Back to you <3

Autorstwa weekoldoreo

124 0 0

When Sam has to leave for his job, he plans a leaving gift for Y/N the night before. Little do they know the... Więcej

Chapter 2 | Find you
Chapter 3 | The Adventure
Chapter 4 | A Theifs End
Chapter 5 | The Epilogue

Chapter 1 | Young Lovers

45 0 0
Autorstwa weekoldoreo

Y/N and Sam were just young teens when they first met, they would always hang out with each other and tend to go to abandoned places. Y/N lived with her parents, while Sam just came out of the orphanage a few years back. Of course he hated it there but of course his younger brother Nathan Drake was there too. While Sam was running free and looking for work, Y/N was a close friend of his and would always support him whatever he'd done. However, they weren't friends but not lovers too, there was some sort connection between them but they couldn't understand it. Sam would always ask Y/N at night if she would sneak out with him. But one of those nights would be the night that would change them both forever...

*Y/Ns phone rings*
"Urgh" you turn over and look at your phone and answer the call.

Y/N: "Hello?" you say in your sleepy voice.
Sam: "Y/N it's Sam, sorry to wake you but do you wanna maybe wanna hang out? You'd really wanna see this"

Y/N: "Sam i'm really tired does it have to be now? how about tomorrow?"
Sam: "Well I would say that but.. i'm already outside your house"
Y/N: "Wait what? seriously?"
Sam: *he laughs* " Yeah i'm outside your house"
Y/n: "Well shit okay, yeah i'll get dressed i'll be 5 minutes"
Sam: "don't rush yourself there's no hurry or anything"

you could feel the sarcasm in his tone of voice, you laughed to yourself knowing why the hell you were doing this at 2am, but also the thought of Sam wanting to hang out with you made you smile.

Once you got dressed you made your way down from your window, he watched you from the bottom to make sure you wouldn't trip and fall.

Sam: "It's about time"
Y/N:  "i'm sorry okay! Look you caught me by surprise" *you chuckle*
Sam: "Alright, well hop on i've got something big to show you" *he helps you onto his motorcycle*

Once you'd both arrived you got shivers down your spine as you stared at the abandoned site of this empty building. You knew you'd have to be quiet to try and sneak in. Of course you both were masters at this as you both had done this many of times. Once you'd both gotten in you turned on your flashlight and so did Sam.

Y/N: "Woah it's so dark in here"
Sam: "Yeah well no ones been here for years but trust me it'll be fine"

You both continue to walk and you both see what appears to be pictures on the wall of advertisements from years back.

Y/n: "No fucking way it's a dinosaur"
Sam: "Wow well done Y/N"

*You give him the death stare*
*He chuckles to himself*

Y/N: "I've always loved those things"
Sam: "Well wait until you see the surprise"
Y/n: "is it a dinosaur?"
Sam: "Maybe"
Y/n: "I'll forgive you for bringing me out here if its a dinosaur"
Sam: "Just come on you'll see" *he chuckles*

Sam walks you along this hall which appears to be an open door, as you both enter it Sam offers you to flip the switch.

Y/N "whats this?"
Sam: "just go on flip it"

The lights of the mall all start to flicker and switch on.

You both continue to walk along the halls and you saw what appeared to be 2 doors at the end of the hallway. It felt very anonymous, but lucky for you that you had Sam with you. 

Y/N: "Hey how do you know this place so well anyways? Have you been here before?"
Sam: "Uhhh i have my ways"
Y/N: "Right of course you do"

You both reach the end of the hallway.

Sam: "You ready?"
Y/N: "Wait"
Sam: "What?"
Y/N: "i've been kinda a dick about you dragging me down here, I just wanna say sorry you know?"
Sam: "Hey you don't need to apologise, i should've gave you enough notice"
Y/N: *You look down and look back up*
"So are you ready to open this door or what?" *you smile*
Sam: "Hell yeah"

*You both open the door*

Y/N: "Are you kidding?"

*There was a carousel and photo booth across from the mall all lit up*

You smile at Sam in amazement and start walking towards the carousel obviously wanting a turn.

Sam: "So that'll be $2 please"
Y/n: "Oh yeah?"
*You look at him teasingly*
Sam: "Or maybe we can arrange another payment later"
Y/N *You laugh*
"Samuel your such a dick"

*You hop on the carousel and Sam presses the button to jump start the carousel*

Y/N: "No way this is gonna work"
*The carousel starts moving*
Y/N: "No fucking way!!!"
Y/N: " Sam, come on get on with me"
Sam: "I've got a better view down here, go!"
*You laugh*
*A few moments later*
Y/N: "Come on, get on!"
Sam: "Okay fine if you insist"
*The carousel starts to slow down"
Sam: "No no no no come on! I just got on"
Y/N: "So sir that'll be $2 please"
Sam: *looks at you* "I thought we arranged another arrangement later"
Y/N: "Well yeah but.. i didnt give you an answer"
Sam: "Thats... fair"

*You look at the photo booth*

Y/N: "Oh my god no way we have to go in there"
Sam: "You wanna go in.. there?" *He looks confused*
Y/N: "Um yeah! did i stutter?"
Sam: "okay okay fine you win"

Y/N: "Who's gonna look at these anyway"
Sam: "Um me?"

*You both enter it*

Y/N: "Right so how does this work?"
Sam: "Maybe 'start' would be my best guess"
Y/N: "Right i totally knew that"
*Sam rolls his eyes*
Y/N: " Lets do aaaaaa Funny face!"
*Takes pic*
Sam: "Oh my god"
Y/N: "Now a squishy face!"
*Takes pic*
Sam: "Hey look a Dinosaur!"
Y/N: "Oh noooo"
*Takes pic*
Y/N: "Now let's be all sexy, Ooooo so sexy"
*Takes pic*
Sam: "Oh there all done"  *He says sarcastically*
Y/N: "Oh woah these look pretty good"
Sam: "So how do we get them?"
Y/N:  "Well the 'print 'option will be my best guess" *You look at Sam*
Sam: *Presses print*


Y/N: "Oh come on fuck you!"
Sam: "Try again"
Y/N: "Okay"

Y/N starts to press the button many times and same message keeps coming up

Y/n: *Hits the screen*
Sam: *Hits the screen*

*The booth switches off"

Sam: "I think we broke it"
Y/N: *laughs* "I  think we did to"


Y/n: "Sooooooo"
Sam: "Sooo?"
*You both smirk*
Sam: "Wanna keep exploring?"
Y/N: "Hell yeah"

As you both get up and walk out of the photo booth you both decide to walk up the escalator, you both walk past this halloween store which catches your eye. Sam notices this and goes in first, he unlocks the door from the other side as you lift him over.

Y/N: "Sam did you open the door?"
Y/N: "Sam?"
The door unlocks

*You walk in and look around*

Sam: *laughs*
Y/N: "You dick that's 2 times today!"
Sam: "Ohh man, look at this place pretty spooky right"
Y/N: "The only thing spooky in here is you"

You both walk around for a while then you exit the abandoned store. As you both walk around you both see a blue and red car. You come up with an idea that's somewhat of a game.

Y/N: "Hey you see them cars down there? Whoever gets all the windows out first wins"
Sam: "Game on, loser"
Y/N: "We can use these bricks"
Sam: *Throws a brick and gets a window out*
Y/N "Hey! i didn't say go!"
Sam: "Best hurry i'm gonna win this thing"

The game lasts for 5 minutes as you both attempt to smash out the car windows. However you ended up getting them all out first.

You still had your halloween mask on from the store and decide to take it off and throw it to the ground as you say...

Sam: "Yeah yeah alright you win"
Y/N: "So where to now loser"
Sam: "Ummm Right! this way"

You both walk into another room that was filled with broken tv's that were constantly making static noise which flickered the room.

As you look around, it was quiet... too quiet. You obviously knew Sam was up to something.

Sam: "Oh uh i know you really liked those water guns a few weeks back"
*Gives you his bag to open*
Y/N: "No way you got the water guns!"
Sam: *Nods his head*
Y/N: *you look at the guns then look at Sam*
Sam: "Whats wrong, you ok?"
Y/N: "Yeah im fine its just, you were on about leaving for work the other day and i've been thinking... i dont want you to leave. A year you said wasnt it?"
Sam: *nods*
Y/N: "Sam..."
Sam: "Yeah i know Y/N i dont wanna leave either you know that, with Nate and you being here.. its my only chance of getting a normal life. And a couple years when nathans out of the orphanage..."
Y/N: "A few years???..."
Sam: "yeah i know it sounds bad but its the only choice i have"
Y/N: "So take me with you"
Sam: "You know i cant do that i can barely look after myself"
Y/N: "Sam i can take care of myself"
Sam: "what about your parents"
Y/N: "Im old enough to live on my own Sam they'll understand"
Sam: *Sighs* "i cant Y/N you know we cant"
*Sam walks off*
Y/N: SAM! SAM!! fuck.

You go off to find Sam, with the same words repeating in your head "in a couple of years" You couldnt bare it knowing he'll be gone for a year. It wouldn't be fair to leave nathan in the orphanage for a few more years on his own. Maybe this is what this whole night was for? A last night with Sam.

You eventually find sam full of arcade machines.

Y/N: "Sam"
Sam: "This rooms pretty cool huh."
Y/N: "Yeah its alright"
Sam: "Y/N im sorry this night was supposed to be fun for the both of us but i cant just not go away you know i need this"
Y/N: "First of all you dont get to be pissed off at me, i should be pissed off with you"
Sam: "For what? doing what i need to do? Y/N i swear if i could take you with me i would. but you know i cant. What you do you think nathan will say when he finds out that im leaving"
Y/N: "so what your just gonna try and bribe him too?"
Sam: "its not like that"
Y/N: "then tell me what it's like?"
Sam: *he looks away for a moment and stares at the water guns in his backpack that your carrying*

Sam: "How about i destroy you and then we'll talk"
Y/N: "Fine, if i win you stay?"
Sam: "lets just-"

You begin to squirt him with water

Sam: "holy shit no fair"

you both have an intense water gun match but of course you win.

Y/N: "Ohhhh oh shoot what did i just do? did you see those skills"
Sam: "Hey I let you win"
Y/N: "Right because that's what you said when you lost earlier right?"
Sam: *Laughs*
Y/N: "okay well-"

Sam: "Oh i almost forgot, here this make you all nostalgic"
Y/N: "What's this?"

Sam: "Here let me just put this in the CD player" 

He inserts the music disk into the music player and the music plays.

Y/N: *Oh my god*
Sam: *puts down his bag and gets on the table and tries to persuade you to dance with him, and he of course persuaded you*

After 2 minutes of dancing together you suddenly stop and begin to back off away from him. You stand there still and think to yourself. Sam stops dancing.

Sam: "Hey what's wrong?"
Y/N: "Don't go..."
Sam: *looks down and looks back up at you with a little bit of a smirk, obviously with his expression he doesn't wanna leave himself*
You kiss him and smirk afterwards.
Sam: *He smiles* "Wow i didnt know you could kiss like that"
Y/N: "but you liked it"
Sam: "Guilty"
Y/N: "so what happens now"
Sam: "We'll figure it out"
Y/N: "like we always do" *he chuckles*
Sam: "Come on we should head back"

As you both were heading out of the abandoned mall, Sam saw something that caught his eye.
It was a brown leather bracelet, with somewhat of an eye symbol on it.  Sam instantly thought he should give it to you as a gift.

Y/N: "hey Sam?"
Sam: "Hm?"
Y/N: "you coming?"
Sam: "yeah go i'll catch up"
Y/N: "sure just don't do anything stupid"
Sam: *laughs* "don't know how many times i've heard that one before" he says to himself

As you walk off and Sam finally catches up with you, you both climb over the tall buildings to try and get back home. However you both decide to sit on one of the roofs as it was a nice night.

Sam: "Hey uh about back there?"
Y/N: "yeah?"
Sam: "Did you really mean that?"

You both sit and think about the kiss you both had

Y/N: "yeah of course i did"
Sam: "why did you do that?"
Y/N: *chuckles* "is that even a question?"
Sam: "alright, alright i'm just asking"
Sam: "Uh i found this, it's not much but-"
Y/N: "i love it"
Sam: "wait are you serious?"
Y/N: "uh yeah!"
Sam: *he puts it on your wrist and figures out how to tie it*
Y/N: "are you having a hard time?"
Sam: "No i got it. There"
Y/N: "it's perfect"

You both decide to get up and head towards the motorcycle that you both got here on.

as you just about get round the corner to your house, you both get off and start walking from there to be quiet.

Y/N: "so are you gonna see nathan tomorrow?"
Sam: "yeah i dont know what im gonna do or say, i know it was hard on you i just dont want him to feel the same"
Y/N: "im sure he'll understand, i just wish i could come with you"
Sam: "i know you do Y/N"
Y/N: "so wait does this mean we're you know-"
Sam: "a what?"
Y/N: "a thing"
Sam: "well i mean i hope so"
Y/N: "do you mean that"
Sam: "of course Y/N, and dont worry i'll come find you when i come back and arrange a super cool date for us okay?"

You look at sam speechless.

Sam: "Y/N?"
Y/N: "i love you"

Sam pulls you in for a kiss but it turned into a much longer kiss than expected.

Sam: "so i'll see around huh?"
Y/N: "It's been fun Sam"
Sam: "Hey i'll come find you"
Y/B: "just don't be a stranger ok?"
Sam: *He kisses you one last time*
"i love you"

You kiss him on the cheek and climb to your window,  he yet again watched you to make sure you didn't trip and fall. You both give one last wave before he drives away on his motorcycle.

~1 day later~
"2 young boys have been suspected of breaking an entry we don't have any claims if this is true or false information. Police were called as the 2 young boys had seem to have broken in to older woman's house. Yet the woman has no wounds or evidence to which the 2 young boys would've done anything to harm her. Police are still trying investigate what actually went on in the crime scene. The 2 young boys are no where to be found reports say..."

Y/N: "sam and nathan... what did they do?"

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