Crown of Fire (Book 3 in the...

By CrystalJJohnson

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FOR HER, HE WILL SET EVERY KINGDOM ON FIRE. Kyron LeFur never wanted to be king. He may have united a torn pe... More

Author's Note
Epilogue - Kyron
Epilogue - Raelle


1K 58 24
By CrystalJJohnson

The Esspress emperor's sixth wife was quick to answer my request for an audience with her husband. As Borin predicted, her response implied she would ask for a favor in return before she brought me before the emperor. I need at least two fully manned battleships to comfortably pull off the rescue mission, and the kingdom to our north is my only hope of procuring them. But the thought of Lasandra asking me to service her in any sexual way has my stomach in knots. I've given my body to a fair share of women, enjoyed their company and taken my pleasure, but I have no desire for meaningless fucking anymore. My body has only one purpose: pleasing one woman. I'm finding it difficult to justify any reason to give what I've given to Raelle to Lasandra, even if it is to bring my parah home.

"You look like you're going to vomit."

I yank my hand from my pocket, releasing the Eporri, and snap my attention to Rowan. The young soldier sits tall on his father's massive black stallion—Nortus. During most of the trek through northern Pliris and into Esspress, he has held his tongue and didn't veer too far from me. He didn't even put up a fight when I ordered him to remain with me instead of staying behind with the one hundred and twenty soldiers on the other side of the mountain range. He is eager to fight, to avenge his sister. I understand all too well that need, but his safety comes first.

"I'm not looking forward to my meeting with the Esspress ruler or his wife," I say.

"Are you going to give in to her?" Rowan asks.

Looking down the red clay road ahead, I say, "I'm not sure. This is our only hope of getting Raelle back, and we need her help."

"You should do whatever it takes. Raelle can heal from a broken heart. The same can't be said if Zek continues to hack away at her."

My hand finds its way into my pocket again, and I brush my thumb over the stone inside. He's right. Zek will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He has no love for Raelle. Her capture was a power-play. What happens to her means nothing to him. The same can't be said for me.

"If I betray our bond, it will do more than break her heart. I don't know if I can inflict that kind of pain on her."

A thoughtful hum rumbles in Rowan's throat, and he falls silent.

The gray sky opens, releasing a constant drizzle of rain. It taps against the scale-like plates of Rowan's black armor, joining the clapping of horse hooves. We ride side by side and take in the scenery of the Esspress kingdom. Thick layers of moss cover the trunks of the massive trees, and beneath them, mushrooms litter the ground with bulbus red and orange heads. The air is heavy and laced with pine and soil. Despite the wet weather and what lies ahead of me, this land is beautiful.

"What do you think Raelle would do if roles were reversed?" Rowan asks, earning a sidelong glance from me. "What if the only way to save you was to do something she didn't want to do?"

I run my hand over the back of my neck and turn my face up, allowing the rain to wash over me. "She would do it without a second thought."

"I think you have your answer then."

"I think I liked you better when you refused to talk to me," I grumble.

"You can always assign me back to the main regiment to get me out of your hair."

"Or I could gag you and have you share a horse with Cohn."

Rowan spares a glance at the enormous man perched upon an equally massive horse. Cohn focuses his black stare ahead and grunts. His round, brown cheeks ball with his sneer. There is little room in his saddle for two, and my most threatening soldier sweats like fluids repulse his body.

"I'll shut my mouth," Rowan says.

"Wise choice."

We ride on; the trees growing thicker and the air thinner as we climb in elevation. The road appears to end, but as we inch closer, it declines into a valley. Fields of tall grass and bright orange, yellow, and purple wildflowers surround hundreds of rustic homes. Each has a wooden rail fence and a thatched roof. A bustling market sits in the center, with striped awnings covering the stands. Horse-drawn carriages clutter the cobblestone streets as the Esspress people go about their day. It reminds me of Lucent before I was king.

A waterfall cascades over a mountain's mossy rocks, creating the perfect backdrop for the emperor's castle. The water flows along two streams that circle the perimeter, separating the multi-story stone building from the town. The only way inside is over an arched bridge and through the towering main gate. No doubt the countless guards will report our arrival the moment we enter. Our mission feels impossible from here.

"Oh wow," Rowan whispers with wide eyes.

I follow his gaze to the magnificent ivory sanctuary, looming over the town from a hilltop. At least a dozen spires reach for the clouds, each carved into unique designs—thin and thick, wrapped in intricate vines or sleek geometrical shapes. One pillar is just as eye-catching as the next and represents the uniqueness of every soul who has left this world to join the Statera. The Esspress share a special bond with the dead, passing on messages to the living and ensuring those who are gone are never forgotten. Many don't wish to seek the wisdom of those who passed before them, but for those who are curious, Esspress is where they will find answers.

Borin pulls his horse beside mine and following behind him is the sybil. Even on a horse they have a journal open. Statera forbid they miss a second of what I've set out to do. Although they are not a Divine Sybil and have no sway with their people, their presence irritates me. This rescue mission would be a hundred times easier with the help of another kingdom. The sybils have turned me down countless times, but they didn't miss the chance to have my potential failure notated. And they gave me an extra body to protect. I can't help but shake my head and roll my eyes every time I see them.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Kyron? There is no shame in finding another way," Borin says.

"I'm sure." I reach into my pocket and squeeze the Eporri. The raised petals dig into my palm. I've attempted to call upon its power and fallen short each time. Raelle never knew a day of her life without the stone's gift. The Eporri was such a part of her that she thought the ability to recognize the gifts of a Khiros was a natural talent everyone had. Once she tapped into the sacred gift, she was unstoppable. The way she controlled the power of others was graceful and magnificent. I was in awe of her the very first time she did it, even if her lack of control almost cost me my life. Her connection with the stone was so strong that one would never guess it wasn't her own power. I, on the other hand, look like an inept moron when I try to use it. I summon other's gift only for it to flicker in their palm and fizzle out before I ever get the change to wield it. The closest I've come to having it follow my command is the day I drew on it to make Raelle believe I siphoned from her. Even then, I was using the Eporri through her.

The rulers before me were introduced to the gift from infancy. By the time they were adults, they recognized its pull and understood the basics of how it works. It will take time and practice for me to truly understand the stone. Time I do not have.

Our ride through the Espress' capitol is uneventful; most don't so much as spare a glance our direction. It's not until we reach the castle's bridge that two guards stop us and ask that we state our business. I grip Samson's reins; the sweat covering my palms soaks into the leather as I examine them. The guards' deep blue tunics, heavy gold helmets, and breastplates are eye-catching, but would do little for their dexterity in battle. The uniform is too bulky. We could easily plow through them and raid their palace if I ordered it. I might need to tuck that thought away if my meeting with the Emperor's wife doesn't go to plan.

When Borin finishes telling the guards that Lasandra is expecting our arrival, they step to the side and allow us to move on. We travel through a long archway constructed of river rocks before what lies inside the protective walls is revealed to us. A courtyard of lush green grass and colorful potted plants rests at the palace's center. Children sit in a circle under one of the many shade-giving trees while a woman walks around them. They hold leather-bound books, following along as she reads aloud. Men and women adorned in billowing silks and hundreds of jewels stroll the colonnade, peering at us through the stone archways. They speak in hushed voices but do not hide their curiosity. We must look strange to them in our dark and dusty clothing. Everything in Express is so colorful and vibrant.

A middle-aged man with thinning hair and sagging jowls takes Samson's reins, and a young woman in pale pink pants and matching cropped blouse bows before me.

"King Kyron, if you will follow me, my lady has requested your audience in her personal quarters," she says.

I glance back at Borin, seeking his advisement. In most cases, the last place anyone should want to be is in a married person's private quarters. Especially when one is seeking the help of said person's husband. The private affairs of royalty has a way of moving quickly from mouth to ear. I highly doubt the emperor is unaware of his wife's sexual escapades, but I hate to add my name to her list and ruin my chances to gain his favor. My head advisor nods, and I square my shoulders and follow Lasandra's servant.

"My sisters will entertain your soldiers and make sure they are fed," she says as we walk away.

Another dozen women hurry onto the road, giggling and swooning. Borin isn't impressed, but Rowan and my guards are quick to take the outstretched hands offered to them. The group disappears through a nearby set of double doors, and I follow my guide. She leads me down a corridor with shiny cream floors and life-size oil paintings of naked people in various sexual acts. It doesn't escape my notice that at least one person in each painting is wearing a crown. Perhaps the emperor encourages Lasandra's infidelity, even gets off at the thought of it. I can't say I understand. If someone else were to act out these scenes with Raelle, my jealousy would make sure they lost a few fingers. If not more.

We reach a set of rustic double doors with brass handles. The woman flashes me a cheeky grin before wrenching them open to reveal a candle-lit room. My stomach roils as I step over the threshold. Deep inside I know this isn't right. I should find another way. The doors click shut behind me and I jerk, my heart hammering against my ribs. Flames flicker over crimson walls and black sheer curtain mute the light from the window. An enormous bed sits in the center of the room with leather straps secured to the four posts. Horse crops, collars, and paddles adorn one wall and an over-stuffed chair faces to the foot of the bed. I swallow past the lump in my throat, knowing I just entered a space designed to feed sexual kinks.

"Aren't you a scrumptious morsel," says a smokey voice.

I spin on my heels and a woman with silky black hair and rich brown skin saunters out of the shadows. Thin violet fabric wraps around her curvaceous body, crossing over her ample chest. The slits on each side of her skirt run up to her waist, giving me an unobstructed view of her long legs. Every inch of her is on display, from the juncture of her legs to the hard peeks of her breasts. She doesn't appear much older than me, but I know from Borin's story that she is at least as old as him. She is stunning.

I lower my head in a sign of respect and to gather my wits. "Thank you for asking your husband to meet with me, Lasandra."

"So submissive. I was told you are a warrior, Kyron LeFur. I had hopes of you being demanding and wild." She walks around me before stopping, sliding a slender finger under my chin, and lifting my face to meet hers. Her tongue darts out and skims her rosy lips and she bats her long lashes. "And I've not granted you anything yet. I believe I requested a trade before I took you to my husband."

My jaw ticks from the pressure of my clenching teeth. I shouldn't be stunned by her forwardness. I was warned that her help would cost me. In a time before Raelle, I would have gladly given her whatever she asked and enjoyed going above and beyond her demands. Not anymore.

"You do not wish to touch me, young king?" Lasandra asks, cupping my cheek.


"Am I not to your liking? I hoped that your tastes would align with your mother's. If I remember correctly, she couldn't keep her hands off me."

Repulsion churns inside me, and my tongue grows thick in my mouth. "If that is an attempt to seduce me, you might want to try a different tactic."

Lasandra lifts a sculpted brow and moves to the foot of the bed. Lowering her lean frame to the mattress, she crosses her legs. She gestures to the chair across from her and says, "Sit and we shall come to a compromise that leaves us both satisfied."

I ease into the chair but find no comfort in it. My back remains ramrod straight and every muscle in my body is coiled, ready to rush from the room if she forces anything upon me. I hold my gaze on her face while her eyes soak me in from head to toe. The air grows thick with the tension radiating off me as she examines me as if I'm a forbidden delicacy. I can almost see her salivating.

"You remind me of your uncle when he sought my assistance. He was also hesitant to give into my request; he wasn't keen on being with anyone but his husband."

"Micah and Borin are parahs and their bond was strong. Once parahs have found each other, it makes them physically ill to so much as think about being unfaithful."

She crinkles her nose and shakes her head. "The parah bond. I don't understand why the Statera bestowed it on your people. It is a limitation on how many you can love. I bet those in Pliris who aren't burdened by it are happier."

"Perhaps. I'm sure the freedom to choose their partners is fulfilling in its own way."

"Do you judge those in your kingdom who choose polyamorous or open relationships?"

I shake my head. "Not at all. As long as all involved are of age and consenting, I don't concern myself with their sex lives."

"You have a parah, don't you, King Kyron?"

"I do."

"Tell me about the last time you were together."

"She killed my mother and was taken from me by the Allaji king."

"Everyone in the five kingdoms is aware of her fall from grace." Lasandra leans back on her arms, stretching her body like a feline in heat. "I want to hear about the last time you caressed her skin and sank inside her body."

I shift in my seat and rest one leg over my thigh. It takes every ounce of self-control to wear a mask of indifference. This woman is determined that I give her an intimate piece of myself before I leave this room. She wants what I have only given to a select few in my life—a glimpse of my vulnerability. It unnerves me, but I'm not against doing it. "If I share this with you, will you count my favor as paid?"

"I would rather have my hands on you, but I can see that it is not what you want. I have no desire to take what you do not wish to freely give. Sex is more fun when all are willing participants. Therefore, I will consider this your payment, but you must not leave out any details."

The thought of tainting my last sexual memory of Raelle leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I cling to that moment on lonely nights. The feel of her skin, the brush of her lips, the soft, wet heat between her legs are the images I recall when I miss her the most. They fuel my desire in the middle of the night when my body begs for release. I don't want any thought of Lasandra in my mind when I have my cock in my hand. All I want to imagine is Raelle wrapped around me. Her hands. Her mouth. Her heat. I'm selfish with even thoughts of her, but this is a sacrifice I can live with if it gives me the chance to make new memories with her.

"What does your parah smell like?" Lasandra asks.

I smile and imagine her scent filling my lungs. A sweet floral perfume and warm skin consume my thoughts, and my words flow from my mouth. "Fresh water mixed with lavender and honey. I love the way her hair smells after she has spent hours in the sun, and the soft patch of skin just below her ear. Fuck, I could bury my face in her neck all day."

"How soft is her skin?" Lasandra asks in a voice husky with desire.

"So soft. She has this odd scar on the outside of her thigh." I push past the emotion building in my chest and slide my hand in my pocket. My fingertips trace the Eporri. It's like a knife to the gut to know I will never feel it under her skin again, but for now, I pretend I'm touching her. "I love the way it feels when I brush my palms over it. I've memorized the pattern of it as she sleeps in my arms. She fits against me like she was made for me. The last time I touched her naked body, she was in my bed."

Lasandra slides her hand down her sternum and over her stomach, her fingers moving toward the apex of her legs. "Keep going. Tell me how she touched you."

I breathe through the sickening feeling turning my stomach and look past the emperor's sixth wife. Concentrating on the top of her bed's ornate headboard, I say, "She sat with her back to my chest. Her hands braced on my thighs as she sank down on my cock. I told her to watch the stars as I thrusted slowly into her. I always want to savor the feeling of her wrapped around me, but it's hard to control myself. She's so warm and tight. I push into her hard because I Iove the sounds she makes when I'm deep."

"Statera, yes. Fuck her deep," Lasandra pants, and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the sound of her wet fingers between her legs.

"I did, and I placed my fingers on her," I choke. "I loved her and fucked her until she came undone and then I lost myself in her."

"Yes! Come inside her. Fill her up," Lasandra says, passion lacing her voice.

I drop my head in my palms and rub my temples with my thumbs as she comes undone. The sheets shuffle under her writhing body and her moans fill the room. It takes every ounce of my strength to remain in the chair and not bolt for the door. I grip the stone, like I'm holding on to the memory of the last time I was buried inside Raelle. I fight to block out Lasandra, push her away from my precious memory. I won't let her lusty cries and self-induced pleasure soil and cheapen it. I picture Raelle, giving her precedence in my mind and live in that moment with her.

"Well done, young king. You will have your meeting with my husband," Lasandra says, her voice husky with satisfaction.

I swallow down the bile creeping up my throat and stand. As much as I don't want to look at her, I fear it will come across as a sign of disrespect if I don't. She is sprawled across the bed. Her fingers lazily play with her exposed nipple and her legs open in a lude manner.

"Thank you," I say, bowing my head.

"You're welcome. My bedroom door is always open to you and your parah if you get her back," she says with a satisfied grin.

With a curt nod, I step out of Lasandra's room.

I hate that my last night with Raelle was treated like an erotic story, retold for the sexual gratification of a stranger. I may never wash the things that just happened clean from my mind, but I won't take this sacrifice for granted. I've earned what I came here for and bought myself the opportunity to bury this moment beneath millions of kisses and countless nights with the woman I love. I just pray that Raelle will see it as a necessary evil and forgive me.

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