Eclipsa de Lună 🌙

By JamTheMaam

33K 1.1K 89

Your head feels fuzzy as you begin to stir. Your mind feels foggy, as if it was...erased..? or forgotten. You... More

in the dark...✓
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Hiatus 🤦

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3.9K 130 7
By JamTheMaam


It was quiet.

The all white room and green bugs were gone now. Yet, it was dark again. But this time, you were no longer floating.

You can feel your head swirling with a annoying pang and cloudiness. Eyes closed, you carefully inhale some air as if for first time doing so in a very long time. Your throat felt dry when breathing in through your lungs.

The first of your senses you experience was sound and smell. As you continue to breathe more air through your lungs, you can smell a faint roasted wood scent, as well as something sweet and floral.

You hear a faint deaf hum around you, a soft ticking of a wall clock, and crackles and pops of a fire near by.

Eyes still shut heavily, you try to feel the aura of where you were. Your body felt weak and frail. Yet, you could feel a faint urge of strength settled deep within your bones. As if you're body was just wanted to jump up and run around.

A slow shift of fabric was heard when weakly lifting your arm. You feel around with your hands, which neatly sat at your sides. You felt like you laying on some kind of firm, soft cloud.

Finally, you attempt to pry your eyes open. Your vison was blurry, as if you've never used a line of sight before. After a few blinks, you finally squint open your eye lids.

First you see a blank celling, with a small candle chandelier hanging from it. You then look around to what looks like a dimmly lit bedroom. An old fireplace being the only source of the room's light.

Looking down, you can see your in a soft bed with warm blankets covering your body. The blanket was tucked over your legs, all the way up to underneath your arms.

Even while slowly waking up, your body still feels thin like glass. Leaving you unable to move, let alone sit up. You begin to question your new surroundings.

What is this? Why am I here?

You were starting to feel fearful. What had happened to you? You still couldn't remember a single thing. Not one past memory of who you are!

You understood that you were sleeping, but...were you?

It was all a can't remember. You want to feel frustrated. But you're so weak, you fear you may pass out at the slightest burst of any strong emotion.

As much as you want to fall into the arms of slumber once more, you first wanted to understand where you really are.

Are you safe?

...Had someone brought you here? If so, are they even safe to be around??

You think back to the only "memory" you actually have. That dream...That little girl...

'Who was that girl?' you thought.

You remember her mention someone she referred as 'Mommy.'

Who was Mommy? You thought perhaps it was the little girl's mother that she was referring to. But you couldn't be sure.

You shook out of your thoughts at the sound of footsteps. You look towards the end of the bed, leading up to a door over on the other side of the room.

You felt you heart skip as you blink at it. Wait... It was the Door. From your dream! It was the white framed, wooden door with a gold nob.

Is this where that little girl wanted me to be? Is this... Mom-?

The footsteps stopped from behind the door and the handle was being turned open. When it opened, your eyes widened at the sight of what looked like a strange woman.

She wore a black robe with a gold-detailed sash draped down over her chest. Black crow-like feathers cloaked over her sides, shoulders and back. Her feathers seemed to shake as if they were alive... Breathing?

Were they... attached to this woman?

She shut the door behind her and walked into the room. She then made her way near a chair and small desk near the side of the bed, fully unaware of you being awake yet.

You peer up through hazy eyes, having to adjust at first from your lingering cloudiness. But once adjusted, her appearance was quite odd.

Upon her head she wore a black cloth hiding her blonde, combed-back hair underneath. On her face was some kind of golden caged-like mask, and behind her head sat a weird circle head piece, with intricate designs.

But what strangely stuck out the most was her eyes.
Her icy blue eyes. They were lmost like....

After a few moments of her writing something down on the desk, she finally acknowledges you.

The womans face shifted to a warm smile. Yet with something hidden beyond it. Almost something... sinister. She slowly moved the chair closer to the side of the bed, leaning in next to you.

"Well. Look who is finally awake." the woman said.

Her voice sounded regal and silky, but dark and ancient. Her eyes scanned over your face and body, where you still lay limp.

Through her presence made you quite nervous, you remained still and calm. Carefully watching her every action.

The woman smirks with a glint in her eye. She leans over to you and brushes a strand of hair around your ear. You noticed the gold-clawed jewel piece that hung around her hands. The nail parts of them looking dangerously sharp.

"So calm... None of my prior subjects were ever this calm... Truely fascinating." she grinned.

"Yet. You do seem to be a little weak from the transformation."

She moved her hand to your cheek while checking you over some more. She had look on hear face that was hard to read. It was as if she expected to find something from you. Perhaps something... she needed?

Whatever that could be.

"Your strength is slowly regaining...Though I believe you may have to start 'feeding' soon.

"Now won't you?... Little One." she smirked alittle. She placed her hand on your cheek. With brief hesitation, you carefully leaned into her touch.

She hummed a bit before letting out a quiet sigh.

"It is a pity... I was so sure you'd make the perfect vessel..."

You softly frowned before sluggishly attempting to speak. "W-..Who are-re...yyou..?" "Wh-wher-re am... I-..?"

The woman smiles at your grogginess and silently hushes your attempts to speak.

"You shall address me is Mother Miranda." she says, soft but stern. "But do not fret... You are safe here. And that is all you will need to know for now, child...

"Now go on... Rest Now."

Your eyes start to fall shut again after she finshed her words. After a few heavy flutters you succumb to sleeps' embrace, not hearing her mutter something else as you drift away.

"Hm. I suppose you shall make a grand fourth addition to House Dimitrescu. Well..."

"For Now."


Descending once more into darkness, you find your feet meeting a carpeted floor. You look up to see you standing in sort of victorian themed hallway.

Confused, you look back to the way you came and realize that 'the way you came' is now replaced with the otherside of the hallway.

What? Wher-?

Hesitantly, you turn back forward and decide to continue on. The hall was boldly lit by golden candle holders hung along the walls.

As you walked down the the carpeted-wooden floors, you saw several beautifully decorated doors and paintings of Victorian women in various dresses and gowns.

You're not sure where you're going or--on a better note--where you are entirely. But you can't help but be in awe of the beauty and perfectly crafted interior of this grand place.

You make your way through a door at the end of the hallway and your mouth nearly drops to the floor.

Your eyes scatter to every spot in the tall, Great Hall. In here, there was a grand stairway leading up to a balcony, with intricate designs along balusters and newel posts.

Wondering up at the ceiling, you see glittering, gold and white designs along its dark pine green dome. There were deep oak planks lining out the green dome, seemingly holding the ceiling together. And a glorious crystal chandelier hung down the middle as the center piece.

You could practically see the stars forming in your eyes. The beauty. The perfection. You found it absolutely fantastic. It was like standing in a whole new world.

You almost were convinced that this wasn't a dream.
Was this a dream?

You walked around a bit, gliding your hand along the side of the stairwell. Just soaking in all the little details. You then stop when hearing the loveliest of sounds.

It was... Music.

The sound of a beautiful song being played on a piano. It must be coming from another room somewhere.

So... Pretty.
You thought fondly.

Feeling drawn to the sound, you feel you feet move on their own. You move past a set of double doors beneath the farside of the stairwell, entering into another long hallway.

Your steps were kept at a steady pace, being careful not to loose the alluring song. Whoever may be playing this song made you felt welcomed. Just from the crafted melodies and key rythums they played.

Turning down another hall, you find yourself much closer now. Not long after, you arrive in front of a door cracked open half way.

You gently push open the door and step inside.

You're struck with more admiration once again when stepping quietly into the room.

This room had a balcony similar to the grand hall from before. Only entirety of the room's interior formed a circle around the space. The decor included lush, velvety furniture spread about comfortably. Along with other small tables paintings and lamps.

You saw a small stage on the far side, with a line of instruments sat upon it. And at the middle of the room... there you found source of the memorizing music.

There, a grand piano with beautiful golden patterns along it, sat magnificently.

Playing at the keys, you discover it was a woman. She looked to be an older woman, with curly jet black hair and wearing a long creame dress.

There was a giant black sunhat and black gloves set down on a velvet sofa near by. Most likely was taken off temporarily by the woman. Though, you couldn't quite see her face that well at this angle. So you decide to discreetly get a closer for a better look.

You sneak quietly to a pillar next to a small table beneath the balcony. You cautiously find a balance stance behind it, in order to not disturb the woman from playing her song. You peak around to look at her again.

You are instantly taken back by her beauty. Her skin was quite pale, if fact it could practically be white. But it was still fair and pretty.

Her beauty was very much aged and natural. You noticed the many smile lines and aged blemishes over eyes and jaw, along with her checks.

She wore a bit of make-up around her eyelids and her lips were painted a deep crimson. But even without the make-up, you could tell she would still be absolutely stunning!

She looked relaxed, her facial expressions feeling genuine. Pleased even. As she rhythmed her fingers over the keys, she would slightly sway with her song. Humming to herself in smokey tone.

It felt like watching a goddess in her past time.
Just enjoying herself.

You felt yourself almost instantly relax, swaying into the music. You felt a peaceful aura in the room... with this woman. Whom you have not clue is at all.

It was actually...nice.

You were leaning on the pillar when your shoulder slips out from where it was leaning. As you try to catch yourself from falling, your foot falls forward, kicking a small table over that was next to you.

The sound of the keys abruptly stopped, making you quickly submerge yourself behind the pillar.

"Who Is There?!"

A booming sound from the woman shouted. You heart stopped at the loud voice, leaving you frozen in your spot. The once peaceful woman you first encountered was now not as calm. You could feel your legs start to tremble.

"Spying on me will put an end to your life, little Rat!"

You hear her stand up fast with the piano's bench screech back, falling with a soft thud.

"I see you creeping behind that pillar, Spy.

"Come Out! NOW."

You gulp. There was no point in hiding anymore. So cautiously, without thinking, you walk out from behind the pillar.

You go to look at the angry woman, but end up having to crane your neck up in order to meet her eyes.

She was extremely tall, much more tall then before when she was sitting down. Seeing her now at full height?

You don't know exactly how tall you are but compared, to this woman? You was sure know that she has to be a goddess.


You were genuinely terrified now. And no poker face could hide the fear you felt.

She glares down at you, lips twisted with disgust.

"Who are you?! You are not one of my maidens." she growled, looking over your trembling body.

She steps closer, towering higher over you. You cock your head up higher, eyes locked in place with hers. Her eyes were a shimmering gold, which you couldn't help but internally admire.

"I-I...I don't kno-..."

You studder over your words unsure how to answer. In retrospect, you really didn't know who you were, nor if you had any traits or...or a life... Nor of any knowledge of your name nor a past or even self interests.

There was Nothing.

You frown a bit, looking off in your thoughts. Briefly forgetting to answer the tall, angered woman in front of you.

The tall woman huffs in annoyance.

"You stretch my patience thin, girl!

"You have intruded my castle and distastefully disrupted my time with your presence!

"Now you shall pay for your insolence...With Your Life!!"

The woman flicks her hand back, unsheathing what looks like... claws!?

They were long, black blade-like claws that were sprouted out from her fingertips.

Your eyes widen as she moves to pierce you with them. Your whole body was screaming to move away and run but... you cannot. You felt frozen in place, petrified by the danger in front of you.

Your heart is racing fast, your fear and emotions build up. Flinching you head to the side, for some kind of protection, you await the strike of the woman's wrath.

With your eyes still closed, you wait a few more seconds. And a few more.

Still nothing... You feel nothing.


You slowly peek your eyes open, shaking.

You now see the reason for confusion, as for the woman's arm is fazed right through your left shoulder. Scanning over your arm, you see its all broken apart into thousands of green moths.

The woman stared agaped at the scattering moths separating from your body and froze. She looked up at you with deep confusion lacing her eyes. Yet, she also seemed...a slightly fascinated?

She pulled back her arm from your deteriorating shoulder, holding her hand to her chest. She look down at you uneasily.

"..what...? ...What Are You?" she muttered quietly.

You blink terribly confused. Petrified of the situation just as much as her. Suddenly, more moths flutter off your body, and faze into a cloud around you. You couldn't understand what was happening.

You start to breathe heavily, your emotions feeling like they're spiraling.

"Oh No- Nonono Not Again!" Thoughts of the white room and green bugs returned as you begin to panic.

There was sudden loud 'Boom' and the room around the woman and you start to crumble and break apart.

Lights flicker and bits of cracked rubble and dust suddenly fall from the ceiling. The walls crack open and the Darkness begins to pour inside.

The moths that swarming around you starts to lift you off the ground and pull you away from the crumbling room.

The woman looks around with terror while keeping her balance from the quaking destruction. You glance at her, thrashing in mid air from the moths. They start pulling you through a crack in the wall, right back into the dark.

You begin to panic some more, kicking and whimpering.

"No! NO! Wait, PLEASE!"

You hot tears bulge up and fall down your face. "Please, No! Don't Bring Me Back There-!"

The woman glances up at your pleads. Her face twists with a panicked concern.

"Wait-!" she shudders while trying to reach for you.

But as she takes a step forward another boom clashes, the crumbling room trembles some more. The woman falls to her knees, clasping a large chair next to her to hold her steady.

You kick out with a yelp as you move past the broken crack in the wall, fully dragged into the dark void. You screamed out with your hand stretched out, clawing for the woman. She is alerted by your yelp and looks up at you once more.

The huge crack you flew through starts to crumble closed. Your eyes widened at the bizarre sight. "No-!" the woman cried out, with her hand held out towards you.

A single tear could be seen shedding from her eye, moving in sync with your own tears. All before the crack crumbled shut in loud rumble. Tears wet on your cheeks as you continue to struggling. Floating weightlessly through the void.

You were alone again. Surrounded by the darkness once more. The moth were now consuming you, slowly flooding your vision.

You hated this new hated being alone...

You hated being in the Dark.


With a sudden jolt and breathless gasp, you wake up from your strange dream.

After breathing in some air, you can help but softly sob. Tears streamed down the corners of your eyes. You felt all sticky and worked up from crying in your sleep. Your heart is beating in your ears.

Blinking away the tears from your eyes you observe your surroundings. You're back in the dimly lit bedroom you first woke from before.

Except, its not as dim anymore. You glance over to the side seeing a window from acrossed the room.

It's daytime now, mid-early sunrise.

A white light from the cloudy skies beyond the glass shines through through the pane. You can see white flakes float downward past the window.

You start to shift your body a bit, noticing know you feel less weak then before. You lift yourself up from the bed carefully, and lean on the back board of the bed frame. Sitting up fully now.

Your heart has calmed a bit now, but your head is still spinning. You rub eyes from the grogginess and frown with a soft grunt.

What was THAT?!

Why was I doing there?!

And that woman...

Who the heck was she??

You shake your head. "Those moths...what were thos-?"

You were cut off from something small fluttering near your ear. You jolt your head up and see the same lime-green moth from your dreams fly up to your face.

It flutters in front of you while you continue to stare at it confused. Without a second thought, you slowly bring your hand up to the moth, and hold it out so the moth may land upon it.

Without hesitation it did just that, gently resting on your palm.

"Huh.. You have a bad dream too, little moth?"

The fluffy little insect fluttered in response, making you giggle.

You both stare at one another for a short bit, until the moth quite literally jumps off.

Your eyes followed the one moth, it flying to your arm and started mingled in with a fazed patch of more green moths. Forming back into a solid arm and skin.

You softly touch your arm, it's indeed solid again. Though, you find yourself frown at what you just had witnessed.

You thought back to the dream... To the woman.

She had asked you what you were. You shuddered at the question. You feel afraid at what the answer to that would be.

These moths are strange...
It can't be normal.

But, what does this make me?

What am I actually capable of...?

What exactly.....Am I?!


[[ whEw! that was a RIDE.
I hope you enjoy this chapter see you in the next one!!💕💕 ]]

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