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By 0nlyfanz

487K 14.1K 18K

Clay struggles with home life, and his social life isn't the greatest either. George on the other hand is the... More



6.1K 159 147
By 0nlyfanz

After a little while, Clay and George were finally ready, and even Karl did a few last touchups on himself before the three looked in the mirror to make sure they looked presentable. Karl was wearing his signature multicolored hoodie with a green swirl on the front, along side black skinny jeans and high tops. He also put on black eyeliner since George gave him, his mom's makeup bag, figuring she wouldn't mind, and his nails were still black, but his ring finger had white sparkle specks scattered around.

George was pleasantly surprised to see how he looked, Clay had helped him with his outfit, so he figured it wouldn't look good, but it did. He wore white high tops, ripped black skinny jeans and a white button up with a pink japanese strawberry milk shirt over it. The collar of the white shirt showed from beneath the pink t-shirt, and white sleeves also showed. Karl had convinced the boy to let him put eyeliner on him, and the blonde did his hair, in a messy, but stylish way. Least to say, he actually really liked how he looked but he wasn't going to admit that his boyfriend had style, despite how good he looked in his own outfit.

The taller boy felt as if he looked the best out of his friends, but that could also be because he can be completely full of himself at times. He wore black boots and his baggier pants that had multiple pockets on the sides and random straps hanging off of them. He kept his open sides grey tank too on since it matched the outfit perfectly and his hair was slightly pushed to one side with a black beenie on. As a final touch, he wore a silver chain around his neck, and a few different rings on both his hands, plus two sets of earrings on each ear. As George took in the sight of the taller, he noticed for the first time ever a small tattoo on his neck, it was a simple smile, but it suited the blonde almost too perfectly. After taking one last look at themselves, happy with what they saw, the three of them walked out of the bathroom.

Karl made his way other to Nick and Alex who both smiled at him then looked at their other two friends who were sharing a brief conversation. "Clay! When and how did you get a tattoo!?" George asked, playfully smacking at the tallers chest while waiting for an answer. The brunette received a small chuckle from the taller who also pulled him into a hug.

"One time when me and Nick hung out, we got into his parents 'special drinks' and decided to go get tattoos, and before you start worrying, I was only tipsy and I had an idea on what we were doing." The blonde stated, noticing a confused look on the brunettes face, so he continued. "We also got Nick's parents to sign some papers saying they consented to us getting tattoos, mostly because they were drunk, I'm surprised it's taken you this long to notice Georgie, both mine and Nick's tattoos are on our necks." The blonde finished, they only needed permission since they were still only seventeen since it was only February and Nick turned eighteen in March, and Clay turned eighteen in August.

George whipped his head towards Nick who was already turning his head and showing a small flame tattooed on his neck. The brunette shook his head in slight disappointment. "I can't believe you two, Nick's parents aren't even your own, and you both don't even look like siblings, how did you get your artists to believe you?" The boy asked, glancing between his boyfriend and Nick, almost like how a mother would when her children caused trouble. Karl and Alex both joined George's side, also disappointed in the two, but none of them got an answer, they only got laughs as the two obviously closer friends walked out of the room together.

"I can't believe those two, drinking, then getting tattoos without talking to us first? I wonder what else they've done without talking to us." Karl stated, crossing his arms over, and earned a nod from the shorter boy to his left, Alex. He also got a hum of agreement from the brunette before the three walked out of the room to meet up with the other two. Nick and Clay were leaning against the front door frame, the door opened so they could look outside. They were facing eachother as they had a conversation and just at the sight, the three shorter boys broke out in a blush.

After a second, the boys in the door frame noticed the other three and smiled, Clay going to George's side as Nick went in between Karl and Alex, confirming George's and Clay's thoughts that they were all dating when Nick kissed both Karl and Alex on the forehead. The duo smiled at the trio, both giving a small congrats before they all left, the blonde taking one of the car keys off the table since both the Davidson's knew Clay had his license. When the boy clicked the unlock button the group was directed towards a red 2008 V6 Premium Mustang, which brought a smirk to his face. "Are you sure you want to take that car Clay? I've only ever seen you drive a truck." A worried brunette said from the tallers side who smiled.

The blonde leaned down and kissed the smaller on his lips gently before ruffling his hair. "We'll be fine, trust me, and thankfully Nick has his own car so we won't have to deal with backseat drivers." The blonde chuckled out, earning a small side glare from Nick. Eventually though the trio climbed into Nick's car, a black 2015 Nissan Altona, as the duo climbed into Clays car for the day. The blonde was the first to take off, driving a bit fast at first, but he instantly slowed down seeing the worried look on the brunettes face. The boy removed one hand from the steering wheel and placed it on the brunettes thigh, running little circles to comfort him as he apologized.

George blushed a bit and placed one of his hands on Clay's, then leaned over and kissed him on his cheek, telling the boy it was okay. The blonde saw Nick driving behind him, so he started to head to a diner where they haven't been yet, just wanting to try something new that day. After a little while of driving, the two boys parked their cars in front of a small diner called "Ma & Pa's Diner". It wasn't a popular place, there was only a few people inside, so the group decided that this would be the feral boys hangout, if the food was good. Since the place was self dine in, the group went over to a booth in the corner and sat down, looking over the menu with smiles on their faces.

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