don't actually use that," she laughed, shoving his face away. "Anyways, Mr. Leon, we really need to get back on focus--but I do appreciate you telling me about your past with the others. I like hearing about it."

"Then I'll be happy to tell you more later--and I still wanna hear more of your stories or even hear them again," he grinned, kissing her brow this time.

With a quick "sure thing", they left it be and passed under the brick archway to the staircase which led them to yet another archway, this one made from what looked like marbled etched with ornate designs and matched with equally ornate silver metal designs on red plaques situation in the center of the pillars. The two side entrances were closed off with ropes, so the two continued onwards through the middle, going from the bright sunlight outside to the dimmer, but still bright and massive interior of the tower. The walkway and floor were of the same material, though the bricks and cobbles were now set in arching patterns that all pointed towards the center of the room in which a circular pedestal was situated, and upon it stood an impressive statue of what was clearly a Lucario of some kind.. The Pokémon statue, rising easily one story tall, was very different from Lucas, its white fur extending out from its backside not unlike a cape with a tall collar around the neck. Spikes were more abundant and larger upon the chest, paws, and feet. The "antenna"-like appendages on the back extended outwards like dreads, and the black markings were far more ornate and also wilder at the same time.

It was impressive, to say the least. Certainly, it made the two trainers pause and stare, and then stare more as they let their gaze go upwards still, following the impressive staircase that wound all along the inside tower wall in a dizzying spiral. Windows let sunlight flow in from every other floor and between every set of pillars. It gave the space an almost ethereal sensation, although even at night the place surely would still radiate the sensation of being in an ancient, sacred place.

"So... do we... climb?" Leon rumbled, gauging the lengths they'd be taking.

"Maybe? Although... that door... resembles the symbol on the stones Sycamore gave us for our Charizards," Cassandra mused, gesturing to the green door situated at the base of the statue's pedestal.

"That... might just do it. Doesn't hurt to try?" he shrugged and led the way forward, coming over to knock on the door before opening it.

Inside was but a small, cozy room with only a long bookshelf on one wall, a single one on another smaller section, and accompanying it was a simple, but homely dining table, and a single bed and nightstand at the back. The room had no true decorations beyond a TV, but most surprising of all was the pair in the center:

An elderly man, whose eyebrows were more impressive than the single line of hair on his head, and a face they knew all too well: Korrina.

"Oh?" the older man mused, spotting the two. "Ah, you must be Leon and Cassandra, yes? Sycamore told me you would be coming. I'm called the Mega Evolution guru. I guess you could say I'm an acquaintance of his. Oh, but Mega Evolution guru isn't my real name, of course. Now, come here for a moment, won't you both?"

They both nodded and approached. Korrina grinned widely at them, her face beaming.

"Hey there! Glad you both made it to Shalour City! Lucario is in its Pokéball right now, but it's really happy to see you and your Lucario!"

Cassandra placed a hand on Lucas' ball, noting it seemed to vibrate, "Looks like the feeling's mutual! What brings you here?"

"Why, she's my granddaughter," the elderly man grinned, hands on his hips as his eyes glowed with pride.

"Wha--no way!" Leon laughed as he gestured to the Gym Leader. "You're just full of surprises!"

"I always try to throw my opponents off," she grinned back with a wink.

Her grandfather chuckled, "Indeed... ah, yes, well, seeing as you're both here I suppose I should explain Mega Evolution to you."

"Yes, please! Is it alright if I record the conversation, though? So we can send it to Sycamore?"

"Of course," he replied, and waited as their phones were set up before continuing. "Actually, how about we sit down?"

The group agreed, settling down around the table where the elderly man regarded the two closely.

"I assume you two know about Pokémon evolution?"

"Of course," Leon replied, nodding, "after your Pokémon gains enough experience, especially through battling, they'll gain enough power to evolve into a more powerful form until they reach the final stage. Some just need items like the elemental stones to evolve, though."

Cassandra added, "And others require friendship and love or specific environmental conditions like night or day and even weather."

"Exactly!" Korrina exclaimed. "And it's likely that Pokémon evolve in other ways as well that we don't even know yet! But Mega Evolution is an Evolution that transcends all other Evolution!"

Her grandfather chuckled, "Indeed! Mega Evolution is a transformation of Pokémon that were thought to be unable to evolve any further! It's a whole new level of power!"

"So... you're saying that... Pokémon like our Charizard which are the final stage in their lines--they could evolve further?" Leon inquired; his skepticism palpable.

"Yep! Exactly right! But not all Pokémon have a Mega Evolution," Korrina replied.

"There's a reason why I used the word 'transformation' a moment ago, too," the Guru continued. "Mega Evolution differs from Evolution because it ends after a certain amount of time. In other words, it's a temporary Evolution."

"That's... crazy. An Evolution that reverts back to the previous stage?" Cassandra mused, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

The Gym Leader nodded, "Yes... Mega Evolution is a special kind of Evolution. That said, we still know very little about it. What we know now is that it requires special items. And the most important element is the trust between Pokémon and Trainer."

"So the bond between trainer and Pokémon," Leon replied, a glow to his eyes.

The guru smiled as he spoke, "To make the Mega Evolution work, you need two items: a Mega Stone for the Pokémon and the Mega Ring, which has a mysterious stone set in it, for the Trainer. Since Professor Sycamore entrusted you with his research, I would like to give these items to both of you. However..."

"Uh-oh--we're not hitting another dead end after getting so much info for once, are we?" the purple-haired man winced. He was given a light, jovial laugh in response.

"No, no--I only meant, at the moment, I only have one ring available for use. I've been crafting another, but it's not yet complete. Having only one is why my research is still so incomplete, but with you two here now, I feel it will be possible to understand the phenomenon in ways I never imagined before. Although, I will not simply give it away. You will both need to challenge the Mega Evolution successor to obtain them. I will give the first ring to whichever of you would like to challenge them first."

"Wait--who's your successor?" the redhead frowned.

The Gym Leader winked, "Give you one guess."

"Wait--no! You?" Cassandra laughed. "Of course it is--you do love constantly surprising us."

"It's a favorite pastime of mine," she giggled. "So... who wants to battle me first?"

"Lee?" the redhead mused, looking at her lover.

He just chuckled, "It's obviously going to be you, love. Lucas has been wanting to fight against Korrina's Lucario ever since they first met. It's gotta be you."

"Are you sure? How long is the other ring going to take?" she inquired, this time looking at the elderly man.

"A few days at the most--it's a bit tricky to make, and since it's going to be this young man here... I'll adjust the design a bit to fit more to your aesthetic," he chuckled, stroking his eyebrow of all things.

Leon grinned, "I appreciate it."

"That's if you defeat my granddaughter."

"Ha! True; Charizard and I will have our work cut out for us!"

"Me and Lucas will, too!" Cassandra chuckled as she rose to her feet. "Well, where to, Korrina?"

"Wait, first--if you're going to battle me on equal ground with Mega Evolution, you're going to need this," the Gym Leader explained and pulled out a red sash with an orange-colored stone with a blue-and-red "leaf" shape in its center embedded into the fabric. "It's Lucarionite. With this, your Lucario will be able to Mega Evolve just like mine. I like to stitch them into a Focus Sash for my own, so consider it a gift from me."

"Oh, wow, it's beautiful--thank-you, Korrina... Lucas, come on out, bud," the redhead called, tossing the ball into the air. The blue-furred Pokémon emerged with a short cry and turned to face his trainer and then the orb. With a grin she took the sash and wrapped it around her Pokémon's arm, making sure it was snug and tight. Lucas stepped back, turning away to make jabs and kicks into the air. He barked with a nod and a confident smirk. Cassandra grinned back and ruffled his head fur, "Atta boy. Alright, he's ready to go."

"Awesome! Grandpa, you get her ring fitted and I'll meet you at the top of the Tower," the Gym Leader winked before giving a playful wave and zipping out of the room at near breakneck speed.

Leon chuckled, then looked to the guru. "So. You have Cas' ring for her?"

He nodded, "Indeed I do. Come with me--it should fit alright, but I can adjust it as needed."

He motioned for them to follow, and they obeyed, walking over to the night stand by his bed where he opened the drawer and pulled out a bracelet made of a dark-colored metal with a lighter band of etches that converged in a circular shape around light-green sphere in which a rainbow leaf-like shape was in the center. The guru held it out to Cassandra, who took it reverently and examined it more closely. It was smooth to the touch with not one blemish, and felt cool, too. The orb, though, she swore was warm and felt as though it had an energy to it--power to it. She glanced at the Guru, who just smiled and nodded, urging her to put it on. She did, slipping her fingers through and was pleased to find that it fit just fine--near perfect, in fact. The cool metal felt good on her wrist.

"It's amazing. I've never seen anything like it," she spoke, almost at a whisper.

"It's truly one of a kind... and to activate it, you need only push on the keystone--and reach out to the bond you share with your Pokémon. If your love for each other is true and strong, great power will come of it. But know that it cannot last long. As we said, this evolution is only temporary. And that is, in part, because the power is so immense, it becomes too much for a Pokémon to endure. Never force such an evolution nor let it go on too long. Never forget your Pokémon is your precious partner."

"Never," Cassandra nodded firmly.

"Good. I trust you will bring out the true depth of the power of Mega Evolution. Both of you," the Guru chuckled, looking at Leon. "Come see me once the battle is finished and I will take your measurements and any taste preferences so your bracelet will be just what you desire."

"Sounds good," the young man grinned, and then turned to his girlfriend. "Well, you ready?"

"Absolutely. Let's go face Korrina."

"She's waiting for you at the top of the Tower--just take the winding staircase to the top."

Cassandra had to pause, recalling the notion that the tower was very tall and Korrina had been wearing roller blades.

"She's where now--?"


"Oh my Arceus I can't believe she did this in roller blades," Cassandra rasped as she and Leon reached the top, the endeavor more than expected. It was taller than it looked, but they'd made it to the top where the walkway extended outward towards a balcony. There they could already see Korrina waiting, staring out at the sunset with her Lucario by her side.

"Hey, it'll be worth it, though," Leon chuckled, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow. Naturally, she had to agree and walked with him out onto the balcony. It was a massive structure, which gave plenty of room for a Pokémon battle. At the exit, the same leaf-like symbol on the stone was engraved into the tiles, surrounded by a half circle. Two more symbols were at forty-five-degree angles, meeting other quarter circles on the sides. The railing was as ornate as the rest, and as they walked further along the path the Gym Leader spoke.

"I really love this place!" she began, "When I'm here with my Pokémon, looking at the wide-open sky above, all my worries disappear, and I feel like I can do anything!

She paused to turn around at last and skate to meet them halfway, "Thanks for coming all the way up here. It was decided some time ago that this must be the place where the Mega Ring is handed over. Something about making sure we never forget to set our sights as high as the sky. Well, are you ready, Cassandra? A Lucario-on-Lucario battle! It will be nothing short of riveting! They both have Lucarionite in hand, and I can feel Lucario's passion. Perhaps it's just that it doesn't want to lose to yours, or maybe it wants to test your bond against ours. Either way, we're not holding back.

She looked at the Lucario on her left, "You ready, Lucario? Let's give it all we've got!"

Cassandra smirked and brought Lucas out once more. Her Lucario was alert at once, standing firmly by her side. A wave of confidence filled her; an aura shared from her precious companion. He was telling her he was ready--that he would give everything he had and win. This was going to be a whole new world opened to them, but, together, they could get through it all.

"Let's show them why you're a Champion Pokémon, Lucas," she mused and moved back to give space. Korrina followed in suit, and Leon moved to the side, his eyes burning with the same passion as the women before him.

"I'll be the ref, if that's alright?" he inquired, and earned two nods. With a grin he raised his hand, "Let the match begin!"

"Alright, watch close Cassandra--this is how it's done!" Korrina cried out, lifting her left hand high before bringing it down and pushing two fingers against the orb on her glove. It burst to life in a flare of brilliant, white light and a wave of warm energy filled the air. The focus sash on her Lucario's paw flared suddenly and the energy from the glove swarmed around the Pokémon for a split moment before being pulled into its body. A purple flare swirled around as a blast of magenta light surged from below and together the two lights converged into the shape of a sphere that completely encompassed the Lucario in a strange shell-like construct. It expanded suddenly and then burst in an array of light and steam accompanied by a flash of the symbol on the gem above, and in its place was a whole new form--one she had seen before.

The statue, she realized.

It had been a Mega Lucario. And now, the real thing stood before her. The more complex and elongated markings, the increased spikes in size and number, the longer antennae and the cape and coat-tail-like fur. The paws were now a burnt-like red and the creature radiated an aura of strength.

"Holy shit," Cassandra laughed. "So I just activate it by touching the key stone like that?"

Korrina nodded, "Exactly."

"Alright, Lucas. Let's do this," he redhead breathed, closing her eyes to inhale slowly. They opened suddenly and she brought her arm up to her chest level. Her other hand flew to meet it, two fingers pressing onto the key stone orb.

At once energy flooded out, rushing down through her arm and coursing throughout her entire body. It was hot then warm then burning and cool all at once. Strength she had never felt before filled her to the core, and she gasped against the onslaught of the sensation. It was heavy, though--or that was the best way she could describe it. Though she felt powerful, it was as though it took all that strength to focus and endure it. Was this what Lucas felt as the light formed the sphere around him, and his body changed and grew and evolved? Did he feel the same fear and awe that she did? Did he feel the unbridled burning passion for battle, driven by the overwhelming power now coursing through them?

Lucas emerged from the sphere of light with a fearsome war cry that echoed across the sunset sky. From him, a wave of confidence and reassurance came. Even without words, she knew exactly what he meant. She could sense it; feel his every movement as if they were one being. Every breath. Every shift. Every beat of their hearts, in tune and as one.

They could do this. It was time to let fear become courage--and strike!

"Lucario, Power-up Punch!" Korrina cried out, and her Pokémon shot forward suddenly, it's red-colored paw glowing with a dark-red light.

"Lucas!" Cassandra called, but her fighter was already moving, darted to the side to easily dodge the attack. Grinning--just as her Lucario did--she commanded, "Close Combat!"

With a snarl her Pokémon lunged forward and, in a furiously quick succession, punched, kicked, punched, kicked, and punched and kicked again so fast the movements could not be seen by the naked eye. Each blow hit hard and home, though, and with a final kick the enemy Lucario was sent flying backwards and toppled over, rolling to a stop some ways away. Lucas stood where he was, panting heavily, but still standing strong.

"Lucario!" Korrina cried out, stirring the Pokémon from its prone position. It growled as it tried to rise on its shaky limbs. After a few moments, though, it collapsed, and Leon raised his arm in favor of the redhead.

"Cassandra and Lucas win!" he bellowed, and the victorious Lucario let out a mighty howl. With a laugh the redhead raced over and embraced her Pokémon, ruffling his fur and placing a kiss on his brow.

"You were amazing, bud! You--I--we--this feels... amazing. You feel it, right?" she asked, turning her arm to gaze down at the key stone, which still thrummed with warm energy. Her Pokémon barked in confirmation, a confident gleam to his red eyes.

"That was an incredible display--I don't think I've seen a Lucario Mega Evolution so strong before," Korrina spoke up, skating towards them with Leon right behind. Her Lucario had been returned to its ball, a much-deserved rest. "Truly, what an incredible bond you have! Such amazing power!

"Thank-you--if it helps... Lucas was part of my Champion team in Sinnoh years ago and from my time in Galar. He's got a lot of experience," the redhead chuckled. "We've been through a lot together."

"That explains a lot!" she chuckled. "Still, what an explosive battle! I could tell that both of our mega Lucario didn't hold anything back! If your bonds with your Pokémon are all like that, you shouldn't have any trouble triggering your Pokémon's Mega Evolution!"

"Then I can't wait to see what Charizard, and I can do," Leon grinned, pumping a fist.

"I can't wait either... but uh, Korrina... how do I stop this?" the redhead chuckled, gesturing to her Pokémon.

"Oh!" the Gym Leader laughed. "It probably won't last too much longer, but you can just touch the key stone again and it will stop."

"Thanks," Cassandra grinned and did as told. With but a press the power faded almost as quickly as it had come to life, and Lucas' body began to glow not unlike when a Pokémon evolved normally, but instead of a new form his body shrunk and returned to normal. He sighed, as if relieved of a great burden, and she had to admit she kind of felt the same. It had been an amazing experience, though.

Korrina spoke up once more, her eyes closed, "As long as Pokémon and Trainers have the kindness to care for each other and give each other courage, the world will be full of smiles!"

"I agree--if only everyone in this world could see that," Leon replied, a sad smile on his face.

"If only... but, at the very least--I'm glad you two are one of those who brings smiles to this world. You've proven worthy of that ring, and in due time, I imagine you will, too."

"You can count on it," the young man winked, earning a laugh.

"Well, I guess you'll find me here in a few days. Until then, rest, enjoy the sights, and come take me on at the Gym while you're at it. Personally, I think you've already earned it--well one of you so far, but I wouldn't want you two to miss out on a proper Gym Challenge run."

"Oh, yes, couldn't make it too easy for us veterans," Cassandra snickered before holding out her hand. "I look forward to seeing you at your Gym then--and I hope you bring an even bigger A-game with you."

"Count on it," the Gym Leader smirked back, clasping her hand and then Leon's. "I'll bring even bigger for you, buster, so don't get too cocky now."

"Never," he laughed, and, with a two-finger salute, the young blonde-haired woman zipped by on her rollerblades, leaving the two alone. The redhead sighed, gave Lucas another affectionate pet on the head, and returned him to his pokéball. Her gaze wandered onto the horizon, and she walked towards the balcony to lean on it. All before them was Kalos--or at least a third of it, the rest hidden away behind a long, towering mountain range. The sea extended out from the city, now dark as the sun continued to dip below the peak of the mountain tops. She let out another sigh, which was met with a chuckle and an arm wrapping around her waist to tuck her close against a firm side.

"It's beautiful here. Truly. And amazing--though not as much as you were," he smiled, placing a kiss on her brow. "You were something else--both of you. Never seen anything like it, but I could just tell nothing was going to stop you and Lucas. It makes me unbelievably excited for when it'll be me and Charizard."

"I know--I'm excited to see how he changes, too. And you. Oooh and Chara! She can Mega Evolve! Oh man, this is going to be so epic!" she giggled, turning so she could lean against the railing. "Aah... can you believe it? This? Us? Being here? Doing this? Finding out a new evolution?"

"To be honest?" Leon began, shifting so he was in front of her and could grasp her hips gently in his hands, thumb drawing circles. "No, I didn't. There's.. Well, really, there's been so much I never could have expected in the last few years of my life, but... I'm glad it all happened--good and bad. I'm glad I'm here with you, figuring all this out. It's... crazy and incredible, and I'm just so glad it's you here with me."

"Feelings mutual, you sweet, handsome dork of mine," she giggled in reply, arms snaking up to wrap around his neck. "I've been on a lot of adventures, but... this one is definitely turning out to be the best one yet."

"Good--because we should definitely celebrate tonight!" he laughed, suddenly wrapping her in his arms, hosting her up, and spinning around. She laughed with delight right on with him, and happily let him carry her in his arms towards the exit. "Dinner, drinks, and more--on me."

"Such a gentleman," she purred, throwing him a wink. "I'm always down for that... but we do need to remember to tell Sycamore what happened."

"Aaand send the video I took--it'll be perfect for his research."

"...I admit, I foolishly thought you didn't."

"What? C'mon. It's me. You think I'd miss out catching your big moment? Your fans went wild and our Galar friends are gunna go crazy, too!"

"Yes, yes, it was pretty epic. Anyways, let's talk to Sycamore on the way out--that way we won't have any distractions after."

Leon's grin grew wider, "That sounds like an amazing plan. Alright, let's get our Professor on the line."

"Put me down first then," she giggled, and he did as told. She brought up the Holo Castor, dialing in the Professor's number. It rang only twice before he answered, greeting them in native Kalosian. They put on their best grins as she spoke, "Boy do we have news for you!"

Sycamore only laughed and urged them to go on. Naturally, they happily obliged.

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