Remade as a Sans/☝︎♋︎❍︎♏︎❒︎

De Truenote

137K 4K 2.6K

Matt was a regular person who was a big fan of Undertale and its fangames. One day, he dies because of a pers... Mais

Chapter 1 Tutorial
Chapter 2 Dungeon fight
Chapter 3 Some maybe truth about the multiverse...
Chapter 4 Penalty time
Chapter 5 Multiverse dungeon
Chapter 6 Time leave
Chapter 7 Time to explore
Chapter 8 Acting
Chapter 9 New dungeon
Chapter 10 Dimension fight
Chapter 11 Dead
OC Creation [CLOSED]
Chapter 12 Summoning
Chapter 13 New skill
Chapter 14 1010 years later
Chapter 15 What?
Chapter 16 Squad name
Chapter 17 Well
10k special (closed)
Chapter 18 Introduction
Chapter 19 Waiting
Chapter 20 Preparing
Chapter 21 Fixing the timelines
Chapter 22 Event unlocked and an annoying voice
1k votes
Chapter 23 Error's dream
King multiverse's Side Story Part 1/2
King multiverse's Side Story Part 2/2
Chapter 24 Max, Mike and Matthew in OuterTale
Chapter 25 Error404's big entrance
Chapter 26 Bye
Chapter 27 Why?
Chapter 28 Wait...

10k special part 2 Answers

2.7K 62 86
De Truenote

We open up this chapter to see two entities in an room. One looked looked human in appearance while the other was a note on the desk that was somehow typing on the computer without any hands.

"Hey Truenote are you ready to answer some questions?!" I yelled in an excited tone.

"Just let me finish this." Said Truenote.

Once he was done he said "I am finshed. We can start when you are ready."

"I was already ready. I was just waiting for you." I retorted as a gave a confused face.

"Can you just start already I am pretty bored just being here." Said Truenote in a mocking tone.

I then said in a happy tone "Alright best buddy!" Truenote then replied with "Whatever."

I then took out my phone and the first question then popped up on it.

Ftoon-700 to Me: Hmmm are there ships in this book?

"... Umm you know that 98% of wattpad is just ships right? I know that isn't completely accurate but my point is that this story doesn't have ships(For now) {Maybe}. You can go to ANY other story on wattpad and find a ship somewhere." I said with a bruh look.

 I then said "Onto the next question."

XxobcodelolxXgaming's: How does it feel writing this story and also how much time does it take to think of a chapter and write it? (Give me an average time).

I then gained a complex expression as I then said "Well at first it was fun until I suddenly realized I just got caught in a trap. I can't stop writing because it would look like I went inactive or I discontinued this story. Plus due to A LOT of people not having a daily schedule I decided to upload at least once a week. It takes 1 minute to think of an entire plot for a chapter and less than an hour to write it. There are just a lot of things in my life that are stopping me from uploading more often."

"Well I am done. Here's is the phone." I said as I gave him the phone as he somehow grabbed it without having any hands.

When Truenote looked at the phone Instead of a question appearing a statement.

XxobcodelolxXgaming's: How does it feel literally being an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent god in the universe you have created (I think that TrueNote is the ultimate god but you (the actual person) are the author)

"... Well I am god in this scenario at least. I will one day stop existing since he will stop writing stories or make another account." He then points to me.

"I will one day be tossed aside as I am left and fade away into nothing." Said Truenote in a dramatic tone.

"COME ON! YOUR MAKING IT LOOK LIKE I AM THE BAD GUY!" I said as I repeatedly stamped my foot one the ground.

"First off I only had one other account! Besides you would have not been created unless I forgot what my login was to login to my other account which had a draft about a human that-." I was then cut off by Truenote.

"Don't talk about that story in public until you actually publish it. Someone could steal your idea!" Said Truenote.

"Right I forgot that they would do that. Thanks for reminding me." I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"Just don't say the idea alright. Now on to the next question." Told Truenote as the screen changed to show one word.

Mythical-fox to Truenote: NOTE~

"Huh that's strange they only sent one word to you." I said as I put my hand to my chin.

After a few seconds Truenote still didn't respond.

"Umm buddy I am talking to you. Is something wrong?" I Questioned.

Truenote was shivering inside as he has a flashback.


We see blood and dust everywhere as it filled a vast unknown area as we see Truenote in a human form throwing Mythical-fox through a portal.

"Alright I think we finally got rid of them. You can go now." Said Truenote as we see a figure behind him nod and leave.

Flashback end

"... Just go and give the phone to the next person." Truenote said as he gave the phone back to me.

"Ok?" I then opened a portal and jump through the portal.

Once the portal closed we see Truenote transform and turn into a human form.

"Looks like I will have to kill that fox this time if it want's another fight." He said as he created a portal and leaped through it.

With Mike

Mike was reading a fun little book in the corner of the dark room until I came in.

Mike looked up and said "What?"

I then said "I need you to answer the questions that appear on this phone."

"Alright." Answered Mike as I gave him the phone.

A question the appeared on it that said:

XxobcodelolxXgaming: How was it like being the system? Also give your user (Matt) a rating out of 10. Also did you know that readers are all omniscient collective hiveminds? Crazy how that works out.

After looking at the question Mike was quiet and then said "It is really boring. You have to wait forever to get chosen to be given to a user. The only good thing is you don't have to sleep and you can use the internet."

Mike then laid back as he said "Since Matt is my first user I can't really say what I would rank him at, but if I had to I would rate him I would rate him a 9/10. He is cool, nice and has good intentions to help this multiverse but he can get on your nerves really fast."

Mike then closes his sockets "As for that whole hivemind thing. I don't really know what to say to that since I am not you people. Well I will see you guys later." Mike then fell asleep.

I then took the phone from Mike, created a portal to the anti void and jumped through.

With Matt

Matt was currently chilling in the anti void after getting rid of the voices that drove Error mad until I came.

I came through the portal and Matt turned around and asked "Who are you?"

I replied with "First answer the question on the phone and then I will tell you." Matt then shrugged and said "Alright." As I gave him the phone.

When he looked at the phone and looked at the question on it.

XxobcodelolxXgaming to Matt: Alright so do you know the religion of the 19$ fortnite card? If you don't I would like to introduce you to it. Also what is your favorite stand from jojo.

Matt then widened his sockets and said "Wait there is a religion about this? Alright tell me what is about."

"As for my favorite stand I don't have any but I do like the ones that control the flow of time." Replied Matt.

I then took the phone from Matt as he then said "Alright I have answered your questions now answer my question and tell me who you are."

"Sorry but I got to go to the next person. Bye." A portal then opened under me making me fall down.

The portal then closed as Matt then said "That was weird and who the f#ck was he and why did he want me to answer those questions?"

With ?(Naetkdneuied)

?(Naetkdneuied) was currently watching a multiverse that they were sent to supervise by the higher ups until a portal opened up above them making me land behind them.

?(Naetkdneuied)  then turned around to see me. ?(Naetkdneuied) went defensive and said "Who are you and how did you get here. Only deity level beings or higher can enter this place!"

I look forward see ?(Naetkdneuied) and say "I am your superior and far more P̴̢̨̡̨̼͍̤̜͈̦̱̤̌̒̓̐̐͒͑́̎̈́̑̈̕͠O̷̭͖̞̠̭͙̞̙͎̚W̸̧̠̻̻̮̻͍̯͔̞͛̉̿̍̓̎́̓̈͛̕͜Ë̷̳̳̪̲͖́̿͜R̶̤̰̯̪̪̭͓̖̤͇̦̭̽͆̑̉͂̽͝F̷̻̈́̀̂U̵͈̹̝̭͎̭̝̘͇͕̭͂͆̓̓̎Ļ̸̨͎̭̳̹̭̻̇͒̄̌̀̽͜͝ͅ ̴͔̳͙̭̦́͒͛̽̏͆̓̄͛͂͒̒̓͛̈́ͅT̵̘̓̂H̴͎͚̞͉̹̰̥͙̾̈́̒̆̽̀̿̈Ã̴͙̩̰͈̈̔̂N̸̜̲͇͍̤̓͗̀̔̑̌̓͝ ̵̦͈̣̭̻͙̱̰̈́̔̒Y̵̠̹̞̘̹̟͎̯̤͖̙͖̗͚̱͗̇͗O̶̡̢̢̢̠̯̱͔̣̪̭̳͇͗̽̾͝U̶̧̡̗͕̘̲̺͓̺̲̲͐͜ͅ ̸̺̖̮̜́͜C̷̻͇͆͒̒̌O̶̢̢̖̟̗̫̞͈͋̿̊̄̍͌̓͑͊̕ͅU̷͍̿͗̃̃̆͂̓͘L̶̛̞̮̙͉̬̪̭̫̅̒̂̈̓́͐͜͝͝ͅD̵̨̡̪̣̣̄̃́͗̉̈̑͗̄͒̕͘̚͝ ̵̺̲̖̬͓̰̦̲̙̣̀̈́͜ͅÉ̸̡̛͕̗̟̠̪͚̠̙͛̓̎̔͑̂̆̿̔̈́͒̏̀V̸̢̲̯͖̳̬̰̻͔̺̫͓̄̉̈́͋̎̀͆͌͋͒͘͠E̵̢̧̺̭͈͎͓͉̹̰̎͐Ŕ̸̨̛̰͉̣̰̠͎̝͍̲̈́͗̑́͆̽͝ͅͅ ̴̛͈̙̌̆͐́Į̷̨̩̻̬̥̠̠̺̪̞̌͂̅̅̔́̓̾́̕͠͝ͅṂ̴͍̀̎̃̀̋̀̎̊̋́̕͝Ă̶̝̥͙̣̙̖̟͎̯̪͎̪̙̊̓̓̏̂̃̃͐̕͘̚͜͠͝Ḡ̴̱͕͎̰̖̩̳͔̥̼̪̐̈́̇̿́́͊̊͠Ì̷̢̻̗͔͈̤̱̮̠̠̱͙̝ͅN̸̢̝͓̺͂̎͛̂͐̽̓̽̿̐͐̓̕̚Ë̴̲͔͚̳̞͉̼̾̊̒͂͗͋̿͌͜͝ and I need you to answer this question on this phone."

"Your my superior? How come you never show up to any of the meetings then?" Questioned ?(Naetkdneuied).

"Well I just find those really boring and I have a high enough stats that I don't have to attend those meetings." I replied.

"Prove it. Show me that your my superior." Said ?(Naetkdneuied) in a condescending manner

"Alright you asked for it." I then released a fraction of my power making ?(Naetkdneuied) fall to the ground and slowley get crushed.

"Alright- S-top I-give." Said ?(Naetkdneuied) as they tried to breath.

"Sorry I thought you could handle that amount of power." I said as I let  ?(Naetkdneuied) take a breath.

"In percentages how much power were you even using?" Asked  ?(Naetkdneuied).

"Well if I had to guess it would be less than 0.000000000000000000001%." After I said this ?(Naetkdneuied) looked shocked and got off the floor and gave a deep bow. "Sorry for not believing in you!"

'Does everyone act like this whenever they meet a being more powerful than them?' I thought as I then said "Don't worry just answer this question and all will be forgiven."

?(Naetkdneuied) then nodded as I then gave them the phone.

?(Naetkdneuied) then looked at the phone and it said: 

XxobcodelolxXgaming to ?(Naetkdneuied) : Why is your name question mark and if you do have a name tell it to us. 

"When was my name a question mark? My name is Naetkdneuied." Said Naetkdneuied.

I answer then answered with "I think they just want you to have a more normal name."  

"Who are they?" Asked Naetkdneuied.
"No one you need to worry about, just pick a name." Naetkdneuied then paused and scratched their head after hearing this.

"How about Tom?" Said Tom. 

I then replied with "Alright then."


An awkward silence descended on the us.

"Well I'll see you later"

I then made a portal to the void and left.

With void

Void was currently looking over the void until a portal opened up behind him dropping me onto the void.

"🕈︎♒︎□︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎✍︎(W︎h︎o︎ a︎r︎e︎ y︎o︎u︎?︎)" Questioned Void.

I replied with "My name is ####### and I need your to answer a question?"

Void then asked "🕈︎♒︎□︎ ♓︎⬧︎ ⧫︎♒︎♓︎⬧︎ ❑︎◆︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♓︎□︎■︎ ♐︎❒︎︎□︎︎❍︎︎✍︎︎ (Who is this question fr︎o︎m︎?︎)" 

"Just look at the phone. It will tell you who it is from." I then gave him the phone.

A question then showed up on the phone's screen

XxobcodelolxXgaming to void: How do you deal with W.D's shenanigans.

"✋︎︎ ♎︎︎□︎︎■︎︎🕯︎︎⧫︎︎📬︎︎ ✡︎︎□︎︎◆︎︎ ⬧︎︎♏︎︎♏︎︎ ♓︎︎⧫︎︎ ♑︎︎♏︎︎⧫︎︎⬧︎︎ ❒︎︎♏︎︎♋︎︎●︎︎●︎︎⍓︎︎ ♌︎︎□︎︎❒︎︎♓︎︎■︎︎♑︎︎ ♓︎︎■︎︎ ⧫︎︎♒︎︎♏︎︎ ❖︎︎□︎︎♓︎︎♎︎︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ⧫︎︎♒︎︎♏︎︎♓︎︎❒︎︎ ⬧︎︎♒︎︎♏︎︎■︎︎♋︎︎■︎︎♓︎︎♑︎︎♋︎︎■︎︎⬧︎︎ ♋︎︎❍︎︎◆︎︎⬧︎︎♏︎︎ ❍︎︎♏︎︎ ⬧︎︎□︎︎ ✋︎︎ ●︎︎♏︎︎⧫︎︎ ♓︎︎⧫︎︎ ⬧︎︎●︎︎♓︎︎♎︎︎♏︎︎ ♋︎︎⬧︎︎ ●︎︎□︎︎■︎︎♑︎︎ ♋︎︎⬧︎︎ ⧫︎︎♒︎︎♏︎︎⍓︎︎ ♎︎︎□︎︎■︎︎🕯︎︎⧫︎︎ ♍︎︎❒︎︎□︎︎⬧︎︎⬧︎︎ ⧫︎︎♒︎︎♏︎︎ ●︎︎♓︎︎■︎︎♏︎︎📬︎︎ (I︎ d︎o︎n︎'︎t︎.︎ Y︎o︎u︎ s︎e︎e︎ i︎t︎ g︎e︎t︎s︎ r︎e︎a︎l︎l︎y︎ b︎o︎r︎i︎n︎g︎ i︎n︎ t︎h︎e︎ v︎o︎i︎d︎ and t︎h︎e︎i︎r︎ s︎h︎e︎n︎a︎n︎i︎g︎a︎n︎s︎ a︎m︎u︎s︎e︎ m︎e︎ s︎o︎ I︎ l︎e︎t︎ i︎t︎ s︎l︎i︎d︎e︎ a︎s︎ l︎o︎n︎g︎ a︎s︎ t︎h︎e︎y︎ d︎o︎n︎'︎t︎ c︎r︎o︎s︎s︎ t︎h︎e︎ l︎i︎n︎e︎.︎)" Said Void as he gave a small smile.

I said then said "Since you answered the question I got to go to the next person so goodbye Mr Void." I said as I opened a portal to the next place and jumped through.

With Nat, Nightmare, Max and Matthew

Nat, Nightmare, Max and Matthew were currently in nightmare's castle playing a game that involved betting chocolate.

"I am all in." Said Nightmare as put all of his chocolate forward 

"I am just going to add all my chocolate because there is not way I am going to lose." Max added all of his chocolate to the pile.

"I am not putting any chocolate in. I already lost too much." We see that Nat only has one chocolate bar left.

"I am also not going to put any in since I don't have any left." Said Matthew as we see him empty handed.

Suddenly portal opens up behind the table that they were playing at and I come through.

"Alright guys, he is finally here." Said Matthew as he stood up.

"We have been waiting for an hour what took you so long?" Said Max.

I then look at Matthew and say "I guess you told them the truth because this chapter isn't canon to this story?"

"Yeah there is no point keeping a secret at this point in time since everyone will forget about it." Said Matthew as he sat back down and yawned.

"So your the creator? You don't look like much." Said Nightmare with a smirk.

"Yeah that is coming from the talking h#ntai squid." I retorted with a grin.

If glares could kill I would be ashes at this point from Nightmare's glares.

"Anyways your first so here is the phone." I then pass the as the question appeared on the screen.

XxobcodelolxXgaming to Nightmare: I know you name is LITERALLY Nightmare but.......why is it so edgy?

"I don't know ask my parents." Said Nightmare.

"Who is your parents?" I questioned.

"..." Nightmare went silent.

I then said "You don't know who it is? Aren't you suppose to be that evil human that killed Nim. Wait never mind what I just said. This is a different multiverse so you probably aren't the human that kill her."

"Who is Nim and what human?" Asked Nightmare.

I then answered with "Well Nim is your mom and the evil human that I talked about killed your mom.

Nightmare looked shocked at this and opened his mouth but nothing came out.

"By the way she based you off Swap!Sans." Nightmare was so shocked after hearing that he left the room, but before he left I grabbed the phone off him.

"Now on to Nat." I then gave Nat(Y/n) the phone.

XxobcodelolxXgaming to Nat(Y/n): Do you remember why you got named y slash n?

"Well it is because.... wait that's strange I don't remember anything before I got summoned." Nat(Y/N) then stood up in a panic.

"Hey creator do I have a past?! And why is my name Y/N!?" Question Nat(Y/N).

"You do but I will reveal that later in the story so for now you just have to keep guessing." I said to Nat(Y/n) while taking the phone from him

Nat(Y/n) ran off in a panic after hearing this from the me.

"Matthew your next." I then give him the phone as another question appears on it.

XxobcodelolxXgaming to Matthew: How did it feel dying in a cliché manner?

"Your talking about that truck right? Well how should I put it. It hurts like f#ck. Words don't describe the pain that I felt in a instant one that truck hit. Now if you don't mind I am going to take a little nap." Said Matthew as then put his skull on the table and went to sleep immediately.

I then took the phone from Matthew's grip and gave it to Max and said "Better watch above you once you read this."

Max then reads what was on the phone.

Bakugouilove to Max: I'll give you Chocolates instead of asking question and head pats. Oh and the same to Error too!

A hand started to pat Max's head as a sea of chocolates lands on him from above his head.

With Error

A chocolate pile landed on Error as a hand pat Error as he drowned in the pile of chocolate bars.

Back with me and Max

Once Chocolate stopped raining Max then asked "Can I keep the chocolate?

"Well I will let chocolate bars exist after this so put them somewhere safe and put a note on them saying they are yours since you won't remember any of this." Once I said this Max opened a portal beneath himself that sucked him and the all the chocolate away.

"I guess it's time to head back."  I then opened a portal back to the room and walked through.

When I walked through the portal closed behind me.  

I sat on the chair and said "I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If you did then I will probably see you in the next chapter. Anyways till next time. I will see you all later."

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