The forgotten Gilbert

By alluring-andrayav

17.6K 178 23

Selena Gilbert is the Middle child of the Gilbert family she remains in her older sisters Elena's shadows eve... More

First day of school
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Sexy Suds Car wash
The Bonfire
Night of the comet
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Finding out!

1.1K 13 3
By alluring-andrayav

 Selena's Pov: Elijah told us to head home and he would explain everything to us in the morning so we did I go home and I change into these cute Pj's and than go to bed eager to find out what Elijah meant by sister  

Next morning 

I'm still in bed asleep when someone throws a pillow at me causing me to groan I open my eyes to see Stefan with a smile on his face laughing at me 

"Do you mind?" 

"No I don't" He replies with an bigger smile 

I groan and throw the pillow back at him using magic with force so strong he falls off my bed causing me to chuckle "How did you even get in?" "Elena let me in"He says as he sits back on the bed Elena than walks in the room with Elijah you looked at Elijah and you can tell that he is very angry that your sleeping in the attic when there is an empty bedroom that you can use and to confirm it he asks "Why are you sleeping in the attic there's a bedroom downstairs that you can use?" I don't say anything so that's when Elena finally decides to bud in and say's "She's a brat that's why I mean she wears these ugly ass clothes and she's practically a pick me girl not to mention she always embarrasses me and wants all the attention for her- Elijah had enough of hearing what Elena had to say to he vamp speeds her against the wall and says "I've recently come back into my sisters life to make sure she's alright, I come back to hearing all of these fall rumours about her your the one who wants all attention on her plus Niklaus, Selena's twin brother has compelled many people to look out for her over the years so once Selena gets her memory back he will come and he WILL make your life hell along with me and my other siblings so if you want what's left of your family to stay alive I suggest you start being a whole lot nicer to Selena"  Elijah says as he lets go of Elena's neck leaving Elena with tears in her eye's  and me and Stefan in shock "I have a twin?" I ask "Yes Niklaus is your twin, the bracelet you wear on your right arm is the bracelet he gave you and there's a ring you gave him that he wears on his right hand as well as long as you two wear those pieces of Jewellery and sing a special song your Jewellery will glow but you only sing that song when the other one is in danger" He says than takes a deep breathe because he was preparing for my questions and he knew I was always the most curios one of the siblings it stays silent for a while I was still laying down in bed still trying to process everything I was just told Elijah was sitting at the edge of his bed facing me and Stefan and Elena was sitting on my chair yes I have a chair in my room so what I finally decide to break the silence and ask "Why don't I remember you?" Elijah than replies "We had a witch take your memory's of us away because your in danger when your with us" I look at him with an confused expression  'In danger? What do you mean early you were going to kill Elena because she called Selena a brat she has a twin who sounds like he will make it rain blood if Selena goes missing for more than 2 minutes so who is she in danger from?" Stefan asks curios on who an Original is in danger from "Our Father" Elijah mutters but you being the vampire you are heard it and turned your head to face him there was fear in your eye's and memory's of how you've been treated while you were human started coming back everything you remember about your family started to come back Elijah say tears forming in your eyes he had assumed you were having flashbacks from when you were human so he pulls you into a tight and comforting hug that lasted for about 40 seconds until you pull away from the hug and kiss his cheek

Couple hours later

Elijah had gone home and Elena went out you don't know where so it was just you and Stefan you guys were watching a movie on your laptop while eating popcorn you guys continue to keep on watching the movie when a character pisses you off so you end up growling without realising it  (you know because your a wolf) you growling causes Stefan to turn to you and look at you weirdly when you turn your head to face him "What?" he just continues to stare at me until he finally speaks up and says "You growled" I look at him with an confused expression on your face  "you just growled" Stefan says again "No I didn't!?" you say getting even more confused Stefan just stares at your tits and slightly smile but you catch him and attack him with flying pillows hitting him left and right a pillow ending up hitting Stefan so hard he fell off of your bed causing you to laugh at him he gets up and grunts than throws a pillow back at you and for the rest of the night you and Stefan hang out with each other witch includes you messing with his hair him playing with your's you laying on his chest while watching the movie pillow fights and popcorn fights 

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