Change My Mind ~ Criminal Min...

By xxQueenPowerxx

1.1M 27K 25K

Crystal Archer was an average woman in her opinion. She was bold, smart, and incredibly charming but she wasn... More

Important Information
1.0: A new beginning
2.0: Challenge Accepted & A New Case
3.0: Eye Opener
4.0: Uncovered Truth
5.0: Case Closed
6.0: Welcome home & Team bonding
7.0: Wild Night & Sweet Treats
8.0: Another Case
9.0: Down the Rabbit Hole
10.0: And Out the Other End
11.0: Girl's Night and Fright Night
12.0: Trouble and Solutions
13.0: Phone Calls and Suspects
14.0: Hotel Rooms & Race Against the Clock
15.0: Found Solutions
16.0: Profiling Profilers
17.0: Nightly Conversations & New Case
18.0: Denied Feelings
19.0: Downward Spiral on the Case
20.0: Warm Embraces
21.0: Close Call
22.0: Surprise Meeting
23.0: Into Alaska
24.0: Shared Bed & Conversations
25.0: Heading Home & Out Again
26.0: Two Go In & One Comes Out
27.0: Awkward Meetings & Trouble
28.0: Saying Goodbye
29.0: Adapting to Change
30.0: Helping Out & Giving Advice
31.0: Hallows Eve
32.0: Halloween and Party
33.0: Birthdays & Lights, Camera, Action
34.0: Curtin Call
35.0: New Agent
36.0: Closure & Anger
37.0: Eat My Heart Out
38.0: Unprofessional & Realized Feelings
39.0: Talking It Out
40.0: Bath Time & Troubling Cases
41.0: Reputations
42.0: Heading Home
43.0: Christmas & Secrecy
44.0: Conversations & Gifts
45.0: Walking Tall
46.0: Before I Hit The Ground and Fall
47.0: Anything For Family
48.0: Because Family is Everything
49.0: Losing a Friend
50.0: Coping With Reality
51.0: Grief Assessments
52.0: Soccer, Birthdays & New Faces
53.0: Flowers & Diving In
54.0: Troubling Affairs
55.0: Past Scars
56.0: Some People Leave
57.0: Some People Come Back
58.0: The Truth Behind Sweet Lies
59.0: Fragile Hearts
60.0: Overdue Smiles & Confronting Empty Feelings
61.0: Little Changes & Building Our World Up
62.0: Falling Back Into Place
63.0: Pranks & Prizes
64.0: Late Christmas & Emotional Struggles
65.0: Wrong Numbers & Past Trauma
66.0: Valentine's Day & Support Groups
67.0: Butterflies & Races
68.0: Awkwardness With Cases
69.0: Troubling Issues & Trust
70.0: Running In Circles
71.0: Running To Each Other
72.0: Starting at the Basics
73.0: Routines & Copycats
74.0: Troubling Minds & Surprises
75.0: Sick Days & Arguments With Surprise Visitors
76.0: Unwanted Visitors & Possible Dates
77.0: Valentine's Dance For Lost Time
78.0: It's An Archer Thing
79.0: Ready For Change & Race Day
80.0: Death Is Coming With Unsaid Words
81.0: But Not Today, For Today I Live
82.0: Some Things Never Change
83.0: But Hearts Change For People
84.0: Heading Back Home & Trouble In Paradise
85.0: Finally Home In Your Arms
86.0: Confessing Feelings & The Next Morning
87.0: The Director & Family Troubles
88.0: Back On Cases & New Dynamics
89: Catching Criminals & Moving Forward
90.0: Moving In & Confrontations
91.0: Continue...
92.0: Welcome Home
93.0: Going Down With The Ship
94.0: Just For It To Sail Again
96.0: Old Faces Back Again
97.0: New Dynamics With Old Feelings
98.0: Planning Events
99.0: Expectations
100.0: Till The Ends Of Time
101.0: Sweet Honeymooners & Disturbances
102.0: Issues Uncovered
103.0: The Past In The Present
104.0: Remembering The Past
105.0: Obsessions & Fear Go Hand in Hand
106.0: Fighting Doubts
107.0: New Cases With New Problems
108.0: Negatives Turn Into Positives
109.0: Coming Clean
110.0: Sometimes There Is No Happy Ending
111.0: Continuing After Failure
112.0: Learning To Walk Again
113.0: Baby, Me & Mom On The Case
114.0: Baby Showers Bring Case Files

95.0: From Here

5.5K 167 126
By xxQueenPowerxx

"The cloud is free only to go with the wind. The rain is free only in falling."
― Wendell Berry

Crystal smiled at how Jason had Jack on his shoulders, "Don't drop him." Jason rolled his eyes as he put another box in her car, "I won't, don't worry." Crystal put another box into her car before closing it, "Alright, we just need to put the other stuff in the moving truck and we're good to go."

Jack cheered and she smiled at him, "Let's go see what your dad and your dumb uncles are doing." They walked back into the building and headed to the elevator, Crystal's family had been happy to hear the news that they'd bought a house. Her parents were already back home and Amy went with them, but her brothers decided to stay to help Crystal and Hotch move into their house. The house had already been done with and now it was just a matter of moving their stuff, but that was easier said than done.

"When I said call us when you move into a house, I didn't think you'd do it this early."

"Shut it Ty." Crystal responded and Tyler smiled, "I'm just teasing, do you need to move anything else?" Crystal looked around and felt a bit sad, she'd grown used to the apartment and it's memories inside it's walls. Arms wrapped around her and she leaned against Hotch's chest, "No, I think that's it. We just need to load up the moving truck and we should be good." Hotch nodded and kissed her head, "Let's head home?"


"Yeah, let's head home." Crystal answered when footsteps were heard, Nick walked from the hallway with a box and a suitcase. "Are we getting paid for this?" Crystal rolled her eyes at him, "Yes Nicky, I'll feed you before you guys leave." Nick smiled happily, "Good, now let's hurry up and get this stuff down the elevator and stairs." Hotch let her go and looked at her brothers, "Thanks for helping, I appreciate it." Jason shrugged and let Jack down from his shoulders, "You can repay us with a wedding-"


"What? It's the least you both could do, we even helped take the couch."


"Can I go home now?" Nick whined and Crystal rolled her eyes, "Do you want your payment? Then hurry up and grab more boxes dummy." Nick groaned, but got up from the couch to head back out the door. Hotch and Jason walked in with their own boxes and Crystal smiled, "Those go in the kitchen." Jason nodded and headed there, Hotch gave her a quick kiss before following after him. Jack ran into the house and she crouched down, "Hey bud, why don't you go check out your room?"


"I'll come get you when lunch is ready." Crystal promised and Jack smiled before running off, Tyler walked in next and put the box on the ground. "This should be the last of it, everything else is good?" Crystal nodded and opened the box, "The hardest things were just the mattresses and couch, everything else is simple things or can be put in the garage." Nick walked back in with the last box and smiled, "When can we eat?"

"Do you really just think about food?"

"Yes." Nick answered honestly and she laughed, "Okay Mr. Surgeon, let's head to the kitchen and cook something up." Crystal headed to the kitchen and Hotch was putting the dishes in the cupboards with Jason, she smiled over at him. "Ready for lunch?"

"Depends, will we have ice cream?" Hotch asked and she shrugged, "Maybe, depends if it's still frozen or not." Crystal opened the fridge and looked around, she took out some ingredients and Jason yawned. "Do you want help or can I take a nap?" Crystal turned to look at him, "You're a terrible cook."

"The couch it is then." Jason replied before heading out, Tyler and Nick followed after while Hotch hugged her from behind. "I'll stay and help." Crystal smiled and leaned her head back to stare up at him, "It's fine Aaron, go rest up while I cook up something for us and the three stooges."

Hotch chuckled at this and pressed a kiss onto her forehead, "I'm in the living room if you need anything." Crystal hummed and looked back at the fridge, "Try to not destroy the house."

"I'll try." Hotch teased as he let go and walked out of the kitchen, Crystal smiled to herself as she looked for anything else she needed. It felt so surreal, that she was living with the man she was in love with and his adorable son. Crystal finally closed the fridge and decided to just make some spaghetti for lunch, she hummed to herself and continued smiling to herself.

This feels right, it feels perfect.


"Why are you going back to the BAU?" Hotch asked on the phone and Crystal sighed, "Apparently it's girls night and Garcia has a gift for Emily before she leaves, and she wants me to go get it before I head to her apartment." 

"I didn't know you were having a girls night."

"Neither did I, but here we are."

Hotch chuckled on the other line, "Well you have fun with that, Jack asleep?"

"Not yet, he wants to wait up for you. Jess is here still and she'll stay with him until I get back, I'm gonna stop for gas on the way before heading over to the BAU. How're you doing? How was the meeting?" Crystal asked as she exited the house, it had been almost two weeks since they'd move into their new house and it was the best two weeks of her life. Hotch sighed on the other line, "It went well, we've gotten talks about trying to find a replacement for Prentiss since she'll be gone."


"The Director would rather not have the team lacking another profiler, we're still on watch from the higher ups." Hotch answered and she hummed, she entered her car. "Why did you guys not have the meeting in the BAU?"

"It was also a meeting with the Senator, so we had the meeting closer towards them."

"When will you be home?"

"In another two hours, I'll come pick you up if you need me to."

Crystal smiled at this, "I don't plan on getting wasted, I'd like to enjoy the times I have left with Emily sober." 

"Alright, but call if you need me to. Have fun, okay?"

"Always." Crystal responded before hanging up, she was glad she didn't have to go to that meeting. Emily would be a bit late to their girls night since she had to be there to discuss her transfer to London, but luckily she was going to be able to leave early since they would discuss other matters that didn't involve her at the meeting. Crystal was pulling into the BAU when her phone rang, "Hello?"

"Hey, where are you?" 

"I'm pulling into the BAU Garcia, why?"

"Just wondering when you're going to get here. Are you in the BAU?"

Crystal waved at the receptionist, Mandy, as Crystal walked into the BAU with her phone close to her ear. "Yes Penelope, I'm here now." Garcia huffed on the other line, "How could you forget about girls night? How did all of you? Emily's literally leaving soon, we have to hangout while we can." Crystal smiled and made her way to the elevator, "Garcia, I don't think you told us you planned a girls night out."

"Yes I did."

"Hmm, sure you did. Totally didn't wait to tell all of us the day of. That's why I'm at the BAU grabbing the gift you bought for Emily before I head to your apartment." Crystal told her and Garcia laughed, "Exactly, I'm so happy that you agree." Crystal smiled and waited for the elevator to reach her floor, "Well I'll be there soon, is it just in your office?"

"It's super obvious, you won't be able to miss it." Garcia answered and Crystal frowned, "That didn't-"

"See you soon!"

Answer my question....alright then.

Crystal put her phone back into her bag and sighed, Emily would be gone by the end of the month and it was hard to see her pack up her things. JJ and Will had went on a nice honeymoon after the wedding and things calmed down for awhile. Her brothers went back to their lives after helping them move into their house, Crystal  didn't even bother to deny her mom's teasing about how she'd be next to get married while she was still here. Hotch's confession that night was still fresh in her mind and it always left her with butterflies, her heart was racing just thinking about it.

I can't believe he bought a ring.

The elevator doors opened and Crystal blinked, there was no one in the office and the lights were all dimmed. 

Did I miss something?

Crystal stepped off the elevator and her eyes wandered around the hall and corridor before finally landing on a piece of paper, it was stuck next to the elevator. 

'One of the first memories I have where I realized how kind you were was right here at this elevator. You were trying to tell me that you were fine, but I knew that you were upset that we were opening up old wounds that the families tried to burry. It's when I knew that you were kind and caring, that your empathy was greater than anyone's I've ever met.'

It was Hotch's handwriting, she could tell as clear as day that it was. Crystal thought about it before remembering, it was one of the first cases she worked with the team it was where they saved those kids who were kidnapped with the same ruse. Mosely Lane was a place that would haunt those kids, but they were all doing better now. Crystal saw another piece of paper leading to Garcia's lair and she walked over to it, she didn't know why these notes were here for but it a trip down memory lane. Crystal walked in front of the notes and laughed at how it had a picture of her and Hotch doing paperwork in his office, judging from her clothes it was taken when she first joined the team.

'I told you this before, but I let you help me with the paperwork because you didn't treat me like I was fragile. You treated me like I was human and not a man who had just lost his wife and almost lost his son, it made me feel welcomed and warm that you could see past what had happened to me while also helping me find peace. Nothing I could ever do could repay you for the kindness you showed me that night it started this all, even if you were just doing it to avoid your family.'

'You and Aaron were to blind to see it kiddo, but I could see how you looked at him differently and how he looked at you like you changed him. In a way, you did. Just remembering how you both started out with having late nights with paperwork to now being in love, what a romance in the making.


The top note was Hotch's again, he never signed his name and maybe it was because she knew his handwriting so well. Crystal touched the picture and smiled, those late nights doing paperwork were fond memories to her. Not because where they led her with Hotch, but because of how it was the start of her change. Without realizing it, she had already started trusting others again even if she thought she'd never trust anyone again. Here she was in this picture, doing an act of kindness for someone she thought of as a friend and trusting again.

I've come a long way.

With that, she smiled at the picture one last time before going to Garcia's office. When she opened the door, she was surprised with balloons and two more notes with a picture. Crystal looked at the balloons first and her eyes softened, the balloons said 'smile, you never know who's falling in love with your smile' and she took the balloon strings into her hand. Crystal looked at the note and picture, the picture was Hotch having a small smile on his face while looking at her. She was wearing a red skirt and a white blouse, it took her a second to remember that this was when JJ had left and she had dressed like this the first time in a long time to help Garcia overcome her anxiety with changing her attire.

'When you walked in the jet in a different attire, I thought you looked more determined than I ever saw you. It was a look that suited you, but I knew how you felt worthless in those clothes. The way you were able to wear them and find who you were through them made me feel happy for you, apparently I moved your glasses that day for you and if I'm honest I don't really remember doing it. However, I know for a fact that the reason I did it was because whenever I feel close to you I feel warm and at ease.'

'You were so supportive of me getting out of my office and taking on JJ's role, even though I failed miserably and changed clothes after, you encouraged me and made me feel so much better than I would've been doing it alone. I really appreciate how you were there for me and I don't think I could ever repay the kindness you've always shown me.


P.S. I got this photo from Rossi :)'

Crystal laughed as she read Garcia's note and smiled at the memory of Hotch's, of course the pictures were from Rossi. Crystal had a sneaking suspicion that him and the team had been taking pictures of her and Hotch throughout the years, seems like they were finally coming clean about it. Crystal took the balloons with her and walked out of Garcia's lair, she was guessing that girls night was a lie.

I just don't know what the real objective is.

She walked out and towards the offices, she entered and smiled. On her desk was more notes and pictures, there were other things as well. There was a chess piece, a blanket on her chair, a tin of cookies, and a stress ball that was decorated like a basketball. Crystal picked up the note for the cookies, she took out one and took a bite before reading.

'The first gift you gave me, even if it was a friendly wager, were a gift you let me share with my son. Your baking skills are something that I admire because you not only make things for you and your family, but for others. This was a night I enjoyed and it let me see a smile on Jack's face, the first one in a long time that seemed so genuine since Haley died. It makes me more thankful towards you because in a way, your gift to me helped me make him smile and it was made with so much care even if we weren't close then.'

'When Emily had to go away, I made these for you all because you needed comfort. That's something you've always provided and when I left the team, I made these whenever I could because it reminded me of you and everyone there. You're always so caring for us, even if we did offend you the first day here by assuming things about you. The way you carry yourself just showed me and all of us how you could be professional, but also a friend who could and would be there no matter what.


Crystal's eyes widen, she hadn't known that her gift three years ago had impacted Hotch and Jack so much. Crystal held the notes close to her chest, reading JJ's message made her feel warm too. These were all memories she had put in the back of her mind over time, but that they had kept and remembered because it impacted them. Crystal smiled and felt herself get a bit teary, this was nice. She grabbed the blanket next, it was similar to the one she made Emily but it had softer yarn than the one she had made hers with. The picture attached to it was the day they had their Secret Santa, it was when she hugged Hotch for gifting her the egg tarts that her grandfather loved.

'For Secret Santa I wanted to make you feel at home, that you were wanted no matter what happened and no matter how far you were from the people you loved. The way your eyes lit up when I showed you the egg tarts were enough for me to realize how far I would go to make you smile. Your smile is something I fell in love with, the way you reminded me to smile made me realize how much I really enjoyed seeing yours with how contagious it is.'

'Without me telling you anything at all, you knew something was wrong. I was hiding the problem about Doyle because I didn't want to bother anyone else or endanger them, but you knew from just one look that something was wrong. You were always like a safety net for me, I could fall and you'd be there to catch me no matter how far I tried pushing you and everyone away. Thank you, for being there for me. For being someone I could count on and make me see that I was never alone, you were always there watching and observing. You helped me feel safe in the times where I felt like I was falling apart, I'm really going to miss having that and I'm going to miss you in London. I'm only a phone call away though, call me for anything.


Crystal's eyes grew more teary and she fanned her eyes, this was a lot. She really was going to miss Emily and this was a sweet note, saying goodbye was always hard and it was going to be harder with how she'd be leaving for good now. Hotch's note made her smile, she's noticed over the years how she'd do anything to make him smile. His smile was rare at first, but it had become a daily thing that had become the highlight of  her day. Making Hotch smile, it always held more warmth the more she saw it over the years and it made her happy.

The chess piece caught her eye, it was like the one that she used to communicate with Reid except this one was bigger and it was silver. There was a picture of Reid holding his trophy from his chess championship, she had missed it when she was still back at home. Crystal smiled at how happy he looked, she heard how nervous he had been for it and she was glad she sent down Nick with the posters for support.

'I remember how hard it was to be away from you, you had become part of my daily life and I missed you dearly. No matter how many times we talked, I wanted you in my arms where I knew you were safe. If I'm being honest, I was terrified I'd wake up one day and you were taken from me again or gone. That saving you was a dream and that I had lost the love that I had found in life because of you. Hearing your voice, hearing your laugh, and just knowing that you were still safe and sound let my mind be at ease. I'm so happy now that I can see you everyday where I can reach out and touch you, to know that you're real and out of harms way.'

'You've always encouraged me to go out and do the things that I feel passionate about. I always ramble about certain things and theories, and you never made me feel like I was out of place whenever I talked to you. You're the person I feel like I can trust with anything, kinda like how I talk to my mom. I won that chess tournament and I wanted to show it to you, I wanted you to see that everything you've always talked to me about like going to find people with the same interests worked out for me. You've always believed in me and made me feel normal, you let me trust you with my secrets and I don't feel alone.


Crystal smiled at the chess piece, she really wished she had been there to see Reid win his chess tournament. He looked so happy with his trophy, he had it at his apartment now instead of his desk. Reid had always been awkward with social interaction because he was always the smartest person in the room, so Crystal always told him to use it to his advantage and go find people who would appreciate him and his wonderful mind. Reading Hotch's note did remind her of how she really missed this place and the team, it was lonely in her recovery and she missed being on cases. It was like a short vacation, but she wanted more than anything than to be here. 

To be home.

The last gift was the basketball stress ball, she smiled and rolled it around after putting the chess piece back on her desk. Crystal picked up the note and the picture, it was a photo of her sleeping on Hotch's shoulder on the jet. It was a side view of Hotch doing paperwork while Crystal slept against his shoulder with his blazer on her like a blanket. Crystal looked at it softly, these were the times she felt safest with Hotch.

'When I finally realized how much I really cared for you, my heart would race in these moments. I would be doing paperwork, but my mind would be on you. How you would scrunch your face when I moved to much, how you would snuggle into my shoulder when you felt comfortable, how your hair would fall into your face, how you would lean into my touch when I moved it from your face, and how I wanted to more than anything to just hold you. You were so close within my grasp, yet so far. Looking back, I probably am a bit blind for a profiler. I'm okay with that though because in the end I did get to hold you, even if it did take us more time than needed to be able to finally be together.'

'I still can't believe that you told me last about your crush on Hotch, even before pretty boy, but I can't say I was surprised. Were we a bit annoying about it? Sure, but we knew. We knew because Hotch is a drill Sargent who busied himself in his work so that he could try and ignore how he had been a victim, he was someone who closed himself off. It wasn't like that with you though, you walked in here day one and I saw a man I never thought I'd see again. He looked happy, and that was because of you. I've always admired how you were able to make everyone around you feel calm, feel safe, and feel like all their worries were only a distant memory. You walk into the room and you have this aura that makes people feel relaxed, you make me feel calm in situation and level headed. It's something that I know you'll never lose wherever you go, you'll always be that one person who makes everyone feel better about themselves and stronger than they could ever know.


Crystal was tearing up again, she was feeling overwhelmed by all of these compliments and the team telling her their memories with her. Crystal's phone buzzed and she took it out, it was Garcia.

Girl Wonder:  Sorry I meant Hotch's office!
Girl Wonder: Just grab it there

Crystal: You're not sly

Girl Wonder: Just go! I promise it's good

Crystal smiled to herself and walked up the ramp and into Hotch's office after leaving the balloons at her desk, there was a file on the desk and this made her confused. There was nothing else on the desk out of place, so she walked over and opened the file. A paper frog jumped out at her and she gasped, she laughed and she picked up the paper frog. It was brand new, it wasn't the one she made so long ago. Crystal read the little 'open me' on the frog and unfolded it, she finally had it back to the original paper and gulped.

'You're smart Archer, you know what this is about.'

Song - Light (Sleeping At Last) 

She did, she had a suspicion from the beginning but she wanted to be sure. That's when she heard it, soft music being played and it was coming from the round table. Crystal walked out of Hotch's office and headed towards the room, the door was closed but she could see a light peeking from behind the door. 

Crystal felt her eyes tear up again, she took in a deep breath and pushed the door open. Once the door was wide open, she was met with the room decorated with flowers. There were so many flowers and different types, there were also candles that were keeping the dark room lit up. Crystal stepped into the room and let a tear fall, it was every flower that her and Hotch ever gifted each other. 

The door in front of her opened and she looked over, Hotch smiled and walked over. "Hi."

"Hi." Crystal whispered and he had a bouquet in his hand, he walked over slowly to her and handed her the bouquet.

"Orange blossoms, they mean eternal love." Hotch told her and she held them gently, "So, you're not a meeting." Hotch chuckled at this and held her face, he lifted her chin up to look him in the eyes. "No, it ended earlier today actually." Crystal leaned into his touch and closed her eyes, "What're you doing Aaron?"

"You know what I'm doing, right?" Hotch asked and Crystal opened her eyes again, another tear slipped and she smiled. "Yeah, yeah I do."

He's proposing.

Hotch kissed her forehead and stepped back from her, he reached into his pocket and kneeled down in front of her. "Crystal Archer, I could go on for as long as I needed to for you to understand how much I love you. I know that I'm not perfect, I know that I've hurt you in the past, but I also know that I'm so in love with you. I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you complete me and make me not only a better man but a better father. You mean everything to me, you're someone I can't imagine ever losing from my life. I've been enchanted by you and your character, I fell for you more than you could ever know Crystal. I'd really like to marry you, but you don't have to say yes."

Crystal had more tears fall now and Hotch smiled up at her, "I know you can't trust easily, that this is hard for you because of your past, and that's why I did this privately with just us. The team did help me, but I don't want you to say yes unless you want to. If you're not ready, then say no. There's no pressure, if you say no then we can just wait until you're ready. If you're never ready, then let's love each other for the rest of our lives. We don't need to get married to be happy, I just need you."

Hotch opened the lid of the box and Crystal let out a quiet sob, it was beautiful. 

"Rossi might've helped pinch in for this." Hotch told her and she laughed, Crystal wiped her eyes and nodded. "Yes, yes I will marry you Aaron Hotchner. I would be honored to be Crystal Archer Hotchner." Hotch slipped the ring onto her finger before standing up quickly to kiss her, more tears fell and it wasn't only from her now. Hotch pulled back and she wiped his tears, "I love you, I'm in love with you Aaron Hotchner. You're my safe place and I can't imagine marrying anyone else, no one else would let me feel okay to not be ready. Only you Hotchner, would make me feel so loved still even if I didn't want this. I do though, I really want this."

"You're my safe place too Crystal, I love you. I'll be here for anything and everything, we're in this together." Hotch told her and kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheek, and then her lips again. Crystal smiled and hugged him, she was so happy. A buzz interrupted them and Hotch shuffled to grab his phone, "Hotchner....she said yes Dave- hello?" Hotch frowned and pulled back, "That was Dave, he hung up on me." Crystal shrugged, "Maybe it's nothing-"

Cheers were heard and they turned around, the team and her family walked in and surrounded them. Garcia wiped away her tears, "Congratulations!" Hotch stared at them before sighing, "Why're you all here?" Nick shrugged, "We all knew my sister would say you Mr. Agent, you were worried and it was sweet, but she's way to gone for you to say no." Crystal laughed and hid her face in Hotch's chest, she moved away and hugged her parents. "When did he ask?"

"He came to ask for your hand before we left." Her mom answered and kissed her head, "I'm so happy for you sweetie, you look so happy." Her grandpa was there too and Crystal hugged everyone, she laughed when Reid lifted her up and swayed them. This felt right, this felt like love. In a room where she saw her second family frequently, in a room decorated with so many memories, in a room with people who cared for her, in a room with the love of her life, she said yes and she didn't regret it.

Crystal kissed Hotch, her brothers pretended to barf, before she smiled up at him. "You're to good to me." Hotch shook his head, "No, you deserve this and more." Crystal hugged him and then they laughed with the team as she showed off her ring. Crystal hugged Emily and Emily squeezed her tight, "You're both going to be great, you're finally happy together." Crystal looked over at Hotch who was smiling while talking with Morgan, she smiled and closed her eyes.

"Yeah, we're going to be really happy."

Together, always from now on.


Author's Note:

SO HOW ARE WE FEELING ABOUT THIS!!!??? WEDDING IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!! This has been an amazing chapter to write and I couldn't think of a more appropriate place for Hotch to propose than the BAU where it all started. I'm not to sure when I'll be adding the wedding, but we will have some snippets of them planning the wedding in future chapters. We're off now to season 8 and that means Blake is here! Romance will pick up from here and it's going to be really fun to write and the plot is going to be amazing. Thank you so much for your patience with this, I had a bit of a set back with this chapter so I hope it was worth the wait. I am in college now, so I don't know when the next update will be. Hopefully, I'll have some time when I get a break for Labor Day but that's not a promise for an update. 
We are so close to 400K reads and I'm so thankful!!! Thank you all so much for continuing to support me and my story! I love you all and I can never thank you all enough for everything you've all done for me. Thank you 💖💖💖💖💖

IMPORTANT: I know that there was a mirror site that was posting my work (teenfic) and there really isn't anything I can do about it. The site seems to be down now, but it was a dangerous site that wasn't safe to access. Please try to not interact with it if it comes back up and please let me know if this does happen. I do have a discord (hhtps:// that I post updates and teasers for Change My Mind chapters. The best thing you could do if you find people posting my work is either report it and tell me so I can try and get in touch with the person doing it or report to Wattpad that there is another site posting their books.


Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter~

See you in the next update!

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